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I stg this guy, this *fucking* guy, has been asking this for over 4 years in almost every single juicy Jackie thread.
Not only that, it's already been shown to him before, with everyone else laughing at what the "Supersize Me" set actually is. So, fine, you win. Here are the three different "Supersize Me" sets Juicy Jackie has.
And before you ask, yes, this is seriously what she posted on her website. A series of extremely low-quality morphs and distortions of her previous older sets, which look like someone used the spiral filter on Microsoft Pictures.
To my knowledge, she only ever made three bundles, and stopped after that, because they were awful.
Yet for some reason, some guy has been asking for them for *years*, always chiming in with "DAE Have Supersize me set" or "Supersize Me pics pls?" messages every time, without any content or elaboration.
Sorry for the outburst, but god this guy has wasted enough of my time and thread space. Hoping this is the last I have to see a "Supersize set" post again