/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Sauce Thread Sheepherd##5zFMkB 03/29/2020 (Sun) 00:55:29 Id:6de3f2 No. 3192
Looking for the name of the artist from a picture you found? ASK HERE!
Anyone know who made this?
Unfortunately I don't have the comic, so at the risk of sounding like an utter schizo, I'm looking for a relatively recent comic and it was a parody of Violet turning into a blueberry and she was an adult. I believe it was a cartoonish style, and I remember at some point either violet or one of the oompa loompas was given a fizzy lifting drink by Veruca. There might have been shrinking involved too. Sound familiar to anyone?
Any Ideas who made this?
>>3192 I remember a really short audio on newgrounds where the listener is supposed to be a woman's personal trainer and you let her eat too much before a big business meeting she had in an hour. I can't remember the name of it and I don't know if it was deleted or something.
Does anyone have that one Nylonwave sequence where a girl goes through massive hourglass expansion in a library?
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Hi, does anyone know who drew this?
>>96308 Artist is bruppypuppy https://twitter.com/bruppypuppy/status/1298970287355109378 The guy seems to do mostly burp-fetish artwork. This seems to be the only expansion one in his collection.
Anyone knows the author of this picture or the place where i can found it?
>>96386 Artist is DrakeMOhkami, but be warned, most of his catalogue is male inflation. The rare female inflation ones are pure fucking gold though.
>>96414 I can't find this artwork on his furafnitty or his newgrounds, and it seems like it's baned of Twitter so.... Where did You found the picture?
>>96414 And yeah his female art it's absolute gold
>>65192 pls, does anyone know the artist ? Reverse search didn't help
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Well since for some reason the two images I tagged were gone. Here's the two images I'm asking for its author
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Anyone got the sauce for this one?
>>96698 Fundezian on deviantart
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who now liliac moon complate these work?
who know liliac moon completed this work*
By chance anyone save the content from that Blueberry Inflation Musical Theatre thread from a while back?
Does anyone have these clips from Growhaus, please? I know there's a compilation but some of these clips aren't in it and I'd like the clips on their own. Elexis' Surprise The Cam Model's Request The Curious Vile 1 When a Stranger Texts Curse of the Growing Glass
>>96928 There's also one I discovered recently called Perfume Side Effects.
Anyone have the picture of a blimped up Sasha Calle as supergirl from burstoid?
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Anyone know where this came from
>>95002 This looks like REALLY old deviantseiga art
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one last try before the website fucking dies. does ANYONE know where this video came from? https://thisvid.com/videos/pumping-air-into-pussy/
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can someone give me the full image please! unfortunately i cant see it on the website because i m not registered
Does anyone know if there is a replacement for bbw chan? some other site with inflation?
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Does anyone know who made these?
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>>98255 xxxx52
>>94930 Re-up please.
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Anyone have these images in a higher quality?
>>74015 I don't think this is a guy because if I'm not wrong she posted a picture of her real much smaller breasts once. She's looks almost nothing like this though. Much more average but kind of cute
Anyone have this
Sauce on this
>>98626 I have 4 clips but only for trade
>>98643 What would you like
https://youtu.be/mYSZ8BMTQKo?si=usPW5PUJdc_39xdq Does anyone have the grow cone comic by vendant in full res?
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anyone know the source of these 2 images?
>>98626 It's a video I know that mguffen inflation I believe it's called
someone remembers something about a kind of russian artist or cinemaker who made some interesting clips on her site? Non-inflation related of course. And one of them was named "plastic woman" or something like that? where she wear a latex skinsuit under her clothes, and inflated it ripping her pants and clothes, supossed to give the effect of her inflating? I heard of this at bodyinflation.org but i forgot her name and now i can't find it on the forum
>>99091 i found her, but are only images https://www.yasmijnkarhof.com/work.php?id=27
>>93270 where do I find this?
Anyone know the source of these?
>>99285 looks like samuelsmitharts character maybe from his report my post?
>>99286 oh right *diss cord
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Does anyone know what this is originally from?
>>99285 Do you have the video clips?
Does anyone know the name of the clips?
>>94135 Well since no one said it It was done by JuacoProductionsArts
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Anybody know the name of the artist who made this?
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Already post on another thread but may as well cast my net into the thread specifically made to find artist. Who made this piece?
>>100289 Axel-Rosered
anyone have this comic or know the original artist?
i cant find this creators account anymore but they were on deviantart witch is where i found these videos. and i did a bit more searching and found out that there twitter account blocked me for no reason so i cant even check threw that if they just changed accounts or not but this person has a link to that creator's twitter in there about https://www.deviantart.com/nakomuraa/gallery and i cant even ask them to unblock me so the videos: https://mab.to/t/i2XlFEkiQmo/us2
I tried asking the Sauce thread in the furry board,but I got no response so far,so I decided i'll ask here. Does anyone have the full or original version of these images or the name of the artist who made 'em? Any help is appreciated,thanks.
Does anyone have the popping images on browser124’s sequences for dominator and johanna?
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Requesting source.
>>100997 PuffPoff
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Does anybody know where i can find this video?
Does anyone archive Allymoodyneko art? They nuked there account.
