/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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helium floating Anonymous 05/06/2021 (Thu) 16:38:11 Id:bf8429 No. 21610
post yer helium here
(5.58 MB 3300x5100 HA3ISo9cu.jpeg)
(1.45 MB 1789x2125 1448088918680.png)
(166.30 KB 1814x2048 R14zxKj1.jpg large.jpg)
(2.08 MB 3000x3000 190331-5.jpg)
(192.59 KB 1450x2048 Ewh-232WYBIXmTh.jpg)
(909.06 KB 1854x852 Aeromancer1.png)
(694.12 KB 1854x852 Aeromancer2.png)
(426.58 KB 1854x852 Aeromancer3.jpg)
(128.81 KB 852x1854 Aeromancer4.jpg)
(404.56 KB 1854x852 Aeromancer5.jpg)
(427.90 KB 1854x852 Aeromancer6.jpg)
(8.31 MB 3535x5000 15945558531749411261.png)
(261.68 KB 1500x1626 fly.jpg)
(101.40 KB 1000x1005 EqGQWVMW8AA5rYr.jpg)
(3.10 MB 2560x1600 mountain6.png)
(3.67 MB 1280x720 one_hell_of_a_high_HD.mp4)
(134.74 KB 1024x1024 1612643000740.jpg)
(8.70 MB 1920x1080 widowHeliumHGFinal.webm)
(8.80 MB 4961x7016 Oct2020.jpg)
(1.07 MB 1080x1920 Balloon.png)
(159.89 KB 1280x1657 qgnCTxt0u.jpg)
(3.98 MB 4400x3168 Floating Followup.jpg)
Got 2 floating comic Requesting expansion fan comic helium x 3 or ah my boobies https://mab.to/2PtNGUBMZ
>>21660 >>21681 Is it just me, or is the drawn image traced from the render (albeit flipped horizontally)?
(371.16 KB 1500x2575 zelda.jpg)
(228.71 KB 600x725 thebrush_by_gnome_oo-d7c5biu.jpg)
(323.27 KB 1820x2000 m23.jpg)
(750.40 KB 1000x1000 Harley-Balloon.png)
(485.43 KB 1536x2048 EwfXHhdXIAI6hp4.jpg)
(570.79 KB 1223x1223 floatboobc3_by_001zlnv_dede8on.png)
(750.79 KB 3000x1500 16_-_gift_for_Chubnbass.png)
(6.34 MB 4700x7033 15927836867003205806-2.jpg)
>>21686 Been after Ah! My Boobies! for weeks, second that!
Found it here, but its premium: https://tezfiles.com/file/8d33699c10b54
(45.25 KB 640x800 heliumk.jpeg)
(2.97 MB 2666x2000 trick_or_squeak.png)
Not everyone can purchase premium
(279.17 KB 600x336 helium ad 01.jpg.png)
(862.75 KB 1238x2000 sarah.png)
(281.03 KB 1574x1749 8Vw91070u.png)
(9.84 MB 4000x2727 trip_to_the_doctors.png)
Anyone can share load expansion fan comic helium x 3 please anyone
(202.25 KB 1280x1978 FOv9mc90L.jpeg)
(3.87 MB 3750x5347 CdPi_320u.png)
bonus floating caption
(408.31 KB 548x1256 EUh4pL1UwAweGgK.jpeg)
(165.76 KB 1600x2000 ErOOVYSVoAA7GiD.jpeg)
svens best one!
(364.05 KB 1800x2240 1619556460059.jpg)
>>21986 Where is this from
>>22000 B丸: twitter /PQ76327547 She gave her half the bottle and is wondering if she's going to inflate "ten times bigger", then decides no, she's just going continue inflating tighter and tighter. The sound effect is the girl uncontrollably bouncing like a ball.
