/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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(793.90 KB 1920x1200 Cirno.png)
(90.72 KB 1024x732 b2Dnutfh.jpg)
(591.31 KB 889x667 9ede3757a4.png)
Touhou Inflation Thread Anonymous 07/24/2022 (Sun) 01:45:54 Id:876d71 No. 57088
Self explanatory, Touhou characters getting round or inflated in some other variety.
(244.08 KB 1446x2048 FJ3kjNIakAUjXAb.jpeg)
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(936.66 KB 1600x1400 reimu balloon.png)
(704.67 KB 1280x1812 01.jpg)
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(514.07 KB 5500x2943 touhous.png)
(5.76 MB 6240x4938 91595382_p0.png)
(1.70 MB 1470x1400 chen blueberry.png)
(147.03 KB 800x950 youmu balloon.jpg)
(784.99 KB 2037x1350 Ee0wYRvUYAg5JTd.png)
(519.02 KB 1200x1000 FBBfEO0VgBE5RiE.png)
(2.10 MB 2448x2292 kanako.png)
(445.51 KB 599x868 0A3vZ4c.png)
(163.66 KB 1800x1600 sakuya and chen balloon.jpg)
(2.50 MB 2000x2000 62094288_p1.jpg)
(677.28 KB 5500x2668 hell berries.png)
(1.19 MB 1315x1701 EHkcDjWUUAALS-b.png)
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(2.18 MB 1500x1500 02bf88f5a2.png)
(844.61 KB 3840x2160 76709615_p0.png)
Have this beaut with the source https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/76709615
(53.65 KB 1000x1000 DYsYuoQVoAAnXdW.jpg)
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(1.06 MB 1400x1120 FABWKU3UcAYdmDf.png)
>>58532 >Mola Where's s/he?
(797.75 KB 1600x1350 77167566_p7.png)
>>62379 off somewhere distant....
(776.65 KB 991x1200 Fed_1OHagAIkEb6.png)
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(575.33 KB 5428x4370 yuugi.png)
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>>75020 Sauce on the second image?
(44.71 KB 807x864 IMG_20191114_202017.jpg)
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(178.46 KB 1200x1200 FnqFUyOakAErzIR.jpg)
>>65685 There are hardly any pieces of Flandre.... One could imagine that she'd use magic to inflate herself, and use her cloning ability to smother some unsuspecting subject.
>>79833 >There are hardly any pieces of Flandre Guess I oughta change that
>>79833 I'd like to imagine she'd use her clones to puffkiss some unsuspecting youkai until they burst
(110.12 KB 1920x1080 FfrfwdjVUAMfEFV.jpg)
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If anyone has the sequence I’ll love them forever. I believe it was a Touhou character but it’s been a while. There’s a ghost girl with a little square hat and green clothing, and another girl grabs her ghost tail and blows into it. The ghost girl inflates and eventually pops from getting blown up. Does that sound familiar to anyone?
(325.59 KB 740x581 44490611_p1.png)
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(414.40 KB 749x553 44490611_p3.png)
>>59411 Who is the artist ? It looks adorable
(600.33 KB 1821x1400 104759632_p0.png)
(697.91 KB 1821x1400 104759632_p1.png)
(873.28 KB 1821x1400 104759632_p2.png)
>>86158 purrine
(289.98 KB 1053x2048 20230506_174628.jpg)
>>86064 Source on the second pic?
>>86259 SeigaDeviant
>>86138 I'm gonna say it we NEED more ghost tail inflation so many ghosts with tails why isn't this more common fanart?
>>86259 What this pic on Source and links?
(888.85 KB 2517x2977 100152812_p0.jpg)
(370.73 KB 1609x2048 20230624_220811.jpg)
>>87077 https://twitter.com/dadada_53/status/1654957859606781954?t=GYAczCAAkETZxTBLkfi5Gg&s=19
(1.73 MB 2040x2720 Ftq8OxRaAAEy-0L.png)
>>80695 Sauce for the cirno ones?
>>91256 Do u happen to have a source?
>>91355 I want you to look at the name of the file for me.
(145.88 KB 1422x1081 F3Ta_axbsAAP75z.png)
(25.68 KB 1261x887 F3Ta_bDbIAAo8Br.png)
(280.24 KB 2048x1434 F4Rq--TWMAA0lOJ.jpg)
(232.23 KB 750x750 F5pBLjwboAAkJj-.png)
>>94033 found it https://twitter.com/Gardegu_/status/1694596996890333231
anyone has this pic in better quality?
>>97788 I couldn't find a high-resolution version of the image, so I tried making it higher quality with an app. Sorry for being bad.
(250.62 KB 750x900 F9r95fTbIAAGHyH.png)
(252.41 KB 750x900 F9r95fQasAAM4YG.png)
>>98398 doesn't look too bad ngl
(315.93 KB 750x750 88711787_p0_master1200.jpg)
(444.27 KB 750x750 98448217_p0_master1200.jpg)
>>100133 CUTE.
AUselessaz just deleted his blueberry art, for those who had some art of him, can anyone send it here?
>>97788 >Here's a full original picture
(500.48 KB 2520x2158 GBbSfmxWsAA2NzV.jpg)
(412.45 KB 3011x3293 marisa berry pt 2.png)
>>57088 Technically this belongs in the video game thread.
(583.01 KB 3100x2960 GE10dSdawAAN1BM.png)
(968.20 KB 2811x4096 GFzgObuaUAATb6U.jfif)
>>106394 This.
(114.94 KB 1192x670 IMG_0562.jpeg)
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(114.85 KB 493x483 IMG_0770.png)
(118.27 KB 1088x1088 IMG_0731.jpeg)
(3.06 MB 1080x1080 youmuinflation.gif)
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>>111392 I think the website's corrupted.
Surprising how popular Touhou is in the inflation community.
full res and some alts for these
(252.63 KB 2048x1726 IMG_0562.jpeg)
(220.58 KB 2048x1726 IMG_0563.jpeg)
>>98398 what is the app's name?
I found good shit Art by Vibe28 on Deviantart
>>58624 Does anyone know who's the original artist of this drawing?
(369.94 KB 3184x2059 20250215_014959.jpg)
