/preg/ - Pregnant

Heavy with child, baby bumps

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Pregnant SSBBWs Anonymous 03/16/2020 (Mon) 20:32:04 Id:14a864 No. 456 >>1180
A thread to show off when SSBBWs get pregnant. What's your favorite pregnant fatty, mine is Plump Princess.
muhfucka u cant even tell that they’re pregnant.. what’s the point?
>>457 the point is I want to fuck the venus of willendorf bro
imjs they’re just ssbbw.. most of the pregnancy features wouldn’t even show.
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dont forget her
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she was once online at fantasyfeeder dunno her name. is there more?
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hell yeah
she doesnt like see her ass here.
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big fat pregnant ass
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hey this is old but gold it fits well under such a pleasure of women
miss tasticakes, jessiminx and winkingdaisys are my favorites. for some reason none of them did that many videos. youd think sarah rae would be in there but whatd she do, three videos tops? her pregnancy was a serious let down.
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Preg ouga ouga!!!
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Common Boys... Release it.
I'm actually surprised that lexxxi luxe was not here
>>470 She was so fucking hot when she got pregnant. Too bad it was before she did hardcore.
lexxxi luxe stuff https://mab.to/nNbyPTwa0
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What a women.
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a photoset of her Is there more?
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All of it
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She could be your mother
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older stuff
>>476 She was so gorgeous pregnant! Heres what I can add vids YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMVGhJY2t4TVMxaE1ja2M9 some pics in this one with vids YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMWEpSU3pGR2VVMW5UbUk9
>>483 For wat website?
>>484 google base 64 so you can decode the links.
>>482 sweetie mitchell! I have this vid somewhere. Will u/l when I find it.
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Twins here
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High vs. Shy
>>467 Sarah Rae is preggo again btw
>>469 it's a shame she never gave us a good peek at her belly.. most of her videos are boring
bump desiring preg sbbws + ussbbws but might just have to figure out how to make some myself...
>>468 >>469 >>490 she gave plenty of good belly peaks. her vids are boring but I honestly get the idea that she had no idea what to do and when. someone should have hit her with some good custom ideas. >>489 theres another one that could use some good video ideas. id personally request one but she wants $20/min with a 3-4wk wait time. thats just insane.
>>492 For what? 1 second? Lol, she barely shows her full belly. Her camera work was super weak. I mean, you may capture a good screenshot but that's about it.. most part of her videos are just lame with a bare glimpse of her belly. Prove me wrong dude lol
>>491 Its not really easy to get pregnant when you are morbidly obese..
>>493 who are we talking about? misstasticakes or Sarah rae? misstasticakes was clearly an amateur and her belly was literally so big it took the entire screen. she needed a lot of work on her videos but she clearly tried. sarah rae seemingly goes out of her way to cover up her belly so thats an entirely different conversation.
>>495 tastitcakes
>>494 that's definitely not true and something doctors especially like to say due to fatphobia vs how often it actually happens in america especially within poor communities I know multiple cases first-hand just none done by me yet
https://youtu.be/8g7mwhzvy24 https://youtu.be/Fel4cBHSnNo https://youtu.be/6fStWioh5ug
>>498 just to also bump with some content. a few videos I found recently
>>497 Bodyfat % does fluctuate your hormones. Both, in male individuals and female. You knowing a bunch of cases doesn't make the difference, y'know? How often do you see 450-500lb pregnant women?
>>500 More often than you seem to believe, that's for sure. Yes, weight can fluctuate your hormones significantly. Or even be a result of such fluctuation. But for most ppl it will not limit their fertility. To the contrary, having significant amount of body fat rises libido and can make getting pregnant easier. Many of those girls are unfortunately likely to undergo abortion instead. Out of fear for their own health/life or presumed inability to care for a child. It is skinny people's hormonal imbalance that causes limited fertility. I would like to run a media campaign to encourage fat people give birth. Also we could use some improvements in birth aid for the super morbidly obese mothers. My "sinister" reasons for this is to fill the gene pool with proper genes over time. So we'll achieve living in a totally fat world sooner.
