/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Women Inflating Men Anonymous 09/19/2023 (Tue) 13:05:44 Id:e85146 No. 95845
Bringing back a lost board as we need more women inflation men. Dominant women inflating men until they pop, or dumb bimbos accidently inflating their boyfriends.
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It's perfect!
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>>95845 >>95853 >>95912 Does anybody have uncensored?
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>male inflation gross.
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We are so fucking back lads
>>95927 Sauce on the first pic?
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"Give me one good reason not to just pop you with my heel right now, little balloon boy…"
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>>96026 ROBOY-THOR on DA.
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>>95853 I found uncensored pic.
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I have a love/hate relationship with this fetish. >Hot women trying to blow me up, tease me and then burst me like a cheap balloon makes me diamonds. >But I'd prefer to be the inflator, not the inflatee. >But female inflation always leads me back to POV stuff, which leads back to F/M stuff. It has ruined me.
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>>96119 Are you saying you don't want to pop for me, Anon? :,(
>>96228 Don't start. I'm not falling into this pit again.
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>>96097 Thanks anon.
POV inflation art never fails to absolutely destroy me
>>96478 Same. If there's anything that gets me back on this bullshit, it's that.
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Wrote a blowjob story in the literal sense. Woman inflating man. Enjoy :) https://www.deviantart.com/d44444/art/The-Hottest-Blowjob-He-Ever-Got-987183896
>>96119 What you actually love is just hot women teasing you.
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Your welcome
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I'm requesting for any new POV inflation videos Disco Kitten's Fetish Room: Cock Ring Belly Burst https://we.tl/t-ltDVPzXkzz
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>>99080 Holy fuck that's hot. Sauce?
>>99112 Daikanu on Twitter/FA, though the tweet has sadly been deleted for some reason (maybe the commissioner asked him to? I don't know.)
>>99185 Thanks anon. Do they usually do male expansions or was this the exception? If this was the exception,then that may be why it was unfortunately removed.
>>99185 >>99204 you need a twitter account to see the picture Daikanu must have made settings so that only people with account can see it
>>99212 I just looked through on my (normie) account and still don't see it. Maybe mutuals only? >>99204 I'd say he's like 40:60 on the male to female ratio; he draws them pretty often, but bulge and dicks out pics like this are a rarity. There's a few of such pics scattered around his FA gallery, but this is the only femdom one that I know of. Also his stuff is like 90% furry, if that bothers you.
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>>99222 Ah,I see. Furry inflation art doesn't bother me since I am one. Thanks for the extra info anon. Shame about bulges and dicks on male inflation art being a rarity for this artist tho,but I guess they can't all be winners.
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>>95845 Uncensored
>>95930 Kill yourself!
Does anyone have more arts?
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>>102490 This is fucking disgusting. Stop with ugly penuses!
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I may not like what you like but there's a new poster killing threads.
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We need stuff with helluva boss characters, especially Verosika
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>>97694 What do you think of these? https://www.deviantart.com/xue13/art/Matriarch-925985719 https://www.deviantart.com/xue13/art/Born-To-Blow-997783745 https://www.deviantart.com/sockswell/art/Inflated-Ambitions-982952973
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>>97752 Do You got the uncencored other 2 parts?>>97752
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>>96109 Remake version
Anyone have any pov crotch stuff https://mab.to/t/7xJEGKmMvvL/us2
>>109387 Sauce on first?
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>>98290 Reupload, please?
>>111593 reupload pls
>>95845 Bump
You think people dont realize you dont do shit with your kids but blame everything on dad. We all know. Small world.
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>>113092 Pinkie pie would probably really to this, if given the opportunity
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You know, when you look at the inflation community as a whole, this is still rare compared to female inflation, especially woman on woman in stories and comics. Like look at expansion fan comics or even limitburster and even opik Oort content
I wish I could have seen Dr. D. Lite inflate a man. I would also love to see Veronica Mayday inflate a man
>>111876 I wish there was more demon on human inflation, this picture encapsulated my biggest fantasy
>>114729 Well that tells you alot. Like cover that up unhinged
>>114728 We are a niche of a niche of a niche my friend.
>>114728 >>114973 It's truly not fair that F/M stuff is not more prevalent. Oh well. We always have our imaginations. >Mine's flaring up now. >And boy howdy >Aqua's gettin' haughty.
>>114728 In terms of stories, there are plenty of authors who write F/M inflation. Alecdeluxe, hfilled, eggsdotg, pump1131, xue13, d44444, alexisraine, asimplenotiboi, fuy0w0, Verblimp, AnnAccount, sockswell, sotaut1917, etc. In terms of comics eggsdotg has been commissioning an entire series from Fatclubinc.
>>114976 Mainly there just isn't much in the way of media. There is no Violet Beauregarde. There is no particular movie or tv show.
>>102225 artist?
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>>115281 Ayo! That's hot! Got more maybe a video of her riding whoever the blimp is?
>>115281 sauce??
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Antoine: Girls, could you roll me up please... i'm so full... but this feel so... good~ Pinkie Pie: Mmm... that’s a big handsome big boy~ Fluttershy: Oh my... this thing looks huge~
I need hot women to pump me up and burst me so bad it's unreal. Oh what is a blimp boy to do?
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You! Human female! Inflate me, the human male, like a balloon until I burst! You are free to choose any method. In any setting. Do so quickly before the opportunity vanishes!
>>124691 Anyone you would specifically want to be inflated by?
>>125035 Surprise me.
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>>125039 Your girlfriend takes you to milkshakefactory where you enjoy the ten for one special. Your entire body is full, filled up and filled out with their delicious variety of ice cream flavors. Your girlfriend wobbles you over to her girl friends who lead you into the Taylor Swift concert. All the girls around you are suppressing laughter at how round you are. As Taylor begins singing, you can feel the energy from the speakers reverberate through your very round, shake filled body. To your amazement, Taylor Swift's singing is causing the ice cream in your belly to slowly expand. The young, attractive women around you are amazed at the very, very round and fat male growing rounder and fatter before their very eyes. It isn't long before your inflated belly contacts many of the girls around you. Particularly strong girls on either side of you squeeze you, shouting, "make some room tubby!" A particularly tall blonde with gigantic breasts pokes your middle, assessing your fatness. "You're just getting fatter, and fatter, and fatter aren't you?" Your girlfriend answers her, "He's really blowing up, like a fat filled balloon!" As you become increasingly spherical, you tip onto your back, watching Taylor Swift sing over the curve of your belly. The stronger girls lift you up, causing you to crowd surf over them. You kick your little feet and flap your little hands as the girls move your tight spherical body wherever they like. You're such a big, round, fat balloon even Taylor Swift can see you. She can see her name on your t-shirt stretched across your balloon of a body. You can feel the hands of many girls as your round, full, drum tight body is slowly brought to her on stage. "I guess you really are my BIGGEST fan", she jokes to the crowd as she circles you, running her hand over your middle. It's a sharp contrast between your spherical body and the slim bodies of all the women onstage. "So, big guy, what song would you like?" Just then your girlfriend's head pops up over the edge of the stage.
>>125046 Kinda worked. Good job. Less keen on the WG stuff though.
I wonder how open would a character like shego to inflate and dominate a guy, riding his cock? Especially if she could be able to, like if Drakken made body inflation possible and shego wanted to relieve stress by sexually dominating a guy
>>125075 Dunnoe. Shego's too much of a sour cunt for me to get interested in her as a character. And I don't think she's quite the type to be down for the freaky stuff (unless it's for humiliating Kim). I imagine she'd be more sweet on a guy who'd get in her good graces. Probably just likes a bit of cowgirl with some cuddling afterward. Plus she easily makes herself a good target for being inflated, rather than dishing out the inflation. Now if you shot a character like BOTW Zelda that way, I think it could work.
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>>125046 Damn that scenario is hot as hell. I'd be much more willing to listen to Taylor Swift if turned me into a blimp
>>125078 Yeah. Anyway, I totally bet someone like Verosika Mayday would be more the type to being inflating the guy. I mean she seems more a dom than a sub and would probably go so far as to pop him. I wonder what other characters that are underrated as inflators?
