/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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On Stage Inflation 11/18/2024 (Mon) 18:42:13 Id:769e4f No. 130104
A thread for any pictures or videos people can find of girls blowing up on stage
>>130104 sources for these?
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>>130104 Is this a stealth Faridae thread?
Hey everybody so I saw this video like a lot of years ago about a animated parody of Willy wonka. I believe one of the characters were called Katie, the golden ticket winners were a fat woman with blonde hair who works at a restaurant, the star of the show herself, Danise I think it was gets turned into a blueberry, a red haired girl who gets the same fate as Veruca, a Black Basketball player who gets the Mike TV treatment, and Katie is are Charlie bucket but instead of getting the factory she gets the life supply of wonka bars only for a truck to open up at her house to see Denise has eaten them all. Then the video showed black and white with a narrator saying what happened the characters After that. They also did a parody off space jam, have one of you seen that video I discussed ever in your life’s?
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ok, this threat is peak. Good job :3......But honestly, you could do the same question on Inflation Scenes in media 3,...cuz well, they are scenes, from media. But i think separating Studio-stuff from Stage stuff makes sense. Contribution, there is a broadway show called O Amor e Outros Estranhos Rumores, wich i think has a lot of sad stories with metaphore or smt. And one is about a marriage of a overworked man and his slobby wife, who practically inflates like a balloon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sA6USKPpAAw And also im not fully sure, but the italian version of Wonka looks like it has a promising inflation
>>130110 I mean I don't see the harm provided you're right everyone is adult but usually you can somewhat tell but sources help this out best to check than to be sorry later
It should go without saying that they’re all adults, but I understand you can never be too cautious
>>130110 Whatever happened to him? I'm guessing he had to delete his DeviantArt account after the Feds seized his computer.
>>130222 >Whatever happened to him? Idk, they made a schizo journal about "finding god" years ago and deactivated their account.
>>130136 the stage stuffs just so much better
>>130299 Probably for the best then, I remember he was grooming that sped girl MagicKristina or whatever her name was back when she was still underage I think.
>>130626 Is that why berryduke cut ties with her? I remember he put up a few sequences that were starting to get progressively more adult and then he completely disowned all his work involving her
posting to see more stage inflation
>>130688 Faridae was a he not a she, tho I wouldn't be at all surprised if he trooned out by now considering he was a pedo and a groomer like troons always are.
>>130869 No berrydukes sequences with magickristina. I remember he had a few sequences up and a few planned but then he scrapped everything because he had a break down and said because she couldn’t technically consent to the adult themes he didn’t feel right putting them out. I wonder if the faridae stuff had something to do with it.
>>130899 No I think he was just uncomfortable it's far from a edp thing that's for fact!. She's in her 20s for fact that much I know from people in the community some who've seen her irl have Stated she's adult but she's quirky if not potential suffers from some form of mild Nero divergence possibly? So again awkward in experiences. But although I've never personally experienced it so take it with a grain of salt rumor has it she has been occasionally flirty with certain individuals one of which I won't name but they felt a bit spooked by it mostly because misunderstanding they didn't swing that way. All I'll say. But again from that little interaction I can at least assume without a doubt she knows what dating is/ sex. But it's weird I wanna say she's maybe a sfw inflationist? Someone who fetish or no fetish if they get off to it probably get off to it in a sfw matter like puffy suits being squeezed squished teased. You know sfw stuff like that. I don't think Kristina is particularly into nsfw like bending a big berry over and fucking her fat juicy pussy type of nsfw you know like most of us. There are those who like inflation extremely dirty and horny and those who like it more in the I'm playing with a bopper ball wheeeee bouncing and rolling and being teased and squeezed type of way. And I think Kristina is the more sfw type fetish or no fetish if she gets off to it at all that's her style she loves the puffy feeling less the getting plowed part. While duke is clearly both he leans more nsfw girls in embarrassing scenarios. Panties hanging by a thread about to rip apart and unveil a big puffy pussy to consensually finger, blow or plow over a moonlight candle light. Again reason I say it's weird is because this is how I feel the dynamic was that duke may have even felt feelings