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Goddess Mary BoBerry 11/01/2024 (Fri) 13:52:35 Id:7d7a52 No. 135681
A new Mary BoBerry thread was needed. Please share her most recent content, here's what I have aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LTZ2NGZZRDZiRVA=
>>135705 Uploaded this as fair sharing https://we.tl/t-oBshoiUkcU
Someone have some actualization ?
She share’s my love for canals. That’s hot…
>>135709 I was always impressed by his incredible mobility.
Any set this photo is?
According to her most recent Instagram post (of 24 October 2024) she is now "almost 640 lbs". https://www.instagram.com/maryboberrycontent/p/DBg270kiOzr/?img_index=1
>>135727 I understand that that Instagram is not hers, it belongs to someone who steals content...
This has some of her VIP stuff. Im sure everyone has these already but in case some dont. https://www.erome.com/a/MYNUvqIx
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New livestream from the Cruiseship is coming to the guy who was recording the previous ones please do your uploads got better quality then the orginal :))
>>135727 >>135729 She probably wouldn't come up with such a riddiculous number anymore... Also are on TikTok some profiles of her, maybe all but one are hijacked...
>>135762 Fucking idiot
>>135737 The album is gone :(
>>135766 Friends, the album that was shared through erome had been online for a long time and had never been deleted. One shared it and not a day passed before it was deleted, this means that there is some kind of moderating Maria among us or it could be... the same Maria who sees our things ☠️
>>135777 for fuck's sake, not you again
This chick is blowing up
Def recommend subbing to her vip page
Support the gain. More subs = more food money = more Mary to enjoy
gettin BEEEEEG
Asstounding gains
it's huge
>>135828 Im mad ive missed it... ;((
Is she back at peak at last?? Ive been out of the loop for a while
>>135828 What video are these from?
Nah bruh, I subbed to her for the second time and for the entire month, she did three separate posts about the same event of her eating in bed. A wasted months subscription
>>135828 She can kill someone just sitting on them with no effort at all…
>>135840 I have experiences with big and very big women, even huge. From my experience, let me tell you that even though they are huge, it is something that can be tolerated, at least I am quite big. If you are a short or skinny person, I think you are in trouble...
>>135843 Im in very trouble 😂
>>135737 >>135709 the "We.tl" is gone, and according to the site it was up for less than 2 days. Same for the "erome" stuff. Whoever this rat is needs to be found, and FAST. We only have until the end of the year unless that donation comes in.
>>135849 You stupid? As if there guy who's supposed to lock out for stolen content who is part of Mary's team would just reveal themselves... Also it is possible that it's not even a person but rather s simple computer script running periodically and check all new posts for links to automatically report them on we transfer/man/gofile by sending a takedown request email through API. Could probably program a more or less reliable version in Python in about 3hrs.
>>135751 Ok, you convinced me with the quality argument. https://gofile.io/d/ay0HoU
It was me! Thank you sir!! Her quality is always lower than yours and is without the watermark !you are a true gentleman for doing this!
>>135859 Thank you. I really don't understand why she is posting her videos in such a bad quality on her new site, as she's so conscientious, diligent and professional with the way she does all her other stuff. Might it be that she only ever looks at her site on a phone screen, and never on a computer?
During the live I asked her if she's gonna do a weigh in when she gets back home and she said "I don't know", let's all hope she's gonna do it. Mary is the only model I'd give more than 10-15 bucks to for a single video. The weigh in compilation was 100 bucks so I think this single weigh in wouldn't cost more than 50
>>135865 I also asked something similar and got the same response. Who knows why she was so deflective.
>>135867 At least she didn't say no so fingers crossed🫰
>She actually wants to do ASMR videos OH GOD FUCK YES PLEASE
I also asked her to do a weigh in In both lives, she’s clearly at least 640 if not 650 with the way she’s been eating, and it’s literally free $ for her idk why she is hesitant to do one
>>135871 Maybe he has a surprise for us but we don't know
>>135857 Holy shit it’s down already?
That set and those pics of her on the counter on all fours will be my favorites forever. I wish she had done pics in that pose all throughout her career and I hope she keeps doing them.
down already?
>>135840 I'd sign up for that!
Down already? Can we get a reup please?
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>>135873 So she posted this a couple of days ago. Ideally I'm hoping for a double weigh in with one right before the cruise in London and one right after back in the USA, just to see how much she gained in the 12 days with all inclusive food. But then again she's lazy and wants to
>>135890 FML cut of the last part... But then again she's hella lazy an inconsistent with her content schedule and wants to take a week off back home so...
the thread is back baby holy shit she looks fucking HUGE
>>135828 The first image basically proves she had liposuction on her chin in order to have her double chin removed. She's visibly pushing 700 pounds and theres a clear flatness/indent where her double chin should be. I don't mind surgery as long as the models don't blatantly lie about it like Reinna, but what are you guys thoughts? Should all SSBBW's be legally mandated to get their double chins removed? Are double chins sexy?
>>135897 Love 'em, can't get enough of 'em If I had a choice all ssbbw's should have double chins, triple chins, whatever. Expect disagreement, of course.
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>>135897 That's obviously lighting LOL. She has a double chin there and it's bulging out. These delusions are so common in Boberry threads. The insane Boberry fanatics that worship her like brainwashed slaves and the edgy critics and crowd of haters that have to analyze everything for a flaw.