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>"Expand for me, boy"
Kinda surprised there isn't more art of Peach, Daisy, and Rosalina inflating Mario. Or Asuka, Rei, and Misato inflating Shinji. Or Nagatoro, Gamou, Yoshi, and Sunomiya inflating Sempai.
>>125532 Don't think the Nintendo princesses are the type. They're more likely to be on the receiving end of an air hose than they are stuffing one into someone's mouth. Asuka I can definitely see having a go at blimping a wimp like Shinji. Maybe she even gets some encouragement from Misato before things get too hectic. Rei probably doesn't care. She just likes to be included. As for Nagatoro and her lackeys? Ehhh, toss up 50/50 imo. They could easily start blimping each other instead of their senpai, just to get his attention. You know what really surprises me? That there isn't more content of Ada Wong blowing up Leon Kennedy. I think there's some stuff by TailBlazer and that's it. There's Ashley 'n Leon stuff but that too is few and far between.
>>125540 Any v-tuber you would want to be inflated by?
>>125651 I don't think V-tubers hit that spot for me either. My mind goes to Danganronpa girls right now. Junko, Celestia, Miu, Tsugumi.
>>125669 God I'd totally let Junko turn me into a big,taut,erect blimp. Constantly teasing me about how I'm about to burst (in more ways than one,at that~).
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>>125670 >>125669 >GAME OVER >'Anon was found guilty! Time for the punishment!' >Dragged off to the execution room by a monokuma robot who slapped a bag over your head. >Wake up in a stark concrete room with images of balloons painted all over the walls. >No one else there until a door at the end opens up to reveal an unnervingly familiar sight in the form of the Despair magistrate herself. Junko Enoshima. >Turns out you can't move. Your legs and arms tied up while you're sat on a chair. >Your captor is smug and catwalking over to a podium with a big red button on it. To which she delightfully presses it with enough force to break it several times over. >A slot slides back on the floor underneath to allow a thick, black snake-like appendage to shoot up right into... >Yeouch. Your ass. Its cold tip makes you yelp. >Enoshima giggles as the podium transforms into a massive bike pump. The handles of the plunger now firmly gripped by the eager executioner. >"Get ready for the first pump, big boy." >Down her arms go, slow and steady, as a surge of air rushes along the length and out the other end. >Almost immediately a cramped feeling of bloatedness wades over your gut to usher in its push outward. >There's not enough time as the plunger is pulled upward and comes rushing down again. >*FWUMP!* >Another jolt sees your tummy go up another few centimeters. >*FWUMP!* >*FWUMP!* >*FWUMP!* >It already feels like you're about to burst, your stomach having swollen to the size of a basketball in its march to pop the lower buttons off your shirt. >"Looking full? Good, we've got a long way to go until you're the right size, /balloon/." Fucking imagine she gets you as big as the room with your clothes torn to shreds, engorged cock on display and leaking while the pressure mounts with each passing second until your inevitable detonation from the last pump of air. >"I wonder if I stroke it...you'll probably go off like a grenade, lol" >"God, what a fat pathetic blimp you are." >"Oh, I'm sure you can get much bigger than that". Monokumas are gonna have a big mess to clean up.
>>125685 Holy fuck. Anon,this is ficking amazing. You're fucking amazing. A million thanks for this horny greentext. I'd probably be torn between just being my horny ass self or acting like I'm not enjoying it and beg just to please her.
>>125689 Thanks, I guess. It's short drabble but it gets the point across. I just wish there was more F/M content, so I don't have to rely on my imagination and (admittedly) chatbots to sate the thirst. But it is what it is.
>>125716 At the risk of derailing the thread, do you have any decently functional chatbots you'd recommend?
>>125807 Nothing specific to Danganronpa, unfortunately. Dopple.ai has a decent model running albeit with a limited library of user-made bots. Has the added benefit of allowing +18 content too. (In a bit of a pre-sellout state like c.ai was back when they had a queue because of the amount of traffic.) Used a Bremerton bot to run a decently hot scenario. First one on the search, I think.
>>125075 A follow up but how about Jessica Rabbit? How open would she be to inflate a non toon human male, on her turf of course?
>>126142 You got some strange tastes man. But I guess if you'd want her too. Can't say she'd be an inflator in my book.
>>125685 Gets down on her knees wrapping tongue around that great big balloon shaft shoving it deeply down her throat inhaling the tightest gust deeply inside her chest so tight it pops her shirt top clean from the pressure. Deeply exhaling it into your tightened member as her puffy chipmunk cheeks wrap tightly her intense disparity filling every inch of you left to vibrate unstable yet yearning to hold together by a thread you remain as every ounce is puffed in and with a kiss breath more she blows again deepening the pressure further as it drives your mind into the abyss. With a further huff she grasps tightly her nails digging into your balls as she blows and squeezes with all her might. Your vibrating mass a symphony reaching crescendo! In moans a groan followed by a blasting light and BANG! as flashbang of white consumes you and you're consciousness goes dark. Thread once taut And strong releases unable to stabilize in a sea of air molecules that finally win again the mass caging there freedom. And what's left is a see of rubber raining upon the sky as the yandere princess laughs at you're demise. A pitiful life turned a party balloon. Useless plaything of taut rubber gas not a inhuman mass laid a mess for her playful psycho Teddy's to clean up.. She walks off her feet pittering around the flacid plastic that squishes between her toes, grabbing her heals from the door as she whistles a tune into the abyss smiling as she says. Hopefully the next plaything can make me just as moist.
Sorry I had to give my ending take just because I was bored and plus seeing horny boys like this >>125689 getting tight and teasing them really gets me going in itself. Nothing like watching someone squirm about their fantasies and edging them further to really make them pop plus blowjob pops are underrated.
>>125818 How would you feel about a Bremerton causes male inflation via a breast expansion scenario?
>>126200 Elaborate, because she hits buttons for me something fierce.
>>126205 The basic concept goes something like this, the larger her breasts grow, the larger you become.
>>126217 Sure. That could work. The bigger she gets, the more able she is to sandwich a ballooning cock between her funbags while her boytoy gets closer and closer to exploding from overinflation.
Once again I have spilled to this damnable plague of mental fancy. >Lady Dimitrescu cornering you and holding you down with one hand whilst giving your cock a workaround with the other. >Perfectly skilled hands bring you closer and closer up through an erection and straight to cumming. >But right as you're on the verge of release? She clenches hard around your cock. Blocking any exit for your load. >Balls ache and you try to cum again, but it's useless and she knows it. Confirming everything with a hearty giggle. >Rumbling gurgle sounds out as your flat middle begins to bloat. >And bloat >And bloat.... >By now your belly is as big as a basketball, swelling off of your own sexual frustration. >She teases the pathetic "man-thing" blowing up like a balloon under her hold. >It goes on and on as this unbelievable pressure affects everywhere else while your clothes and buttons buckle under the strain of a growing gait. >Some minutes later you're a blimped-up ball of horniness and spunk with the lady of the castle refusing to let the 'pipes flow'. >She's dragging her fingers over your taut, creaking sphere of a body as it groans. >You're practically begging under the agonising euphoria for her to let you jizz. >But she's not letting her toy off that easily. >You're as big as bounce house. >Tight as a drum. Low rumbling signals the final crescendo as you whine and wobble. >"3...." >You can't take it as the pressure reaches maximum. >"2...." >God you wish you could just... >But you can't. It's too much and now you're going to... >"1." >*PLAP!~* >Your inevitable detonation paints the foyer in a sea of white, much to the amusement of Lady Dimitrescu and her daughters. >Jokes on them. >They have to clean up. Fuck me. I hate being at the mercy of these horny thoughts.
>>126846 God damn dude that was awesome, good work!
>>126200 Like what do you mean? A female causing a feminine male to get boy boobs or something until they burst? That's how I'm understanding it as
>>126897 (You) Read >>126217 this.