towards them but all hearsay and massive amounts of unchecked salt with this last bit as it's just my vibe from background lurking and experience on things. But the way he drew her gave me I'm crushing hard vibes. But yet although I feel it was he was a nsfw balloon boy in love with a sfw balloon girl I don't know? The one thing that doesn't add up is Kristina does seam to dabble a bit into nsfw content a little creating custom almost onlyfans style videos. I don't know if their that nsfw or sfw because again I don't dabble in her work I'm just aware she exists but she clearly is baiting and farming for fetish based content commissions so she's at least aware or comfortable enough with nsfw? So I honestly with that in mind have no idea why her and duke fell out I think he just dipped out and whether or what the reason for which could be many! Maybe it was just art?, maybe he had a crush on Kristina and drew her because he had the hots for her? But either was rejected or got spooked by something, maybe that flirtatious way went both ways? Maybe they playfully tossed jokes and words back and forth but again either they went there separate ways or something spooked him? I don't know for all we know they could have dated? But will never be able to know unless one party speaks up on the other and still they might want to keep that thing private which is all due respect in their right because both adults! The only thing I can say at least hintingly in my eyes is the way duke drew her it does possibly seam he may have had a school yard level crush on her and for whatever reason he got spooked. Whether that's because of what they said or something or maybe the rumors going around the community spooking him out? I don't really know I can throw straws and spaghetti at the wall all day and all I can guess it the things that seem obvious in my face. Like he had a passing fancy for her potentially. She may or may not for him but I can only guess on his side because he quite literally drew morphed her in a bedroom setting with lingerie. So yeah he probably liked her. Whether or not she liked him back I can't tell you I can at least guess and say from past experiences I've heard potentially. At the very least I 100% believe that she gave open consent for these things to exist. But for whatever reason they just stopped one day and moved on. If it was anything bad we would have heard something by now. And again keep in mind I'm pretty sure she was 20/22 at the time so again adults so honestly as long as nothing fugly is going on who cares. I know for FACT both her and Kristina are at least adults and that whatever they did behind closed doors at least to my base knowledge felt like consenting adults just doing adult things. I don't think he groomed someone that didn't know any better from all the evidence out there, there is proof that she knows what inflation is to the community and she's aware of the nsfw side and has actually been farming it for commissions. So again I could be wrong but I'm 100% in the belief of those two things she's an adult, she also is aware to enough of a degree to say no and consent. Feel free to fact check me on any of these matters but again those are the two I feel comfortable in saying I know for a fact again like I said I have an unknown source who she has mildly flirted with contact me on said scenario if she's actively flirting she's actively trying to date! I know what the community thinks and yes I do believe that she does have some sort of Nero divergence or something to some degree mentally but I don't think she's totally out of the loophole on these things and being abused or groomed. Again I could be wrong but I really don't think so just all the facts point to otherwise. If anything less I do feel like she is a bit uncomfortable with the nsfw side a little and is more into sfw inflation. But honestly let the two of them speak for themselves on it I'm just a third or fourth party here trying to at least defend duke from such serious accusations because from what I've seen they're a good dude just trying to live their life. Again take everything I say with a grain of salt. All I know is Little things in fact Both parties we're of age Kristina has some knowledge of consent and the nsfw aspects of the community. Evidence 1. He commissions lately practically bait nsfw style content or fetish. Evidence 2. Is a bit of a trust me bro but again a contact I know has admitted to me that she has been known to be flirty at least with that one individual that I know of. It got to a point of misunderstanding in which she thought for whatever reason they we're dating. But again the misunderstanding was cleared up and both parties moved on. But I say this in reference to she clearly understands adult themes like that I think people are at least in my theory confusing and thinking it's lack of mental awareness with her. When in reality she just is awkward and shy. Yes she does have a mental health condition I believe but again I don't think it's that bad where she doesn't have the ability to consent like most people in the community seem to think. Again