(5.80 MB 400x429 Voodoo_animated.gif)
(422.41 KB 1200x945 TheBalloon_01.jpg)
(379.05 KB 1200x945 TheBalloon_02.jpg)
(352.90 KB 1200x945 TheBalloon_03.jpg)
(462.25 KB 1200x945 TheBalloon_04.jpg)
(443.80 KB 1200x945 TheBalloon_05.jpg)
(396.69 KB 1200x945 TheBalloon_06.jpg)
(468.12 KB 1200x945 TheBalloon_07.jpg)
(9.84 MB 4000x2727 trip_to_the_doctors.png)
(316.13 KB 695x900 EJ6ibRCWkAA9pmy.png)
(411.67 KB 3119x3286 heather-marrissa-hr.jpg)
(375.46 KB 2902x2902 irene_hr.jpg)
(653.86 KB 2550x3300 krei.jpg)
(170.72 KB 1736x2052 strmsket-1.jpg)
(103.50 KB 620x802 throw-july.jpg)
(111.46 KB 620x775 throw-june.jpg)
(99.51 KB 620x802 venya-july.jpg)
(89.65 KB 620x620 throw-may.jpg)
(987.43 KB 3300x2550 throw.jpg)
(101.40 KB 1000x1005 EqGQWVMW8AA5rYr.jpg)
(261.68 KB 1500x1626 fly.jpg)
(323.27 KB 1820x2000 m23.jpg)
(99.42 KB 927x1200 D9shj6AXoAA0ywk.jpg)
(66.35 KB 927x1200 D98ucJaW4AAp1R3.jpg)
(89.65 KB 647x1000 Ds6iw4eVYAA0sFG.jpg)
(93.45 KB 1052x1200 EhwJon9VoAAPK_7.jpg)
I wish any of these was me... sigh... he he Helium <3
(208.98 KB 1550x1500 Floating-BE.png)
>>21686 Helium X 3 just got published onto 8muses my man, look it up.
>>21610 https://mab.to/RkRpb34va My contribution requesting for fate bb trap by borntobeemon
Can't open floatoshoot
>>23209 Try a rar file opener or just a comic screen app both from play store both works
>>23209 By the way I need what I requested the artist I got from don't give for free
You know, I have to give praise to mechrot/boy-ancy for making such realistic helium floating animation in their inflation videos not to mention the sound design. Really really crave being inflated with helium.
(200.28 KB 1200x880 Voodoo_56.jpeg)
https://mab.to/6MoowySiT My contribution reload helium floating related dump requesting for fate bb trap by borntobeemon
(1.82 MB 2400x1600 album_cover.png)
>>21646 >>21663 there needs to be more shrunken women getting slid onto the nozzle of a helium cylinder and getting blown up like massive carnival balloons while their curves get super pressurized, so they can have a string tied to them and get carried around.
(481.52 KB 1740x1080 sleepyAmelia2.png)
bump this thread to the ceiling
(105.19 KB 850x992 a33.jpg)
>>26610 Source?
>>26623 Never found it in 2 years. Only if someone can decipher that signature. But i never could
>>26623 If I remember correctly, this was an old sketch by MilkyBody.
(678.57 KB 640x985 000138513cc24ed1095e_small.png)
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(234.48 KB 640x457 434ed2faed8cd2d9fd66_small.png)
Happy Helium Day!!!
(465.67 KB 1560x1898 EYyANssU8AAnuXw[1].jpg)
(388.90 KB 1569x1893 EYyAOhwU4AItwNQ[1].jpg)
(326.45 KB 1392x1870 EYyAPOaU0AEe-Ii[1].jpg)
(296.67 KB 1404x1858 EYyAPOaU0AEe-Ii[2].jpg)
(89.04 KB 512x680 EdrkchfUcAEUMMH.jpg)
(73.33 KB 512x680 EdrkchpUwAEc9vI.jpg)
(130.61 KB 1200x903 EdrkchwVoAEcb8a.jpg)
(78.28 KB 512x680 EdrkchdVAAA6nQg.jpg)
(195.18 KB 1180x1407 1248754145712[1].jpg)
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(40.39 KB 599x680 EjzjNJvU8AEqUpC.jpg)
(419.15 KB 1065x1200 84824297_p1_master1200.jpg)
(238.66 KB 1881x2125 EpEBtUNVQAIgPao.jpg)
(240.17 KB 1280x1510 Big and Round New Hire 1.jpg)
(73.45 KB 800x600 1459738117184-4.jpg)
My contribution reload helium floating related dump requesting for fate bb comic by borntobeemon https://mab.to/vkuuL4ftS
>>27201 > new_heights_in_science_by_morphy_mcmorpherson_denb0w4.jpg Does anyone have the rest of this comic sequence? I can't find it (new heights in science by morphy mcmorpherson?) anywhere.
>>37895 It's was only the one picture
>>38214 but where though? I can't find this image on their deviantart.
I don't know if it counts as helium inflation. But her chest is like floating up, so I guess it counts, but what evs
>>39216 Who's the artist for this image?
