/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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being treated like a balloon Anonymous 01/31/2024 (Wed) 14:01:30 Id:277600 No. 105578
as in being tied with string and having others gawk at you
(73.45 KB 800x600 13945671309.jpg)
(1.37 MB 1008x1512 Used Fnl A.png)
>>106788 just saw that one, king shit
(494.04 KB 2544x3536 expandables_by_itlabs_dgnsh3u.jpg)
(696.56 KB 4096x2631 FiXr1zbUcAAiLeL.jpg)
(714.43 KB 4096x3486 FYEE23_aAAEIaeC.jpg)
I was confused on why the thread needed to be specified with gawking as a focus but I think I understand the reason being to separate this with general inflation content. You could tie down a blown up lady and call her treated like a balloon but so leaving the hose in connected to an air tank as a ballast. I believe that that distinguishing "being treated like a balloon" refers to: a finished state where expansion has stopped, along with being used or observed by a non-inflated party. Afterall, what is a parade without a crowd; an air ride without any passengers; a display without people to watch?
>>108725 Is that Wonka puffing up Scarlett b!
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(52.55 KB 877x678 image 3.jpeg)
Here's some Kisekae stuff. Hope you appreciate it for the idea, not so much the quality. I make these kinds of things for myself since it takes me forever to draw anything.
>>110905 >>110906 >>110907 >>110908 >>110913 >>110915 alot of these are quite nice but some are just pretty bad like robot001s and that god awful nurse redheart one
>>110924 I agree robot001's art is quite simple and distinct, ,but that doesn't mean it's all bad ,it's matter of taste ,so please stop complaining on "awful art" and let's focus on sharing what we like.
>>110954 i aint gonna knock if you if you like it and to be fair some of his older art is decent but his new stuff just leaves a bad taste in your mouth
>>110906 hey look its my with blimp and the knight art ( 3rd )
(286.58 KB 1500x1550 GKX9jgwbMAAHQSR.jpg)
seeing artist's oc being treat as a balloon is cool but how about we MAX IT 5 IN 1 ?!
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>>119583 I hope someone post the original pics of the blimp series. I can’t find them.
>>106409 Different enough ?
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Advertising gobbo
>>131737 Source ?
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