I'm just an outsider looking in but still this is my belief in the case in hand that she is a 100% adult woman with a 100% knowledge of consent. I could be wrong on the last part but it is my firm belief with what I've at least seen. Also potentially He probably had a crush on her due to how she was morphed and drawn. Whether it was reciprocated both ways or it was one-sided or something happened and they both fell off. I can't really tell you but going off of the facts it seems potentially true. So the facts maybe you decide where they go still unless both parties speak up on the subject matter we won't truly know an answer. And we should never take any form of aligations as facts ever! That's how life get ruined. Again as far as I'm concerned if they're both consenting adults let them get their blimp freak on lol. I won't even mind finding out they were a couple lol they seemed at least from the angles I saw as pretty wholesome. Whether that's just my parasocial eyes looking in the wrong direction who knows either way though. You want an answer ask them directly but don't we just calling duke a edp and groomer without any possible proof. Again who knows if anything is really this deep or not? My parasocial ass it's probably grasping at a few straws myself but the one thing I'm content in believing is they are both adults doing their adult thing. Feel free to prove me wrong with facts not aligations
>>130904 “(Kristina) potentially suffers from some form of mild neuro divergence” My brother if you didn’t instantly realize that by any videos of her speaking, or her other interests, or the fact she watches shit like Paw Patrol as an adult - you definitely are a pot calling the kettle black. Then again your long reply over something so obvious proves you absolutely are on the spectrum yourself.
>>130983 I was gonna say, holy shit while I appreciate the reply I could not have anticipated the length nor the, "In depth" analysis some of what that entire novel of a response got into
>>130904 Also I never insinuated duke was any sort of groomer or anything. I'm just asking if the faridae stuff had implications that scared people off from working with kristina in more adult capacities. It's all good man XD
Anyways here’s more stage inflation
Here’s a page with several Violet Beauregarde inflations on stage https://puffyclothes.miraheze.org/wiki/Charlie_and_the_Chocolate_Factory_(Musical)
Anyone have the golden ticket violet on video or other media
Anyone know if there’s footage of the Japanese play? Not specifically the blueberry scene just the play as a whole, I think it’d be interesting to see even despite the language barrier
>>131043 theres literally none across the whole internet unfortunately
>>130904 TL;DR I have autism please be patient with me.
>>131126 God I wish I'd had that as a warning before I spent 15 minutes reading the ramblings of a lunatic
>>131126 It’s ok bud
>>131148 I wasn't the anon who wrote that giant wall of schizo autistic ramblings but the point still stands.
>>131177 can you we go back to actually posting about what this threads about
>>134262 Where did you find that one? haven't seen it before
>>134446 From her instagram, zetamast
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was making violet black the worst crime ever committed against the inflation community?
>>134457 nah you being racist is the worst crime ever committed
>>134457 was turning violet into a blueberry a crime against humanity?
>>134457 I’ve seen black violets that are more attractive than 90% of the white chicks doing it
>>134457 I saw an artist make her Japanese.
>>134461 More like it felt like a typical “hand me down” character. I could give you a list but I feel like you know what I’m talking about. ‘Oh make girl “x” black. That will be stunning and brave” It felt more like pandering. Not saying the actress was not good or did not deserve the role but there is a feeling that they did it because of DEI and nothing more.
>>134473 >turning the obnoxious brat who dies in a lot of the stage adaptations black was meant to make us go "so stunning and brave!" I think you need more perspective in your life. I think most people don't think things such as this.
So I guess JP Chocolate factory musical is lost media
>>134713 Basically every broadway production or otherwise of Charlie and the chocolate factory is lost but yes the Japanese one is most likely lost. Literally the only snippet of it I’ve seen posted online was the curtain call at the end and a recording of one of the first songs which I think was pure imagination.
Infound this but might also be lost media https://tormansion.com/2019/11 Its supossed to be street famous clowns, and this page explicitly said it contains a woman blowing up like a balloon in one oft their shows
There’s a website that documented a few broadways shows, but hasn’t been updated for the past year https://puffyclothes.miraheze.org/wiki/Charlie_and_the_Chocolate_Factory_(Musical)
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Pretty sure these are lost media as they’re no longer in the musical’s trailers. https://tenor.com/bnhBm.gif
