/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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(1.28 MB 1279x1279 1587589746069.png)
Gassy Inflation 2 Anonymous 05/02/2023 (Tue) 16:17:45 Id:c85cef No. 85029
Continued from >>59919 Inflation that centers around gaseous expulsions from either top or bottom. I'm sure ((nobody)) will mind a continuation of this fine, long-lived and successful thread subject.
(546.92 KB 1400x2141 1430628616074.png)
(343.37 KB 1920x1440 punkie.png)
(500.21 KB 1920x1506 komi.png)
(745.28 KB 1920x1920 lady_luck.png)
(507.47 KB 2500x1920 1681429035319238.png)
(3.94 MB 2894x4093 FsYD1hFacAE76n3.jpg)
(3.98 MB 2894x4093 FsYD3AAakAI8EAv.jpg)
(148.25 KB 954x1200 FqczqYbagAEvy8b.jpg)
(960.30 KB 3000x4390 talicomm1_B.jpg)
There you are right on schedule.
(258.91 KB 2048x1479 FuqxPEQWYAMA8kJ.jpg)
(978.74 KB 3600x3100 FrxVXUZXgAAUait.png)
(462.04 KB 2502x1586 Fth99_LXwBYFU8N.jpg)
(483.49 KB 4096x2493 Fq97ASpWYAM-FHM.jpg)
(194.50 KB 1200x1400 FpGWv3rXoAAn522.jpg)
It's so based how many artists have started drawing fartflation in the last year
(264.15 KB 1055x1920 IMG_7537.jpeg)
(754.13 KB 3500x3800 (Comm)_Slob.jpg)
Looks like someone, or a group of someones, had their feelings hurt :)
(2.81 MB 2400x3100 1669839744326447.png)
>>85140 Can you give a source for that pic?
(148.02 KB 2000x2000 Fpn_TCeagAE34bI.png)
>>85275 bnevis
(2.49 MB 2894x4093 FvV3AM0aQAAWLMQ.jpg)
(9.52 MB 3600x3100 TointoitGnotxt.png)
(103.26 KB 975x1189 tali_alt-1.jpg)
(131.58 KB 1280x1019 IMG_1831.jpeg)
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(114.34 KB 1382x1457 IMG_1809.jpeg)
(805.03 KB 3240x2430 IMG_1829.jpeg)
>>85576 Artist for this one?
(1.18 MB 1830x1337 ampearl.png)
(1.41 MB 1000x2069 fif.png)
How about inflation through farts?
(1.55 MB 3135x2363 IMG_7682.png)
(1.76 MB 3631x2963 IMG_7676.png)
(3.86 MB 6300x3837 1683708781423986.jpg)
for all the audiophilles i recommend Audioplayer090 on deviantart, they're top notch imo
(279.23 KB 2048x1769 StWzxLk4.jpg)
>>85851 Your audios are fucking dogshit, you aren't fooling anyone.
(266.00 KB 2048x1860 00I3Odb.jpg)
(159.17 KB 1920x1511 1683213221211470.png)
>>85805 Sauce?
(642.01 KB 2100x2100 Fwn9c60XgAAKS63.jpg)
>>85353 It's interesting that quite a few Japanese artists have no qualms about drawing inflation with brap but western artists go absolutely berserk at the merest implication of it.
>>86580 And then draw men. Faggots.
I know this is just conflicting personal tastes, but if someone was to ask me, "what's the fastest way to ruin a good piece of erotic art," one of my answers would be "have her flatulating a noxious haze of fart clouds." However, I see a learning opportunity, so for the sake of my morbid curiosity, I want to temporarily suspend my personal disgust long enough to ask, as cordially as I can: why? What/where is the appeal in fetishizing farts? Even for other fetishes that I personally can't stand, like WG and futa, I can kind of understand the reasons why people are into that, and I've even talked with people who are and they've given credence to my hypothesis. But farts is just one of those things that I can't even think of reasons for why it arouses some people. It strikes me as an aromatic version of scat porn, which is another thing I cannot fathom: not without proposing some ultra Freudian speculations as to how anyone could have a kink for human biological waste. Please, enlighten me.
