/preg/ - Pregnant

Heavy with child, baby bumps

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Who has the goods? Anonymous 09/05/2022 (Mon) 19:29:42 No. 940 [Reply] [Last]
I need that new oiled video she has
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>>1623 Someone share this
https://pixeldrain.com/u/TBj1CfJy Full version is 13 minutes long, someone be a hero and share the full version. You can find this video on coomer
>>2538 Oh Hey, I have one of those , and sorry for the necro. I looked and looked for it, after I saw a gif on tumblr from a preg blog. I couldn't find it free so I bought it. happy to share. https://gofile.io/d/uOtMgt
>>2637 Thank you good sir See if any of these can be added to your collection: https://bunkrrr.org/a/AMFJjglG
best thing about rhonda is that she never lost the belly. if you check out any of her latest videos her belly is still huge. shes just doing everything she can to hide it. she didnt like it when she was pregnant and she doesnt like it now but its always nice to see it sneak into a video once in awhile.

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Bad moms Anonymous 09/30/2024 (Mon) 17:52:09 No. 2615 [Reply]
Moms-to-be doing things they shouldn't.
Hell yeah! Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders get me as hard as a rock. I can't cum any more without knowing some kids likely gonna come out with any of a range of physical, behavioral, and cognitive impairments.
these look like clips4sale previews so uh, who is she? what's her clips4sale name?
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Anonymous 09/23/2024 (Mon) 16:54:02 No. 2606 [Reply]
Sexy pregnant blonde

Pregnant Teacher Stories Pregnant Teacher Stories 08/31/2023 (Thu) 16:10:11 No. 2141 [Reply]
Post any stories or experiences you've had with pregnant teachers.
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>>2198 Nice and hot. >I don't allow my wife to shave her pubes> How did that conversation go?
>>2300 Easy conversation. When we were dating and starting to have sex, I told her that I prefer she have a full bush. She accepted rather quickly, I remember her going something like "oh thank god it's a pain to shave every few days" 14 years of unshaved bush later... although, a recent development is that she has stopped shaving her pits. I was a little hesitant about that one at first since she loves to wear camisoles and tank tops but it grew on me (no pun intended). Thank god she'll still shave her legs every other day. Although, with the pregnancy, she needs my help with that one. Anyways, have a good day anons. Nothing like seeing your bbw wife barefoot and pregnant baking cookies in this chilly, rainy weather.
I have a story this spurred on my rude awakening to larger women, this was when i was around 9/10 and my homeroom and english teacher was a fairly short blond lady. I noticed that her shirt wouldn’t quite fit her, and whenever she would point to something on the top of the whiteboard, her shit would ride up a tiny little bit and show the bottom of her tummy. I just thought she was a little chubby and thought nothing much of it. Then at some point, she had gotten large to the point where she was moving around the class less and would just sit and place her hand on her belly as she looked around. then the class got sat down for a talk and she revealed that she was preggo to everyone, and I vividly remember her pulling up her shirt to show her belly to the class. I distinctly recall her bellybutton still being an innie despite her late stage in pregnancy. she just explained how she’d be leaving the classroom in the following weeks and that we’d have a new teacher replacing her. another time i remember her lifting her shirt up and letting some students touch her belly as the baby was kicking, though I didn’t really feel anything. Second time was in 7th grade, and my head of year/PE teacher got pregnant. this time She stayed in school right up until she popped, and she was getting absolutely huge in front of everyone. From around september to january she was in school and very clearly preggo, to the point where the shirt she wore rode far up her belly and a tiny bit of her underbelly was visible every time she entered the room. I remember her covering my history class, and I couldn’t stop staring at her. she was always looking down on her bump and really gently rubbing it, she looked as if she was posing for a maternity shoot.
Bumping,hoping to hear more stories from you anons
the only reason i got into pregnancy was because of a pregnant teacher , was 4th or 5th grade and my class went to another smaller school to do activities with younger kids and the first week we went there the teacher was heavily pregnant can’t remember how big and i was never told how many she had but since i was one of the few who went that day she gave us each a hug (for some reason) obviously this meant i was squished by her belly and yes i did feel a kick tho sadly when we went back the next week she was gone because she had given birth and ever since then ive been into this stuff TLDR: a pregnant teacher gave me a hug now i have a pregnancy kink

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Pregnant Pokemon Girls 11/21/2023 (Tue) 19:56:26 No. 2350 [Reply]
Since there's no "non furry" Pokemon thread I have made one so have fuv
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You beatoff to this shit?

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Pregnancy gifs Anonymous 08/20/2024 (Tue) 16:36:22 No. 2572 [Reply]
Post gifs of pregnant women from TV, movies, animation, etc.
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Who's the 3rd one in balancing the bottle on her belly?