(1.25 MB 2500x2087 JestersKingdom-Ino1.jpg)
(1.24 MB 2500x2347 JestersKingdom-Ino2.jpg)
(1.57 MB 2500x2784 JestersKingdom-Ino3.jpg)
(521.25 KB 2000x1331 AdoraBalloon1 (1).jpg)
(381.61 KB 2000x1210 AdoraBalloon2 (1).jpg)
(518.98 KB 2000x1371 AdoraBalloon3 (1).jpg)
Adora Instant Muscles By: ComicalWeapon
>>39790 You know what I would have loved.. Bike pump to bursting would be fun with adora glimmer or Carta particularly
>>39834 Maybe we can give ComicalWeapon an idea or request. That is if anyone have a patreon and are a member of ComicalWeapon
(2.03 MB 3000x2500 FK5stJxUYAAvWQ_.jpg)
>>40034 Definitely need
(1.91 MB 1280x1724 W9Tda5r.png)
(962.04 KB 2000x2000 file (5).jpeg)
(139.47 KB 1682x1538 media_FLQrSOBVQA0oCFF.jpg)
(6.45 MB 1440x1080 Titfa Inflates Her Balloons 3.mp4)
Oh wow this is rare. https://www.deviantart.com/xsoulscout36x/art/Ceiling-Playtime-Free-MP4-in-desc-905999681
Gonna bump this thread.
(186.03 KB 1080x1680 1638491614246.jpg)
(2.01 MB 1024x1024 peachgif.gif)
(2.93 MB 3879x3618 1635479585780.jpg)
(456.90 KB 2500x1500 FBNbrlhXoAktF0z.jpg)
(3.74 MB 3500x3041 abblimp.png)
(57.65 KB 1663x1724 EcqPc59WoAE1nB8.png)
(202.57 KB 3000x3000 ExIVIDeWUAMjaQs.jpg)
(169.18 KB 2807x2129 FE2BnU6XEAAINPj.png)
(944.02 KB 3000x1933 sketchpage13c.png)
(332.08 KB 2048x4096 FNLyKquXEAMwJk3.jpg)
(80.55 KB 970x1000 1647704457618.jpg)
(147.84 KB 2048x2048 FOfLd4vXoAkvr6i.jpeg)
(455.51 KB 2046x2048 FFX5OCoXIAQAXm5.jpg)
(423.52 KB 2047x2048 FFeL3jqWYAEvxTB.jpg)
(152.29 KB 1740x1080 FPs61_IX0AAct3b.jpeg)
(654.82 KB 1325x2048 FPre-VEWQAksRPQ.jpeg)
first inf drawing I did
>>41310 source?
Up and Away By: Kleiny (DeviantArt)
>>22885 Anyone know the artist?
(217.58 KB 1280x1280 1650378703558.jpg)
>>47867 This is what happens when you confuse helium tanks as sausages to practice your deep throating on. You swallow one too many, the cap pops off one, and now your a Blimp floating down akihabra
(307.23 KB 2048x1902 Ex77I0pU8AcJXy_.jpeg)
(327.67 KB 2048x1840 FNrKzkjVUAA31mh.jpeg)
(290.69 KB 2500x2500 Wrong She Ra Balloon.jpg)
(303.81 KB 2500x2500 Wrong She Ra Balloon ver 2.jpg)
>>48492 Oops, forgot to credit the owner Art by Pencypencil He also updated his she ra inflation artwork btw
>>30935 Is there a translated version somewhere
(359.21 KB 2500x2500 She Ra Hot Balloon Ver 1.jpg)
>>48515 Another update this guy done
(106.28 KB 1000x700 1651748267945.jpg)
(2.17 MB 1800x2400 1651792318206.png)
(248.90 KB 2048x1728 FSLRtvcVEAAaNal.jpeg)
(230.62 KB 1666x1655 FSmrUEdVIAAQwDv.jpeg)
(126.37 KB 572x540 Screenshot_20220516-165837-1.jpg)
(7.60 MB 2800x4000 Flight_Test.png)
(268.47 KB 2500x2500 Wrong She Ra Balloon 1234.jpg)
(538.40 KB 1378x2039 Mayd_Anchor001.png)
(412.29 KB 3247x3603 FUiB_tlWUAgsr7S.jpg)
(6.35 MB 4200x6300 FreyAway.png)
(286.28 KB 1804x1806 1643946248473.jpg)
(61.49 KB 637x680 FBc42t7WYAAXoms.jpg)
(233.16 KB 2105x2102 FT1Fe5GXwAApOuF.png)
(291.28 KB 2160x1755 ErdIRs6W8AEl6y2.jpg)
The explosion would be bigger if it were lighter than air gas.
(714.45 KB 4096x3486 FYEE23_aAAEIaeC.jpg)
How do you pull images from Twitter chronologically sorted and without eating up too much RAM? @Rita_Dragneel @mitukai_okayu @kmsm_art
Anyone want to take the pictures from this thread and write captions for them and put them in the caption thread?
