/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Artists that have gotten Worse over time? Anonymous 11/10/2023 (Fri) 23:15:22 Id:fe9445 No. 99764
Usually we get threads regarding those who have either improved over time or are just completely stagnated. What of those that have gotten worse over time, or who have started going into crappy directions? And why? Regrettably I have to start with Sidkid44. Started off unique and with a sketchy but very cute style. Now its.... freaky and weird. And the mouth shapes are just really offputting... uncanny or something.
>>106541 Things like head inflation will always be hit or miss with some people but the way addde does it lately with alot of their shapes is just way to unappealing lately, its like they're trying way to hard to be that "Haha look at me I draw the funni shapes, aren't i silly uwu" kind of person >>106592 Also yeah, this super exaterrated cartoony stuff her been doing does not look a majority of the time, maybe its do to that kinda of stuff doesn't really work with real people as it looks really of putting and creepy as oppose to cartoon characters, and I do sometimes like some some of Hellresident's fullbody stuff like with their A new attraction sequence, and their monika sequence and even that new Dead or Alive pic, but his hourglass pics, be and ae pics were the best, and its really annoying on how he takes down his older stuff for no reason, when they look better than his more current And to be honest I think Hellresident has always been a shitty person, he's just probably becoming more vocal about it whenever someone doesn't agree him
>>106611 Ye, from what i can tell, he always was kinda a jackass, but if it was just a "mean black man" or whatever he putted on his personal twitter, not an actual asshole, i would be fine lol I like some of his new stuff too, but if you see his old stuff, clearly they ain't holding water. prob hes doing it for his still supporting but little fanbase on patreon, cuz they are the ones likely to be the reason of such decline. i'm still mad he didn't fullfill his promise of doing "morph classes" about how he morphs woman like he said to the rogue inflator, thats the worst of all. XD
>>99839 Hilarious thing about dick riding RidiculousCake is that if you call neverwere a copycat on twitter he just instantly blocks you then melts down on twitter followed by nuking his gallery. It's gotten that blatant of a copy that even RidiculousCake just calls him a clone now and that has to be a big hit to Neverweres Ego
>>106634 Clancy and crew have arrived
>>106638 Highest paid coomer party of all time. Dont grab my ass
>>106639 I need to know more about this, tell me
>>106640 I want to know if u farted because im trying to make air escape inside your pussy or bootyhole while I cum inside
>>106634 Ok now I am curious about cake calling him out. Any more details on that?
>>106654 Not much other than you can post their art in RC's report my post and say its a clone, everyones response is usually Theneverwere and it just stays up.
>>106657 I take it you cant say two words together otherwise it changes it to report my post
>>99839 Just reported nearly all their minor fetish art and they make a journal calling it "false flags" >okay pedophile
>>99764 rename this site to complaintthreads chan
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>>106784 >I reported anime girls. I'm a hero! Okay schizo. Makes me actually feel bad for artists having to heal with retards like you.
This thread is starting to become Twitter 2.0 Artists changed their things, deal with it Not everything stays the same If they want o do st new or change, let them be, you guys are not fucking everyone's god to force them stay the same Now someone bump lock this shit hole please
>>106784 Sounds like them to do that and then leave out why they were removed. It's funny how they make a journal and still bring up their $3 trash
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>>106809 Cara, você me dá nojo. Que bom que não vivo no mesmo país que você.>>106809 >>106809 >>106809
Robot001 pretty much although he didnt get worse he just stayed the same for a decade
i swear all axel-rosered does nowadays is diaper stuff
puntthepoodle's stuff isn't bad per say but his work has gotten really inconsistent as of late, i mean his stuff has always been a little inconsistent but nowadays it feels like a coin flip on whether its gold or shit. This is especially apparent in his shapes, texture, and line work
>>100849 He started GREAT and now it's bad.
>>109450 I liked his mlp humans.
>>111989 This.
>>107644 dude went to japan and never came back
>>104642 Masked loony is actually pretty damn good they get some characters inaccuracy more than others I've even seen.