>>135897 bro how tf did you look at this picture that clearly shows her double chin plain as day and come to the conclusion that she got it lipo'd? ffs man these people, go read a book
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>>135905 Bc people on this board are actual schizos and the mods just don’t give a shit and let them ruin every thread Yknow bbw-Chan used to have girls post original content here but that hasn’t happened in years because of the absolute freaks that have taken over. Maybe one day they’ll leave their goon caves and act like a normal human being. I imagine people like >>135897 act like Professor Psychotic when they meet girls
Could someone reupload the vid?
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Double chin: Gone! No fat face detected!
anyone have the live?
>>135897 are you insane, retarded or insanely retarded? How do you come up with this garbage based on a picture literally showing her double chin? A flat earther's reasoning would look reasonable compared to you
>>135897 www.specsavers.co.uk
Can someone please reup the video?
She mentioned about her last live where se was really drunk, could anyone upload it?
>>135681 Anyone got the BC set in OP? My favorite image of her ever. Unmatched.
>>135904 >>135905 >>135906 >>135919 >>135923 Damn, my bad. I take it back. She has a double chin
>>135942 How daft do you have to be to believe someone has liposuction solely on the chin
>>135854 The point isn't for them to reveal themselves, th point was if we could all band together and FOCUS for once... Seriously, the fact that there was something taken down on THE SAME FUCKING DAY screams to me that whoever this person is must be on here almost daily Remember the main priorities and targets, everyone. We have a deadline. And if we don't catch em...not sure what'll happen then tbh
Can you guys start uploading to Mab? Those links always stay up for longer.
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looking at her now she can reach 700 with ease and still be mobile! Her genetics are insane
>>135950 Fuuuuuuuuck I want her fatter and fatter and fatter I will feed her a world of food!
>>135897 Double chins are sexy. A fat face is sexy. I can't blame folks for loving painfully skinny faces and sticking chickbones (yuck!). But I understand that only because I love flat-chested ssbbw girls. Often fat face is the only thing that lets you spot the so desired fat girls on tinder and etc. Very often they are not as fat as their face suggested. But overall fat faces are lovely and must have. imho
>>135950 >>135933 >>135919 The words “cave troll” get thrown around a lot these days but…
>>135952 >>135953 We’re not here for her face. Is her ass any less wonky or not?
>>135959 I think she has one of the prettiest faces of someone of her size tbh. Each era of hers she looks a little different, but I've always thought she is so pretty
>>135681 >>135941 Just insane to think about this Pic is real and not morphed or shopped at all... Like how is this a real Human being? >>135865 >Mary is the only model I'd give more than 10-15 bucks to for a single video. *give him a pathetic look* never bought a custom, huh?
>>135963 lmfao
Reup the live plz?
reup please
She looks incredible at the moment but I just wish she’d post more often. I mean it sounds like she doesn’t have much to do on this cruise, how hard is it to post a photo or a video.
>>135950 Dude if this woman will get over 700 lbs she won't just break any record, she will get bigger than Echo and Jae: so that means she won't be able anymore to fit any door and car, do you understand that or not?! She will be stuck forever in her house or much worst ... she won't be able to drive and travel around, it's already difficult just now at her actual size so imagine her at 700 lbs.
I've been with big women, but I don't even want to imagine what it must be like to be with a forty-something with a huge ass like Mary's, for me it would be playing in an elite league!
>>136001 You just cant compare her to any other model Mary is unique...with her fat distribution she will be ok at 700 trust me
Her knees will be dust at 700
>>135951 average saxxon commissioner
>>135951 Debulover
>>136008 Yea you can, probably you've never understood that I watched and followed Boberry, Jae and many other fat models for all these years ... she always travelled, get into parties and ate lot of food in front of her friends: the only "particular" things and fetishes Mary has tried to share are related to food, her body measures and how much bigger or heavier she became. Soo if you consider her age and how much she LOVES to travel, she can't do that if you want to see her fitting into cars, doors without breaking her spine or bones ... "maybe I could be paranoid" but Echo was hospitalized because she was much over 750/800 lbs and she wasn't even capable to leave her house. Do you understand why Mary Boberry is already very big and huge or not? You want her become stuck like a massive blob of fat in the bedroom? I don't think Mary wants that, she loves too much to travel and move around!
stop talking shit and post the fucking live
>>136031 This is a porn thread. Even if her becoming 700+ pounds and becoming a blob is unrealistic, it still gets people hard and it's all apart of a fantasy. Let people dream.
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>>136001 >>136036 >>136031 >>136008 >>136005 >>136001 Post the live or shut your bitch ass up.
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>>136032 At this point I won't be surprised if these retards are boberry's goons and are the ones reporting the vids and derailing the the threads with off topic shit so that it gets bumplocked eventually.
Had shitty upload speed the last couple days, but here's the livestream re-up aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGVbcmVqb2ljZV9mZWxsb3dfZGVnZW5zXS5pby9kL2ZsSUI2Sg== Ps.: Watch out for the brackets
Tho, this clip needs some serious editing.
>>136042 Thnx for the drop in this mess of a thread...
>>136042 Much appreciated.