(107.68 KB 1235x719 EtJfB7dVcAEQTlZ.jpg)
>>21610 How much do you need for a grown woman?
(793.06 KB 2892x4096 Ej6gGKsWAAIsMJr.jpg)
(2.12 MB 2550x3479 baloonrunner0001.png)
>>59129 Bumping
Does everyone have helium x 5?
>>53074 Sauce on the first pic?
>>57668 Why isn't she the obvious choice?
>>24035 >voodoo_56.jpeg Where's the rest of em?
>>30936 >"Bye-bye!" More like this!
>>21626 >hisssssssssssssss I shouldn't find this hot but I do.
>>30947 Very nice, they're one of the artists I always look up.
(111.12 KB 600x400 f2e.png)
If he or she weren't autistic you'd think the one newfag who spams non-INFL images and gifs was deliberately pushing threads off.
>>70754 Sounds like someone is huffing and puffing about typical chan board movement. I’m guessing being obsolete and outdated by using the newf slur is a plus for you!
>>70782 Newfag.
>>21627 What's up with Looner?
>>21789 Do you think more girls would like it if this had been the front page of DA for years?
>>75163 >>74279 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0sC_eS9jw2U
>>75173 Bliss indeed, occasionally, nahh all the time! The Bliss of Miss Blossom starring Richard Attenborough!
Some threads are too good to be bumped off by an eager new poster.
>>24661 Seconding.
>>59129 Yes.
(288.29 KB 4096x1138 FpgXXb1aMAEX5qi.jpg)
(309.75 KB 4096x1239 FpgXYEPaMAE3xxL.jpg)
(437.12 KB 4096x2510 FpgXYsZaEAAyy7-.jpg)
>>80650 Cute!
I'm looking for floating women by Axel Rosered.
(284.99 KB 1519x2048 FtQ170EakAEErlz.jpg)
>>84254 Cute.
(185.73 KB 1672x1727 FxTKNsBXgAEkoko.jpg)
Sizes this big need lighter than air gases I.M.O.
(295.50 KB 1448x2048 FxoFwU9agAEFDBT.jpg)
(282.04 KB 1448x2048 FxoFwVBaEAo7gxh.jpg)
>>87298 More from this artist?
>>87293 >BBW who used to be a gymnast can barely walk these days >Decides to use helium to get herself up again >Barely staying on the ground, light as a feather but so big she'd need a u-haul truck to drive her places God fatties using helium to get around is just a prime target for either massive and able to be graceful, or overdoing it and floating away.
>>88935 Cute!
>>59868 Is she still there?
>>92617 MIA.
>>21646 More ObsessiveCasual, please.
>there's a chance a 3dpd commissioned herself
>>96631 Nice.
>>98462 Nice.
>>100129 Source?
(1.76 MB 1240x1754 media_GCMLS6aXUAASL1q.jpg)
(145.48 KB 2048x1741 GCOocoXbEAAPywb.jpg)
(187.11 KB 1761x1829 GChKoxgasAALFbv.jpg)
(130.49 KB 1423x2048 GCgytv8bIAAkbH3.jpg)
(326.08 KB 1194x2048 GCDRXk4W0AAMgzq.jpg)
(328.24 KB 2540x2561 GCWmv7maIAAy2vj.jpg)
(1.44 MB 2747x4096 GCdc9AWXwAE1uMw.png)
>>103191 Furry crap goes in "Furry". Get that garbage out of here.
>>103194 people like you make me want to post furry lol
>>103212 Poster above is correct. Furry is there for a reason. Just put it there.
>>69621 Why is she so perfect for inflation?
What's worse, new posters spamming or poor website layout?
(227.34 KB 1418x2048 GE8C80ca8AAwTks.jpg)
>>106272 Can anyone translate?
(164.72 KB 930x568 [g]_translation.png)
>>106272 >>106614 >>106615 maybe some of that makes sense
(97.09 KB 987x868 F2J0oN9XkAAgPNb.png)
(300.82 KB 1531x2048 GHSlDf6XAAAjF4S.jpg)
>>21610 >>80639 https://web.archive.org/web/20240302090531/https://bbw-chan.link/inf/res/80639.html#q80639
(307.71 KB 1336x1766 media_F7fVopdaoAAT2pU.jpg)
(205.15 KB 1280x1138 x42.jpg)
(534.22 KB 1192x1240 media_GK7M5PVW4AAekCH.jpg)
(1016.86 KB 2250x2750 media_GLJCjzvWcAAM-WH.jpg)
(160.46 KB 868x1687 media_GIaBuvjbYAA6eOK.jpg)
>>109553 More old or old looking art please.