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I was going through some images in an old thumb drive, and I found this, does nyone know where its from? I think it was a preview for a pay to read comic but I can't remember
>>Id like to know as well. Google and saucenao couldnt come up with anything
I'm trying to find the source for this picture from another thread but I keep coming up empty handed. I just want one that doesn't look like ass quality
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>>101912 Dug this up on twitter, supposedly drawn by a fiverr artist named bobbyfirmandhan. https://twitter.com/Masterdrums4/status/1648088843554525184
So, I remember seeing a video involving two guys, it took place in a gym locker room(maybe) where one guy was inflating the other with a pump. After inflating the other guy to a pretty big size, they take out a pin and do the obvious to them. I remember seeing the video on Vimeo but I haven’t found it since. Would anyone be willing to point me to where it is or provide the video itself? Thanks.
Someone grabbed these and put them up on DeviantArt. I can’t quite make out the username. Anyone know who made these?
>>102394 Akihuzi_tform you can find them on twitter
>>96890 what thread was this im intrigued
Anyone know the source of this BE? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rMRbov3Ux0&list=LL&index=1
Does anyone have real belly inflation videos?
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Need a source pls.
Anyone know what im describing it was on furaffinity, a MTF non binary stremaer downs a soda and experiences inflation before eventually ejaculating. the OC has been drawn inflating into a blueberry, which a few artists on 4chan have modified to remove the penis from the art. anyone know the artists? please? I cant fuckin nut without it
>>103167 Seconding because this sounds hot as all fuck,penis or not.
>>103167 sounds like you're talkin about mola's work w/ her character Ash part one of a sequence starts @ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/37537771/ with the rest of it fairly recent in the gallery
>>100748 UPDATE: No longer requesting sauce,someone in the furry Sauce thread was kind enough to give it. Artist is https://twitter.com/BalloonLop/media in case anyone is interested.
>>102565 Subakitsu, you can find them all over the place (da, twitter, fa). here's the link to that image: https://twitter.com/subakitsu/status/1735475174164562321 >>96386 I also want to know where you found this, cus I know the artist and I've never seen human inflation art from them before
>>103040 @KG88_, though they deleted their twitter and I don't think they were popular enough for anyone to archive their art. Here's all I could scrape together from what I already saved to my pc. https://mega.nz/folder/4z1DnYaJ#QfJt5zf7IsO0GZ1y51Ip7Q
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Anybody know who made this? I think they deleted their DA, anybody know of an archive
>>103666 It's @nylonwave on twitter
>>103667 thank u
these morphs have circulated for years and now people are starting to rediscover them, the only question remains is who made them and who exactly is the subject of these morphs? iirc it's a black model but i cannot put my finger on her name
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>>104080 >morphs >It's just a woman's head pasted over screenshots of the 2005 Violet
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Anyone know who made this and who the person is for the morph? Can’t seem to figure it out
>>104132 Octoboy, but be careful! Some of their other stuff includes some extreme themes! But he has a few good pieces!
Who made this masterpiece?
>>77723 >>104394 pretty sure this is molaveda
>>104395 thanks!
can someone reverse image search this to find the original images all I know is that the artist is makarokono and the images are somewhere on a report my post server locked behind a subscription
>>104406 Third image is from here, I just reverse image searched it https://twitter.com/JustSomeAnchor/status/1628802072081571845
>>104406 4th image is this guy: https://twitter.com/namagaki3?lang=en drawing a commission for this guy: https://www.deviantart.com/lolguy2780/gallery Would like to actually know where you found this image, as I can't seem to find a higher quality version of it anywhere
Does anyone know who made this image? I found it in one the threads.
Anyone know who made this?
>>104918 Here ya go: https://twitter.com/Bobobon9/status/1576933397892460544 Artist is AllAnchorsAweigh
this is the wackiest shape i’ve come across that still appealed to me, and i need to know who it’s from. all i know is the artist also does/did furry stuff
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Anyone know who this is?
>>104882 nigga *i* could've made this in ms paint what are you even asking here?
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>>75749 here’s the pic in case you don’t have it yourself
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Ok so there’s this morph of Krysta Yang (the lady who used to work at Nintendo) inflated with P balloons and while it does look… pretty bad I’m curious about who made it
>>105355 It could be a girl I met a few years ago, machine queen, she did a inflated pics of all her family
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>>105389 > she did inflation pics of all her family
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Found this on tiktok and was wondering if anyone has the full video or maybe the artist, preferably the full video.
>>105518 punt the poodle https://kemono.su/patreon/user/49164995/post/86899603
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Anyone know where this Lana Del Rey balloon came from?
There was this one comic i saw on twitter that ive been looking for where this guy who is like dark and green i think has a hot tub and this girl gets in and starts inflating until the hottub eventually breaks and a red demon giantess lady appears. Does anyone know the comic i'm talking about?
Anyone know if this artist is still around or if anyone else saved their work? I REALLY wish I could ask them how to make inflation art like this, I tried asking MisterThrowaway but he still hasn't made that tutorial he promised back in 2020, might try asking SizeableSFM next.
>>105853 Forgot to attach this
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Who made this? Sorry I couldn't convert it to a higher-quality WEBM.
>>105875 I'm like 80% sure it's Molaveda.
>>105853 To quote Eminem: "Now this looks like a job for me."
