/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Inflation Discussion Anonymous 01/31/2025 (Fri) 18:09:14 Id:5306ea No. 135391
I can't understand why this fetish exists or any other fetish. I'm really into bigger bodies and the idea of expanding with air and feeling stuck as my body swells to massive proportions leaving me unable to walk. Do you ever stop think how weird it is that we're on this site? How did you come across or rationalize it? How did the inflation fetish live in a time before the Wonka shit and other trigger points?
I think the first real insistence of an inflation fetish dates back to the Balloonomania of the last 18th and early 19th century. A real cultural event where the French and later British public where obsessed with ballooning; which was sparked by the first manned flight via an early hot air balloon in 1783. Anyways, like any other fads, people mocked the mania in cartoons, a few examples shown here. Richard Holmes talked about these in his book "The Age of Wonder"; on page 132, he said "Many sexually suggestive cartoons soon appeared: the inevitable balloon-breasted girls lifted off their feet, monstrous aeronauts inflated by gas enemas, or 'inflammable' women carrying men off into the clouds." In other words, there's a non-zero chance that motherfucking Napoleon Bonaparte had an inflation fetish.
Tons of different dimensions to consider. Fear is a big one in the development of fetishes (I believe). Aside from that, our cocks swell when we get horny and it feels good which results in conditioning at an early age. Men are attracted to larger breasts butts and round bellies by default due to pregnancy luring us to stay for survival. Objectification reinforces a divorce from things some would consider to be distracting. Almost like a numbing drug. Immobilization and surrender while amplifying superficial desires is easy to digest. But I’ve also noticed people craving a deep connection too at the same time. For women I would posit it’s not much differentiated than men, only the perspective. Liberation and feeling desired and intense ballooning sensations of pleasure and a divorce from reality with evolved wires getting crossed. It’s not a new fetish and has been around for a long time. It’s just expressions have changed to allow more detailed imagination
I (over)think about this kinda stuff all too often, so here's some loose thoughts: As others have stated, there's the similarity between inflation and erections, but there's also something fulfilling about the feeling of "fullness". If you wanna get Freudian, you could argue that the desire to be inflated/"full" could be to compensate for the physical/emotion distance between the subject and their mother/their mothers' breast, which could also apply to inflators, since the inflation process is a method of immobilization, of converting your desire and affection into something that physically changes them, brings them closer to you. I read a great book a while ago by psychologist R.F. Baumeister that shed some light on the objectification angle of the fetish (and similar fetishes), the book is called "escaping the self" and it's an investigation of all the methods that humans develop to escape from the 'burden of selfhood', from alcoholism, to religion/spirituality, to suicide, and masochism. The investigation of masochism ultimately concluded that through the endurance of physical punishment and pain, there's a numbing effect, which takes our minds away from the awareness that we're independent beings with histories, ambitions, and wills, (supposedly, zen buddhists might disagree...) and towards the return to the safety and formlessness of being unborn, where - going back to Freud, you're safe inside the mother. Relating this theory to inflation, it could explain why some are compelled to inflate themselves IRL, not only because it simulates the afformentioned feeling of "fullness" and "fulfillment", but because the physical feeling of being stretched out simulates immobilization, bringing about this physical numbing. Paired with the belief that you're just a balloon, no longer human, there's a kind of private (albeit, obviously fleeting) comfort that comes from that, considering the constant pressures of being an independent person existing in public in the 21st century. Likewise with humiliation, when you consider the amount of work that one has to put in to comply with the societal rules of not sticking out too much or drawing negative attention, it makes sense that the inversion could become a sick fascination, the thought of being the center of attention, of being too huge to ignore, drawing jeers and teasing from the crowd. Indulging in this public humiliation fantasy is almost paradoxical: on the one hand, you can safely, privately, cathartically indulge in the "forbidden" while reinforcing your own continued public compliance with these standards - you can (privately) have your cake and (publicly) have it, too. As for why this fetish is more common