Dude to boil it down to, maybe it’s the humiliation and the pure sheer, unadulterated brashness of the action that gets me goin, Scat is different as in, it’s like, complete animalistic grossness, or maybe it’s just, the internet ruined a lot of sexual appeal, and it usually depends on where the “flatulence” comes from, preferably a Dumptruck ass, Also fun fact: A fetishization for feet, comes from a neurological issue, basically if your nerves were laid out on a table, sometimes the nerves closest to your dick, are also the nerves that reside in your feet, it’s pretty interesting
No but scat is like genuinely disgusting, it’s weird how releasing gas is hot to me, but the other side of the coin, makes me want to throw up.
>>86580 western artists are huge babies >>86678 male inflation is great >>86685 you're into inflation. how can you possibly question another fetish's existence?
>>86690 He's a berryfucker. It's completely ideologically driven that he's at war with brap / slob.
>>86685 Aren't you the same person from the last gas thread who asked that very same question?
I'm noticing a pattern with this thread: no one likes anything but their fetish. Brap guys hate berry for some reason, Straight guys despise penis, Berry guys apparently come here to question why someone likes gas. Then there's me who likes all three and never post my art here.
>>86728 He's asked the same thing of artists who draw it. I've seen him on DA. Berryfuckers are on autopilot. Their masters whip them up and send them out to do their dirty work and they will pursue their goal like automatons, in the hope that their daddies like Undertaker and Seiga and FW will pat them on the head and notice them.
>>86737 >Then there's me who likes all three. Based. This post is probably going to be removed for the following pictures,but here's some pics of all three combined just to offend all sides.
(629.56 KB 3000x3000 1682710105255716.png)
(394.38 KB 1824x992 1682710105255715.png)
does anyone know who drew this
>>86981 You guys really aren't sending your best.
>>86906 melissaalli
(327.31 KB 850x1176 psgm1v0w.jpg)
anyone having the popping version of this? its by nylonwave
(404.56 KB 1643x1857 1685859762246712.jpg)
>>87351 mofuu draws braps? or is this some other artist
(268.71 KB 1576x1970 1685572087062448.png)
>>87361 That's Kafe I believe
>>85629 Sauce?
(1.15 MB 480x360 Fartblow.webm)
you guys are gonna blow your load so hard once you see this
>>88777 Why are they in the regular show park
>>88777 why has the video been put through a hydraulic press
(149.06 KB 1199x916 FyC3tGJWcAAKzfX.jpeg)
by soniclagan on twitter
>>89611 Source?
>>89881 Edgeofmind
Just chilling
(166.29 KB 952x1200 Fx0i83gXoAEneMX.jpeg)
>>89934 completely missed the assignment there bud. heres what we are looking for in this thread. art by mangogurti
(777.98 KB 1200x1143 F0g6tJoaYAEmFmr.jpg)
(454.29 KB 3029x2563 F0SWWGkakAAOYny.jpg)
(675.00 KB 4096x3394 F0SXAotaMAAxj1C.jpg)
(654.94 KB 4096x3394 F0SXo2GakAAwgf6.jpg)
(180.05 KB 1800x1789 F0c6-cnWYAEv7Ov.jpg)
(125.17 KB 1098x1168 FzL8agWWwAMagLY.jpg)
(104.08 KB 1651x860 FzS6JOKWwAIpdJS.jpg)
(173.70 KB 1821x933 FzShs9gX0AE89k9.jpg)
(87.76 KB 1134x1010 FzSHsInWYAA7gma.jpg)
(6.12 MB 3631x2963 BatPOP(2).png)
(2.42 MB 4096x2645 FjZ4XemXEA0_6po.jpg)
>>90396 Sauce for the Harley?