>>136042 Why is it a .wmv my phone can't play it and I'm a tech tard
>>136058 That's a U problem, bud Figure it out instead of complaining
>>135828 I wonder how long it would last if she sat on my chest before asking her to get up
>>136042 Sorry if this is a stupid question, but how do I access that type of links?
Fix'd https://gofile.io/d/qzAAXa
>>136071 You're a hero
>>136064 before the lynch mob gets you for asking. Base64. copy that code, paste into Base64, click Decode, it should give you a link
>>136071 Honestly very refreshing that she's a little drunk and loosened up more than usual. When she says "my ass is so fat right now" it's more erotic than almost anything she did for Bigcuties lmao
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Imagine size of that ass if she takes it to the elite #700club
>>136042 Appreciate the drop but holy shut she’s gotta be one of the worst content creators of all time. Shame because she is also one of the hottest. Over an hour long of her just talking, fully clothed, not even eating….. might as well start vlogging at this point I could never pay for that shit.
>>136111 Yuuuuge
>>136131 I think it was a free live stream for her vip subs done from her cruise cabin. I get the quality of it and randomness made it pretty shit but it's not like it's paid content. I never really got Boberry when she was a big cutie, I grabbed all her content whenever I could but it was Ash and MsFatBooty that were my thing. Since she moved away from there though I find her candids hot as fuck, same with Brianna
I would suck a fart out of her ass
>>136134 Same, Ash was my favorite BC. And would still be tops if she returned. BoBerry got so much better with candids on new site. From the early vid of walking past a crowd across parking lot to recent of her at this enormous size.
>>136111 I can imagine that, but again as I said don't push it too much ... this woman is already huge and very fat, if I was her boyfriend I will be very worried to sleep near to her (not because her weight, but because how massive she looks like compared to us)
>>136090 I missed that line. Any idea when that was?
>>136134 It is only free content if it is available to all. If it is only available to VIP subs, then that is still paid content. Not sure I would even call it a "free" bonus, as I don't think she guarantees a certain number of updates/videos, so just part of the package. (And overall, I agree with OP that her content is generally sub-par for the cost, though she does have some incredible moments that bring me to my knees.)
>>136134 Imo her big cuties run was better than what we got now. At least you could pay $20 and get all her updates. Although most were still sup par back then there was the occasional gem which made it worth it to get the sub and get all her videos. Now she is requiring people to sub to her private site, where she has literally charged almost $100 for one video, that are all worse quality than BC. Sine moving to her site she hasn’t released a single proper stuffing or close to nude vid. Just fucking vlogs basically. Like that’s totally fine if that’s what she wants to do, but ffs just put in on YouTube instead of charging it like some premium package.
>>136177 I'd bet my cock that this is your youtube channel and for some dumbass reason your advertising on fucking bbw chan.
>>136071 Thanks for the link. I have membership but it takes weeks for her to upload her videos. If its that much of a chore she could just pay someone to ‘edit’ and upload them.
Anyone got that video of her on the ski lift thing shaking her belly that video is awesome
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>>136170 Yeah her last years Mexico Dinner stretch was legendary too!
>>136131 Yep. I’ve noticed this weird trend in the past few years of these baddies posting sub par content consistently. I wish she did request videos. That would make the membership worthwhile. Tbh if these softcore porn stars dont do request videos then what’s the fucking point? I’ve been telling people to back tf off from her page so that she’ll realize she actually do more and be more willing to do what her fans want but people don’t listen. >>136135 Everyone who says this will instantly change their mind the moment they smell something bad >>136170 Yeah that livestream literally could have just been on her YouTube. Why did she abandon yt? She hasn’t posted in over 5 months. >>135824 I guarantee that view only lasts a few seconds therefore not worth it
I'm currently on a transatlantic cruise and I saw Boberry at the breakfast buffet on the upper deck yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything. She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my selection of breakfast items, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came back to my table I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen croissants in her hands outside the designated breakfast area. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Maam, you can't take buffet food back for others.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them back to pay a surcharge. When she took one of the croissants and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly
>>136307 When and where does the ship arrive at port in the states, if I may ask?
>>136310 This is a famous decade old copypasta you dolt
>>136311 Tagliatelle or Fettuccine? you turd.
Anybody have a mega folder? Or all her eating vids?
>>136307 Sounds like a stupid cunt. mid.
>>136322 it's a copypasta. the OP just cleverly made it cruise/FA related with the buffet stuff. pretty funny shit actually, gotta give props
>>136307 You know that her cruise has already ended on November 4th, right?!
>>136310 It was actually scarily easy to find this info but to my knowledge it already arrived on November 4th. Obviously upon finding this out I did not post about this here, so no cross Anons would show up to "greet" her there.
>>136358 well shiver me timbers
>>136358 Livestream was Saturday and she said she had a week left, so that would imply it finishes this Saturday
I wish she would get naked!
>>136372 Did that really happen?
Yeah but it was like a year ago unfortunately.
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>>136372 cheers. https://gofile.io/d/ihiS1u
>>136373 Same. I wouldn’t even mind if she just teased and didn’t show anything. I believe she’s only done two naked BigCuties videos.
>>136445 Do you know which ones please? I can get them myself, just need the numbers or names of sets.
>>136438 Is this video really from 1 year ago? Because she seems massive in this one, for how long has she been over 600 lbs again? I guess time flies lol
>>136359 "scarily easy" for a pro stalker maybe
>>136461 That's what makes it scary
Anyone have that one vip video from a while ago where she is sitting by the pool eating hotdogs?