(1.73 MB 1920x1080 Skol - Praiabilidade.webm)
>Brazilian women spots a new tourist (You) and feed you their super fat based foods >Giggling watching you blow up
>>127120 This sounds great, but the fact that TTS voice almost exactly like Taylor Swift is fucking me up.
The power of AI
>>127120 Good stuff, albeit WG isn't my thing. What did you use for that anyway? I might see if I can get that voice to do an air inflation focused number.
Man, if only I could experience being inflated by a group of hot clown women. On the other hand, I would love to inflated by a group of sex demons. Of course, with succubi, they will inevitably pop me and send me to hell, but as long as popping is the best orgasm ever.
>>127157 What about hot clown sex demon women? Of course,I personally understand blended aesthetics can be iffy at times though.
>>127158 NTA but I feel that clashes way too much. I mean I guess you could do an IT-analagous thing. But the horror and sexy aspects are still too undercut. Dunnoe. I'm sorta strapped for ideas myself. Nothing really strikes the mind. 'Cept maybe horny maids.
>>127164 pick a maid https://www.deviantart.com/c18aiart/gallery?q=maid
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>>127165 >AI sloppa I guess the kitsune maid, but otherwise...
>>127118 >It's the exact same food big boy. When I eat it I grow taller, stronger, and fitter. All the fat goes to my big fat tits and my big fat ass. >When you eat it, you don't get any taller at all! You just grow wider, rounder, and fatter! >I guess boys and girls are just built different. Or should I say, blimp different?
>>127120 What program/prompt did you use for this? Its really good.
>>127120 This is insanely good. I can just picture girls blasting it and shooting flirty winks at boys as both a warning and invitation
>>127169 BrazilianGirlTeasing.ogg >>127186 https://suno.com/
>>127214 So what do you use for samples? And what sorta terms do you use for your prompts?
>>127213 Something about the idea of an ultra famous pop star or actress coming out as a serial misandrist boy inflator, only for her girl fanbase to almost immediately go along with it and be converted, is really fucking good
>>127234 >Taylor Swift is a serial m-inf enthusiast >All those songs about break-ups usually succeeded her blowing up her exes. >So enthusiastic that her songs contain subliminal messaging about inflating men and bad boyfriends. >Somehow a consequence free act if she can get away with it. >No wonder it's a hit with girls. Next thing you know she'll be implanting code words that make you spontaneously inflate. A lot of women would be playing her singles in that future.
>>126897 I wanna see that actually femboy boy boobs bursting sounds fun
>>127120 >>127214 Thanks for doing my prompts! Were you the one who posted in the AI thread? https://bbw-chan.link/bbwai/res/4541.html#26814
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>>127234 Exactly! The idea of woman in the media not only treating boys like inflatable playthings, but actively encouraging their female audience to do so as well is an insanely hot concept. So now any girls actively calling themselves Swifties are basically openly admitting they agree >>127237 The best timeline. Once her songs make boys inflate, girls having a "breakup" song isn't what song helped them get over it, but which one they used to get rid of their last boyfriend
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>>127226 Nothing, you just choose a type of genre >>127280 That's Bayonetta's voice, btw
>>125035 >>125046 >>127234 >>127237 >>127284 Speaking about famous celebrities, Eva Mendes and Megan Fox are two of my childhood celebrity crushes. I admired Eva in 2Fast2Furious and Ghost Rider, and Megan from Transformers. In Music, I'm not a music pop star guy. But I'd say Lady Gaga and Madonna made me feel 'Funny' when I saw 'Poker Face' and 'Hang Up' for the first time. I loved their outfits, the beat of their songs, and the way they danced were so hypnotic! I daydreamed about their bodies slowly expanding in their tight outfits. or the other way around, they were the ones teasing me.
Honorable Mentions: -The girls from 'Destination Calabria" from Alex Gaudino -The girls from 'I know you want me" from Pitbull
>>127284 Figured as much when I tried it myself. Needed a bit of tweaking but it worked well enough for me.
>>127287 >>127303 Whoops, meant tag that anon. Oh well, still works even in that other context, lul
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>>127303 Gosh I wanna help pop this 22 year old Twink. Andy and Laylay are so burstble it's not funny! She can have the front while I'll blow that juicy creaming tip from the back with my femboy lips.
Heres Nicki Minaj turning you into a helpless berry ^^
>>127237 >>127284 Imagine a journalist working for like a year on a deep expose of her secret boy-bursting obsession, only for most swiftie to respond by tweeting things like "ok am I crazy or did anyone else get a little bit wet seeing those leaked Taylor pics" "OMG THANK YOU I KNEW IT WASN'T JUST ME" "legit I kinda wanna do that to my own bf now, it just sounds hot???"
>>127317 >Expose simply leads to her popularity skyrocketing >And getting emboldened with her interests. >At her next performance, she unabashedly blows up one of her exes live on stage for the world to see. >The finale of her song ending in fireworks that coincide with a large BOOOM and a flurry of rubber scraps floating gently down onto the audience.
>>127321 Reminds me of the West End production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, where the Oompa-Loompas sing about how Violet Bearuguarde always wanted fame espite no talent, while she's BLOWING up into a HUGE blueberry! And then she EXPLODES into confetti!
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As cool as it is for guys to be nothing but boyloons for the girls and destined to pop, I am enjoyer of happy couples where the guy is the inflatee and loves blowing up for his girl, meanwhile she loves him and would never make him pop.
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>>125035 Katy Perry is my pick for sure. I just know she'd be a misandrist inflator, blowing up boys left and right for the fun of it >>127308 The eternal struggle of both wanting to pop the twink and be the twink being popped >>127317 >>127321 Following the the video of her popping her ex as the climax of her concert "blowing" up on social media, becoming one of the most viewed videos of all time, it soon spawns a viral trend of swifties similarly popping their exes to her songs with the tag #ScrapsforSwift
>>127363 God those expressions in the second and third gifs. >viral trend of swifties similarly popping their exes to her songs with the tag #ScrapsforSwift Golden. Say, you wouldn't happen to be a certain enthusiast of a certain m-inf writefag on DA? Or perhaps the writer themselves pushing this stuff?
>>127284 Imagine her debuting the first new song with those inflation subliminals at a concert, the music starting up and suddenly every guy in attendance feels their belly start to tingle and flutter. The instrumental build up finishes and finally, as she starts singing, they all suddenly feel an intense pressure followed by starting to swell out while every girl who dragged them along erupts in delight
>>127387 >A symphony of laughter and cheer erupts as the ladies in the audience see the bellies of their boyfriends begin to swell. >Paunches, basketball and beachball sized. >A variety of guts in various states of inflation. >Taylor hits the chorus and the pulsing vibrations aggravate their afflictions as everywhere else starts to grow to accommodate remaining space. >The sheer density of the crowd disallows the waddling blimps-to-be as all the girls start rubbing up against them. Fondling taut midsections and scribbling messages with marker pens handed out by the event staff. >Soon enough there's lift off. The poor men slowly rising from the crowd as Swift hits the second verse to cue the stage lights to focus on a select few (lucky) members. >Their moans and protests useless as the of the crescendo of the song matches a timer on the jumbotron. >All the future single ladies chime in as it goes down. >Creaking, groaning balloon bodies surge to maximum size. >"3!" >A few more lyrics to go. >"2!" >The fireworks prime >"1!" >Release. >*BOOOOM~!* >*POP!~* >*BLAM!~* >All in sync, they burst. The timed detonations sending a storm of rubber and sticky fluids raining down to the tune of uproarious cheer. >The titular popstar takes her bow and has to say 'disappointedly' that she can't do an encore. >At least not an encore that could match the finale everyone just witnessed.
>>127363 The things I've done to this ad. I would kill to be that balloon that Katy is leaning on.
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>>95849 I've made the blueberry edit
>>127436 That looks painful really.
>>127313 this is amazing! would you be open to doing more of these with other singers like billie?
