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theillusiveham Anonymous 10/04/2024 (Fri) 16:08:50 Id:ee7c37 No. 133007
The most underrated gainer in the scene right now. Hands down the best belcher. Let’s see what we got here’s mine https://mega.nz/folder/TH5jxKIZ#L-fOH9VnyWdOoskMn9dwkQ
Wish they were in some sort of order, no clue if that’s just stuff you can get on coomer still or if any is new post-coomer updates.
>>133009 Its kinda insane how someone takes time out of there day to give you porn that might not be available anywhere else and you still complain that it's not fully organized for you. Either figure it out or get the shit urself.
>>133018 fire emoji actually
>>133009 People like you are the fucking worst
>>133009 Shut it, fag
Thanks for this man, It is so hard to find her content. She is one of the most impressive gainer out there. Thanks again.
Her weight loss regain is probably the best I’ve ever seen.
>>133036 Buddy pressed over something so small lol
>>133018 Get a grip
>>133018 Lol the stuff on there is all shit that’s been floating around. Nothing new within the last few months from what I can see skimming through it. So it’s hardly stuff you can’t easily find reupped on a million sites.
If anyone has and is able to share her old Clips4Sale videos, especially her wardrobe malfunction content, that would be awesome
>>133073 Stop complaining about others complaining
>>133139 Stop complaining about people complaining about folk complaining.
>>133139 The irony lol
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Glad somebody else finally acknowledges her talent, she's one of the GOATs. like actual huge, gigantic burps, and she's been doing it for years Been seeing a lot of dudes commenting on posts like "this random girl has MASSIVE EARTH SHATTERING BELCHES, YOU NEED TO BUY THIS VIDEO AND THIS IS MY FIRST TIME COMMENTING BUT IM SPEAKING AS A BURP FETISH EXPERT" but Sabrina is one of the few that actually earns that title
Her coomer's last update was in May, has anything came out since then?
there’s one video of her where she stuffs herself all day and then weighs herself and she’s 9 pounds heavier.
>>136836 that last paragraph is some cringe shit, king
She's active gaining again? Thought she lost weight and retired.
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>>138578 yes she's active. she regained all the weight back and more
>>138578 she came back years ago lol
>>136836 We all know that last paragraph isn't true at all lol
>>133007 >https://mega.nz/folder/TH5jxKIZ#L-fOH9VnyWdOoskMn9dwkQ links dead
>>139212 what a great hog, so glad she returned, her re-gain is impressive
She's an all-time great for these photos alone:
When did she lose weight? Looking through her coomer, she looks pretty big the whole time. And is she at her biggest now? It's tough to tell because I can't find many weigh ins - looks like she was 384 a few years back...
>>144382 look on stufferdb or something. she came back after regaining
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>>143730 >https://gofile.io/d/w9V0Ol
>>144382 She gained to like 350…lost it all…didn’t like it and then came right back. This is years ago. I’m a bit disappointed that she’s kind of plateaued here for quite a while tho.
>>144759 Was that when she had the name change from Sabrina to IllusiveHam?
>>144288 From which video are these pictures from?
She used to be underrated but now she’s overrated because she got to around 400 and then has stayed the same. She does get a point or two for her regain which was epic.
>>145570 I also think her content is terrible. Horrible angles where you can’t see well, and I’m also not much into burps and farts which she does often.
>>145572 Then why the fuck is she posted here and not alt
>>145575 Probably because she also does stuffings etc, and she’s 400 lbs
>>145572 Also the shitty filter she turns on some vids is terrible
>>145575 If that's your criteria for moving to alt, we'd wipe out half of this board. You'd have to get rid of Layla, Margot, Eliza Allure, Reiina, MsFatBooty, Candy Godiva, FatMissT, Ella Eats, Ginger, Nickie, Pame, Ivy etc etc. Lots of them do it occassionally.
I just wish she made more actual videos. Most of what she posts is either pictures or clips that are like 20 seconds long.
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