now more than ever, there's a lot of reasons. Returning to Baumeister's theory, you could argue that our society is more public than ever, increasing the burden of selfhood, which encourages people to find more avenues for escape. There's also the fact that visual media is unprecidentedly omnipresent in the first-world, especially for young children. Innovations in film and video technology make simulated fantasies not only more hyperreal (compare the SFX in '71 Wonka to '05 Wonka) but also more private and reproducable; wheras in the 70's you could only see 'fetish fuel' in public places like the movie theater or TV, hoping to maybe see reproduced stills in magazines or comics if you were lucky, now we can rewind, we can watch clips online, we hoard and trade fan-made fetish content regularly on mongolian fur trading forums like the one we're on now. There's no longer just a screen in town that you have to share with your neighbors and strangers, no longer a screen in the living room you have to share with your family, but countless screens in the bedroom, in our pocket that we own individually. With this privacy and intimacy, we can continually re-live whatever fantasy we want, thereby reinforcing the fetishistic fixation of your choice (whether or not it is a choice, or just chance). As for why people tend to get 'stuck' on a certain fetish, I think a lot of it has to do with the capability to reproduce and reinforce the fetish through repeated interactions with online media, as well as the seemingly insatiable appetite of human sexuality. In other words, when our brain finds a way to consistently and conveniently reap pleasure, the pathways that link stimuli to rewards get formed fairly quickly, and can only become more plastic when the reward diminishes (which is why some people can find themselves 'acquiring' more fetishes over time, chasing the high). I think socialization plays a role in this as well, which might explain why a lot of people with this fetish tend to be on the spectrum (though it could be a case of vocal minorities, ofc, and the whole identity politics of autism is another barrel of monkeys entirely...). Nevertheless, people who are considered to be/identify as being on the spectrum tend to be less susceptible to social pressures than others, tend to repeat/replay things habitually, and tend to be more physically sensitive, perhaps making suggestions of bodily transformations feel more intimate, believable, and appealing. TL;DR we live in a society; your mother, and sho on and sho on... P.S. I'll acknowlege that my knowlege of Freud is pretty surface level, I definitely think someone with a deeper understanding could draw a more compelling connection between the body transformation fetishes and the death drive, but I don't understand it enough myself to comment.
>>135545 Damn good analysis. I can't think of a better answer to the question than this
like the other anons above pointed out, it's basically a combination of bdsm, fullness and some amount of fear/public embarrassment I don't have much else to add besides that balloonomania is pretty concrete proof that this fetish existed long before we got wonka anything on film, that was just the first domino for modern interpretation
Well, anon, that depends. Not like i'm into inflation or bluberries, but i definetely like breas/ass or in general hourglass inflation, in some cases - pregnancy with hyperpreg. I guess that is connected with my affection to huge breasts and asses, whilst pregnancy is something that lies in me as a male - that women should pronog the human race in some way and thus being pregnant is normal for them, and. in fact, sexy. The way breasts or ass expand is usually irrelevant to me, but, nevertheless i quite like it. the fact that we are on this site is not something abnormal: we all have kinks and living in 21st century we have an opportunity to have them fullfiled. In fact, can somebody explain to me from psycological point of view the point and/or sexyness in blueberry inflation or inflation in general, like getting all ballony and so on? Like, i get why i get aroused seing breasts and ass expanding, i kinda understand the belly(pregnancy) stuff>>135391
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>>135545 I fw your reply. *snaps fingers* balloon women kindly assemble and become rotund for me
>>135545 I’ll also say too when you’re younger your imagination still perceives some things as real. It’s a strange sensation to develop a short lived bond with a characters identity and then watch them distort and wonder what they must feel like. A very public private thing