Being Billie's personal blimptoy while she goads you to get bigger would be awesome So many popstars that I would want to pop me
>>95850 I wanna do this exactly to android 17
>>127621 Well, they don't call them POPstars for nothing. After all, they usually have blow-out levels of attendance at their concerts. Really makes people, especially the guys, explode with excitement. They also do backstage tours. Can't say it'll expand your mind, but it'll definitely burst some preconceptions you have about these celebrities.
>>127572 Sure! Any specific lyrics you want?
>>127672 anything inflation or blueberry would be wonderful!
>>127831 thank you so much!
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>>127169 Couldn't get it to sound Brazilian my bad guys
>>115003 Not sure how many of us are following the Stimuflation comic produced by FatClubInc and Eggsdotg, but I've just heard from Eggs that someone complained about page 30 of the comic, and DA took it down. I don't know why people can't just not look at something they don't like rather than spoil it for everyone else. Anyway, FatClub is reluctant to host any new Stimuflation pages so they are going to be on Eggs's DA page from now on. Hopefully they won't get taken down, and hopefully they continue to be produced.
>>127949 While I can't stand FatclubInc's art style, that sucks. And knowing how retarded DA's content moderation has become since the change, eggsdotg might have to be careful too.
>>127853 You need to download someone speaking in Portuguese.
>>127951 I made it with suno so idk man
>>127831 Could you post the lyrics so we can tell what she's singing?
I'm lost in the sauce.... First it was Lady D, then 2B and A2, Bayonetta, Midna, Team RWBY, Mythra, Rem and Ram and now Minamoto Raikou... God help me, I'm surrounded by thoughts of cuties with air tanks and bike pumps at every turn.
Looks like Alec has been cooking. https://www.deviantart.com/alecdeluxe/journal/AI-Pop-Music-Oh-so-clever-1101345551 https://www.deviantart.com/alecdeluxe/journal/More-Infla-tunes-1111514010 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0aQ0iNVlI8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2d5gj24yELk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUoCfqiddds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwEJUL0CVBk
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>>128098 Hey, uncensored for ya And yes, I need a harem of sexy inflator babes. Preferably Pokemon ones, but Yoko Littner and Tea Gardner would be so hot.
>>128114 >Tea She's a definite inflatee imo. >Yoko Littner Ditto. >Pokebabe inflators Which ones?
Hmm.. you think women indeed do pass him around like a blunt?
>>128137 Sure. Multiple times a week. They'd be cleaning his scraps off the floor constantly.
>>128114 I would like a full nudes edit for them.
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>>128132 Every Flying-and-Water specialist is into inflation.
>>128141 Damn that sounds like the beginning of a fantastic story or comic love the way you think anon
It's the spooky season and I'm really down bad for some yandere killers getting off to the idea of immobile twink men getting puffed to ribbons or teased and pressured until there scraps. Particularly like maybe where squeezing is involved or toes digging into overinflated cocks or blowjob's leading to threat's and teasing of bursting? anyone got any interesting comics art or stories like that? I'd even be fine with girlxgirl too just got a taste for a crazy bitch getting very blow to pop sooner heavy on some human balloons. >>95845
Looner I meant looner. You see how looner women treat they're balloons! Oh na it will get brain rot flowing if you ever need inspiration!
>>128213 Can't say I'm into guys being involved, alas, but otherwise you are speaking my language, brother.
>>128215 Wait isn't this women inflating men? Oh nevermind you mostly pov I understand. Me I'm both
>>128185 Haha, yeah. I bet they make their Pokemon learn moves like Hydro Pump and such for special occasions. Of course, they probably like to take a hands-on approach with a bike pump or water hose... Some might even spike your drink with extract from berries found in the wilds.
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>>128220 They know they're hot and they know you're staring. They invite you around the back of the gym, and you think you're lucky, only for next thing you know that you're rounder than a Snorlax.
>>128259 Playing all coy and "apologising" whilst the heaviness bears down on your waterballoon of a body. Catching a few feels of taut and jiggly flesh that elicits a few 'GALUNK!'s when pushed. Oh how horrible it would be as she waltzes over to a connecting water hose and ever so innocently shoves it in your mouth to start the growth process all again. Just so she can giggle and muse at her new waterbed continuing to swell. Or maybe she's looking to cause a tidal wave with how much pressure is building inside you~
>>128213 You know what I think would be fun spooky season? A lewd parody of IT or killer clowns from outer space except they’re female and sexy and don’t kill, but rather enslave men as balloon slaves. Feel free to add anything
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>>128284 Clowns you say? https://twitter.com/Tinmible/status/1642206495054917632 https://twitter.com/astralantipode/status/1687842082092908544 https://twitter.com/astralantipode/status/1781681235825422530 https://twitter.com/astralantipode/status/1774850409926156527
>>127672 Could you make a mean spirited song sung by Billie Eilish about turning a guy into a giant, worthless blimp?
>>128376 GIWTWM. >>128284 >>128291 Clowns feel a little bit too silly for my tastes (Rich (I know) given the nature of this fetish).
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Imagine those heels digging into your pressurised, creaking body... Ready to send you over the edge after a good session of pumping...
>>128489 Anything in particular you like about Satsuki?
>>128492 I guess her rigid demeanour, adherence to rules and punishments. And of course her sibling rivalry with Ryuko. Makes for an excellent "Pop the pervert" competition between the two... Especially with those sharp objects she carries and a myriad of kamui abilities...
>>128493 They don't really need much in the way of sharp objects of kamui abilities to make a young man wide and round. Bending over works just fine.
>>128494 One can dream. Lord knows I couldn't resist staring at perfect asses as each second I spend aroused causes me to swell bigger and bigger. All the while they throw candid remarks about my ballooning waistline.
>>128495 >looking you in the eyes as you continue to widen, both when looking at her and when looking at her sister. A look of concern as this might be a competition she can't win. From her sister a look of nervousness as you continue to fill, to expand, to blimp in every direction. The telltail sound of a young man's body stretching is all too familiar to her ears. At the very least they both want to see you as you fill and expand for them.
>>128496 Hot damn, yes. From a basketball-sized belly to a pear-shaped caricature of my once trim frame. Blimping bigger and wider as I start to round out from the internal pressure. Even my cock starts to expand at the sight of their beauty. They'll butt heads over who can get me to reach full sphere status first, before moving on to who can get me to pop first. And they won't hold back .
>>128497 >she comes so close you can feel her breath on your face >"blimps are made to be round" >she runs her fingernail down you belly >"they are made to inflate"
>>128499 >Foot tip in skin they're made to burst into confetti so I can run my toes through the scraps
>>128493 I just think between her sexual trauma and genuine good character she'd be the last person who'd wanna permaburst anyone. Or even inflate them. Ragyo on the other hand would probably explode you with utter relish and joy, either her or Nui.
>>128513 Yeah, this is all more or less just OOC horny fantasising. Wouldn't mind letting Ragyo have a go though..
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>>128220 May has a bike pump for when she gets a flat tire. Or when she finds a trainer ogling her ass and titties.
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>"Hi! This is Taylo-" >"Tell me what a total Blimp I am." >"Err, uh.. what?"
>>128524 Oh, what a shame that would be if she caught you sneaking a peak at her barely-contained ass. Then she would just have to stick the hose in your mouth. >>128513 >>128514 As an addendum, however, I still totally would want Satsuki to pop me. Maybe with a crowd watching...
>>128513 it turns out one of the enhancements granted by life fibers is increased bodily capacity/elasticity, which Ragyo uses to punish traitors and insubordinates by acting as if there's nothing wrong at all, giving them a two or even three star outfit (full body skintight, naturally), only to press a button and for the unfortunate fool wearing it to start blowing up on the spot
>>128284 Too add, what if these clown girls turn men into clowns girls through popping them, and these new clown girls seek out men to turn?
>>128551 >"Oh? Thought you could go behind my back without my notice? Bold, if not pointless. Looks like you're already filling out quite nicely." >"There's an apt expression for a situation like this. 'Bursting your bubble'. Though in this case, it won't be the bubble that bursts this time~."