>>105883 Yeah I found it (I think, the two look incredibly similar). But the link is dead on the original post: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/31355324/
>>105884 >>105885 Damn, so I take it they're gone without a trace, no furraffinity or twitter account?
>>105896 Gone with the wind I'd say. I apologize for not having further info,and to my knowledge all images from this thread are the only images PowerOfBlimps made. (hopefully)
Anyone got a clue who the artist is?
>>106091 Artist is SoftestCore https://www.deviantart.com/softestcore/art/The-Production-Floor-990119912
Trying to find something a little different. Im looking for the morphs the artist used in this image. theyre VAM/genesis morphs and were allegedly made by "-DeeJay-" on some report my post server. anyone know where to find this?
>>106317 What’s a “report my post server?” You gotta be clearer than that, dude.
>>106357 >>106317 Yeah thats not what I typed. seems lt got filtered? can we not say Piscord with a D on here? apparently it was posted on the "jack__VEH" server but I have no Idea where that is. The morphs were used by a couple different artists on Dev-art. "SkylerHatesAlice" and "bestofcheese".
Urgent. Looking for a frieren inflation picture from a college of different style transformations. I believe the same artist did something with casca from berserk flattened like a pancake or something as well. They do single art page collages of trying to squeeze as many different transformations into a image as possible. Both of these may be lost media? As I have looked HARD! other unique things of mention is that they also do tf stuff like toilets,plungers, toilet paper tf and other such things. Again I'm preferably looking for the frieren inflation as there's not much stuff of her blowing up out there but could use the casca transformation sheet as well. Also bonus points if you find any frieren inflation or casca as these two are highly underrated!. I recommend watching both of you want something fun and or interesting some time.
Not exactly a pic but does anyone know who this is? https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2ege5gLAb_/?igsh=dGhnYTd1cDJnbzA3
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Hey Anons Got this off tumblr around the time of the porn ban iirc Can't remember the artist for the life of me but I believe the character is Tomoko from WataMote
>>103665 As much as I appreciate the archive, a lot of these are .jfifs so they don't load Also they rebranded (still scrubbed their old shit), here's their current twitter https://twitter.com/MachineSymmetry
>>106936 Would also like to know who this, the art is actually well drawn >>106937 But that doesn't stop you from downloading it right, just not previewing?
A few years back, there was this sequence involving a Fallout girl drinking water until she bursted and then respawned with a new perk. Tried to find it, but I think the artist nuked their account because i can't find it anywhere. I think it was called "Oh I'm a wanderer."
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Looking for the artist for this!
>>107275 https://www.deviantart.com/thejuicystuff/gallery/all
Does any body could recognise this movie? https://thisvid.com/videos/inflating-with-happiness/
i hate that i keep seeing this guy but does anyone know the artist for the first part of the video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7wVu1K6WRY
>>107435 You could've literally checked the comments and found out. The-Fudgeman
Anyone know who made this and if there's more similar vids of it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elWuA0msNjg
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Who did dis
Anyone have an archive of https://www.furaffinity.net/user/dendy./ Psure I saw one of their sequences of them on here and wanted to go through their stuff again
>>107581 Have you tried FurArchiver?
Not a sauce request, but there’s a sequence out there that I’ve been trying to find and I can’t for the life of me. It’s a sequence of Alex from Minecraft being inflated with water by an allay, with implied bursting at the end. I found it somewhere on Twitter, but I haven’t been able to find it since. Any help would be appreciated.
>>101344 This looks intresting. Has anybody found it?
Looking for an image of Cloud Strife getting pumped by a tank reading “Mako Mo’Ass” by Scarlet causing him to have a big ass
>>108505 Had a son with sade. Had a son with jade. Havent seen them in years.
>>108506 I have four sons by four different women. Now you know. Not proud of it but I was willing to be there. But they dont want me in thier lives
>>108548 @town_of_skeles on twitter twitter.com/town_of_skeles/status/1723727318097772642
>>109015 It’s @BRubberr on Twitter , the watermark is in the bottom left
Looking for a story sauce, a guy was friends with a witch and got accidentally inflated by her (full body inflation), was called something like "it's hard being a witches friend". Eternal gratitude to anyone who knows where I can find it!
>>107275 Is that officer dias and Rosa?
There was a 2-part drawing that was based on this phone commercial: https://youtu.be/ew94okDkCwU?si=vMvt7ZDYRLotvXvo, anyone know where I can find it?
Here's a question, now that 8muses shut down their forum, where do people go for their expansion comics?
Trying to find a comic (which was later animated and dubbed) about a BE scenario which I think took place in an ice cream shop? The only distinct things I remember was there being two guys arguing while the girls boobs grew, there were effects like "ERROR!" going through her head, and she ends up milking at the end. Help?
>>109559 I think it’s Grow Cone by Vendant https://e-hentai.org/g/1092697/5a15100d57/
>>109565 That's the one, cheers
>>109639 I meant wesson thru his aunt when I was 14. So all that tough talk means nothing lol balling
I lost access to my thisvid but I saw the thumbnail of this video. I have been looking for this video for YEARS, it used to be on pornhub but got deleted. What is the name of this video, and who is she? Can someone grab this for me please? https://thisvid.com/videos/rapid-wg-rp/P
Perform under pressure 4 link?