>>136466 https://gofile.io/d/Pn6xuw
>>136307 Imagine if Boberry was got in prison for stealing food in a buffet.
>>136307 The Flying Lotus copypasta will never die.
I imagine if Boberry sits too hard he might break a couple of bones in my legs...yeah, we're weird
>>136469 Thank you!!
>>136545 that'd only be weird if it turned you on. might sound hot in theory but if you feel anything besides agonizing pain in that situation then yeah you're a tish off lmao
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>>136551 Lol! I agree - much as I would enjoy her sitting on me, I don't get how someone would want to be physically hurt by any SSBBW. I'd share my fantasies, but they are much darker.
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I bet you've probably never seen this perspective before.
>>136555 she has the same problem Kayla does when she wanders in public while everyone awkwardly eyes the camera or tries to avoid it.
>>136555 Europeans in general are also just more awkward and less socially aware, less fun to be around etc
>>136588 says who, loudmouthed murican with no indoor voice, drunk on 2% schlitz 80-pack? 🤣
>>136564 who gets hurt from that lol it s probably the thrilll of adrenaline rushing into the blood stream from the pressure of a large women on you
>>136588 Let’s be honest, she could and should have worn a better shirt. Idk why she thought it was good idea to wear shirt like that in public
>>136604 Bro the shirt cover all the rolls of her belly...if she stands up all the butt and belly will cover but when she set her butt starch and expand
>>136307 Never heard such cap in my life Shit reads like fantasyfeeder smut
>>136604 As someone married to a woman who used to be this size, I can tell you the struggle is real. A shirt that fits well standing up might not be able to stretch enough to cover the expanse of back/ass fat shelf that forms when sitting. Pretty much happens to my woman when wearing nearly anything. And she doesn’t give a shit that half her ass is hanging out, which is strangely hot.
>>136307 The same thing happened to me except with Ryan Gosling and we were inside a grocery store
>>136545 It’s happened and the dude ended up in a coma
>>136628 Prove it
>>136638 It was me, I was the dude. Shit was siiiiiiiick brah
>>136542 As someone who has been squashed by 500 lb women a few times and even once with a 600 lb woman, my legs are the least of my concern. I can have these women sit on my lap for a very long time. I don't know how guys handle having these huge women get on their ribs like they do in these videos. It hurts like hell to have one of them sit on my sternum. Also i have found facesitting to be hotter in theory than it is in practice. I can't last very long without air, and it's hard to get air when a massive, heavy ass is on my face. I don't buy this whole "dude got squashed and ended up in a coma" thing unless i guess it was a scenario where he was denied oxygen for too long. Generally people tap out and even the absolute fattest women can move enough to roll off. I could see broken ribs being a thing for sure. I never wanna deal with that. I sure would love for Mary BoBerry to sit on my lap.
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When was her last weighing?
>>136724 June 2024
>>136653 lol facesitting is 100% hotter in theory than it is in practice. i remember when my ex first did it for me, it was such a letdown. like i wanted to keep kissing up on her ass but i couldn't move my face at all while under lmao.
>>136818 That's like, your opinion, man
>>136273 I came here to ask about this video. this is from her trip to mexico?
7d9d9f you're acting like you ever experienced it you should shut your fucking mouth!
>>136749 Do you have the weighing video?
>>136832 lol, it is, like, my opinion, man
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Mary's back home and sadly she still fits in her car ://
>>136975 Damn, those thighs are huge, I love them
Seriously, Mary stuffing her face with foods is peak.
>>136975 Nearly fills out an entire sofa though, nice
>>136975 So damn wide and sexy! Love that she’s really going for bigger numbers this time.
She lost some weight in the last 2 - 3 years
>>137042 Nope, she reached her highest weight ever in 2024.
honestly hope she uploads more. like it was almost 2 weeks since this update and all we got was some pics :(
>>137066 Yeah she's faster than every and keeps trading us with the bare minimum. Sooner more regular Livestreams, day to day content and some casual eating vids wouldn't hurt... I mean come on... She's 600+ lbs and needs like 8 big macs a day just to keep her weight and yet we only get to see pictures of food... :( I believe her freelance job is 100% work from home...smh Sucks that most models don't really do good content at their peak weight. It's not like you can stay at 600+ for an indefinite amount of time (although I wish it was this way).
>>137067 This right here. We need those eating sets with fatchat. Like come on and think Mary!
>>137067 > Sucks that most models don't really do good content at their peak weight. It's not like you can stay at 600+ for an indefinite amount of time (although I wish it was this way). They never do. She was peak hotness like a decade ago when she peaked at 600 pounds and recorded next to no content at that weight. Just shot 9-5 for a year as a 20something and she’d have had enough content for a lifetime. Instead we get mid grade shit no that she’s old as fuck and been deflated and reflated once or twice to many times.
>>136818 How the heck do you kiss her buttcheeks when your face is squashed inside her thighs? Do you understand that the HER BOOTY is to the other side?! I don't understand what is wrong with these people when they describe anything.
>>137062 nonsense, it was around 2020 or maybe 1 - 2 years before, and I do not mean some fake-numbers, but appearence/ physique
>>137139 nope, 2024.