(77.64 KB 1383x1038 FObMMF3VsAYH3JJ.jpg)
>Fighting invisible enemies >Not even sharing pics We know what you're doing
(366.26 KB 830x1200 img20220601_17220422.jpg)
(1.59 MB 1467x1333 Mona gassy alt half.jpg)
(1.26 MB 1333x1500 FA_2_gas_half.jpg)
(941.88 KB 1200x1200 Mahira inflate F half.jpg)
(71.18 KB 656x631 Fz5o9ZDakAA4ZFa.jpg)
(220.25 KB 2048x1920 Fyw0SufaUAAiro3.jpg)
(987.34 KB 3000x2631 F0S4vz3acAAlRwC.png)
(762.88 KB 4096x4096 Fxpt2SjWwAIfy1R.jpg)
(791.76 KB 3441x4096 FyRnevoWwAImreO.jpg)
(632.52 KB 2926x4096 F0sFr8BXoAYh-94.jpg)
>>90050 artist?
>>90433 'We'?
>>89887 He draws stuff like that?
(378.77 KB 2400x2400 F0G__-gWcAUV4CV.jpg)
>>90746 He has in the past
(413.88 KB 4096x1545 F0jUJu6XoAECEzq.jpg)
(1.79 MB 2580x1747 Tatsumaki N.png)
(1.50 MB 1648x2480 1688693662935677.jpg)
>>90819 sauce?
(787.24 KB 4096x4096 FzQpH5tXgAUcg1c.jpg)
Whatever seems to be the problem, berrybros?
>>91130 Source for that zelda?
>>85586 SpikerollSunday
(721.48 KB 2152x1430 IMG_7573.PNG)
>>91279 https://aryion.com/g4/view/785864 @the_bones_zone on Twitter
(142.50 KB 1200x1500 F0x0pg-aIAgyAxu.jpg)
Anybody got these?
>>92219 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rVinaHSKMrtiKIufXuUeRFYrDaIeT7Jy?usp=sharing
>>92257 KING
There was an animation of a hugely fat, gassy Tali'Zorah on the old thread, but that thread didn't just get bumplocked, it got vaporized, for some reason, and now I can't find that animation. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
>>92298 https://twitter.com/nickgam1/status/1634315672833654785?s=20 Old thread probably got mass reported by berryfags pulling the same report my post raid shit and forced mods to nuke the whole thread
(227.88 KB 2048x1693 F2i64PBXwAAOHeM.jpg)
(213.88 KB 1080x1686 F2N124AW8AErEGn.jpg)
(388.21 KB 1927x1280 F1Rp9riXsAMruEu.jpg)
(344.50 KB 1512x1539 F1gH33wXsAE3BG2.jpg)
(750.66 KB 2410x3000 F1gH4geXsAERWRt.jpg)
(1.06 MB 709x757 AgnesDrinkie.gif)
>>92257 dude you're awesome, do you have any of his other works?
(679.44 KB 1963x2048 Bloatware fart by beltpop.jpg)
>>92449 Oh, you're a schizo... what a shame
(876.23 KB 2048x1536 1691261647435656.png)
(1.47 MB 2069x1947 prizza pony glasses.png)
>>92793 Source?
(127.18 KB 1400x1300 1692620846178177.jpg)
(490.31 KB 1225x843 FDT2JUyWQAA2jy9.png)
(1.75 MB 1780x1722 FnTcjcXWAAAfyqC.png)
(228.96 KB 1800x1800 Fa9FztvXwAA4q_V.jpeg)
(960.86 KB 2048x1620 unknown (1).png)
(1.94 MB 2048x1754 unknown.png)
(1.58 MB 2000x1800 FdXcLg9XwBMeCV-.png)
(1.58 MB 2048x1954 FefBDphXgAESrfJ.png)
(2.40 MB 2000x1800 Fc7j5nQWQAECetW.png)
CW: Femboy inflation
>>93638 https://www.deviantart.com/chubnbasstwo
(1.06 MB 3852x3358 F4vICQ9WwAAgni9.jpg)
>>94374 Is that KafeKafei?
(595.92 KB 2589x2970 F52kN2-WMAEUCLU.jpg)
Berrybros.... our response?
(487.45 KB 2589x2970 media_F52mfPUWgAAjKee.jpg)
(546.76 KB 2303x3060 media_F5zSbAuXgAALI33.jpg)
(507.00 KB 3277x4096 media_F4auwyEX0AAh1BY.jpg)
>>95391 based?