Does anyone by chance have any kittenowned videos saved anywhere? I made at hread on it earlier today but it just got deleted
>>109390 https://www.deviantart.com/dj-bapho/art/Comm-Swellphone-Ad-759779689 https://www.deviantart.com/dj-bapho/art/Comm-Swellphone-Ad-Part-2-769716171
I saw this in the animation thread, I remember another one in a similar style where a girl drinks a blue and a red liquid that cause her to expand and eventually explode.
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>>>>106936 >>106937 the artist is burningcore https://twitter.com/BurningCore1 not sure if this one is up on their twitter though
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Sauce of this?
>>111074 Duarte best EX gf ever. dumb as hell. Regretting it everyday huh. I know.
>>111075 Do you know where this sequence came from?
>>111074 >>111088 Artist is Browser124
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>>3192 Been tryna find the original video to this. Found it as a private video on Thisvid, but couldn't seem to find it elsewhere. Plus, i just think the artstyle looks cute.
>>110779 Holy based. Never thought I'd see the day where I got the sauce. Its the only pic on their secondary tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/secondarycore/156227098561/so-this-blogs-gonna-get-weirder-sometimes-not
>>101006 anyone find the source yet? this look like the best video ever
Anyone have this expansion fan comic yet? Came out today
does anyone know who and when this was made? Earliest source I can find goes back to 2013
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someone know this artist ? dying to find more
>>112082 looks painfully lot like AI.
>>112083 andy running things instead of a white man. Love to see it finally
>>112084 Why is 90% of white men holding full time jobs in ny/long island??!!! Thats racist. 1973 lawsuit coming.
>>112085 Feds coming for all you corrupt delegates. Time is up. Clean those hard drives. Delete those call logs delete those texts. Cathy feds is coming
>>112083 That is because it is. The fork fingers are a dead giveaway.
>>112087 And all of you are dead give aways. Keep it coming I pulled all the rabbits out the hat today my job is complete. NO WORRIES!!!!! None!
>>112088 i like rabbits
>>112474 Rabbi hews pass over
Looking for a vid of a girl with a british accent, wearing black and white striped shirt. Inflating her belly while rubbing it. If anyone has any idea let me know
I already know the source of this pic (berry_duke96), but does anyone know what this character is from?
does someone have the high res verson of this? i think i downloaded from this site but can't find it
>>91178 Can anyone answer anon’s question?
>>113839 Fair warning, almost all of their work is furry. I haven't seen that particular pic but I'm 99% sure this is the artist. https://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/drakemohkami/
Does anyone know, whose the artist?
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Does anyone happen to remember who this morpher was? They had a few before they deleted including one I'm looking for specifically that was a Fallout blueberry using The Sphere Hunter as the subject
>>113908 Artist has the human male stuff on NewGrounds
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Anyone have the original 6 part sequence? It was originally a Madison Beer blueberry inflation, posted by Blukream/kdayk19 I think? I could only find these which were clearly a face swap, but I want to find the originals
>>113938 1w3ntt0d13 on deviantart
>>113950 Looks like it could be by kdayk19 who goes by blukream nowadays but will still show up in search results for Kdayk19
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Anybody know who the artist of these two images is? First saw these in 2006
>>114514 I’m pretty sure you’re right. Any way to find this old sequence? Looks like he’s purged his DA, I tried reverse searching but nothing I think there was another beach sequence with Hailee Steinfeld too
Did anyone knows the sauce?
>>113938 There You go https://www.deviantart.com/1w3ntt0d13/gallery
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Found this from a 4chan thread
>>115005 https://x.com/the_neverwere/status/1786763252694720788 https://www.deviantart.com/theneverwere/gallery Recognized that art style immediately.
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Does anyone find Wednesday and Enid inflation? But not Wednesday, but Enid. She was inflated like a balloon, cuz Wednesday made her inflated. I tried to google it, but I can't find it. Thanks!
I'd like sauce for this
https://thisvid.com/videos/inflame-until-it-bursts/ I'm 99% certain this is QueenBelly but this isn't on her Kemono.
I was looking up “Murasaki Shion fat“ on Google and while scrolling, I had came across a fart inflation drawing that featured Mori Calliope and maybe Kiara Takanashi? The picture has her farting into Calli’s face. Cali then lets out a lot of farts when being overinflated. I went back to the tab but then the picture is gone. I’m not sure if it’s deleted or if it is still available. Does anybody have it?
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Who is the artist? Found this image I was looking for on archive.moe
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Who TF is this!?
Hello, I'm looking for a specific video I only saw once as a preview on Vimeo, it was of a guy inflating another guy with an air pump in what I think was a locker room before eventually popping him with a pin. I have never been able to find this video anywhere else after Vimeo did a wipe of stuff like that, so I’d appreciate it if someone could give me a pointer as to where I can find the video or if they could just send the video itself.
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>>113839 >>113908 Not all of their work! They post fur on furaffinity, female on DA and my personal favorite is their stash of male art on newgrounds!
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Anyone know the artist that made these two?
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Does anyone have the full version to this animation by MaboCorescant?
I don't need any art, with this, just a name. I want to try and hunt for art from a deleted user who had this profile picture, but I need their name first.
