Things like head inflation will always be hit or miss with some people but the way addde does it lately with alot of their shapes is just way to unappealing lately, its like they're trying way to hard to be that "Haha look at me I draw the funni shapes, aren't i silly uwu" kind of person
Also yeah, this super exaterrated cartoony stuff her been doing does not look a majority of the time, maybe its do to that kinda of stuff doesn't really work with real people as it looks really of putting and creepy as oppose to cartoon characters, and I do sometimes like some some of Hellresident's fullbody stuff like with their A new attraction sequence, and their monika sequence and even that new Dead or Alive pic, but his hourglass pics, be and ae pics were the best, and its really annoying on how he takes down his older stuff for no reason, when they look better than his more current
And to be honest I think Hellresident has always been a shitty person, he's just probably becoming more vocal about it whenever someone doesn't agree him