>>95423 Where are the 2B images from?
>>95423 sauce?
(1.04 MB 2589x3221 F6AcLgaWEAAqmT0.jpg)
>>95569 Sorry,I just didn't want to accidentally start a flamewar and have it overtake half of the thread. I know it's the internet and outrage is inevitable,but I still wished to potentially stop any if possible.
(225.29 KB 1732x1280 media_F6padKQXoAAsDE_.jpg)
(661.86 KB 3184x3000 media_F5nhMIPXIAAEoj8.jpg)
(260.38 KB 1200x1692 media_F6EFFj_bIAAIBwE.jpg)
(1.10 MB 2106x1577 1692611618416681.png)
Anything good from DALL-E?
>>95425 @KafeNega
(754.68 KB 2800x2700 F79QEh9WEAA7M9o.jpg)
(7.11 MB 6000x6255 affo okayu.jpg)
>>97043 Impossible now because of the censorship
(375.14 KB 2000x1200 F8xve1_XwAAHTm0.jpg)
(365.58 KB 1452x1694 F9MbnZ5X0AA-Xtb.jpg)
Alrighty then. It's clear berryfags would rather take passive aggressive potshots than actually hash this out. The bad blood will only continue.
>>98466 Anon,I mean no offense by this,but you have the right to be angry at this post if you wish. Are you really going to continue your invisible war into this site's dying days? Is it even a war? Are you the only 'soldier' in this war? I understand your hatred for those who are overly aggressive towards fart inflation,I wish they weren't so aggressive too,but I doubt fighting them in this thread will change their views or prove them wrong. Call me a thin-skinned cunt,call me whatever bullshit 4chan lingo fits,call me stupid for trying to stop a meaningless flamewar on a dying pornsite and reasoning with an anonymous figure on the internet,but please at least think this through.
>>98598 The responsible parties know who they are. If total war is what they want, I am content to give it to them.
Holy shit guys are you seeing this some random dude on a fetish board is saying he’s mad it’s total war out here
>>98756 Going all out, aren't you?
(1.80 MB 1505x1141 5WyrGAa_.png)
Coexist already you fucking rats
(2.03 MB 4432x2554 fashabrritofart.png)
(118.31 KB 1159x1255 F8HL2YBWwAAr19M.jpg)
(125.61 KB 1159x1255 F8HL4H-WMAA8l1x.jpg)
(1.14 MB 4096x4066 F8lVNJ6awAEj21T.jpg)
>>99179 Where did Keiji lost that?
(1.44 MB 1280x1493 zeldorb ohdear dec2021.png)
Might ask about this on the lost media thread, but I feel I might have a bit more luck here Since they've been deleted Would anyone happen to have bought the slob/gas alts of Burstoid's morphs while they were around? If he's not keeping them up for sale anymore I'd say there's no issue in them being shared
(336.72 KB 1920x1920 Bulma.png)
(75.98 KB 1824x992 Bendy_Green.png)
(255.98 KB 2418x2160 Dragon.png)
(491.80 KB 2247x2580 F-SdJqvWYAAm-C8.jpg)
(320.34 KB 3900x3300 Mitsuki digestive issue pt1.jpg)
(401.70 KB 3900x3300 Mitsuki digestive issue pt2.jpg)
(459.42 KB 3900x3300 Mitsuki digestive issue pt3.jpg)
(471.52 KB 3900x3300 Mitsuki digestive issue pt4.jpg)
>>99164 Source?
(368.03 KB 1432x2048 F_UWap2XMAAGfkj.jpg)
>>100625 Source?
(303.51 KB 2000x1887 1700659500440662.jpg)
(416.92 KB 4096x3226 F9mWTR8aAAAqEhJ.jpg)
(76.85 KB 1900x1200 F_zptm9bUAANIai.png)
(175.08 KB 1800x1800 F77XRqnW0AAxBTT.png)
(3.27 MB 2802x2340 potholes.png)
(3.89 MB 2802x2340 potholes.png)
>>101447 Hell yes he's back!