Bump for new Sarah Rae content
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Who’s the blue haired cutie with the hairy armpits?
>>683 camgirlkitten probably,
Got any more PP pics?
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Goat preg ssbbw
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>>780 name?
>>820 Misstasticakes If any of you have her content would be appreciated
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Not a bbw but still bigger than your average pregger
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>>851 where does she post what's her username? I need to go rip her content
>>851 YO name please
>>885 Sauce?
>>886 natalybbwmilk
>>887 Thanks! https://gofile.io/d/IfAfvr
>>896 Best drop of the thread
>>885 great find
Since there are literally no pregnant ssbbws in this tread, allow me to fix that
>>906 >refers to herself as incubator >total broodmother fertility goddess walking womb vibes >talks about requiring cock Who is this manifestation of perfection
>>908 Agreed, this is top notch. Neeeeed to know who this is
>>906 Why is it that the name "TabbiAlways" in the filename seems to turn up nothing in any searches? Where are these from?
>>896 Thanks brother. Been tempted to see pay for those shady cam sites just to download them.
>>896 Got anymore of her?
>>907 Foreal tho mang, who tf is this manifestation of perfection. Looked high and low to no avail.
>>910 agreed. she popped up in the ID thread of /bbw and searching that name gets nowhere.
>>910 >>918 She’s on Feabie.
>>923 Thanks, definitely found her on Feabie after the tip, still not able to find where exactly these other pics that have been posted came from or where she's posting them though :(
>>906 Finally found the rest since that other slacker I'm replying to didn't come through. I don't have Feabie XL but she does have 16 more public photos, and 6 private photos I can't access.
>>906 >is pregnant >looks no different from a normal SSBBW what the fuck is the point
>>935 Im with you on this one, like wtf.. no visible bump whatsoever
>>935 fo real
>>985 is that her? where can I find more?
allison_lov actual bbw who is pregnant, only turned the robot onto her today, this is the best footage I've gotten off it so far (it's quite boring) but hey if you're a camsite fan go give her a follow as she fits this incredibly narrow niche https://we.tl/t-UXsiTLX0Xd
>>1067 whoops I copy pasted wrong username the above is valerie_belvelth allison_lov is also pregnant camgirl but is not a bbw :) image filename makes that clear though.
Damn, you got any to share of her?
>>1070 similar to Vannah
>>1081 Just a lot saggier and not as big... so not really
>>1082 to be fair, Vannah straight up doesn't have an ass, so the size comparison balances out.
>>1083 Or tits, or any sexually enticing behavior in any of her videos. They massive belly is great and at the core of my stupid autistic brain BIG PREGNANT BELLY is all that matters, but this chick has big heavy mommy titties and an actual posterior to speak of. No contest.
>>1087 Vannah's lucky she was in the era where personality was non-existent in porn. You could just stand there like a log and dudes would throw money at you.
>>1088 vannah cream? no personality? are we talking about the same person? she talked a lot in all of her videos. her clothing choices sucked but her videos were good.
>>1090 You can talk and still have the personality of a tree.
Check out this find! She was already a hardcore feeder, and now is 5 or 6 months pregnant. Dis gon be good! https://www.instagram.com/seleneofcyrene/ https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/25603-giant-preggo-pizza-stuffing-biggest-ever/
>>1109 since were talking about larger pregnant women. https://www.manyvids.com/Profile/1000909683/Your_Girl_Sam/ your girl sam is pregnant with her fifth. she just announced it last week and she's due in june. she already looks halfway through the pregnancy and she isn't even two months in yet. she's going to be huge for sure.
c bate natalia_coxxx gigantic pregnant ssbbw, all the shows i've seen so far have been boring so nothing to share
>>1151 Got links, pics or something?
>>1128 Anyone have any of Your_Girl_Sam's pregnancy content? She's incredible, what a milf!
>>1163 she's pregnant with her fifth right now. she might be 2mnths but she can pass for 5mnths. you can catch her on streamate. she's also an amazing burper if you're into that. she has an of and a manyvids.
>>1166 Desperately need for someone to get that OF on the coomer!
>>1162 the website is blacklist word on chan i think because someone was spamming it in the past... but it's pretty clear here's another one, https://we.tl/t-WztgzWOJTU including lame video, so you can see, hoping to tune it for a better time another day...
Anyone have a reup of the anorei collins stuff?
>>1179 epic, what's her name? what site is she posting on i wanna go follow
>>1185 bigbeautifulcoco on curvage

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