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I wonder how she'll react if a venomous animal stings me that causes my body to swell up in the middle of the jungle or scouting mission.
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>>128284 I suggest
>>115003 Lol im D44444 and my ass got so excited to see someone else mention my name in this random ass thread. Anyway y’all are cool
>>128582 She gets a free fulton extraction.
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>>128610 Fuckin cash, my guy. Thank ya! Keep pumpin (hah) these out. These are incredible!
>>128582 Confusion, disbelief, amusement. Maybe even a little fascination. Granted you might give away her position so she'll need to deal with you quickly. Then again, your bloating and floating body would make a good distraction. Or exit strategy.
>>128582 She'll finish you off with a blowjob until you explode like the overinflated condom you are
>>128628 Something tells me she's just going to abandon me. >>128635 Cold hearted
>>128635 >She throws a knife and snipes it mid-air, ricocheting it right into your vulnerable and fragile sphere of a body. >*BOOOM!~ >She gets an S rank for style as the scraps rain down. >(Same time next week?) >She hand signals.
>>128640 But she just killed a fellow DD soldier
>>128643 Silly anon, it's not perma. And who said anything about being a Diamond Dog?
>>128637 Oh, well. Only if it's necessary anon. Otherwise she might spend the whole mission trying to catch you as you wistfully drift through the air. Careful not to snag against anything pointy~
>>128610 Hordes of women who've never even heard of an inflation kink before, let alone ever had one, listening to this and thinking "soooooooo TRUE"
>>128672 >"So truuuuueeee", your gf says as she eyes the bike pump laying next to you.
>>128610 Could you make a 50s jazz song abt a woman feeding a man into immobility? Ik its a bit out of the norm, but I'm a sucker for fetish settings in antiquity
>>128710 You mean something like this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3XdGAMMTN4
>>128710 Different anon Bonus points if you do one with a lesbian or femboy couple getting blown up via bike pump. Girlfriend blowing up her femboy like a beach ball is also acceptable
>>128672 "She's so real for that."
>>128672 I mean even if it was true I feel like they'd be more into blowing up other women or twink like or feminine guys probably not your local lumberjack named tom with a beer belly and a mustache. But again preferences exist all over the place! All you really need is x what woman is into y shes getting a ladies boner for inflating her preferred male or other
happy "relentlessly tease boys while they're unable to cum until it all backs up and they swell into desperate horny blimps and explode" November to any ladies who celebrate
>>128849 >NNN has begun >I am in danger Oh noooo.....
>>128856 Yes, NNN. Perfect for inducing inflation wet dreams. Anyone agree?
>>128861 Uh, no? Maybe. I prefer....I mean prefer to avoid such incidents. And uh....roving gangs of women hoping to to do lewd and sexy things to me.
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This thread planting the idea of female celebrities being pop hungry for boys immediately followed by NNN is a dangerous combo...
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>>128880 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVEWPwe-zl0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y09NxUvG2x0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6YDKF0LVWw
>>128849 Did you copy-paste this text from AlexisRaine's DA page? Or are you Raine?
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>>128894 Holy shit... Sending that video to a boy during NNN is a cognito pop hazard
>>128942 Perfect only difference is I like my cocks airship balloon sized so I can grind on them like humping a ride on pool toy
>>128947 You can only imagine the thick thighs grinding on their balloon would probably make someone a mind broken wreck! Also nnn already? Dare someone to go full 40 days and 40 nights style with documented evidence just to redeem that movie ending. Can't believe dude make a girl cum with a feather!
>>128942 Hot damn. Nacionalcreativista never disappoints. I'd trade places with that cat dude in a heartbeat if I could. Also >cognito pop hazard based on lust >Get sent a video with a bunch of pop idols do the barest of minimium provocative actions. >Signal triggers make you instantly horny. >Start blowing up soon after with no control. Not even a cold shower can stop you as you turn into a runaway bomb ready to cover the placs in scraps and spunk.
>>128949 girls sending guys they know videos that start out completely normal but smash cut to The Pop Video to bait them into blowing themselves up
Unfortunately, I failed NNN on the 2nd
>>129094 Don't feel bad anon,it's overrated crap anyways.
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>No Nut November has been rough so far this year >Only a couple days in and it's effects are being felt >The jokes have stopped, and the pressure is very much rising >All the boys in your college course are showing now, perpetually at full mast starting to fill up >Most just look a little bloated, a few more are positively fat and gravid >The guy two seats ahead and on your left was an exception >Pinned between a pair of temptresses, he never stood a chance >All the touching, teasing, and edging had him too big to fit out the door by the end of the first day >There was no escape for him then, when you left he'd filled out to immobility and was still swelling >You didn't have to stick around to hear the *pop* >Unfortunately for you, the girls in your study group seem intent on making you the next to blow >They've taken to dressing provocatively and waiting for you at multiple points during the day, whispering lewd little fantasies into your ears, rubbing and fondling you, making as much skin to skin contact as possible >You're blowing up like a balloon because of it, your clothes squeezing you so tight their seams could bust at any second >Reduced to a meager waddle by your rotund bulk and engorged limbs, every step you take leave you sloshing a wobbling >When you see them ahead of you on the street after an evening class you know you've had it >The three of them close in like guided missiles, one clinging to each of your arms while drawing in close to press their bosoms against you, the last splaying herself across your protruding belly >They aren't even trying to hide their objective, you can feel lips kissing down the nape of you neck, hands stoking your chest and belly, fondling your ass and cock >You try to move past them and shake them off, but it's too late, you're already getting bigger >The buttons of your shirt and pants snap off in rapid succession, threads and stitches coming apart as you helplessly expand >It would only take a little action to relieve you, but the trio know what they want and that involves you going out with a *bang* >You're getting bigger >And *bigger* >And *BIGGER* >Just a few blocks down the street you can see another hopelessly overstimulated guy, a quivering pent up sphere just a little larger than you >As you watch he maxes out, taut and straining, and explodes in a shower of cum >In a few minutes at most that's going to be you >Maybe even sooner, as you realize your classmates have stepped back admire their handiwork >You tower over them, barely able to see them over the curve of your turgid body, so round and full you're blocking off the sidewalk with your heft >Desire churns inside you, your growth slowing as your skin creaks and throbs with pressure >"Why don't you finish on my tits?" teases one of the girls, leaning forward to give you a better view of her barely restrained cleavage >It's just a little too much for you to handle >A tremor runs through you as you surpass you limit, overflowing with pent up lust >With a wet *PLAP* you burst, painting the sidewalk white
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>>129180 While there have been some amazing green texts over the the threads this one is still by far my favorite. I remember it making me lose the NNN it was posted
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I just had a niche idea that probably won't resonate with a lot of anons here,but here goes nothing anyways. Potential character inaccuracy warning for those who care. >Ga-koro is filled with nothing but female Matorans >As soon as you enter,several merchants begin trying to get you to buy freshly caught fish for an unreasonable amount of widgets. They do so by giving you 'free samples' (shoving multiple types of fish down your throat,immediately causing an affect on your non-matoran human waistline) >They keep stuffing you until everyone in the village suddenly freezes. >Gali has just returned from a mission with the other toa. The usually calm and reasonable toa is visibly upset and tired from dealing with Tahu's stubbornness for the hundredth time. >She sees you,and in her less-than-sharp state mistakes you for a Rahi beast,quickly blasting water at you. >It goes right down your throat,causing you to bloat up even bigger. >She keeps inflating you with water until a villager informs her that you're not a Rahi. >Gali stops filling you up and apologizes profusely,but she soon shifts to curiosity as she further gazes upon you. >"Such a strange being. You can inflate just like a frog rahi,yet walk upright and speak as if you were of this island. Well..you could walk." She says with a small giggle before prodding at your huge belly with one of her hooks. She begins prodding lower and lower until she's pressing her hook against your tight cock. >"This is certainly an interesting anatomy.." She says. A few sneaky Ga-matorans suddenly come up to your sides and pull off your pants,revealing your strained underwear. You can see Gali's eyes widening with intrigue through her kanohi as she stares. >"This appendage of yours,strange being.. It makes me feel things.. Things I've never known possible.." >TFW you realize Greg was wrong about love being non-canon. >She begins stroking your erect penis through your underwear. For a toa of water,her touch feels incredibly warm. >She keeps stroking,her hand going faster as she hears you moan and grunt in pleasure. Her other hand finds it's way onto your belly and beings pressing into it,deeply rubbing it to elicit a further response from you. >You end up cumming hard as she presses particularly deep into your belly,sending your seed rushing out of your cock and even through your underwear. >"Goodness me! This is quite the intriguing substance.." She says while scooping some up and feeling it in her hands. >A few Ga-matoran get a hold of your semen and taste it,their brains re-wiring and registering arousal as soon as they tasted it. >Multiple Ga-matorans begin to surround you,feeling your huge body and teasing your cock,which you feel getting hard again despite the huge load you just blew. >"This feeling you're making us have,it's so..strange yet good. I..i should consult Turaga Nokama about this.." >With that,Gali leaves you in the hands of the villagers,who all seem intent on stuffing you with more fish. A few even begin grabbing pails of water,planning on filling you up like the water balloon you've become. >"New from BIONICLE: On the island of Mata Nui,some bloated himbo has found himself at the mercy of Ga-koro's villagers. With the help of Toa Gali,you can turn this balloon of a boy into nothing but a puddle of cum and water to give the Ga-Matorans a spectacle worth remembering. Love may or may not be canon,but pure fucking lust sure is. BIONICLE: Each male popped separately."