>>135391 Inflation is fascinating since it has such a large degree of cross pollination among other fetishes. And is among one of the few fetishes to have some regular basis in nature. Inflation in its simplest form is just something getting bigger. Usually the belly. Theres alot psychological going on there. You could see the rapid onset of curves to be a signal of maturity and fertility. A "less desirable" form rapidly swelling into a very desirable form. Inflation itself can encapsulate many, many fetishes. Weight Gain, Macro/Micro, Vore, Bondage, Rape, Sissy, TF, Rubber, Preg, etc. Thats not even accounting Inflation subsets, like Blueberry, or Clothes Inflation. From this theres exponentially more ways it can be considered desirable. Weight gain can be appealing because it implies a successful mate. Capable of obscene amounts of food to let them to nothing for extended periods. Bondage can be both for wanting power over others, but also a more nuturing side. Helping or domming a helpless inflatee. Vore with its intimacy, pred-prey interaction, and idolizing prey as straight curves. It goes on forever really. In nature theres many examples of inflation. Pufferfish inflate as a defensive mechanism. Gulper eels inflate as a scare tactic. Frigate birds inflate as part of courtship. Frogs inflate as part of mating calls. Siamang Gibbons inflate throat sacs to make extra loud territory calls. Thats all species specific intentional inflation too. Not counting inflation-adjacent stuff that happens to nearly all species, such as pregnancy, dropsy (edema), etc. There could be an "age" aspect going on too. Where watching someone inflate in real time could be akin to short-circuiting our brains and making us watch someone "age" or grow up in real time. Like the innate satisfaction of watching a young child hardly walk to becoming an independent adult, heavily compressed into a bizarre hijacking of our pleasure center. Its also very likely that theres simply hundreds of independent reasons, with people who share all or many, and others who share single reasons. Deep rooted ideas in the mind that struggle to be expressed, and all converge on the same concept. Despite how many inflation and fetish artists there are, many insist on a particular theme or style. Not because thats their art style, but because it feels right to them. Their brand of inflation is unique enough to warrant alot of dedication to particular aspects of it. Its likely a cultural cross-pollination of inflation-agnostic media with certain scenes "sparking" peoples fetishtic interests, that then mutates when they discover sexualized material online. While its easy to say theres a universal appeal to it, its not that simple, since not everyone shares this fetish. You could argue everyone is simply one perfect image or video away from an awakening, but its hard to know.
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This might apply to berryfags specifically but this thread from /d/ some years ago.
>>135545 I really like you analysis. I've often suspected that for some, there's a connection between interest in BDSM as well as inflation; seems like Baumeister's research tends to confirm some of that. I think there's also a bit of attraction to the transformation involved. Becoming inflated, bursting out of clothes breaks social norms in a physical sense, and while the inflatee is no longer their "normal" self, they're transformed into something else that they can just be. Inflation goes through stages of "Oh, no! I'm getting bigger and I can't stop", to "I'm a freak and everyone will be looking at me", to "I'm a balloon and it's starting to feel good and I want to get bigger..." There's the aspect of losing one's self and transitioning to not-self or other-self. I think for some inflation enthusiast it's about that transformation itself. It appeals to us all in different ways, all along a range of connected ideas and concepts. It seems like if you really go down the psychological rabbit hole it leads to some pretty logical and explanations. Our fetish might not be as odd as it seems on the surface.
Honestly I spent a lot of years hating this aspect of me. Worrying what people would think if they found out, why I have this fetish, and to some degree I still do. But I've mostly come to terms with it. I thought maybe it was something I could grow out of (no pun intended) but after a few years I've realized it's just a part of me, it's how my brain works. My biggest fear was that it was going to consume my life at some point but I like to think I've struck a real balance. You can't change what the heart wants but if you can find a way to mature with it then the sky is the limit
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To me, inflation and fats are both very tactile fetishes, with the thought of sinking into a fat or inflated body feeling very satisfying. Additionally, the notion of being forced to pilot such an unwieldy body, waddling or even rolling around in a clumsy, uncontrollable way appeals to some sort of sadomasochistic humiliation part of the brain. For inflation specifically there is definitely an element of bondage involved with the precarious and helpless nature of being inflated. As someone who is sex repulsed (doesn’t like seeing genitalia) it’s a good substitute for injecting tension without being overtly sexual.