>>137126 I’ve bought her used underwear. Her ass smells like garlic and eggs It’s weird
>>137161 you already made this comment months ago further up in the thread, schizo. do you just get off saying it?
>>135906 This is now the second night in which I saw this reply and giggled so hard I'm not even horny anymore. Thank you Anti-Schizo Anon for helping me keep chaste for the Nativity Fast
>>137154 You won't convince him... Kilotroll here got his own was of guestimating weight on ssbbw's and claims that models manipulate digital scales... 😂
>>137176 Though Lailani weighted 300 Kg 2 years ago and lost 130 of it within a half year...🤡
>>136975 Look at how her watch digs into her wrists nowadays. It barely fits anymore
>>137220 cool....and? Boberry isn't Lailani
>>137263 I know this.... Somebody generlized it, about every fat fetish models, so it was one of some example that I can verify may theory
>>137161 Nerd comments made by Asmongold itself, it's like to watch all these Vtuber's freaks hyping soo HARD for "The Lord of the Ring and Tolkien" >>137176 by the way Kilotroll is the only hero here uploading stuff, if her underwear smells like eggs and garlic PROBABLY it's because you bought them from China 🤣😂
Guys, excuse my begging Does someone could share me this vid?
https://gofile.io/d/b1T7R0 Say, Admin, while you are collecting contributions for hosting this site, maybe take up a collection to join a few sites to share content on this site?
Thanks buddy
https://www.cambro.tv/922480/ssbbw-boberry-squashing/ Why doesn’t she make videos like this anymore? If the answer is she’s scared to hurt someone I’m gonna lose it. It’s not like these Ssbbw are solid muscle are solid muscle or very boney. They are extremely fat which is very soft. Also she could just get someone bigger than the stick figures she hangs out with. Why is it that Ssbbw always go for skinny guys?
>>137453 >>137456 Dae get second hand cringe from videos like this? To other people in public, this looks like some weirdo with a camera following a woman for some reason, and it’s especially focused on her butt of all places. Also in that bus video that got posted on YouTube and was mentioned on her subreddit recently, you notice her shirt doesn’t stay down on her backside. Surely she could have picked a better shirt. I highly doubt all of her shirts do that
>>137516 I believe it was revealed that the cameraman (who i believe to be her boyfriend) is wearing Smart Glasses that have a camera in them, so he can discreetly film her in public without making it look obvious
>>137529 Yeah I believe a fan sent her some Ray-Ban meta glasses with a built in camera. >>137516 Honestly I don't care...I just know we got a hot video in public out of it. And there's way worse things to look at ;) Also find the pure thought of randoms being disgusted at her sight kind hot...ngl
>>137126 She she has one of those dump truck butts that hangs reeeeeal low, it's actually possible. Their buttcheeks almost look like a pair of balls when they're laying down with their thighs spread
>>137516 The cringe almost puts it into perspective that we're beating our meats to someone so disgustingly fat that people can't help but stare and gawk. Especially with how Mary has been blowing up lately - she used to be so proportional that it hid her enormous size, but she's so out of control obese that she's a spectacle everywhere she goes. Not that she wasn't before, but I'm happy she's at least being more public than ever with her site.
>>137509 >https://www.cambro.tv/922480/ssbbw-boberry-squashing/ Can someone please upload these vids? Thanks
>>137509 I think that she is afraid yo hurt someone really bad, she said that once on her Tumblr i think. Also its always better to the ssbbw model to squash someone skinny, because its the most logic thing, the contrast its amazing, so squashing someone who is fat makes no sense at all! And doesn look good. Squashing is to demostrate the power of a big fat women over someone skinny or normal size.
>>137543 Idk...most recently I've gathered the following form on elf her Livestreams. She's auf something like: In my personal life I do very much enjoy squashing but I don't like to share it online anymore as it might get leaked and I don't want to end up on the (mainstream) news.
>>137560 Terrible take on her part. She’s already been mainstream and anyone can find those videos of her and leak them somewhere at any time. >>137543 Again she seems paradoxical. She doesn’t want to squash someone because she’s afraid she’ll hurt them. Just get someone bigger! Looks bad? Who cares. It’s better than no squashing. Any average person or even big guy is gonna look small under Boberry. And again her old videos aren’t hidden. That link of her squashing was easily found. Her saying it will mainstream is a silly concern given how easily her old stuff could. Also she can’t deny that going mainstream gained more popularity for her. If she didn’t want to go mainstream she shouldn’t have made those videos she did and reacted those ways. Reminds me of those bbl women making videos of being on planes and complaining that the planes don’t accommodate conveniently. Like, no shit they don’t! Humans aren’t supposed to be that big nor have butts that big. What was/is she thinking??