>>117282 Bravefightercorner
Hey, if anybody happens to find the full image or the artist I'm willing to share / trade. Thanks
Hey, im looking for a artist who did those pictures, i would love to see a full sequence
i need help peeps I remember a story on deviantart, where a girl inflated and her brother barged in and helped her until he got a bit too into it and decided to keep her in his closet, tape on her mouth so she stayed inflated. Help
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who's the girl in this?
>>117477 From what I can tell, it was a commission from Bard Of Swells for Interrorgum called "Boyfriend knows best." Unfortunately, interrorgum deleted the sequence along with most of their content a while ago. Wayback machine will get you a 5th part, but I couldn't find a way to get that picture without it being horrible quality. If you're curious, though, she apparently does not pop? Or at least, that's what is implied by Bard Of Swells in the comment section of the 5th part.
>>117673 Yeah. She didn't pop rather she litterally turn into a blueberry in the end since interrorgum make a lot of blueberry tf before they wipe their gallery
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>>117710 Bro she does pop.
>>117673 What a shame its deleted, but thanks for the info! I will check it out
>>117741 Nvm, way back machine doesnt want to load it up, i guess its lost media now
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I've seen this comic a long time ago here on the threads but that was in the past so~ i wonder of anyone here still posses this great comic and if he can share it?
>>117724 If you go to the wayback machine, bard says she'll be alright by the end. Maybe there are alternate endings?
>>117760 I do recall that both bard and interrorgum did plan multiple different ending for the sequence so this could be an alternate ending
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Does anyone have the pic where Aqua from KH is getting inflated by the creatures of darkness and she’s complaining that she can’t hold it in any longer?
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>>118048 Nvm found it lol
Please enjoy https://mab.to/t/ZJc5wpJVVV4/us2
>>118345 Please tell us what it is before we click on it.
>>118756 Are you new around here? You' have to be to not know how Mab links work. Like You can literally see and watch the videos before you decide to download it. Anyway links expired now but it was 3 Diane Chrystall vids. I'll reup if someone's got Disc0kitt3n's carbonation inflation
Does anyone know who made this?
>>119076 Nemo3313 https://www.deviantart.com/nemo3313/art/Anatomy-of-a-Blueberry-868077670
Could someone tell me what artist made this?
>>119778 https://x.com/SonicLagann
someone posted this in the male inflation thread, anyone know who did it?
Not inflation, but this pic of Eclipsa from SVTFOE was posted here and really would like to find the artist. Yandex and Google reverse image search gave me nothing.
Does anybody know who made these images?
>>120332 Looks like Superflate https://www.deviantart.com/superflate/gallery
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Sauce on the artist?
>>120382 Found it from a thisvid slideshow https://thisvid.com/videos/inflation-02/
I'm looking for an artist more than the works, however what works I do remember were of a blue haired elf woman absorbing mana which filled her up bottom heavy, along with a dwarf/halfling sequence of her eating cakes that were each a whole day rations before jogging off the weight.
https://thisvid.com/videos/twink-inflates-themselves-in-public/ anyone know who this is??
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Does anyone know who made this image
>>120566 https://saucenao.com/search.php?db=999&url=https://bbw-chan.link/.media/1054dab84cecf335c9ccdb91614591136601cd33bf7aa973f4bd8670db880d4a.png SauceNao and IQDB Search are pretty helpful tools. Looks like they changed their art style though.
>>120462 Not sure why you post this here but, he's this guy https://x.com/bloonstation?lang=en This guy is better (mf inflates with industrial size and grade helium tank https://x.com/owlloon?lang=en Real shame that they're both furrys
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Had a person on report my post offer me a comic commission and I'm just trying to see if they are a real person. Can't find any info based on their report my post username and Google reverse image is netting me nothing
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Does anyone have the youtube link (or other video link) of this video I remember watching, a powerpoint animation of a man swallowing from a tube until his belly explodes with a cartoon splat sound effect, here is a recreation of what it looked like I have no plans to jack off to it, I want to recover repressed memories
>>120945 Perhaps you're thinking of this video? https://youtu.be/-JKEyUJCRGI
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Anyone know who this is or have more of her? All I've heard was her name was Germania or Germany but I can never find anything, I also think she's russian.
>>120983 https://videos.stufferdb.com/models/germaniya-germaniya/
>>120983 https://www.reddit.com/r/BellyExpansion/s/WiOK3bAh6k This them or someone stealing their identity?
need sauce on these. best bb panty and stocking art ive ever seen the first one shows her expanding in a red dress but it wont let me post it
>>104177 It's Riley from Girls Meets World, and the person who made it was made by BluKream. They deleted all their old (better) stuff tho.
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Does anyone know the artist for this one? Reverse searching doesn't work.
>>121278 Artist is Ruuru https://imhentai.xxx/gallery/580913/
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Anyone know who made this sequence?
>>121350 https://www.deviantart.com/liliacmoonda
>>120983 If she can inflate her belly THAT BIG, she's the queen! Unless if there's another woman that can inflate bigger than her.
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Sauce on this?
>>121442 It's a commission of my OC I got from FruityShork, here's a link to it: https://x.com/Fruityshork/status/1746037436147212682?s=19
Im looking for a image where master roshi steals the android remote from the cell games and uses it on Android 18 but instead of blowing her up it quite literally "blows her up" into a beach ball as krillen panics chasing after his android aunt Marge floating girlfriend while roshi nose bleeds and laughs.