>>135788 I should probably clarify that I’m one of those guys who prefers being inflated over watching it happen to someone else.
>>135616 A lot of interesting views in there. I can see why berryfags prefer humiliation/embarrassment since that's what the OG scene in Willy Wonka portrayed, but I feel like that sort of applies to inflation in general. I can't remember a media inflation scene that didn't include those types of elements. Most of them exist as cartoon jokes after all, so it's a given that there'll be humiliation when an inflated character is literally becoming the punchline. I think enjoyment reactions in inflation fetish art happen mainly for the self-insert aspect. Virtually all inflation artists are drawing inflation because they like inflation, and most likely a large amount of them like the idea of being inflated themselves. But since it's a sexual fantasy for them, they draw the characters enjoying the inflation as if they too share the fetish. Which is probably true for inflation OC's, but looks off when done to media characters that exist in their own canon.
Being one of he millions of people inflicted with berryfag as a child, I find the evolution of the fetish art tropes pretty interesting. Artists playing around with different shapes other than plain spheres and things like leaking tits and pussy being almost mandatory in all artwork, it was all just made up as time went on. Even now i'm in a weird phase where the gender means nothing to me anymore, as long as the shape of the expansion does something for me.
>>135785 Same. Baller reply
>>135785 Never disliked having this attraction to inflation; it's been part of me since a very young age. (My introduction seems to have been cartoon characters inflating, not blueberry.) And I've always kept it and been happy with it as something personal. I'm aware that it normies wouldn't understand it so I've always kept it to myself and been satisfied with it that way. It's good that at least there's the anonymity of the Internet to share some of it with others with similar interest, but it's still not something I'd ever let out into my "public" life. Kind of a shame in light of how BDSM has gotten more or less mainstreamed, but oh well. My only regret is that I haven't found a partner who shares the same kink. But I have a really good relationship so if this one thing isn't part of it then so be it.
>>136001 Great reply and I totally get it. I have brought it up to a few partners but it's like you said I think it's just better as an internal thing. I've told one or two partners and despite my initial fear and anxiety about how that would effect things it's never really impacted anything, either they just forget because I brought it up once and they forget or they don't really care. I do think what's helped me is this platform in particular where I finally understand I'm not alone in this fascination because that's what really dragged me down for a few years was feeling a little bit like I was a freak because obviously outside of the internet you don't really know what people are into. But I've always been a bit of an outsider so it never really worried me too much
>>135391 im curious on the topic of bringing it up to potential partners. My first gf basically guessed that I have it, she was very intuitive (to a degree that seemed almost supernatural) she still would tease me about wanting to get pregnant so she could have big boobs and have a huge belly which was such a massive turnon but even that was after we broke up and she lives quite a distance away apart from that brief encounter its been a total desert for this fetish IRL. I tried to even find a woman online but I find the women who are into this are 99% troons or the two actual women online I spoke with about it are kind of unhinged. I find when women have this fetish they have it in a different way than men too. Any other IRL women I try to even bring it up with like even in a mild way basically freak out. One of my fantasies is if a woman had balloons in her shirt while riding me but even the mere suggestion of this is just "ARE MY BOOBS NOT BIG ENOUGH FOR YOU?! WTF" My last ex had a naturally huge round belly and "inflated" body appearance but she was extremely self conscious about it and when I tried to tell her I found her body attractive she'd just say I was weird for liking it. basically, I find women to be boring as fuck and not adventurous in fetishes. Women fetishes are like: I WANT TO BE GANGBANGED BY 20 DUDES ON A BALCONYYY RRRAAA or some variation of rapey/harm stuff. Or even gross stuff with smells and spit. They do not seem to have visual fetishses like men do so I kind of gave up on ever being able to share this fetish with a wife/gf and all I want is a blow job from a woman with a stuffed shirt.
