Many years ago, in 2017, I remembered this image. it was my little pony like Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory with someone in the characters of My Little Pony who played the roles of the other characters in the movie. Pinkie Pie was Willy Wonka, rarity was purple, CMC was the Oompa Loompas, in fact I don't even think Equestria Girls existed yet, because I remember the next one, Twilight Sparkle, was black. The rest of the characters were white... Well, except for Rarity who was a blueberry. I mean, rainbow dash and Fluttershy had wings in this one with white skin, kind of like the MLH animations. I mean it looks like a coloring and pencils with only one page with 3 parts in it. the first two parts are at the top and they were small, it's mostly included of Twilight talking to pinkie Wonka, I guess I didn't understand what they were saying and the third page, the rarity was a blueberry wearing Violet's costume with the 5 girls looking at it and the CMC rolling it. I guess that's it for me, really, I mean I like to get that back one day because I really want to rediscover my whole childhood again. (and to see what Twilight was talking to Pinkie Wonka?), I hope you can help find it? The artwork looked like this (the 1st one)
And this is how I remember it: (the 2nd one)
Let us therefore spare the word: #FPWCS or #FindPinkieWonkaComicStrip