Anyone have this one image of Pearl from SU dressed as a Playboy bunny with a huge stomach? I remember seeing it on tumblr, but I haven't been able to find it since.
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Anyone know the sauce for this?? i tried searching it myself but couldnt find anything abt this
>>121682 the artist literally wrote their name in the bottom right corner
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Anyone know whatever happed to Bambi Blaze?
>>121723 Got accused of producing pederast content. So the cops showed up at her house. The call was traced to have come from Arizona (she lived in the south east US). Said she was going to fight it. Then dropped of the face of the Earth. Or that's the story she put out there. I also heard Mistress Taylor bought some of her BE rigs later on. It's also possible that either X-spander or Maxgrowth are rebrands of Bambi Blaze. Or at least the guy she was with at the time.
Just because she was the first or only person doing inf content doesnt mean it was good. Just like taylormade, They have no competitor so its all garbage.
I've searched the name but nothing popped up that legit why I'm asking,
>>121834 >>121706 ive searched the name below, Nothing showed up at all, has or did the artist change there name??
>>121834 it's literally Facungo_dont on twitter like it was the first thing that came up when I googled them. Mostly object tf stuff with inflation thrown in here or there
Anyhow got that pic of a Hunter in Monster Hunter inflated being cuddled by Zamtrios?
Anyone know the artist?
>>122353 https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/103154137 Here
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>>3192 hate it when people crop pics to post em on /v/
>>122656 I cannot fathom hearing out any opinion you have if this activates your neurons
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Anybody know who made this? Reverse image search gave nothing.
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>>122516 Deviantseiga
Anyone know who did the comic of Shepard and Tali inflating? It looks like Nylonwave but i cant find it for the life of me. Maybe it was a different artist.
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Anyone know the full name of the girl in this video?
>>123939 Minimura
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>>125058 that's pregnancy and that's Icarus illustration
Looking for a image of a blueberry girl in a hockey mask serial killer thing as a Friday the 13th joke and can't find it
Looking for black cat from spider man inflated I belive it was by yer-keij-fer-cash she was being blown up by another girl with spider man in the pic saying something about it
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i remember someone from the sexyblimp group (i think?) did voice acting over some lewd gifs some time ago, i saw them stitched into a video on PH before the big wipe. one of them was a clip from an anime, a blonde girl with large breasts with an octopus stuck to one of them. does anyone know what i'm talking about? is this even the right place to ask?
Anyone know the source of this animation?
Their was a pic of a Misty inflating dawn by holding a staryu to fill her with water I cant finds anywhere. I swear it wasnt a fever dream. Anyone have it?
I remember there was an old picture on deviantart called "Sam Inflation" It was a color pencil drawing of a woman in a green shirt having her breast and belly inflated through the navel by an air tank a hand was turning on and the woman can't reach the tank. I think it was made in some time between 2015 - 2018?
Does anyone have that Yor Forger from Spy x Family pic that Jacqthepossposs did? I tried to find him on Twitter but his account got nuked
Okay, so not exactly inflation related, it involve Violet Beauregarde. Years ago, say 2015-2017? There was a speed paint video simply titled “Juicy” and the song used for the background was the song of same name. Video runtime outlasted the song’s and it looped once but the reprisal was short before the fade out and video ended. It was, as I’d describe, a fan version of Violet Beauregarde. Not based on any specific iteration. The artist seemed to have difficulty w/ how the gum bubble Violet is blowing look like. All that was drawn was the bust. Of course with only that as the title and been years since I last seen it, you can imagine difficulty locating it. By whatever chance there is, any of you know what I’m talking about?
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A while back their was a youtube inflation morph of this girl. Does anyone have it still?
Looking for one of Blukream (KdayK19)’s old morphs. It was a blueberry one of Vanessa Hudgen’s character from the Journey to the mysterious island movie. Does anyone have it?
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Does anybody have sauce on this pic? Also here's some stuff i've noticed, i dont usually come here. >>116016 Honi-san on twitter and pixiv. mostly does fat. https://x.com/lowproteinhighf https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/929548 >>125752 first pic is from kirinmaru on pixiv. might be behind a paywall. https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/86479986 second pic has a watermark that says bonbon.
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Does anyone know the source for this image by any chance?
Has anyone else noticed how Kparty has slowed down?
>>101483 a large amount of their stuff is here https://furarchiver.net/Artist/Gallery?artist=allymoodyneko&page=1
>>127419 It's not slowed down, it's been broke for months, but apparently the devs are working on it
>>127535 yeah they said mid-October to November when it should be fixed
What caused it to break anyway?
>>127549 no clue, just sort of happens sometimes this time being the longest at least to my knowledge
I remember some inflation comic from some time ago with the main cast being women sent on some sort of interplanetary expedition. The first inflation sequence is one of the main characters' cryogenic stasis tube being tampered with so that they gain massive amounts of weights over the centuries of deep sleep. This is then followed by another sequence of one of the crew members eating the local flora of the planet they're prospecting and having the usual blueberry inflation shtick. Does anyone know the name of the comic?
>>127638 It's this: https://www.deviantart.com/okayokayokok/art/Blue-Planet-panel-1041189894
>>127644 Right on the money, thanks!
Does anyone have this??? https://www.patreon.com/login?ru=%2Fposts%2Fdont-click-on-in-114376943&immediate_pledge_flow=true
>>92328 Sauce This?