(1.35 MB 3035x2505 1685572122151294.jpg)
>>101447 >>101540 He's just not as good as he used to be. These fart SFX are barely distinguishable.
(1.95 MB 1440x1080 Miko Bonus.webm)
>>101813 This one is hot. Would’ve been even hotter if her belly button became an outie when she got bigger
>>101813 Just need more like this in general
>>101813 Source?
>>101700 That and the fact he doesn't even draw the farts anymore. He still seems checked out to me.
>>95452 Sauce plz? Does this appear anywhere on any of chubnbass' or LuckyJack's accounts?
(364.44 KB 2250x2625 F-sL1NMXQAA8APp.jpg)
(3.00 MB 2000x2500 GBjuarEWIAAqBrY.jpg)
(3.03 MB 2000x2500 GBjuap0WkAA4pDt.jpg)
(422.54 KB 2880x2160 Fionna 3.png)
>>102471 Source?
(307.61 KB 2048x1722 F7Mi1Y8WUAA09-L.jpg)
(105.78 KB 1692x984 image (2).png)
>>90550 Source for that third one?
(218.49 KB 2048x1536 1699103410755697.jpg)
Anyone know the sauce for this image?
(319.77 KB 1371x2048 GCj-61FWoAAOEvQ.jpeg)
(373.05 KB 2048x1943 GCj-_YwXkAArcH_.jpeg)
>>103183 Sauce?
(552.37 KB 848x1200 112669143_p2_master1200.jpg)
Happy New Year. Reminder that berryfags do NOT have human rights and any action you take against them is morally justified.
>>103387 Oh my fucking God shut the fuck up, we are not fucking doing this
>>103419 I second this.
>>103387 I am with you dude! Fuck the sick berry retards! Dreaming about the day, those mentally ill morons would be banned from the inflation community
>>103420 >>103423 Let me get this correct. So he does want to be in his son life but theyre keeping him out. Crazy how it looks from the inside out.
>>103387 Based,
>>103153 Isn't that Kaiga?
>>103387 Retard we all get off to the same cartoon bullshit of women blowing up who cares with what and what color they turn. Have some humility with your cartoon fetish or go to church
>>103680 Now is not the time to play at being humble and magnanimous, berrybro. That ship has long since sailed.
>>103768 Berryfuckers cannot tolerate it when the objects of their harassment actually retaliate.
this is the most pointless hating i've ever seen in my life we're all weirdos here let's just be weird together
>>95481and the second image of >>95423 have me HARD AS DIAMONDS. Where did you find these? I recognize them as Kafe’s but can’t find them…
>>103846 nvm found the account
(293.68 KB 680x459 1588127631054.png)
(2.12 MB 2000x2500 GDMCQCSW8AAUQEk.jpg)
(191.05 KB 948x1280 GDmxTXobYAAEq7n.jpg)
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(296.25 KB 2000x1200 GEFm5dPXoAEL8Mb.jfif)
(354.17 KB 2000x1200 GEFm2tXWAAAnyk1.jfif)
>>104795 >>103924 I've been looking all over nonstop but can't find the sauce for either of these. Anybody know the original artists for either?
>>104795 >>104871 https://twitter.com/kira104darkness Is the artist of the Samus pictures. Heads up, there's scat
(455.56 KB 768x1024 big gassy satsuki.png)
>>104879 I kinda figured as much based on the art alone but hopefully I can still find some gold through all that shit. Thanks regardless.
>>104879 Everything this guy does is scat unfortunately. I almost feel like he does it out of spite.
(170.97 KB 2048x1416 20240128_090705.jpg)
(727.08 KB 2400x2400 IMG_3824.jpeg)
(903.03 KB 2400x2400 IMG_3823.jpeg)
(1.09 MB 1728x2592 IMG_3809.jpeg)
>>105366 source on the third image?
>>105071 Of all the fetishes, I can NEVER understand why people think shit is sexy. Piss for that matter too.
(334.51 KB 3000x1999 GDIdWjiXoAAtFDY.jpg)
(141.84 KB 1200x1200 media_GCrWsZcaAAArsoO.jpg)
>>105267 Source on this one?
