/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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force / helpless inflation Force / Helpless Inflation 07/21/2021 (Wed) 02:58:41 Id:290405 No. 26207
post girls being forcibly inflated where all they can do is helplessly "mmph" and squirm as they expand mostly hose inflation but any method of forcing someone to inflate is welcome as well as popping
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>>26617 I been trying to remember the name of the guy who did the fourth pic
The Snow Chanda one? hate to say im not too familiar with many of the artists, only their work lol
>>26207 source of the girl with glasses?
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honestly have no info most of these pics ive gotten from 4chan threads for the past 3 years. heres another part, might be more possibly
>>26675 Both this and >>26693 are by drakamohk/DrakeMOhkami
Good idea for a thread.
Who made the 4th image at the very top?
I like this thread, the chocolate girl parts can be found here. https://www.deviantart.com/okayokayokok/art/The-Chocolate-Girl-Experiment-phase-1-796146377
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Personally one of my favorite inflations from Imbapovi https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qaOUYoaYNvxLV5nwkBqsTN0ZkDn19otD/view
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A recycle of some of my personal morphs... not the biggest ever, but they fit thematically...
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>>27768 Anyone know the sauce?
>>27776 https://www.deviantart.com/anoart1994/art/Commission-Xana-s-Revenge-776367553 It’s from here.
>>27781 Thanks
>>27781 One of the images from here is a before picture.
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>>27983 Where is the first picture from?
>>27999 Artist please.
>>27983 who made the fourth one
>>28673 Where did you find the third one?
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>>27095 Like the astral antipode art. Also astralantipode's kemono. Party needs and update. https://kemono.party/patreon/user/19966416
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morphs are great...
There is a Forced inflation audio story called "One way- Valve" ive been looking for it, ever since the audios thread got removed. If anyone has it, please upload it ?
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the bathing suit one is one of my favs.
>>42062 Sauce of the swimsuit one?
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>>28752 The second one is by Novbert on DA and the third one is by fukufukufuku33 on Twitter >>29671 It's by KipTeiTei on DA
>>42112 also by fukufukufuku33
Looking for an image. It’s a girl with a hose in her pussy and her belly is being inflated whilst she pinches her clit and squirts. Think she was by a pool side.
>>48126 Intriguing, what am I looking at here? An art piece?
>>48126 Seems to be something from a storybook? Seems Korean. Does anybody know of any Korean folk tales where a girl puffs herself up?
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How would she react if you'd inflated her in her sleep?
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Willing bondange unwilling pump up or vice versa?
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Surprise pump up (prior knowledge of the pump) or surprise pump (no prior knowledge)?
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Forced enjoyment?
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>>27997 I miss Ciccina.
>>26207 Voodoo.
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Real life?
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>>26207 Self-inflicted?
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Cute or casual helplessness is more fun.
Not really forced to inflate, but still has the basic notion of struggling against one's own inflated girth.
>>26693 and this was the aftermath >>26207 if I'm not wrong this was in the video I would need to check my archive for it
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>>64820 source?
>>67294 blooberrygarden
RL experience?
Show me how to view nsfw Reddit without an acc or give me a phone number for VK and I'll find rl stories.
>>65110 https://twitter.com/takamura_ch/status/1558372912599801856
Please, post your ideas or link stories that show how a human balloon feels, thinks, or fails to from all the pressure inside.
Do you think a big belly is as effective to stop someone as turning them into a blimp?
>>64942 Hypnosis?
>>73356 No, the thread made specifically for kinks isn't kinky at all. I've no clue what you're speaking of.
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>>75104 What?
>>26209 Have you got more of Seiga's old content?
>>73980 >furry
>>62808 Nice.
>>75104 Some posts deserve to be deleted.
there's a fantastic sequence by AllyMoodyNeko on DeviantArt (I'll only post the first two images in case y'all are interested) of one of their OCs getting filled with ghosts. I wish they didn’t disappear in December because this gave me a fetish I didn't know I had If only I could get Swell Reads to do a dub of this.
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Feel like this qualifies Love Patchyeah's OCs. They're super cute
There needs to be more "forced transformation into slime inflation" art pieces but that seems almost a bit TOO niche.
>>80905 Your idea sounds like something for the /slime/ general.
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>>82901 Thanks, bless. Glad I just so happened to re-check this thread.
>>82901 Hm, just checked and it wasn't quite what I had in mind. I also like the actual transformation INTO slime/a slime-adjacent material (like ectoplasm) as well as inflation. Thanks regardless!
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Forced but also enjoying.
>>84251 Blimp tits or tittybergs
>>84251 >not in the nipples
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Lurk this thread every once in a blue moon... glad to see fresh activity... Here's one I did up a little while back. Needs some polish, but promising...
>>80834 sauce?
>>88896 source?
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>>26706 Drake M. Oh-Kami is pbuh?
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>>26207 fourth image source?
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>>92341 Sauce?
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Source: StevickAfterHours
>>90776 >artist doesn't like inflation >draws girl who doesn't get inflation get inflated They're some of the best artists.
>>96382 Source??
>>96500 Definitely an Axel-Rosered sequence
>>55672 Holy crap they've made the inflations much bigger which episodes this from?
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Anyone got this
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Breasts so big you can't move.
>>89354 source please?
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Helpless against affection, anybody.
>>62376 Do you ever ask yourself if Reddit and report my post are reliable anecdotes?
In a sense she's helpless.
>>62976 I miss Drake M Ohkami.
>>88896 sauce?
>>92560 >woman drawing women The best? The best.
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Everything by NT.
>>32291 Why?
>>No. 107698 Where can I find more of their art work?
>>108427 I'm not them but I found the link to there twitter witch also has there pixiv https://twitter.com/NT610727/media
>>26675 Drake M. Ohkami (PBUH) >>91939 Yes.
>>100663 sauce?
>>109492 @SeekerBelly on twitter
Where's the close to popping general?
>>109980 "general" as if that isn't super niche
>>112109 Right on the nail. And im out. My job is complete
>>112109 How new are you to the Internet? Generals are regular threads made for a wide meaning of things. Draw generals are for requesting and delivering drawings, write generals are for requesting and delivering writings, and the helpless/forced inflation general is for everything that's inflation in helpless or forced situations. The more generals we have the less likely we'll lose content.
>>112111 you're a moron, there's no helping you realize i'm right and you're wrong- keep clogging this board with countless pointless "generals" that are just niche topics that will have no activity
>>112306 And yet you're posting in a general. Curious.
AI art cringe asf
>>114433 >>114434 and now the thread is ruined because some sperg found an ai "art" profile on DA
>>114433 >>114434 See >>105284 >>114456 >>114464 Play mods and tell uploaders to check other already existing threads.
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>>118958 wow thank you so much for reposting the exact same image >>117714 from 2 weeks ago. stupid retard
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>this expression What do you call it?
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Despair but also moisture.
Does anyone have Sweering Through Business made by TheKairii27?
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Hii I drew this lol
>>120691 who the artist?
>>123409 VERY cute.
>>123462 Pneumatic.
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>>117750 Classic. Source?
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