/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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(210.40 KB 1280x1173 5fd20a65448315510009149b45b56962.jpg)
Splatoon Inflation 2 Anonymous 01/31/2024 (Wed) 01:32:28 Id:3ca5a4 No. 105547
Since the last one recently gotten bumplock , it's time for a new thread for the inflatable cephelopods.
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anyone have the full versions of these? they were originally in skeb but the artist made all of them private for some reason, so all that remains are these previews https://twitter.com/ikachangenemaHH/status/1677800196024205312 https://twitter.com/ikachangenemaHH/status/1676569588425969664
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>>105585 I had made an attempt to restore the second and third parts at some point, but included the SAMPLE ones just in case someone else wants to try doing it better.
>>105585 Luckily I still had the urls for all of these. Changing the url of the images only gives an error, so it doesn't seem like I can get them in any better quality than this. It's aggravating because it clearly shows the parameters for rendering the watermark onto the image, but you can't get rid of them.
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>>105547 anyone got the link to the previous thread? lookin for a specific agent 8 pic. round gut with an outie that's getting pinched.
>>114150 https://web.archive.org/web/20240102064849/https://bbw-chan.link/inf/res/10685.html not all the images are preserved but a majority are
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(34.18 KB 453x680 media_GOwvPuXaMAMzsiw.webp)
(35.29 KB 680x510 media_GOwvPuZaMAIsDFg.webp)
>>116575 Oh my god thank you
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We could always use more Harmony. Side note, I found a story on AO3 that features this airheaded sea anemone so I might as well share with the lot of you. https://archiveofourown.org/works/41596491
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>>117235 Oh shit, did not expect it to be my story. Well, I hope you enjoyed, I actually really like her and that one.
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>>114155 rip:(
(68.15 KB 899x724 GQyl1JdW8AAEgwk.png)
(74.66 KB 1030x796 GQyl2HBXEAAm94F.png)
(178.59 KB 2330x1681 GQyl2xOXgAAAt5N.png)
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>>105551 First post best post.
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>>118981 Bro, stop complaining and just focus on the round cephalopods.
This should be in the game tbh
(260.04 KB 2155x2048 bounceonher.jpg)
Anyone have the full version of this animation? https://x.com/Blurmple/status/1825276487362285938?t=VkTagZG0pyk7tEMURP7UQw&s=19
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Anyone have that video of Marina being uber inflated and floating into the sky with a banner attached to her? I think there was a link to it in the last thread but that's not archived.
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Anyone have the full version of this from ikachangenema?
(1.37 MB 1816x3233 splatoon comic 1.jpeg)
(1.02 MB 1810x2568 splatoon comic 2.jpeg)
does anyone know who the artist of this comic is?
>>126997 They were an artist called Tato. Most of their works lost now.
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>>131847 Sauce?
>>132559 https://www.furaffinity.net/user/hedgehogstew/
(1.06 MB 2500x2316 Heavy+Marina+Strong+Pearl.png)
(799.72 KB 3840x2460 GfrOmpQXsAABAN1.jpg)
>>116575 This is so cute and sexy
Anyone here happen to have the edits someone posted in a past Splatoon thread that took some of SizeableSFM’s inflation videos and added sound to them?
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Does anyone have the Aphro3D Frye un-blue berry inflation image?