>>136023 I’ve noticed the same thing too
>>136023 Yeah I've never had much luck either way with it. I told one partner years and years ago and all they said was "ohh" and then it never came up again. I did tell a close friend in middle school and they immediately ran off yelling *Anon likes balloon girls! That turned me off from bringing it up to anyone for a good while. For me these days it's like I said, it doesn't really interfere with my dating life. I will say for posterity I'm a bit of a different case where I'm not really looking for this kind of thing in the bedroom. I prefer the more, fantastical stuff you see online, animations, movies. Having my partner stuff their shirt just wouldn't really do it for me. Absolutely no judgement if that's your thing, just not how my brain is wired I suppose. I'll cap this off by saying if your future partner or whoever loves you, this won't be an issue, you are who you are and you like what you like
I've mentioned this in an older thread, but do you ever think about how, for as popular as it is within the community, blueberry is an oddly specific sub-fetish? I mean, think about it, even cutting out all the Wonka-isms like the gum and the "Oooh, I feel funny" nonsense, we're talking about someone's body filling with blueberry juice until they are at least twice their size. That is so much more specific than being filled with air or food. And people have based entire art careers off of drawing blueberry inflation specifically, and many more were introduced to inflation in general through it. Like, imagine how much more different the inflation community would look if Roald Dahl never wrote that scene into CatCF and instead had Violet melt into a puddle of goo or something. Would the community even exist?
This fetish started for me when I watched Scary Movie 2, and witnessed the breast expansion scene. I was a kid. The movie wasn't scary but that scene gave me a nightmare about a girl I knew expanding until she exploded. I remember waking up horrified. Now most of my fetishes are linked to Inflation on some level. I'm married now, and I've thought about bringing it up multiple times. Hell, two years before we got married when she was trying to find a document on my phone she stumbled across a Hyper Pregnancy image by SaburoX. I snatched the phone instantly and I don't know if she really got a good look at it or not, but I've wanted to ask her forever. She already knows I love pregnant bellies and we're trying to have kids so it's not uncommon for her to dirty talk about me giving her a big round baby bump. However I'm not sure that alone could help my inflation case.
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>>136107 It’s a fun thing to think about, how people get the hots for specific scenarios based on what their brain developed around. I know there are similar cases like that for stuff like that scene with Majin Buu, the Roly Poly episode of Dororon Enma Kun, or more recently that one scene from Babe 2 with the inflatable pants, but nothing has reached quite the same level of ubiquity with inflation as a concept as the 3-Course-Gum. I wonder what other “universal awakenings” would make for good sub-fetishes.
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>>136163 …how did I manage to completely forget the P-Balloon.
>>136023 At least for me, IRL balloon-stuffing and inflatable outfits don't do that much for me. It's really something that just lives comfortably in my head as a complete fantasy thing. I mean, if body inflation suddenly became real I'd be super happy, but I'm really just happy to let the idea of it live rent-free in my head and nothing much more.
>>136107 I imagine without blueberry inflation we'd just have a lot more liquid-based inflation art out there to fill in the void. When you get down to it the main distinct characteristic (Outside of the blue skin of course) of blueberries is the inflatee filling up with heavy juice that sloshes around in them, as opposed to air (gas) or food (solid). It's definitely a strange phenomenon to have such a massive sub fetish spawned off a single scene, are there any other examples of this with other fetishes?
>>136177 It’s interesting because in order to really consider something to be a sub-kink, it has to be popular enough that you see it semi-frequently from different people, but still unique and specific enough that you can consider it separate from the more general kink sphere. Going back to the P-balloons, those feel less like a proper sub-kink and more like a tool for broader kink fiction. There’s nothing really “unique” about P-Balloon inflation other than the instrument through which the inflation is done. Blueberry, meanwhile, is a VERY specific fantasy. It’s not just about “being filled with liquid”, it’s about the liquid specifically being juice, it’s about the skin turning blue, it’s about the overall round shape, it’s even about the more frivolous Wonka-isms like the gum, the candy factory setting, the presence of Oompa-Loompas, and more. I genuinely can’t think of any other widespread kink fantasy that is THIS specific, at least off of the top of my head.