>>108115 https://web.archive.org/web/20240517050827/https://bbw-chan.link/inf/res/80639.html
Does anyone have the alone time animation by mechrot I cant find it anywhere
>>116210 I got u https://www.deviantart.com/mechrot/art/1058525992
>>116306 Damn it's really you! I miss your animations man, they were really good.
>>116308 Aw thanks!! I'm learning blender animation this year, so the animations will continue!
>>116306 Omg thanks dude
>>116312 Cool :) !
(2.29 MB 5100x3300 1659548079449934.jpg)
(169.62 KB 1105x1923 1659293625970753.jpg)
(354.99 KB 1423x2048 1680335976555072.jpg)
(825.99 KB 4735x3997 1685807410314317.jpg)
>>112021 I wonder if there actually is a video of someone cumming (or masturbating) from being inflated and floating away?
Magical air pump that makes inflatees float.
(588.21 KB 3870x3085 media_GQpboguXQAAY_sF.jpg)
(958.66 KB 4096x3165 media_GRP_tXJXAAATO0B.jpg)
(76.60 KB 1200x1200 media_GSlyPk8bIAMYU03.jpg)
(72.43 KB 1200x1200 media_GSlyQ90acAEBdZe.jpg)
>breast inflation without nipple insertion Why?
(583.16 KB 2890x4055 media_GRlw9T9agAAnYI-.jpg)
(733.13 KB 2715x3378 media_GUQlrdvWsAEkRCl.jpg)
(1.61 MB 1750x2350 media_GWEuYGEboAA64Wp.jpg)
(287.34 KB 1510x1906 media_GW3sohKXkAACanV.jpg)
>>93710 >3dpd is a drawgoddess at implied bursting >3dpd is a drawgoddess at bursting >leaves Many such cases.
(2.34 MB 1754x2481 media_GZdokkzWQAAG_7k.jpg)
(3.80 MB 2105x2977 media_GZdp89NWoAAypC6.jpg)
When observing the fetish of inflation, as much as it interest me..i just wish to share some information to take in consideration when making inflation art. Helium has a lifting capacity of about 53 lbs for 1000 cubic feet and a gaz weight of approximativly 10 lbs at 1000 cubic feet. Hydrogen has about 75 lbs lifting force for the same 1000 cubic feet and about 5 lbs of gaz weight. Hydrogen when mixed with lower then 17,5% oxygen concentration will NOT ignite! Hydrogen increase potentcy with higher heat temperature, as for helium it is the opposite. When calculating lifting potency everything have to be calculated with Volume, not size. A 6" balloon doubling in volume is not 12". 12" is 10 times the volume of 6",etc... When imagining a women lifting up by inflation, figuring proper size is important, unless comming up with an idea of how her body mass can be drasticly reduced before or during inflation. As for exemple for butt or breast inflation / levitation, without mass reduction..it would rip the flesh out for it is like pulling your full weight from the most fragile body part. As an exemple: to lift a 130 lbs women with 2 helium inflated ballons would require 2 balloon of approximate 4,3 meters each in diameter. The formule for converting diameter of a perfect sphere into volume value is as fallow. With an exemple value diameter of 5. 2,5^(3)×3,1416×(4÷3) Know that the value of radius / diameter will match the cubic value you are trying to fallow. I suggest you first calculate how much weight you want to lift and then convert the cubic feet to either cubic inch or cubic cm or wherever you prefer. Or you can keep it in feet and convert your final radius / diameter value to the value you are looking for. When calculating for multiple balloons, like for exemple 100 ballons. First divide by 100 the final volume value required for lifting capacity and then find your individual ballon size from that value. Also factor in weight of material, which a case for case issue. Enjoy.
>>129471 Quick note. For calculating volume on pear shape or egg like shape balloon it goes as fallows. Again based on the 5 diameter value. 2,5^(2)×5×3.1416×(4÷3) The 5 value here is half of the full lenght of the longest axis. If this value is lower then the initial radius calculation as per exemple 2,5^(2) then the volume calculated is from a doughnut shaped form. Which can require further calculation, but when making art, we do not seek absolute truthfull value, it is just something to ponder about. Cheers.
(590.90 KB 912x829 NERD.png)
>>129471 >>129472 NEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRDD!!!!
>>129471 >>129472 Dude its a fetish it ain't that deep
>>129473 >>129477 You do know those posts were bait, right?
>>129477 Let people enjoy being autistic over a fetish.