>>137561 >If she didn’t want to go mainstream she shouldn’t have made those videos she did and reacted those ways Not to compound on this but she went mainstream that one time because someone uploaded paysite footage of her, pretended to be her, and added captions that were meant to be ragebait. And it worked. Her personal accounts have never had her claiming "discrimination" for airline aisles and other places someone like her can't fit in, and in fact she's done her work educating whoever took the time to look about airline policies and researching flights that can properly accommodate her massive body. But let's take this at her word and say she doesn't want a squashing video to be leaked and made mainstream. The reason the airline video in particular spread as much as it did is because there wasn't anything inherently lewd about it. It's not a 600lbs woman stuffing her face in her underwear while getting rammed from behind, it's an ostensibly candid vid of a supersized airline passenger squeezing through the aisles. You can share that with your friends and not be thought of a fat-chasing pervert. If you showed a video of BoBerry in her underwear squashing someone and playing it up for the camera, there's no gray area here - you're showing someone porn. That's not going to spread as much as we hype her up to be Kim Kardashian with her sex tape. And even if that's the case, there's videos of her stuffing her face with cake and getting messy with it. There's videos of her struggling to fit into large vehicles. A video of her needing to catch her breath after climbing a small staircase with less than flattering clothes. Her latest weigh in is at nearly 100K views on YouTube. Any one of these things and more could be embarrassing for her to find out has reached news outlets and yet they haven't, because those are PORN and anyone with a bit of journalistic integrity won't share it. tl;dr: Mary is being unnecessarily guarded about squashing for the wrong reasons, but we won't see it anyway.
>>137560 > and I don't want to end up on the (mainstream) news. Seriously, sex work is works OSHA would have to be involved as if she did give another man a coma but while he’s on the job this time it’d be a labor issue and not a sexual misadventure.
>>137582 > it’d be a labor issue and not a sexual misadventure. these are the sorta technical details that keep lawyers and actuaries up all night.
>>137564 Reading about the porn reminds me of another Boberry paradox/hypocrisy: in one of her Q&As, she said she didn’t do porn even though that’s quite literally what she does! Too many people think that just because there’s no hardcore that means it’s not porn. If it’s not porn, why are they afraid of it reaching public? Lol
>>137626 It’s a matter of definition, formally what she does would be considered pin-up or erotica, which is also commonly called smut or potentially soft core porn.
>>137626 I said it once I said it a million times, These fat bitches love to have their cake and eat it too. They arent porn models, theyre "activists" who just make a shitload of money creating fetish content for dudes to wank to. I did have a good laugh when her plane video got hijacked by femcels to complain about society though.
>>137632 It would be except she’s no pinup model, she’s a fetish model. Same as midgets, amputees and orbtaculars, and foot models…it’s fetish porn regardless of if it’s softcore.
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>>137670 >her THIGHS tho
>>137670 exposes their subscriber identifier code
>>137672 >subscriber identifier code Is this the new OF anti-privacy strat?
>>137067 >peak "Most models don't do good content at their peak weight" One of the reasons why is because most models think that they HAVE to be lazy because they are fat. If they at least try to be somewhat active as they gain, then that leads to more mobility, and that opens the door to more content variety since they are more flexable or at least more mobile than their similarly sized counterparts. Part of the reason why smaller names aren't on here is because since they don't do much while they are smaller in size, the lack in physical activity (or at least trying to move around more) costs them content variety in the long run, so eventually their content all ends up being samey. What this means is that becuase they end up being all samey, then the inevitable question becomes "who does this, but bettter?", and if everyone becomes all "samey" then the market as a whole suffers There are some outliers here (the biggest example I can think of being Hayley) but good looks can only get one so far. TLDR: Keeping up with being at least somewhat active at their size as they gain leads to the option of more content variety down the line, whereas others who don't are likely to end up eventually being forced to slow down and then end up losing out on content variety (and therefore, viewers). Put more simply, they don't think longterm. Think of it like being near the end of a race, if you used up all your energy for the initial burst of speed, you won't have anymore energy for the final sprint
>>137672 Just cover it up with a black box
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She really need to gain to that 700 and earn the Legendary status! Her body will handle it like nothing just look at that fat distribution. Unreal
>>137686 Agree she gained much more muscle mass especially in the legs from all the walking this time around
>>137700 On that note: I'd love to see her do a strength test video where she tries various exercises like leg press, biceps curls and maybe even stuff like deadlifts/powerlifting etc. Would be fun to be able to compare her "untrained" body with the starting average for a skinny untrained female/male.
>>137701 She was so close to doing that in her gym video last year, but gave up as she didn’t want to strain herself…would have been interesting
What's her weight about now? Nearing peak again?
>>137725 In her last weigh in she was 623. Since then she gained a serious amount of weight, she's probably in the 640s
>>137734 If Mary was smart she would capitalize on her gain and record another weigh in but she seems hesitant to do so, which I don’t understand because it’s literally free $$, even if she doesn’t charge $100 and charges $50
>>137701 Can’t forget the big ones: bench press and squat. Those 2 and the 3 exercises you mentioned are the big 5 of weightlifting. Therefore I want to see Boberry and ssbbw in general do them. I’d even throw cleans in there too but I doubt she’s athletic enough to pull that off. At the very least I want to see her do barbell bench press and barbell back squats. Those emphasize chest and butt after all
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>>137670 >>137686 Soo lemme get straight this: if Boberry got bigger and fatter then those pictures (4 and 22.jpeg), it means she's wider and larger then half the King Size mattress? Or it's just an illusion to see her legs getting bigger and wider?! If she reaches 700, she will become like VERY HUGE and massive!
>>137741 I think the squat would be tough because she’d also have to be moving the 600 lbs of her own fat ass. Something like a leg press eliminates that aspect
She has a new video! Anyone can share it?