>>136129 I think it should be ok except your have the potential but unlikely landmine of the whole blueberry controversy in the inflation fetish IE: the age of actress. I can speak for myself that I got the fetish from a different cartoon, a weird canadian one where a curvy fashion model took diet pills that were actually sponges.. then she guzzles water.. it has overtones of bimbofication too... its here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SURexIGUYM surprise my major fetishes today are: bimbofication and inflation, in that order. Regardless explaining that you are not into illegal stuff does not make the conversation easier.. is there anything your wife could even do to partake? My advice is that you just tell her simply (if you choose to) that you have a massive boob and belly fetish and show her the props on roanyer or something. Don't get into the whole complexities of the inflation fetish with her because she likely can't do anything for it anyway
A cartoon/game character inflating like a balloon and deflating away or popping is seen as being "humiliated and defeated". Humiliated because a character inflated into a large helpless balloon looks very funny and goofy. The inflation process adds alot of tension because the character thats now round and large could pop or explode like a balloon. scenes like that can instill some sort of fear hoping that it wont happen to the characters onscreen when it does I felt very odd about it. The feeling is stronger if it happened to characters I was "attached" to or rooting for because its like a self-insert or that I saw myself in them. The feelings are the strongest if I'm playing a game and the main character I was playing as and controlling inflates big and round. Normies in social situations a have experienced getting "awkward boners", however Im not a normie so I get "awkward boners" to seeing or thinking of cartoon/game characters ballooning.
>>136180 >t’s even about the more frivolous Wonka-isms like the gum >the candy factory setting >the presence of Oompa-Loompas Is it possible to have Wonka reference fatigue? I feel like it's an easy thing for blueberry artists to fall back on when they can't think of creative ways to explore blueberrification. You can only draw so many blueberry women in tracksuits in dark rooms or button up coats surrounded by singing orange midgets until it eventually grows stale.
For me, as someone who got the fetish from the book rather than the film of Charlie and The Chocolate Factory (which qualifies me to look down on everyone who saw the film smugly over my glasses) I'd say the appeal is definately in the humilation of it, and I find that can cut both ways: as an inflator, taking a sadistic joy in an attractive person's humilation, as well as robbing them of the quality that gives them that power and status (their attractive slim/thick body). As an inflatee...it's hot to imagine that loss of power, being at the mercy of someone who may abuse their position. I guess I'm kinda a switch with it.
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>>136187 Yeah, I’m not a big fan of some of the more specific details people like to throw in. I can handle the factory settings, and I’m partial to the track suit, but the moment you throw in an expy of the Oompa Loompas or Wonka himself I lose interest. Especially when they try to make them sexy…it just don’t work, man. I’m into goofy shit, even by this fetish’s standard, but that is not it lmao.
>>136187 >>136304 Constantly starting shit with other fetishes you simply dislike doesn't exactly endear you lot to the wider community either. We're well past stones in glass houses, you guys are building catapults.
>>136187 A lot of the appeal of inflation for me is the variety of ways it can pop up and happen to virtually anyone. It's to the point where I like to think up "semi-canon" inflation scenarios for anything I'm watching or reading. So in that regard I'm definitely not a fan of the wonka scenario since it needlessly shoehorns in a mundane setting that doesn't even fit most of the characters artists draw in it. I mean, if you say "I'm gonna draw X as a blueberry!" and then proceed to stick X in a blue tracksuit, have her walk inside a factory, and then chew on gum while reciting the exact lines from the film, are you really drawing X at that point or just Violet in another persons skin? I wouldn't even say it's the scenario itself that's bad, it's just how people use it. For example, you could take a character who's canonically an actress and draw them playing Violet's part in the play. Or a character who's a spy/thief infiltrating the factory to steal it's secrets and getting blueberried in the process. Even though blueberry itself is a sub fetish, there's still a multitude of ways to draw it that don't involve repeating the original scene beat for beat.