Anyone know what happend to @TridiExpansions?
>>123014 If you were still looking https://www.furaffinity.net/view/20858576/
the account got taken off twitter recently, but I’m looking for a comic where a girl is buried in sand and cops pull her out revealing that breasts were so big under the sand they left a crater, I remember she was also wearing a red bikini
https://thisvid.com/videos/guy-inflates-girl-in-public/ Anybody know the source?
Had a dream about a blueberry boy that was sloshing up and down, and he had a small dick in view. Is there any art similar to that dream?
>>129291 Every single male berry pic on the internet you fucking trog
>>129286 So anyone have any idea where this vid is from?
A few years ago there was a group of 3 Australian women who made 3-4 expansion videos on youtube. I know they had their channel removed at one point for explicit content, wondering if anyone knows who they are and if they have any content still around? I remember one video had a epidemic of expansion that the girl got and she slowly expanded. Another video had a girl as a witch who expanded and I remember at the end she went and lay down on her bed and called the viewer over. That's all I remember. But they were really good despite clearly low budget.
>>127416 Bumping this one real quick, really wanna be able to find this one if I can
>>127416 >>130340 “TripleStabber” on Twitter/Bluesky, but they don’t normally do this stuff so don’t bother asking.
Could someone upload this for me, please? https://www.deviantart.com/gtsmaniac/art/Very-long-legged-giantess-struggles-to-sitting-1104390168
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Anyone know the Artist?
>>131143 Winterweather, he's doesnt post much publicly anymore, but his patreon and picarto streams have dedicated followers
Tried finding the source, but didn't find anything. I remember getting it from a thread here, but i can't find that either. Looks a bit like HellResident's style but couldn't find anything
https://bbw-chan.link/inf/res/3192.html#q131257 Yeah that's hellresidents work dunno where to find it though cos they deleted some of their stuff from the internet a while ago.
The guy who used to have a bunch of these sketches had a super japanese name Bootsynekoyama or something, all his stuff vanished from the internet years ago>>131143
Was sent in the pov inflation thread but nothing on the reverse image search. Anyone know who made this?
>>131931 Huskmoder
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>>131943 I mean if you need proof it's on her twitter
where is this from??
>>131257 This is old HellResident! Fucking love it.
>>132083 Part of me wants to say that this is from an official musical, but I have nothing to confirm it.
>>132107 Actually, speaking of, does anyone have any footing of the official JP musical? I can't find it anywhere.
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Anyone know which TMC vid this is?
does anyone know the name of a comic series with some kind of BE/lactation virus? from a guy who draws BE into bursting a lot, a woman gets hot and bothered at a conference, squirts breast milk onto other women, who all explode alongside her. the last panel i remember is some sort of business executive coldly discussing the epidemic, and the last shot is her breasts mildly growing.
>>132108 there's none across the whole internet unfortunately
Is there any legit way to read hueys fun house somewhere around here? If I'm to believe whats been said around the community sugar muffins won't be releasing public uploads outside the Kickstarter? so logically given that the second issue was on the way and they're not making it available for any other means logically it should be up and around somewhere around here right as they're seemingly no issues with reuploading for free? Has anyone uploaded it?
>>132215 Damn, to think something that happened so recently can be considered lost media...
Anyone have the source for this?
>>132083 Only source I found was this weirdo edit maybe you can find out where they got the image? https://www.tiktok.com/@magengeluso/video/6822038641473326341
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>>132083 But I'm 85 percent sure this feels like a cosplay more than a play? Could be wrong >>132108 do you mean the Koichi Domoto femboy Wonka? Yeah it happened. Can't find any footage of anything although interestingly the loomphas inflated as well or at least had cartoonish thunder thighs! But can't find much on the violet scene so don't ask. Not even sure if they used a adult actress for her so might not even be worth mentioning. But you're welcome to research yourself and correct this. All I know is wonkas a kpop pretty boy and the loomphas are dumpy as fuck!
I need help finding a certain image. The girl was bound in a chair and she had hoses in her mouth and butt filling her with water while her belly was pressing into a wall of spikes. In the background there was the doll from saw shocked as this is not what he wanted
>>132678 this is literally the only trace of this photo...I don't get where this could even be even trying to search though the Japanese web gives me no results for it
>>132679 I’ve been looking for the play for so long, or at least something. There is a photo where you can see an inflated Violet in the background, but just barely. I believe the actresses are adults, at least 18
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Does anyone know who made this sequence?
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>>133174 Guy named BluKream on DA made them, moved the morphs to a google drive folder.
>>133174 https://mab.to/t/wosPR6qGGaT/us2
Does anyone know the artist who drew this image? I tried to search using the signiture but I was unseccessful.
>>133186 @TheSanstorm on twitter
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So anyone know what happened to this content creator. Was on twitter under the username Big Mac and it can’t find the profile anymore
>>133363 https://twitter.com/bloomphs they just go on and off private a bunch, they also post and delete irl pics often so if you see one you like you've gotta save it
Bit of a longshot here, I am looking for a sequence of a blonde woman facing a glass panel. Cumflation ensues causing her breasts and belly to expand. There were chat bubbles with her reactions as the sequence progressed. Eventually she assumably explodes into cum. The sequence was a minute or two long. Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction.