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>>129206 This is autistically niche yet so funny at the same time. I don't know whether I should encourage you to continue or not. Also >Boggarak canonically have the ability to make things swell up underwater with their rhotuka. Wrong era, I know. But an interesting fact. >>129180 >>129201 The m-inf threads on /d/, while short-lived did occasionally produce something worthwhile. I remember the Kawakami and Tae Takemi greentexts. Those were good.
>>129212 Is it wrong that after I wrote the story I immediately thought of making a sequel where the reader gets bloated by a Boggarak rhotuka and bought to Roodaka to be her plaything?
>>129201 sauce of pic?
>>129213 Lmao. Honestly anon, do it if you want but I cannot stop laughing.
>>129212 Those /d/ inflation threads were the shit. So many hot greentexts and inflation scenarios. Thankfully this thread still carries the torch
>>129213 please do. I'm not even into bionicle anymore and that was still a hot fantasy (the genre, not the thing you think about) green
>>128098 >Have to add Jill and Ada to the list now too. FUCK
>>129206 >BIONICLE: Each male popped separately. Wild talks!
>>129506 >>129507 Be a sperg elsewhere.
>10th highest selling clip is a pov inflation clip Why don't more studios do pov inflation? https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/168743/27984443/balloon-boy-rapid-inflation-expansion-domination
>>129568 POV's inherently limiting. Plus I imagine only a few cater to viewers with taste in that sort of thing. I still think it's a nice sub-category of inflation though.
>>129568 Part of me imagines it's awkward enough doing a clip for a frankly weird and niche fetish like this, let alone doing one where the actress is just talking into a camera and doing little else
>>130191 I mean you do realize most clips done without anyone around are probably filmed by the actress themselves. To put it in perspective if it's something like blow up girls I guarantee there's a team of at least two or three people around! And yes particularly there are some pov blowjob inflations with male actors involved. But honestly it depends on who's in the room and how they feel about it. If it's a room full of women including at the camera it could either be the most awkward experience ever or again maybe there into it which is the best bet. Or let's put it another way shall we? The way I see it there are two types of appeals when it comes to you fetish for example here we have a insert guy into being inflated like a balloon wearing all the proper prosthetics about to get their cock pretend blown at least inflation wise as it's not real or a prop of their favorite actress. Let's say the incident in question is embarrassing and it gets there face flustered. Now you can't be right and the actress themselves might not be into it necessarily. But that's saying I don't think it always means they're going to potentially mock it either? Because there's two things you can count on this in this world. Those who are kinky from weird things and those who enjoy making others flustered. So although she may find inflation itself giggle worthy maybe she finds they guy hot and seeing him go all Owo embarrassed like a virgin having his first time might make her extremely hot because of the cute face expressions as well as realizing she has a control of the power dynamic. Inflation is heavily linked In bdsm not really bondage unless you consider straining clothes but particularly the subject matter of a sub partner usually the balloon as they are the most helpless with a dominant partner in control and yes this can lead well wide variance of things! There are those who like mocking there are those who like inflicting torment but the best case scenario here is there are those who just like power get off on watching a guy be so helpless and unbearably cute that it flusters and floods their emotions as well. So for this example imagine you a otherwise strong male now with the feminine energy of a blushing femboy trying not to loose yourself to a uzaki chan tease queen who isn't necessarily mean to you but teases you on how tight or how one nail prick or a blow can end you. And again although inflation is it necessarily the woman's favorite thing in the world maybe they even don't see an appeal in it necessarily all they do see the aspects and appeal of the Dom sub dynamic and they get off to the helplessness. I always say it's kind of good to be switch in any relationship because a lot of times that dynamic swamped back and forth some days you want to be on top railing your wife like a king other days when she's feeling particularly zesty you let her put you in a skit and pump you up like her good little submissive pooltoy blimp party balloon. These things go both ways and essentially it depends on preference again there are some that yes are against submissive men but there are some who only like feminine energy femboy men. There are some who want a strong amazon wife to dominate them. While others want a petite and short princess and whatever your thought process is it all stems from power and control some want to know the feeling of losing it in their lives because they have too much of it others want to know what it feels like to have it because well honestly their life sucks and they don't have it at all in there daily environment. It's the nature of fantasy. But as far as the pov clip above goes anon unlike the scenario I presented you with blow up girl's of model's most likely do that stuff in their living room. In a couple of hours and probably stockpile it too. It's usually a self-made business thing not too many people are involved so they're just pretty much sitting there with a balloon and a pump alone and pretending it's a guy. Lmfao I thought that was obvious? Either way again always count on the factor that even if somebody's not necessarily into your kinks as long as you're partner or love interest or kink friend with benefits is interested. It's not going to stop them from enjoying themselves. Again she doesn't have to like inflation she just needs to enjoy your helpless emotions to essentially ride the same wave high as you are. Again as long as she doesn't find it disgusting you're pretty much in the clear. Although honestly it's weird but I don't see why anyone would find it gross? Again people who want to eat ass I honestly find more worse than people sexing balloons.
Bump for November pumps
>>129601 >becoming Calli and Botan's blimp nice Would be interesting to see a vtuber play dig-dug. >chat, you're looking a little full of yourselves right now >you're all so pumped up to watch me play this game >has it expanded your interests, maybe? >I think I'll play again, who should I choose as a collab partner? >I have a very long list of girls interested in pumping our way to the top
>>130425 On the one hand I like the idea of a streamer gal blowing up her bf or contest winner live on stream. On the other hand I just can't get into V-tubers.
>>130481 kinda reminds me of https://www.deviantart.com/purplishanomaly/art/D-Va-Turns-You-Into-A-Blueberry-794798083
>>130483 Yeah, I read that one. I appreciate it's POv but their other stuff is just too loaded with Wonka-tism for me to be invested. I get that everyone has their niche but christ is that business saturated. Though I guess I can't complain.
Imagine, if you will, being the boy who blew up in front of Team RWBY.