>>136309 Sorry, I wasn’t trying to put anyone down, genuinely. I was just conversing and expressing my own personal disinterest in that kind of stuff. BELIEVE ME, I’m very aware of the fact that I’m on a website for goofy haha cartoon inflation porn, and I pass no judgement on anyone else for having particular tastes (unless those tastes are like, rape or incest or something). But if I came off as insulting then I apologize, I think a lot of fetish infighting is stupid and it’s annoying how intolerant people can be of the most innocuous things.
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Anyways back to our distinguished philosophical discussion I think the shape language of inflation is a very important aspect that unfortunately doesn’t get explored much beyond people complaining that “circle tool bad.”
>>136333 >BELIEVE ME, I’m very aware of the fact that I’m on a website for goofy haha cartoon inflation porn, and I pass no judgement on anyone else for having particular tastes
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>>136338 You see there’s actually a subtle storytelling element here where he’s telling you to believe him, but because the word lie is capitalized it tells, you can deduce that he actually wants to lie down and take a nap.
>>136334 I definitely feel like someone hit the nail on the head earlier with the humiliation aspect. The immobility and restriction of movement feels very close to a form of bdsm
>>136344 You can even see the different shapes of inflation in >>136334 as being equivalent to different bdsm positions, based on what poses arms/legs are forced to take.
>>136339 You're too in love with the sound of your own voice to speak the truth.
>>136181 I grew up watching Freaky Stories and that model that ate the sponge pills to get skinny then drank a few gallons of water and turned into a blimp was amazing. That Scary Movie 2 scene was my awakening but there's so much more involved including that show. Clovers weight gain in Totally Spies. Breast expansion in Brace Face. Asuka's suit expansion in Evengelion. This fetish was pretty much fate lol. I'd love to share the fetish with her. I'd die happy to show her those props but she's such a shy prude lol. Even wearing lingerie makes her a nervous stammering wreck like some anime girl. However her favorite movie is the original Willy Wonka, and she's even joked after eating too much that I'd have to roll her home like the berry girl. Maybe I'll bring it up one day. Maybe I can find a way to subtly feel her out.
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>>136435 Hmm gonna ape off this concept for the discussion and say >be me >not young >not 80 >think I'm gonna die alone in typical infag fashion >meet girl who gets along super well and start dating eventually >in hanging out phase but nearly bedroom level >grow the balls to ask her for belly pics and what I actually like >she was barely surprised when I said I like inflation >realize not every girl on earth is immediately repulsed and vomiting by the words "I like inflation porn" >liked me admitting what I rly like to her and admits shes been an infag for most of her life too >turns out she's a lot more vanilla >[cumflation, cartoonish like spheres, willy wonka, etc] >But anons, after the amount of "holy shit inflation that fetish is the weirdest and grossest lmao" that I've heard all over the internet and even thru online and irl friends, she's an angel to me And I pray you all find your own personal angel too, who likes floating and big bellies and shit End of the story but I also wanna say we tried tummyfucking and it was amazing. She said it felt weird but good. And its a good inbetween if you have a gf who isn't particularly into inflation but will try kinky stuff.
>>136442 I kind of feel like the "inflation creepy and bad" sentiment on the Internet has a lot to do with people being constantly fed that obviously fit and trim bodies are best. In spite of "body positivity" movements, marketing and TV and Hollywood still keep pushing thinness/fitness stereotypes. So anything that deviates from that social norm is "deviant" and undesirable. If people were truly tolerant and able to appreciate all body types, how weird would inflation really be? It's just another (imaginary) body type. Why shouldn't some of us find it interesting and attractive? I hope that it gets more acceptable over time. Not that I think it's necessary to promote my particular kink like some others seem to. But there was a time when BDSM was viewed as really strange and creepy -- and now it's not. (Maybe because the "no pain, no gain mantra in fitness culture is understandable and a bit of a tie-in on the way to normalizing it...) Some kind of similar social acceptance for inflation would be nice. But I don't think social norms will change all that fast.