>>105400 Comes with the territory sadly
(299.00 KB 1229x2048 GGJGcBYacAA9AC3.jpeg)
(20.83 KB 800x450 Fart.jpg)
Does anybody have a folder of this person's animations?
>>106598 Source??
>>106769 https://www.deviantart.com/onaud/art/FGO-Inflation-skeb-1020539355
(3.66 MB 2160x2141 BbfrtHd.png)
(601.00 KB 3773x2657 02_j8m9LYD.png)
(262.55 KB 1799x2048 GF_RwWRXkAAav_2.jpg)
(382.34 KB 1863x1506 GF1m47cXwAAdRQG.jpg)
>>107193 Source on the blueberry one, please?
>>107225 Sickstar of all people. I can't imagine his peers are too happy with him repeatedly drawing this kind of content. Cancellation when?
(5.27 MB 4320x3240 image (9).png)
(927.59 KB 4320x3240 image (5).jpg)
(351.15 KB 4320x3240 image (6).jpg)
(329.10 KB 4320x3240 image (16).jpg)
>>107611 >>107489 Did he finally update?
(198.89 KB 1200x1600 1709189407077195.jpg)
(755.72 KB 4015x3631 GHhTbAVXkAAn1cj.jpg)
(630.76 KB 3114x2684 GHhTNtyW0AA7ton.jpg)
Done by ForestFet on Deviantart.
Does anyone have any of Holydazza's paid comics?
(231.47 KB 1799x1554 1707293353753345.jpg)
>>107887 Where is Keiji posting these?
(3.45 MB 4047x5000 ravendressgas.png)
>>108513 his twitter, @keijdrawsbig
(110.66 KB 416x1922 1709584918575144.jpg)
(725.28 KB 4096x1862 GIRUR_qWUAAnjdW.jpg)
>>109106 Ass and pussy inflation is the hottest thing
(444.62 KB 2953x2710 DVaJPWV.jpeg)
(848.34 KB 3000x2000 GFMzI3lXoAAIItg.jpg)
>>108519 source on this one?
(426.21 KB 2040x2109 1611265537971.jpg)
(442.66 KB 2040x2109 1611265537972.jpg)
(325.69 KB 2868x2018 1711580843187042.jpg)
(261.40 KB 2543x1839 1711898756685819.jpg)
(1.49 MB 1061x1500 image_2024-04-04_191416288.png)
(2.56 MB 4621x3084 1712355970223470.png)
>>111042 do you have the rest of these he did?
(500.41 KB 938x1200 117502349_p2_master1200.jpg)
>>112828 Source
>>113019 Newt7n
>>113058 Thank you, seems they draw it pretty often though most OC stuff which I'm not really a fan of
(657.61 KB 3062x2605 GLbwyLzWcAAwaRv.jpg)
(6.46 MB 15375x5930 Ronald_Finisher_stinky.jpg)
(2.51 MB 3636x3000 pyracomm2b.png)
(5.10 MB 3636x3000 pyracomm2c.png)
>>114120 Source???
>>114530 Kinky_Arnne on twitter,I believe. Their signatures are in the lower left corner.
>>114556 Sorry lol I didn't even pay attention to the signature
>>114844 Berryfags are not doing well.
>>114844 >>115022 You know, I honestly wanted to laugh and gloat over the fact FW needs back-surgery that might potentially leave him laid up for months, for a condition that is already quite painful. After all, he would do the same towards anyone else out of nothing but sheer petty maliciousness inherent to his character, and while I can solemnly acknowledge and take comfort in the fact some karmic justice has finally caught up with him, I not only refuse to stoop to his level, but I see the futility of it, when there's just another berry freak around the corner who's existence will be almost as poisonous to the world at large as is.
>>115097 No one asked schizo, get back to posting bitches farting
>>115097 I'm not aware of the situation nor do I know if this person has done anything seriously damaging or harmful but I'm going to say one thing which is it's sad we live in a society where people actively wish you to not just have mundane bad things happen to you but serious medical issues that can be life-threatening or life damaging what the fuck has the human race become
>>115476 Given that it's Freakin Weirdo we're talking about there's little doubt in my mind he WOULDN'T wish the same or worse on random people out of sheer malevolence. He's done it before when he drew inflation of random vacationing people he saw and even involved stuff like including what if their parents saw them inflated begging for death. What's worse is that being in this vulnerable position will do nothing to cause him to reflect or question himself or his demonic hubris. How much sympathy can one have for such a person?