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Fat and pregnant GIF (help) Anonymous 09/06/2022 (Tue) 18:01:17 No. 943 [Reply]
I saw a GIF a few weeks ago, and I can't find it again! It was a fat and pregnant woman who had the hiccups... and after her hiccup, she was holding her baby. It was so fun and cute.
Found it urlebird.com/video/a-miracle-happened-insta-nicemonique-6875721144520035585
Sorry. Wrong one. HERE'S the working url. www.instagram.com/p/CQ0GTsGqgPB/?hl=uk

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Pregnant Latina Baddie Anonymous 07/23/2024 (Tue) 22:37:32 No. 2552 [Reply]
Pregnant Latina Baddie
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Looking for this girl Anonymous 07/30/2024 (Tue) 00:58:32 No. 2554 [Reply]
Sorry if this the incorrect way of doing things. This chick came across my feed a while ago and I've not been able to find anything on her. The closest I've gotten is a couple videos where the OF link wasn't crossed out, but all I was able to get was 'er.' I just need a name
Californiadreamer, I think.
Dang, looks like her stuff is closed down because I can't find anything using that name. Absolute shame...
Close, it's Caliporniadreamer

Old/lost video Anonymous 02/26/2023 (Sun) 22:10:57 No. 1524 [Reply]
I’m looking for a joi video where the woman is sitting in an office chair and there’s some sort of hip hop or something playing as she talks about stroking and tells the watcher to speed up/ slow down. I believe she had tan skin and reddish hair, but I’m not sure. If you find something and think it matches even a little, please reply with the link. Thank you. https://mab.to/t/6AS7PYZ04YW/us3
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/xxz43ggdzqi24j8sbai3x/Nosy-Detective-ANIMATED.mp4.mp4?rlkey=glkbjxb6dcd7onyko4sxvnsfg&dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ofag5so53unsxdzrngel6/Belle-Delphine-s-Surprise-Swelling.mp4rlkey=46j9mz7nhrffn99blurxty85e&dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/rnzkd7ygw88ppc2llcy2x/Astrid-s-new-way-to-fly.mov?rlkey=xc1zb325htuja4t2dk9k7jzps&dl=0
I know which vid you’re talking about and I’ve been trying to find it too

tripletsmamaplus3 Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 23:27:29 No. 2522 [Reply]
Anyone got more from her? She had a massive bump with thick thigs and a big ole booty Such a big belly.
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Check Preggophilia. A guy posted a Google Drive folder of basically her entire output included some nude stuff.
>>2531 >>2531 Under what name? Or can you tag it bc her name doesn’t show up in search
>>2535 Go to General Videos. Thread is called Pre-Summer present/Triplet mom

/preg/ got killed off by the great purge. long live preg the thread? anon 01/26/2020 (Sun) 15:06:51 Id:461e89 No. 1 [Reply] [Last]
i guess uh? just post pregnant women videos here? not sure what to start it out with, i don't wanna just rehash my best posts from 2019, so here's some new stuff... https://we.tl/t-Ej5WZy88cu
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https://we.tl/t-HgDPy5B6O2 https://we.tl/t-Qsw6EqMLmR
Can we make a preg fur thread?
>>1419 No. That belongs in the furry section.
>>733 Anybody got a copy of mommy1987003's belly videos?
Someone must know who this woman is or where ro find more

MASSIVE BUMPS THREAD Anonymous 12/25/2022 (Sun) 00:32:33 No. 1257 [Reply] [Last]
Since the SSBBW thread seems long dead, I'll start this one. Post the biggest bumps you can find, bbw preg, multiples, and so on big distended bellies
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aHR0cHM6Ly9kMDAwZC5jb20vZC9rbGx3OGdxZjljcm4= aHR0cHM6Ly9kMDAwZC5jb20vZC96NnM3ZjhuY2dodXc= aHR0cHM6Ly9kMDAwZC5jb20vZC9lMm43MXFicHU4eDM=
aHR0cHM6Ly9kMDAwZC5jb20vZC8ybWN3YXVhaDMyZ2U= aHR0cHM6Ly9kMDAwZC5jb20vZC9pMXJzbWRrcWV0N3A= aHR0cHM6Ly9kMDAwZC5jb20vZC92NXZrNGVlY3czMWM=
>>2442 Finally found a compilation, she's absolutely massive near the end https://youtu.be/gcM_Lw8KMzA?feature=shared
>>2517 Got taken down, sadly
>>2518 Damn her husband copyright strikes it lol anyone saved it?

Big butt blondie Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 06:44:31 No. 2520 [Reply]
bb_bell21 showing off a baby bump

pregnant sam Anonymous 12/01/2021 (Wed) 20:28:35 Id:855975 No. 607 [Reply]
Do you have any video of the pregnancy of this beautiful girl? she is on manyvids YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMV0pqVWpkTmJGZDZOek09
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>>2071 Same
>>2071 Pregchan had a topic about her in the request section and published three of her clips, one of them was new.
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Anyone willing to post “Pump me full of cum Daddy”?
Love this