>>106592 I honestly just wish dude would take commissions again and start doing more week to week stuff. I don't mind that he focuses on patron only but the dudes focus is on it is way too much. Not to mention when he uploads comics he splits them up into individual images posting them like one a week. Seriously it seems like your best bet with this content is just getting access to his patron as his da is shit. Again what he really needs to start doing is offering commissions. And maybe he splits them up into groups of five or six images three of which get posted right away three of which get gate kept in patreon until the next week. Then they become dropped as well. Just something anything better than the current format because the current format sucks ass it's all and only focus is on patreon stuff and although recently angry hands has had some pretty good stuff and I can't complain there's just too little of it. And again that content that he posted today won't see the light on da for months down the road! He's backlogged at least 6 months minimum I feel like I could be wrong but yeah something just feels off with his da page. and the factor he doesn't show that too much love and he prefers to show only the paid content more love is the reason why I don't feel like he's getting as much love as it used to. I do need some Branch out of it like I said start taking commissions take six a week or every two weeks split them up so you can use some for paid content some for da free uploads and I would think things would maybe start getting better but if he keeps it this current weight of format I don't think things are going to improve at all
>>106794 Actually, it's more accurately a fat fetish version of 4chan
I'm disapointed to see shitty artists like PumpedUp00 or others doing uberinflations by copying the style of Enigma20xx or Daemonking without any shame just because they are too bad to have a least of originality? Especially since his drawings are completely shit and do without the slightest effort.
EdgeOfMind, I don't often hate on artstyle changes but I'll make an exception for him because the shapes on his new stuff are more and more incomprehensible every time I check
>>115290 On a side note of praise I like the use of moving away from extremely puffy cheeks or at least leaving them as alt designs as we get to see his cute puffy faces a lot better I prefer the puffy faces over the blob face designs but honestly I don't mind them doing both and just saving the blobs as alternative designs for stash
>>115292 I just miss the rounder orb-like shapes honestly, I know people tend to clown on more circular inflation art (and I wonder if that's why he stopped doing them) but he almost never does em anymore even when doing inflated shapes
>>106786 Complaints are fun. Try it.
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i know they've been brought up at least once in this thread but i need to tack on just how much i despise what puffpoff's art style has turned into, it all used to be so soft and cute and now it feels like every time they draw a character they do every single fucking thing in their power to remind you that it's is a middle aged man like if i wanted to see a six pack and a nose big enough to make yoshi blush i would not be coming to a fucking blueberry inflation artist
Can we fuse this thread with the artists-who-delete-everything general?
>>99764 Bump
>>99839 Okay now I'm double confused because Crack The Moon is super weird since they used to be into quickdraw and drew femboys and shiny girls with cocks, then it seems they rebranded completely and draws stuff completely identically to RidiculousCake? https://twitter.com/Crack_the_Moon https://twitter.com/SugarRushPlus https://twitter.com/Crack_the_Moon2
Edge of mind >>126814
>>100009 blew an insane amount of loads to his dva and 2b images man. i wish he did more shit like that it was kino
>>122750 Question do people really prefer more cute and unshaded vs shaded art? Would less shading in favor of more cuteness or sketching be beneficial? Because for me at least I shade heavy with whatever I draw but my device can't keep up with it it bugs out badly and it's annoying as it can set me back to zero. If I was lack on shading would it turn people off being lesser quality? Or it's there simplicity shading techniques anyone can recommend?
>>127279 No idea why, but there seems to be a small group of people who strive to draw identically to ridiculouscake. TheNeverWere comes to mind, and there's another guy on twitter who draws a ton of Sunny and Messy in a similar style.
burstoid without a doubt, went from making pretty solid morphs with strong potential to whatever he's doing now with art, I don't have an issue that he's pivoting to art but it pisses me off just how much of the basic art fundamentals he misses as well as his current inability to draw bodies, faces and hands, sure practice makes perfect but damn. Also the fact that despite these flaws he gets hundreds of favorites and likes on these artworks, who actually looks at them and thinks "yeah I can beat my shit to that"
>>130749 Blame DeviantArt their crackdown on morphs has everyone spooked if anything less I hope they still keep doing fictional character morphs. But trial and error it will get better >>130538 I mean sunny and messy are their character so it makes sense they're drawn in their style
for me i think that daytripper and steely bird got so bad after some
I was browsing some old artists I used to enjoy, wow, what happened to Blooberboy? His art has taken a hefty decline. It isn't just simpler than it used to be: he cuts more corners and doesn't add in as much detail as he used to. I mean, compare his first two Soft Drink sequences to the third. It doesn't even compare. Such a shame.
>>131079 I can understand saving the good works for patreon.
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Not in style, the style's great, but in subjects he draws.