>>115484 >He's done it before when he drew inflation of random vacationing people he saw and even involved stuff like including what if their parents saw them inflated begging for death. Crazy, unhinged, and cringe if true.
>>115487 It was his 'island girl' sequence. He readily admitted he stalked a random woman and came up with an elaborate death-inflation scenario about how she just wanted to teach kids to read and write and got inflated by demons in the woods. He would also draw his classmates inflated begging for death and swore each and every time they were totally OK with it, every time. Keep in mind he is basically a sacred cow among berryfags and they WILL dedicate all resources they have to deflecting any criticism he gets to this day. Why NOT consider these people inherently evil?
>>115488 >Keep in mind he is basically a sacred cow among berryfags and they WILL dedicate all resources they have to deflecting any criticism he gets to this day. Is that true? I don't interact with other berryfags, so I wouldn't know. >Why NOT consider these people inherently evil? that's retarded as hell ngl
>>115490 >Is that true? Only in the sense of "If you disagree with me in any capacity, you are defending this guy" Don't be gullible
>>115511 You do defend him though.
(472.85 KB 2700x2300 GONPpD3XAAA1F-G (1).jpg)
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>>115490 >Is that true? I don't interact with other berryfags they will defend anyone of their tribe, it's actually kind of endearing how they will circle the wagons and defend any one of them who gets caught doing any kind of reprehensible shit. look at how a legit dangerous psychotic like Songbird/Diamondback (aka Pigs of Doom) who tried to get Pokemon Go players killed by sending them into the hood and discusses his fetish with an underage boy is protected by the likes of Swell Reads.
Woŵ time out guys...im kind of new to ythis info but pigsofdoom did what?
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>>115904 Even completely divorced from inflation fetishism he has been such a repulsive pest he has been doxxed and banned from multiple sites because of his deranged behavior. When you get into the fetish side of things he is an equally deranged freak obsessed with teenage girl characters, forcing his dogshit art in people's faces, spammed 4chan for years, and admits he only exists to spread pain and misery, all the while being the most insufferable leftist freak you could possibly meet (barring perhaps FruitFrakker). Again, his fellow berryfags like Swell Reads protect him.
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FreakinWeirdo's back surgery is today. It would be too easy to say something vindictive and malicious, but I will not stoop to his level, no matter how much I want to. I really hope that by some miracle it gives him time to reflect on his past actions and maybe resolve to better himself.
I was looking up “Murasaki Shion fat“ on Google and while scrolling, I had came across a fart inflation drawing that featured Mori Calliope and maybe Kiara Takanashi? The picture has her farting into Calli’s face. Cali then lets out a lot of farts when being overinflated. I went back to the tab but then the picture is gone. I’m not sure if it’s deleted or if it is still available. Does anybody have it?
>>116131 Does your order look correct on the screen?
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>>116129 Delayed til June 20th. He claims to be in pain still. Thoughts and prayers.
Does anyone know of any full body fart inflation stories or writers who specialize in them?
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>>117473 Ayo sauce??
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>>116185 YES!!! Thank you so much!
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>>118186 Source
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>>117985 Sauce?
>>118675 https://twitter.com/thefortniteCEO
>>118717 Thank you and I tried finding the sauce but their art is amazing.
>>116846 Sauce?
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>>119243 sauce?
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>>119421 where'd you find this?
Honestly curious how the berryfag hivemind reacts when one of their own goes against the groupthink.
>>119566 Not an argument.
>>119585 Yep, FW is still not sending his best. Actually, who am I kidding, you are his best.
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>>119421 sauce?
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Anyone have the fart inflation alt for this pic? Artist removed it and now this image is also removed.
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>>120451 where is smappa posting all their art now?
>>120519 https://kemono.su/patreon/user/9590210
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>>121888 Source?