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she might be over 640 now remember that for past 2 weeks of the ship cruise she was laying down in bed and walking to buffet and fancy dinners
>>13774 "If she reaches 700 she will be very huge and massive" Einstein in the chat gents
>>137746 No one gonna talk about Kass’s ass being bigger than Boberry’s in a way? Off topic but I’ve always wondered how did Boberry come up with the name “Boberry” anyway?
>>137838 I assume Mary is her actual first name or related to it and Boberry not only rhymes with it but is also a sort of pastry. So you get Mary Boberry but most people nowadays usually only call her Boberry
>>137846 Mary Bobbery is fully a stage name. Her real name leaked out a couple of times
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>>137850 Nah, I do believe her friends addressing her as Mary somewhere online. Like idk maybe she has forbidden for them to expose her real firstname, but for all it's worth I dug up an old IG post of one of her close friends. P.s.: Yes I do realize some other girl in the picture who's really named Mary might be the host...
She was a bitch in college. I had class with her one semester and she put all the work on the rest of the group. I hated that she graduated like she did and got all that fame. Glad to hear she's squandered all of her fucking money and living in poverty again.
Cool, can someone post her new vid?
>>137857 i went into kindergarden with her, i hated how she ate all the food and gained so much pounds she even squashed the grown ups, than she took all the pokeman cards... boo not sow cool
>>137854 >>137846 Tf are you all on about? Her real name is Mary. This isn't deep. She was Mary BoBerry when the chan was younger and she was an urban legend. >>137857 Fake. Try harder.
>>137838 I believe she partially addressed this in an old Bigcuties video. It was a video where she eats some BoBerry biscuits and starts the video of with the following story: A friend of mine asked me what food had made me so fat. She then goes on to describe how in her teens she used to bake herself an entire tray of BoBerry biscuits and eat it all by herself before her dad came home, so that no one would notice. Actually pretty hot lore if you think about it...
Literally look up the Name Game song that children sing. She said that's where the name comes from "Mary Mary bo-berry bananafana fo fary"
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>>137868 >>137866 >>137865 >>137862 >>137857 >>137854 Post the new vid or shut the fuck up.
>>137822 >>137829 Well it also means one thing "Einstein", if she isn't already big enough to smother and crush people in the bedroom ... at 700 lbs not only her boobs will kill ya, even hugging you will be scary (especially when her arms ar wider then your own waist) so yea "NORMAL HUMAN" size.
>>137672 >>137679 photoshop generative fill works well
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Her genetics are screaming 700!
>>137905 Why not just upload the original file without the subscriber code instead of a screenshot which has it?
>>137910 Wow, this is the new video?
In case of boberry 750 pound it's normal... ..if boberry just gained 2.2 pound in entire month for 20 years it's means 550 pound .. so she smoothly can croos 700 ..... That is the power of Continuity and its crazy thing if you look to example like haly it's unbelievable she is so young and cross 700 pound if she continues in this line will break 1000 pound ....in the past time 700 like a dream no one can hit it but this new generation and this america Genes 1000pound now so possible
You people are wild. She barely hit 620+ months ago and you guys are already talking of 700+ lmao
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>>137734 That's peak. Guys we're so back
>>137701 >>137741 I want to see her wrestle but her fandogs don’t like that idea. They got mad when wrestling was mentioned in her previous thread
>>138020 We didn't get mad. People who wanted wrestling and sumo couldn't accept that she's never going to do it and made the whole thread about their dream wank matchups.
>>138023 What acceptance is there? She never said she wouldn’t do it. If anything, when she was actually asked about it she said maybe. There’s a first time for everything. It’s not like it’s hardcore. For so long it seemed like Boberry and Sadie would never collab but then it finally it happened. Lots of things can happen
if boberry did a sumo rp with the whole outside and everything it would be the sexiest shit ever made out of all ssbbws
>>138048 most of em yeah
Does anyone have the vids that were posted from June 1st to this weigh in? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypVK6VzBr3I Here is my collection of SSBBW vids https://mega.nz/folder/Gnx23D4S#L_StUp20sZqUgs1Yk5ZeWQ
>>138029 Has anyone tried DMing or phone calling her to ask if she’d do Sumo video?
I just got off a conference call with her and raised it as part of the agenda. She said she'd circle back.
legal counsel here, need to check with her Saudi investors and get CDAs lined up first before even committing to an answer.
https://youtu.be/IeZSohmlKtk?si=EoDyHc6DeaLhZEBn is this the one?
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>>138212 > I just got off a conference call with her and raised it as part of the agenda. She said she'd circle back. >>137956 > That's peak. Guys we're so back Big if true
>>138227 She's 38?!
>>138227 Nigga's got a fuckin spreadsheet keeping track. Smh. Special kind of autistic folk on this board my god
>>138227 I love it !
>>138227 500 in 17 !!!!? 550 in 20!? Is this real 500 in collage unbelievable
>>138227 how did she go from 550 at 20 to 300 two years later? what happened? how is she so big so young and is there any proof?
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>>138227 Thanks for posting the fruits of my autism. Here's more.
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>>138258 Sorry it got cut off.
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>>138259 Annnnd it got cut off from the other side...
>>138258 The fact that even one person is this dedicated shows that there is still hope
>>138260 she's dropping a measurement video soon. You'll get your chance to update this.
It's insane how much this thread blew up with such little content
>>138352 It's the same retards circle jerking each other and the mod(prob one of them) deletes your post if you call it out.