>>136572 Maybe it's considered creepy and weird because a vast amount of it centers specifically on rape, humiliation, kidnapping, death, pedophilia (Violet) gore and torture? Nah. It's the unfair body standards.
>>136572 Put simply? Because it’s weird. Inflation as a fetish is absurdist and borderline cartoony, so far removed from other people’s understanding of sexual appeal that they cannot wrap their heads around wholly or how someone would get off to it. That combined with the fact that the fetish is really easy to accidentally stumble upon (look up popular thing, turn off safe search, and scroll a little too far), makes inflation a very easy internet punching bag. Plus there’s the fact that the fetish is mostly limited to the drawing medium, with extreme cases being unrealistic or even physically impossible. That definitely hurts people’s ability to take it seriously compared to something like, say, BDSM. Also this Fetish has weird associations with children? Not in that it’s literal child porn, but rather that most people’s impression of an “inflation fetishist” is a confused 13 year old on Deviantart, drawing circles in MS Paint and pasting the heads of Princess Peach or Rouge the Bat on top. It’s not something people seriously consider in an adult context.
>>136572 No, it’s weird. And the body positivity movement is also kinda lame, like sure nobody should hate themselves and their bodies but like the vast majority of men do not like big fat women and thinking you can just socialize all bodies into being equally attractive isn’t reality. Idk, I’m at a really weird point in my relationship with this. For a long time I really hated myself for being into this stuff, beyond just being a mild autist and being an awkward lonely kid. But over the years I’ve improved a lot, have close friends, and come to the realization that self hatred has no purpose. I’ve still never had a relationship, for more reasons than just this but it’s a factor. I still don’t think I’d ever tell anyone, unless I married the exact right person. As for where it comes from, who knows. I can’t really blame early porn exposure as even before I had any idea what sex was I had a fixation on inflation in cartoons and obv Willy wonka (not into blueberry stuff funny enough), it just turned into a sexual thing as I got older. Perhaps access to YouTube and irl inflation content solidified it, and I’ve definitely come around on the idea that constant porn/masturbation is not good for you and the narrative of “everyone jacks off all the time and it’s good actually” I heard all the time growing up was extremely misleading and harmful. On the biological note, how many lefties are out there? I’m left handed, and I’ve read that despite being only 10% of the population we’re typically over represented in the, uh, “mentally diverse” communities. Autists, trans, schizos, people with, fetishes, highly creative people, etc are a lot more likely to be left handed when compared to the general population. There seems to be a little bit of a link between handedness and how your brain works.
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I wonder to myself all the time why I'm into it?? I'm VERY into inflation or any body expansion. And vore too as of recent times. All I know is that like many, I fell down a rabbit hole on youtube that revealed to me what inflation was. I believe I was in 4-5th grade too. One vid just wasn't enough., I kept on watching but I didn't know why? Probably because it felt taboo but eventually my parents caught me. I had to stand there as they scrolled through my youtube history lmaoo
>>136778 >And vore too as of recent times. In the same boat over here. Rabbit hole is a good descriptor, I feel like once you get into one belly expansion fetish you're likely to get into the rest. I wonder how many people this is the case for, as they're all fairly similar in appeal with expansion being related to a submissive quality. Except for vore, which it the black sheep of the belly expansion family in a way.
>>136806 >>136778 Yeah vore is definitely more of a “rare day” vibe for me. I like it but it’s almost like the “Well we’re out of koolaid so just use the off brand stuff in the meantime. Thankfully I’ve never been caught with this. But I did go through what the above anon did but with normie shit, and my family has never let me live it down. Which is why I actively panic at the idea of someone I know discovering this about me. If I have to always hear about how I was looking at tits at 14 at every single Christmas despite me being almost 30 now, I never Ever want to be known as *The blueberry kid, in my family circle
