/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Lego inflation Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 06:45:53 Id:83d5ad No. 133454
Yes it's a thing and I wish to bring attention to it as it's wild
Forgot to mention Bionicle also on the builder table. Gif by Brendaniel on x
Aye,there's a good thread on /bbwalt/ for this. https://bbw-chan.link/bbwalt/res/71444.html
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Odd, but count me in. This girl... They had no right to make her a hottie.
>>133460 Darn I already rung the bell. If you understand the reference still that seems more weight gain based than inflation but thanks for the interesting finds
Seriously who knew that Lego bbw inflation mods we're a thing? I thought surely all I'd find is fan art!
>>133458 One of these days I need to build some fat/inflated Bionicle In the meantime...I'll keep writing them >>133489 Now this shit, I need to get some parts/instructions. The guy who made them had some stuff for stud.io versions of Lady Bone Demon but I lost them.
I remember being a drawing of Lego Wonder Woman with an inflated body flying in the sky, but i can't find it anymore so i think is now lost media. If anybody here have it, please post it
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>>133560 is this it?
>>133489 That Rouge is the best thing in this thread. Not a furry, though. Not a furry. >>133566 mmmm microsoft paint circle tool so sexy
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>>133565 Fuck all those grey pieces clumped together into at with a jar left over to spare! iM BOUT TO BUST!
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>>133574 Dang I misspelled at at > Dies in Yoda EHHHUUURRR!! >>133487 Also found more Bionicle women by a dawnofnssd on DeviantArt https://www.deviantart.com/dawnofnssd
All I can find over 4,000 deviations have fun shifting through their stuff for some goodies. > Btw Bionicle feet is crazy work toe joints and all!
>>133487 Also I'm not sure but I believe the belly mocs are by Rannok @bionicle-person on Tumblr if not more belly stuff from them
Some xenomorph looking mocs
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Even a shortstack toa woman which is wild!
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A couple more thick hourglass Bionicles and I'll wrap it up for now got to get ready for my job in the am.
And with that I leave the rest of the Lego works in you're hands maybe I'll add more later on if I find free time it's been fun getting bionically horny with you all!
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> SIGH.. dawn ofnssd has A ENTIRE STOP MOTION YOUTUBE CHANNEL with JIGGLE PHYSICS!!! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=teG3q2ZrbTE&pp=ygUeRXNjYXBlIGZyb20gd2l0Y2ggbW91bnRhbiBsZWdv
>>133588 Yes with stuffing and inflation https://youtu.be/2EhqQ0zvnrw?feature=shared
>>133489 Whoever made this. Can you please put a link of how you made it?
>>133566 Yes! Thank you so much
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Don’t see the literal Lego Movie on here lol
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>>133638 allow me to join in
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>>133489 >>133591 I personally have no idea but brick link has a entire catalog of every Lego piece ever I believe and there may be more archiving sites like it that I recommend to identify each part. If I find the direct creator or anyone else does someone will surely tag them below but chances are if they weren't a fetish artist it's a anonymous shit post. In that case you'll probably never figure out who as they probably don't want their name attached to it. That said if you crack the recipe best bet post it to YouTube so we can all have a step by step https://www.bricklink.com/catalogList.asp?catType=P&catString=273
You should be able to use that to either track down specific pieces and granted if they're more rare or individually parting things out might cost more. Or you can find out which sets they were specifically on and pick up multiple sets that have multiple of the parts you're looking for. Again hope it helps I hope to see more bbw blimp builds in future!
Need help finding Lost art, It was about lego fortnite brite bomber, in the image She inflated becoming huge like a blimp for drinking a lot of shield potions, i found It on deviantart but It have bene lost
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>>133487 God, is there a tutorial for the body shape in the Harley Quinn pic? There's a figure I could try it out with in the future...