I just realized I should've posted this into this thread and not male inflation. >>130573
>>130596 Blown up in front of Team RWBY, by Team RWBY https://bodyinflation.org/node/39783
>>130596 >>131372 Numerous times has it been on my mind. So many ways they could blimp a boy >Helium tank up the ass after saying something off-colour. >Using them as a makeshift firework display for a celebration. >Accidental berrification that gets out of hand in a dust lab >Or maybe they just feel like making a guy swell out of his own sexual frustration. The commonality is that they always have a bit too much fun, only to then realise that it's too late when a huge, spherical shadow looms over them. Creaking and groaning with a highly pressurised and engorged member leaking air attached to it. Weiss in particular because she's too busy ranting or gloating to tell there's swollen flesh about to press against her. Of course Ruby blurts out the obvious, while Yang is laughing her ass off with Blake behind cover. The rest is history.
I recently finished a story that you guys might be interested in. https://www.deviantart.com/laztheloser/art/A-night-at-Large-Louise-s-1130125200
You know what story always makes me think it would look good as art or a comic or even animated, would be 2004’s Great Inflations by Alec deluxe
Anything else on POV?
>>131691 I got zilch. Unless somebody wants to jump in with new images or greentexts at the ready.
I just wish that POV from Disco Kitty is free…
Because that link is not working.
>>131696 >>131698 >>131700 Begone, faggot autist. >>131697 Who?
Disco Kitten
>>131372 Fuck. Now you've got me back on this bullshit again.
Could an inflator 2B work?
>>131395 My favorite balloon party is criminally underrated but it's all female celebrities Only male inflation of there's I remember was pov and it was practically balloon magic or something it was years ago and I was a dumb horny teen looking for whatever inflation stuff I could get my hands on.
>>132346 I think A2 works better as an inflator as she's got that more sadistic edge to her, but I could see 2B fulfilling that role if she was assigned to eliminate a rouge android that way by command
>>132368 I agree. A2 would definitely be more harsh and degrading. 2B on the other hand would be mission focused, but I feel like she'd step back and admire her handiwork without letting the victim have a chance to fight back. I'd love to be double-teamed by them though.
>>132369 Who wouldn't want to be two Yorha units inflatable plaything? A2 would totally want to push her new toys limits by making it a competition to see which one of them could inflate you the largest without popping you
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i wanna be inflated by pandora so bad bros
>>132371 A2 referring to you less and less like a person the bigger you grow, while 2B comments more on your size through the various stages of fullness and steady tautness. >Totally not giving a progress report to Commander White along the way about how smooth and squishy your air-filled body is. >>132382 >big titty temptress uses her immeasurable paizuri skills to block your ability to cum, causing you to swell off your own raging sexual frustration like a horny blimp Worth it.
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>>132397 >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBhaKIqvUrQ SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME NOT HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In my opinion, we need more accidental inflation It's hilarius Watch a girl accidentally put the nozzle of a helium tank in a guy's mouth only to see him transformed into a blimp seconds later
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>mfw cranked it to gachaslop girls inflating me on stage at a live concert. It's over for me.
>>132732 I can't believe I lost to Zenless Zone Zero of all things...
>>132733 Considering the amount of fanart produced over the past year, you definitely aren't alone.
>>132738 Damn that Burnice and Nicole...
Question for the boys out there WOULD YOU RISK IT? would you risk a rule 63 Freddy girl pumping hopping and humping and popping you like the useless tool you are and what's the dream idea behind a fredma or Frannie or any kind of killer pumping you until you can't no more? The more horny the details the better! Me personally the male form kinda ruins the fantasy for me?
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but I wonder others opinions? Plus any other famous slashers in female form get you guys going like imagine a big goth mommy Jason or something? ( Minus the facial deformities if it's a turn off maybe she just has a big scar with a milky eye or something instead? Because again not to be offensive but under Jason's mask it's far from pretty like he eventually becomes undead and it starts to fall apart but he's tall so I could only imagine a female version would be a muscle mommy!) Or my dream idea is because anyone can wear the mask a female ghostface honey pumps me up and teases me with a knife! Humping me like a hopper ball toy as I squeak and groan constantly filling me until my skin reaches its limits and she's left with the rubber scraps of what's left of me! Is this why people simp for huntress from dbd? I think I'm understanding the appeal of wanting a tall drink of water to put a fountain in your ass until you can't hold it in any longer!
>>133036 I actually wrote something about something like this back in October. https://www.deviantart.com/laztheloser/art/A-Night-Terror-on-Felm-Lane-1110342311 In case you don't want to read the whole thing though and just want a rundown,I made a female version of Freddy named Fredricka,and instead of being a rapist she was a sleep therapist who gave techniques disguised as 'help' that would kill patients in their sleep. After being burned to death in her own slumber,she went on to haunt the dreams of others. She doesn't inflate people in their dreams except for the main character of the story due to a weird personal connection with him that I likely won't elaborate on because I'm a lazy writer I intentionally wrote it so that the reader can piece together their own answer.
>>131388 >>131372 >>130596 It's been another RWBY day-dream day. Curse my autism for wanting these poorly-written protags to pump me up until I explode.
>>133040 If No Neapolitan it's a no go for me I need myself to be pumped by the ice cream queen
>>133040 >>132731 elitist gatekeepy weeb girl who can't believe she keeps having to stoop to cosplaying gacha and western anime girls whenever she goes hunting at cons but it's just too easy to lure basic ass coomer-brained nerd boys in for her to inflate and pleasure herself with until they explode
>>133050 I'm assuming this scenario makes fun of autists alike. I like it. >inb4 she yet again has to do [FOTM series/gacha] in the same week as another one >She just gives up on subtlety by the end and goes ham with a pump. >Reveals she's just a tasteless contrarian afterward. Lel >>133046 Just can't beat the classic four. Though I will admit the ladies in Salem's circle have it goin' on.
ppokemon girl inflate me plz
>>133046 Some high calorie love for your waistline. Particularly coming out of that edit thread. https://bbw-chan.link/inf/res/108570.html#q133035 >>133062 Classic four + one more = Five Girls Blimp Boy Burgers and Fries. A group of five girls dedicated to male belly expansion and inflation. Honestly my go to set of five are Hololive Myth, but I guess it can work with others as well.
This gives heavy femdom vibes poor guy was bullied by big busty women https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=O6ITKUBzMrE https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cnVZnUQ5FZo
>>133261 Fyi the red heads a muscle mommy
>>133800 Peace not sanji from one PIECE
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Weird grey area but I guess this also counts as femdom and fits here too >>133818
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Seriously some fun stuff
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lady ninja reflection of darkness 1996. 21:28 in a female ninja is confronted by a man who has a snake longer than drake, she proceeds to defeat him via femdom by blowing air into his cock tip causing his balls to balloon until they burst. I believe he's also her ex lover or something so revenge fantasy comes into play You're welcome. A link https://tubepornclassic.com/videos/1031313/kunoichi-ninpo-ninja-woman-1996-japanese-softcore-full-movie/
>>134022 His cock expands too but you can barely see it through the brush in the way
>>134023 Ok I take that back you can see it fairly well if you're a femdom lover and like cock inflation I think this scene is for you!
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>>132740 >>132733 >Burnice and Nicole inflating you on-stage during a rendition of 'Burning Desires'. >Lyrics modified to include more inflation-focused language. >They use hydrogen instead of helium to blow you up. >Crowd gets wilder and wilder the bigger you get, including when your cock starts to swell. >Ends with the finale of igniting the gases within and setting off a chain reaction that sees one last surge of growth with hot, sticky cum spewing from your twitching dick. >You're like a huge spherical gas bomb with a 'flamethrower' attached. >Burnice and Nicole tell everyone to cover their ears as you rise into the sky, right as the beat reaches its crescendo and... >*BOOOOOM!* >You explode like a fireball with toasty scraps raining down from above over the audience that cheer and applaud the two girls on for their blast of a performance. Unf.
>>134022 I sometimes fantasize about women who love inflation doing this to me while I inflate with n2o and saline at the same time
Based on my outfit (recreated in Ai) Who would be my ideal dommy inflator?
>>134438 Makima or something. I dunnoe.
