/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Danganronpa Thread 2: Witty Subtitle Anonymous 01/26/2023 (Thu) 21:26:26 Id:f73c33 No. 76534
Because the other one vanished
>>76534 the third has makoto in it the heck. Not saying it as a bad way.
there was one in the last thread that was the zetsubou junko blueberry sequence. anyone who has it, please post it as I neglected to save it last time. if you have the bonus content to the sequence that would be appreciated as well :)
pls dont let thread die
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(608.88 KB 3499x2757 Kaede's gonna blow!.png)
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>>76536 seconded
>>76536 >>77097 Here ya go, should be everything https://mab.to/t/qdvcXymy1CM
>>77121 thank you homie been trying to find this for weeks now
>>77097 Aye yo, do you know who the artist was for this? And is there more of it?
(325.34 KB 2800x2500 IMG_8346.JPG)
>>77151 deathwishdetour on deviantart. a few more pieces of miu art but very little BE stuff.
(628.81 KB 2800x1600 maki roll.png)
I'm glad this series has gotten tons of nice art
>>77121 reup?
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(626.15 KB 1500x1299 hiroko hagakureberry.jpg)
>>77524 Sure, here you are
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If anyone got some rare Junko blueberry inflation shit, dab me I need new material ASAP rocky
(662.54 KB 1977x2275 Chiaki_2022-4-2.jpg)
>>77732 is there more to this? not enough chiaki inf art
>>77721 zetsubou berry is up in the thread but beyond that I know what you mean. a shame there isn't more cause I've been jackin it to junko since I was 15
>>77530 Junko enjoying it with an air of urgency and peril in the background is some Bellagio fountain level stuff
>>77845 If you want to, Send me a folder of you favorite Junko works you’ve seen over the years
Some more Junko stuff
>>77903 how should I upload it? MAB?
>>77989 I think so, I but usually prefer if you can just post ‘em here
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bump, this comics hot as fuck even though the arts not great. would love to commission an artist to redraw it one day
Does anyone have that art of Maki as a blueberry? I think it was cutiepopblue
I think these might be the ones you're looking for?
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>>77169 Anyone know the artist for this?
>>83769 Nuumatic, they can be found on DA and FurAffinity
Spoilered because they're male (It's Shuichi Saihara berried)
(1.55 MB 6000x4296 Chiaki_Blimp.png)
Write a scenario.
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This is the only piece I could find from PlebbityPloo before they disappeared without a trace
Stories? Mods?
>>88924 source?
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I should probably be asking this in the lost media thread,but does anybody have the full version of this image? It's an image of a blueberry Chihiro by Ajiklo. I can't seem to find it on his socials anywhere. He probably deleted it since he doesn't do male content.
>>90404 >doesn't do male content >draws it anyway >and then deletes it why even post the dang thing?
>>90482 He did it for BloopsyBlue,apparently. I don't get why he didn't just send it to Bloopsy in private instead of keeping it up on twitter publicly.
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>>90404 i gotchu homie
>>90735 Thank you so much.
(48.73 KB 900x376 414160-71015-preview.jpg)
Does anyone know if there is still Mukuro inflation?
Excuse me, but does anyone have those photos where Chihiro swells up into a blueberry after eating a pie made by Celestia?
(1016.52 KB 1024x1170 imagen_2023-08-14_182818451.png)
>>93333 here but the audio is in this link: https://www.deviantart.com/nametaken0/art/Inf-Audio-Chihiro-and-the-Ultimate-Berry-Bulger-918269702
That’s not it, it was five photos I think. And Celestia’s hair was down.
https://bbw-chan.nl/inf/res/76534.html#q93334 That’s not it, it was five photos I think. And Celestia’s hair was down.
>>93334 That’s not it, it was five photos I think. And Celestia’s hair was down.
>> 93344 Thank you.
(26.55 KB 640x528 u181xwakc7w61.jpg)
Thanks to you all, I actually went through and started playing this series. Fuck, I really need to see all of these cuties explode as punishments. Extremely underrated. Celestia needs to be pushed to the brink and explode. I blame swellreads' stories, the two ones with popping, the pumping and blueberry splatter one? Fucking hot... >>76869 >>85884 Hot, as fuck. I just can only imagine how huge they are getting and how tight they are before they finally pop in a bang.
>>76869 >>85884 Anyone know the artist of these?
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a big bomb of content
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here more
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images of imapovi bonus inflation of junko enoshima
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last for now
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and here more
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im back genttleman
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>>95197 Is there more this sequence of is it just this pic?
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i back temporally
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My last year's drawing
Send a full version of this please, created by Vhite9
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I just really…love..Kokichi
I only just now noticed that there was a Danganronpa inflation/expansion thread, so I figured I might as well post this here. My half of a trade with BloopsyBlue, resized for sharing on image boards. Higher resolution images and an accompanying short story are available on my main galleries on Deviant Art, Fur Affinity, Pivix, New Grounds, and Itaku.
>>100985 Test what?
>>100974 Very good! >>100985 >>101042 Sometimes the anti-spam bot named after 4chan's clown board doesn't let you post.
i remember more cgs of imbapovi with miu iruma
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No more arts?
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Does anyone have that Octoboy Kaede fartflation picture? If I remember right, Shuichi's the one doing the inflating
>>106696 Seconding this.
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does anyone have zetsubo berry/the junko berry expansion sequence? it was in the other thread but it was lost in a tragic hard drive death
>>109399 Oh it’s already on here, it’s near the top.
jinvinkk Has a few Inflation pieces. Could someone post them?
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>>114475 Artist?
>>114542 >he doesn't know Dave (PBUH)
>>114542 The artist is Nuumatic. You can find the images on their Kemono page.
>>114585 Bro there's like literally nothing on their kemono page... let alone those two images
>>114598 Look at Doodles (May 2024 Week 1) on Nuumatic’s Kemono page
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>>118227 Gmod…
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It seems that Aoi has gone back to the cafeteria to binge on some donuts, might have gone a bit far.
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Blueberry Sayaka, my beloved
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To try and spread despair, Junko decided to turn herself and her classmates into massive, city-crushing blueberries. Why she decided on that specifically is anyone's guess.
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>>120782 Sauce on this one, anybody?
>>121439 https://www.deviantart.com/manga-fluffs/art/The-Bloating-of-the-Versailles-Witch-1077538119
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Have some Angie for the soul
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>>122572 Source?
>>80694 Honestly surprised to see this here. I know the artist and showed them that it was posted here, and she appreciates the sentiment.
>>129060 well now i feel bad that i said the arts not great and would com someone to redraw it if you talk to her tell her that she has the fundamentals down really well of drawing arousal and swelling forms and if she decides to come back to deviantart id favorite her shit
>>129114 Talked with her and she’s still active. She’s working on something currently that’ll be posted on her DA, but it’s not on topic with the board. I would share some more of her art, but I feel it fits more on bbwdraw than here
>>129114 Also she appreciates what you said about her having the fundamentals of arousal and swelling forms down.
(369.58 KB 3300x3000 [COM] Makoto x Maki Puffkissing.jpg)
Love is in the air? Wrong! Inflation! ...well, both I guess. Whatever is in the air, we know it's big, including Makoto. At least there's something in the air besides despair. And us may be wondering, Ultimate Luck? More like Ultimate balloon!
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I fear the gambling queen might burst first
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