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Eliza Why was it deleted? 06/19/2024 (Wed) 05:17:05 Id:6bc09b No. 143088
Seriously guys why do threads of her get nuked??
>>143257 great now we can move boberry to /gen since it blows up so fast with often no content
yea those big sacks of breast flesh just spreading out over her stretch marked gut that looks so big im still not entirely sure she's not pregnant goddamn
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>>143565 Her last pregnancy she really ballooned up massively, glad she didn't lose any of the baby weight. And continued to grow. Hope she recovers quick so she can get back to performing
>>143646 Bro it's literally a shot from her 9 months waddling vid but nice try https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/fateliza/post/263141046
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Candydeluxxx is so hot hope they collab more
>>143565 She's not preggers I can guarantee you that she's just FAT
>>145347 I had sex with a girl who was like 8 months and it was funny cause my body got all confused. her belly was big, but she wasn't fat. it was like when a magician fucks with you and you know it can't be, yet all your eyes see is a successful magic trick
>>143685 Hard agree!
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New recent pics
Biggest pet peeve right now is that the last few posts on both her OF pages focus on her friends and not her. Like if I wanted to see them, I'd sub to them.
>>146826 She's pregnant again right? At this rate she may hit 500lbs. She would look so massive!
>>147022 You got any source for this?
>>146826 she is so hot but god damn can she turn off the snapchat filters for one photo
>>146826 I love when they become tit monsters, it makes me diamonds.
>>147022 I dont think so. She's been on hiatus for several months due to medical issues/surgery.
>>146826 the flattest butt on earth... yuck!
huge turn off when the bitch suddenly thought she was an expert in Middle East politics
>>147524 This! And why she gotta do it on her normal sex worker Twitter acc?! If someone was genuinely just interested in her personal life updates and content promo, he has to scroll an ungodly amount due to all of the middle east stuff she retweets or her occasional dumb political commentary.... Btw.: Anyone knows how to hide retweets maybe?
>>147529 Yeah just go to her profile and click the three dots on the top. I figured that out before I clicked the unfollow button I followed her too see fat tits flop around not some middle east crap.
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>>147022 Seconding what people are saying, likely isn't pregnant now, but definitely is obscenely fat.
>>147729 God, she’s so fucking round now 😩
>>147729 Definitely obscence photoshopped (the second)...
>>147729 She would look great as a 500lber
>>147830 This is a frame from a video she took in the last two months you absolute dunce.
>>147836 do you n0tice even the head is stretched
>>147850 You can like tell, from the like pixels and stuff.
>>147850 dawg just go look up her socials/coomer page and see for yourself
>>147729 I miss her original, human face. She used to have a cute Sara Rue quality. Now she looks like injection face #109 from a catalog
>>147856 >>147859 do you know these can be on video manipulated too by the filters, like the view reflection of fairy mirrors? It is quite obvious not her original body appearence...
>>147968 You're seriously hopping on different IPs to defend your braindead ass takes? Try actually WATCHING the videos. They are free on coomer. AI is not so advanced that you can't tell when basic-ass filters are applied. Well, maybe YOU can't, seeing, as you insist on proving that you're a retard. But the kind of deepfakes that even average people can't detect still require megacorporation-level resources that content creators don't have access to yet.
>>148099 its not so magical as you seem to think. most people are not insane and dont need to manipulate their pictures and videos. the qwomen are really as fat as they say. quit bothering us with your delusion of everyne trying to trick the viewer. they dont need to. they're already fat.
>>148115 therefore she lookson these pictures like the reflection of a magical mirror on a fair... so you just ignore that anything is strechted, as the chin and fupa...
there a bunch of her vids on cambro but they changed the view-source: trick so is there still a way to do it or do I have to screen record it
>>148251 Use 1dm app, still works. Just wait a couple of minutes so the app has time to find the source code.
She posted a vid to her twitter about her health. Apparently she has to drop 40 pounds to have surgery, and then she'll be out about a year after that to recover. So we'll see what happens. Either she gets massively fat while she sits and eats and recovers for a year, or she quietly retires. Time will tell.
>>148612 Despite how much I'd love for her to come back significantly heavier I think just staying at her current weight and loosing any more is plenty good. Better yet if she regained her 40 lost lbs.
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>>143160 Alexxis & Eliza:
>>148612 the hog is gone! abandon ship!
>>148891 Alexxxis has gained nicely, there couldn't be enough content of her out there for me since she she got bigger
>>148613 My prediction: losing 40 lbs is a reality check and she tries to leave the scene, before eventually coming back when the money dries up. She'll probably be significantly smaller and no telling what happens after that stage
>>148935 Facts, Alexis is super hot and would look incredible at Eliza’s weight
>>148954 Too bad she HATES being as big as she is.
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>>148946 You were right. She's trying to retire and set up a GoFundMe to finance it. Sorry ma'am, you ain't hitting that goal
>>147830 I guarantee you it's not it's actually fat af
>>149030 Hope you realize this was a joke right? She was only doing this to talk shit to crazy feminists who hate sex work
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>>143088 https://bunkr.site/f/WWVzJGUlJNlwM Source quality of above video: https://bunkr.pk/f/UkwvlFjPGVAdZ https://bunkr.site/f/cyxjPQNTSHFVj
>>149033 I'll admit, I didn't catch that. But when her previous posts were about how she's on hiatus for a year, I figured this was sincere. My bad
>>149080 >>149033 Maybe its both? Test the waters?
>>149043 https://bunkr.cr/a/7ruJCb3k Link to 13 of her vids.