>>133467 This it? https://www.tnaflix.com/hd-videos/cum-inflation/video4155652
Thats it! tytytytyty Did you just search cum inflation and find it? Man my google skills need a refresh.
>>133554 Nah, I just knew the artist, their user name is skie-maree btw. I actually thought the bursting version of this was lost media since I hadn't run across it in years took me a little bit of searching but I was able to find it fairly quick.
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Anyone got an idea who?
>>133785 name is on the bottom right of image
>>133185 reup please?
>>94949 https://thisvid.com/videos/tank-inflate/
does anyone know where this is from?
>>134476 https://mega.nz/file/hyEF2Aba#wqWV8P_5trQIrP-dRH8RYYrfhGEY_p1Y_zP9lC5YPMg https://x.com/mmd_aphrodity/status/1651375503423545344
A while ago someone posted this on a thread (can't remember which one) and I don't know if anyone ever mentioned who made it...
>>134633 https://www.deviantart.com/igy7y/art/Not-An-Edit-By-Thatkeyboardmasher-Dfnvgpe-414w-2x-1053370207 i could only find this link.
Artist please?
>>132825 any updates on this musical?
Does someone know who made this?
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Anyone know who the artist for this is and have a full size of it? I really can't recognize the artist at all. They look sort of like tubbytoon but I don't think it is.
>>135366 that IS tubbytoon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXFpu8h2Vm8 https://x.com/Tubbitoons/status/1884967853180231788
somebody remember of a short video that was in an old tv game show it seems with a female host named Barbara and a hot female guest with huge boobs enters the set under huge applause and she just says "hello, Barbara!" and i think the video ends there. Is there a context to it? who's dat girl? :D
I'm looking for a semi comic when 2b inflation herself to fight a giant robot does anyone remember it? I can’t find it
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Ive come across this on this site and ive never found out who made this or what the comic is called. Its not an an opik orrt comic.
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Does anyone know the artist and have a link to his art?
There was this artist on Furaffinity named "Dendy" that made some inflation sequences, one of which was named something along the lines of "the bunny behind the bang," featuring a bunny Astronaut in a pink spacesuit inflating massively and then exploding. I was able to find one of Dendy's other sequences on furaffinty(pictured below), however it appears that they deleted their furaffinity account and now only the reupload of this other sequence remains. Does anyone know of this comic, have it avaliable, or know if the artist has posted somewhere other than FFA? Thanks, in advance. Had this one on my mind for awhile.
>>136056 here https://furarchiver.net/Artist/Gallery?artist=dendy.
>>136104 unfortunately I get a 404 when I try going to that link. I'm assuming their page wasn't archived correctly before it was deleted
nvm it was a browser issue. thanks! >>136123
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need to know where this came from, i can't find it anywhere and reverse image search has not been blessing me
>>136188 zoidberg656. He only has a half dozen images like this before he moved on to inferior CGI generic furshit
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>load up twitter >see really nice art of harley quinn puffkissing poison ivy >i'm pretty sure it was based on that one shade the changing man cover (pic related) >timeline refreshes before I can like, retweet or even get a good look at the artist's handle >i never see it again I want to rape Elon Musk, and I explicitly want him to not enjoy it.
>>136831 It’s from jingelvelrock on devianart
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does anyone remember Bravecornerfighter and if possible have an archive of their art? i've searched everywhere and even with the wayback machine cant get to their art.
Anonymous 02/21/2025 (Fri) 18:41:40 Id:220047 No. 80576 Hi I’m not asking for the comic but help finding a comic it was called Ashley and another girls name one was a model and the other fattened the model up? Thanks
Anyone have this video? Diane Chrystall - Alien Insemination: Shadowheart's Egg Laying Pregnant Belly - ManyVids https://search.app/RB5Wgq5m78NYXy3i7
>>136831 Found it
>>137379 Also please don't rape Elon inflate his wife instead and put Legos in his shoes if you must do something!
>>137380 >inflate his wife instead which one
>>137387 All of them? Make a parade? I don't know to be honest just joking around.
i dont remember where i found this and searching AMI doesnt bring up the creator https://mab.to/t/jH0TbH2iFK2/us2
This is kind of a different request since I know the artist but can't find the pic. The artist was Kdayk/Blukream and he did a morph I believe called "Fallout Nuka Berry" which used Suzi The Sphere Hunter as the model and it was a really good one of her as a blueberry rounded out in a wasteland in a vault suit. Someone posted an archive on another thread but it wasn't included. I NEED this one if anyone has it saved somewhere please.
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Could someone please identify the characters in this picture?
Alright,this'll be an odd one,but I'm looking for the name of a book series. A while ago,maybe one or two years ago,there was an anon on this board who made a thread dedicated to an inflation scene from a book series of some kind. Unsurprisingly,there wasn't much activity on the thread and it was soon deleted. I'm trying to find the name of that book series and I'm hoping someone here might have it. It's a long shot though. And just a note,this isn't about The Blue Air Compressor thread,that one actually had a bit more traction before it was deleted. This isn't about the Aunt Marge thread either. I apologize if I'm too nondescript about this or if this is hyper-specific. Any and all help is appreciated,thank you.
>>136056 >>136152 >>136152 How do you solve the problem??