>>122363 https://x.com/bobbleslime/status/1819117311309070812
>>123086 Got aby of there other stuff
>>123972 Maybe the smell could vary depending on the berry? In some berries, their gas might smell light and sweet, but in others it can smell like spoiled fruit
>>121473 Source?
>>124112 Yeah, maybe have it addictive, promoting the person who smells it to encourage the berry to fart more for them and pressing down to their gut
>>123972 I think it would just straight up smell like blueberries + however whatever they consumed was made. like it'd be sickly sweet if they ate like a super sugary blueberry but otherwise it'd just smell how blueberries usually smell since 90% of their body at that point is blueberry juice.
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>>125059 Berryfuckers not sending their best.
>>125043 answered a question and got yawned at
>>125092 Everyone can see what you're doing, dude.
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>>125277 Source?
>>125167 Imagine force feeding farts until someone fucking explodes and dies! Wild permanent pop scenario!
>>125555 Yeah, and having it also be the most intense climax they will ever experience
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>>125555 One of the hottest inflation scenarios to me personally
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>>125555 Still trying huh?
Sure if berryfags were so secure in their superiority they'd stick to their own threads instead of desperately trying to sink this one day in day out? Right Lurker?
>>125854 I can't help but view this artifical feud between slobfags and berryfags as the "two retards fighting" meme. It's so stupid and funny. Why don't you bitch ass niggas buy a hotel room and make out?
>>125855 It's all artificial until berryfags like to croon victory. Then it was all totally real.
puff-knight remade an old comic of his into animated form https://www.deviantart.com/puff-knight/art/Blown-Up-Bikini-Lady-Animated-Edition-1103150681
>>126056 This guy has not progressed past MS Paint level art in over a decade.
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>>126533 Source?
>>85030 Wonder when is the next time we're having someone inflate from farts caused by themselves in their own body, because thst's my favorite kind of gas inflation, inflation from too much gas
>>125855 >these fetishists famous for being needlessly sadistic pedophiles would surely not engage in bullying other fetishists and get outraged when their intended victims fight back
>>127227 what the fuck are you on about lol
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>>127230 I can hear the quivering seethe in your voice, berryfag.
>>127227 >>127841 I simply state my opinion on this "brapfag vs berryfag" feud you've been schizo babbling about. Real or not, the idea that anons who are into fart inflation are in a war with other anons who are into blueberry inflation is fucking absurd. It's like a street gang war but everyone involved is an autistic fetishist.
>>127842 Craps vs. Bloobs
>>127842 only it's more a one-sided troll campaign than a real 'war', mostly just the usual suspects from the berry side starting shit wherever and whenever they can. They got banned from 4chan for a reason. Didn't happen for nothing.
>>127842 It's literally one singular autistic IP hopper astroturfing support over a decades old meltdown. If you pay even the closest amount of attention to how he types, you can very easily identify his posts, because he always repeats the exact same talking points and insults.
>>127892 Is this the new berryfag cope? Was the autistic IP hopper who got you all kicked from /d/? Is the autistic IP hopper in the room with us right now?
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Stab in the dark but does anyone have this full sequence? Theres a couple of parts missing from ig because they violated the community guidelines
>>128363 Who is the artist
>>128576 BluyArt
>>128088 You cretins really are that desperate for some reaction or another aren't you.
>>128613 What a timely reply. On whose behalf among the usual suspects are you staking out this thread for?
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>>128873 Source?
>>128991 https://twitter.com/BlubberBalloon
>>92363 sauce for that gif?
>>111042 sauce?
>>92257 link is dead sadly, could anyone reup them?
Does anyone know any good fart inflation stories? Even better if there's bursting too
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anyone have the fart alt to these?
There was artwork on deviantart that had ms.marvel as a fart blimp and america chavez as a blueberry. i think it was deleted, did anyone save it?
>>129482 Whenever I go on deviantart and look up fartflation stories without popping,it almost always gives me some with permapopping. Maybe my misfortune is your guiding point (If you use deviantart)
>>129482 https://archiveofourown.org/works/60351049 Here's one that I like.
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