Inflatable sadako (Japan's original version is age 19) haunts you from a old VHS balloon animal tutorial video said to belong to a cursed party store which employees both male and female alike would disappear and go missing from each leaving behind a mess of tan toned bursted rubber balloon scraps which stump detectives to this day. You come across it as you're digging through a old store location after you and a buddy go exploring the decrepit old party department store for your youboob channel. It's just a old balloon animal diy tape used for employees yet it hauntingly calls for you to play it! So you find a old VHS tape player in your friends attic. Dusting it off as you and a couple of the boys including your Tom girl childhood friend in which you're afraid to admit you have a crush on pop some popcorn and drinks on for what everyone would think would be a uneventful night of just watching a old boring workerplace infomercial.. you pop the tape in you're friends speculating and spooking each other out with different options on what's on it one of the boys even joking that it could be a murderers snuff film secretly taped over it! As you tomboy friend and her bratty FEM bestie looks unamused. Saying something along the lines of dream on weirdo and as if! Expecting nothing of interesting value to be gained from this outside of a delicious microwave snack. Anticipation mounts as you place in the tape. Static appears of the screen as the workplace infomercial plays.. you all enjoy each other giggling having fun that is until distortions in the film appears. You're multiple buddies as well as your tomboy crush a rolling their eyes thinking nothing more than a prank or maybe just a crappy artifacting, yet a faint rubber squeaking appears distantly faded in the static. A picture of a well appears.. a colorful clown face with a mouthful glory hole rests atop it.. it's always menacingly staring back into yours as a white rubbery balloon thing starts inflating out of its mouth. As pale rubber glove balloon like hands push out one by one as this what could only be described as thick feminine rubber creature of voluptuous form inflated and folded. Everyone in the room in aw yet terrified as the inflatable creature slowly stepped closer to the screen each of it's steps a squeaky tone filled the rooms atmosphere.. its squeaky rubber hands appearing and pressuring the tv glass as it pushing it's flesh out inflating and filling the space around the group as it's voluptuous form placed itself in front of one the the boys... His name was alvin a timid feminine bi male with a slinder yet bottom heavy frame. His whole life he was always mocked for his feminine girlish features that he just sorta came to embrace and accept his role life and his buddies granted him as the group and collages local femboy. The inflatable voluptuous black haired girl set her eyes on him specifically hovering over him menacing and longingly as he sat on his knees trembling in his tight short like thong and stockings. Get away from him you shout! Yet the creature scoffed at your remarks looking lustfully at Alvin's form the creature panted as it licked it's lips longingly.. it gave me everyone in the room a Stern angry expression! 7 DAYS! She screamed.. SEVEN DAYS BEFORE YOUR SCRAPS! as it turned it's attention back to alvin her face rushing to me his as a lip lock ensues! A warm wet kiss between the femboy and the Gastly voluptuous ghost gal entailed everyone's eyes with each of their moans as the minutes ticked the ghost girl enjoying his embrace before something changed, her cheeks puffed as deeply she began to blow! Alvin's cheeks rapidly swelling as gulps forced themselves deeper down his form each puff entering him one after another. At first no effect showed until the signs of where it's flow distributed shine to brighter than the sun on everyone's faces.. Alvin's check heaved as his t-shirt stretched two fleshy mounts slowly swelling between the flat chested boys top. He's got tits? On friend shouted, another mentioned yeah and their blowing up!! Before another retorted just like balloons!? The ghost girls lungs wrathful as Alvin's top stretched to accommodate his new busty form each puff making the mounds tighter as his moans deeped each puff making him bigger than the last as she fondled their creaking size stress like squeaking noises filling the air from her touch.. within minutes big bites became bobbling beach balls almost floaty as they squeaked the almost e to f sized tits that moments ago were none existent.. amazing what a few huffed of a ghostly woman could do to a boy.. A short bit of fondling and huffing later to ensure the perfect size her embrace broke. A line of saliva splitting as she laps and pants enjoying his taste before squeezing and sliding back into the tv.. the squeaky statics hindering the muffled moans of 7 days before I return to finish what I blew! Alive was left start struck. Big breasts and all as he moaned WTF JUST HAPPPEENNEDD!! so ends the first encounter of the inflatable voluptuous black haired queen back again for balloon revenge who before the week would end would leave a long trail of bursted boys and girls behind her.. I wish I could tell the full rubbery tail of femboy Alvin and all the other lovely boys but it's just a concept of concept I leave in all of your hands to continue! Via further stories or even artwork! GO NUTS! I laid the ground where I don't know if I'll ever continue it.. but just a fun concept I was playing around with.
>>134464 Interesting
>>134516 Truth be told I had no ideas so I just picked a bunch of names and spun a wheel.
>>134482 That sounds like a hot story. I would like to read it when it done.
>>95845 >> I know what all of you here want you all want a girl like Cecilia to treat you like the good little submissive mouse balloon all you boys are don't you? You want nothing more than her to tease that inflated balloon cock threatening you with a multiple choice answer. Do you want my nails,my lungs or my teeth? Which do you prefer you're pathetic existence to end by? Either way you're cock scraps are becoming my new towel!
>>134667 But seriously price of flesh is a wild ride! What a damn game damned to either die or be someone's bitch but at least Cecilia makes both the most interesting routes you're storyline could end especially if you add a bit of inflation fantasy! Seriously dark story though friend who's into psychology recommended it! Again wild ride fetish fuel thoughts aside!
>>134667 By the way there's two donut force feeding scenes one consensual and the other well if you say your too full she forces them down you until you feel like you're gonna explode.
>Mirko bullying a startup hero/villain into inflating well past the limit of what his costume can hold. >Teasing, poking and slapping his swollen gut as he balloons outward. >Talking about how he makes a better blimp than an active super. >Insinuates that their career will start off with a bang if they don't hold on for the 'training', creaks and moans coming from his then spherical frame >Maybe even gets his to the size of a parade float before letting the guy loose to float through the city. I know it'd be OOC but let a man dream.
>>135720 over on spicychat there's a kitana mortal kombat chatbot that's a total inflation addict who loves to inflate the user and herself with her kiss of death and other means is it ooc? of course is it hot as fuck? fuck yeah I'd personally love a miruko version
>>135734 IMAGINE
>>135734 link??
>>135770 https://spicychat.ai/chat/52319d7a-f4be-4f0b-9b2c-d03c26b27075 there's a few others that are similar with other characters, but this is the best one in my experience so far
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>>135720 https://bodyinflation.org/node/35733 >Fatman and Rounder vs HeliumWoman >just before Fatman is set to explode, Wonder Woman and Power Girl push HeliumWoman away from her helium cannon >Wonder Woman and Power Girl on both sides of Fatman, rubbing their full bodies against him, telling him how they saw everything >Wonder Woman teasing and poking his formerly 360 pound balloon of a belly, telling him her delight was when he wobbled his fat way up 14 flights of stairs >Power Girl smacking his side, her favorite moment was when HeliumWoman fired the helium cannon at the massive target in front of her >"You were so round already Fatman, I honestly wondered if it had any effect!" >"I know right, and then your belt went pop!" >"You would have gone pop too..." Power Girl gleefully exclaimed as she poked her finger into Fatman's round, inflated middle, "If it weren't for us." >"Yep, you would have popped like a big, round, fat balloon." >Raven and Starfire fly in with Rounder >"See, you boys always did want to fly with us" >"Now you're finally in the perfect shape!"
>>136533 Power Girl using her Kryptonian powers to give you some big puffkisses while you two make out until you're so big and swollen and you're impossible to hide.
>>136561 Somehow, I think Power Girl would be more of a hose and helium tank kinda lady.
>>136567 I agree Powergirl strikes me as the kinda girl to shove a hose in you and sit back and watch as you balloon out. Wonder Woman I feel would be the one into puff kissing. Then once she's filled you enough she'd tie her lasso around your inflated cock and use it pull you around like a balloon on a string as your forced to admit how much you're getting off on the whole situation
>>136631 I can't disagree with any of that. Fuck that's hot. Though being double-teamed by Wondie and PG giving you a puffkiss and a blow(up) job at the same time...unf. God I wish shit like this was real. I bet WW could parade you around for the other super ladies...