I have some resent videos, but I'm not willing to moderate a thread tho...
>>138395 If someone has the latest video... here's my grain of sand aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9ZN0pXd2Y=
>>138227 I have to say the 623 is a bit fishy who gains 5 kilos in 10 days, she's not the type to even attempt it
>>138484 So normally you would be correct, but this time around she did an international 10 day gaining challenge. She promised to eat every dollar she received in tips during those days. She posted daily pictures of her food and more importantly food order receipts from her food deliveries. This whole gaining things had gotten me curious so I tried to look up all the calories of her meals. If I couldn't find them listed online I looked at recipes and tried to estimate them. The result of this is a daily spreadsheet keeping track of her calories: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/10r02b51TyOIpt06_orgRnVNlO10vkQaK/htmlview#
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Since its thanksgiving lets all thank the Lord for bringing us to life in Mary Boberry times to witness This Ultra Size Greatness cause im sure there will be fetish newbies like 100 years from now talking about this amazing women with unique genetics! Happy holidays people!!
>>138023 >>138041 As I said she can't make sumo/wrestling video, you can literally watch any ssbbw model out there and MOST OF THEM (not all) are lazy assholes that encountered Dr.Now and tried to lose weight ... when you are phisically at 700 lbs or over, it's not just risky but she will struggle a LOT doing everything. If you ever encountered women this massive and large, or maybe much taller ... probably they don't have the same proportions and the same muscle structure of Boberry: I can understand when you're younger or even smaller like Sadie, but that is "as ALWAYS" a disadvantage for your body. Sumo/wrestling is just more than smothering and "playing" in the bedroom on the mattress: for now I have only seen Bobbi Jo and Eve doing something like that (because they've always chosen tiny and skinny men to play with) ... Mary doesn't seem to enjoy being touched by strangers, so we will see that.
>>138523 But Mary Bobbery is around half that weight...
Y’all will really make a damn spread sheet before dropping a video SMH. Like this is cool and all but damn who ordered the YAPPUCCINO. Less numbers more woman.
>>138596 The craziest part is this thread was created on the FIRST(1st!!!!) of this month because the other was bumplocked. And in the entire life of this thread not a single new video has been shared. Y’all been yapping this whole time. Atp move boberrh threads to gen.
>>138522 holy shit those arms😍😍😍 gotta be at least 50 pounds each
>>138593 >"I know 100-200 models!" >Can't spell any of them correctly
Seeing she is 37, probably she'll not have a natural son. I have a genuine curiosity of a pregnancy and all it's effects of someone at that size.
>>138603 Uh what? Mary wants a child?! I was thinking she only wants food and cuddles 😟 are you serious?!
she is 39 boys 40 next year maybe she will get married for her 40s
>>138596 I'm the autist who made the spreadsheets, and I'm also the guy who uploaded the complete VIP drop over on /gen, until some dunce came by and effectively nuked it. btw, what have you done so far, contentwise?
>>138603 Now, there _is_ some ominous irregularity in the measurements chart...
>>138646 Don't listen to people when they call you autistic, everyone here has something in common and that is that we like Boberry. Maybe some more than others, like in your case, it would never have occurred to me to do the work you did, it's truly admirable, I can't imagine Mary herself reacting to your spreadsheet.
>>138398 Folder not public
>>138646 Yes, in fact I had some money to spend and bought them all. They were all there. I even uploaded the "missing files" file empty as a hint.
>>138672 fuark I thought the empty file was a glitch. could you upload those PPVs on mab? my thanksgiving offer, need anything else? https://mab.to/t/LLcehbK0P74/eu1
>>138644 Not sure if anyone else has told you this, but the fact that you did that much tells me how dedicated you are....if anything I'm jealous lol
>>138722 The spreadsheets have nothing on that man who made a butter golem in Mary’s image and prayed to it daily
Enough of the shitposting let’s talk about how Mary gained prolly at least 20-40 pounds since her all time weigh in back in June, and is just gonna willingly probably not put out a weigh in even though she’s back from her trip, missed opportunity to make $ and give her subscribers what they want, make it make sense
>>139039 She's waiting till Christmas when coomers get bored and their purse strings loose.
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>>139039 I mean idk what this means for a weigh in, but the measurements video just dropped...
>>139059 Damn, can any kind gentleman post it?
>>139060 Dude it was posted like 2 hours ago…But yeah who knows what she plans to do with a weigh-in, I don’t expect her to release one while she’s less than 650lb
>>139059 29$ for a measurment video aint cheap
>>139063 give her a year from the last weigh in she will deliver!
>>137746 Who is the redhead?
>>139063 Where is it posted?
>>139104 On her paysite? boberryvip.com...? >>139101 Redhead is Sadie who recently retired from Bigcuties. https://bbw-chan.link/ssbbw/res/126449.html
Here’s the new measurements vid. Hopefully she gets to do a weigh in soon. Fuck she’s huge. R2V0IGEgam9iIGxpbCBuaWdnYSA
>> Nayda needs to fucked with that huge ass. She can smell the that stink prison dick
>>139127 Meds time, anon
>>139126 Go fuck yourself.
>>139129 Is thickmandy still gaining? Not fat enough.
>>139126 If you're a regular here, you already know it's bs before decoding it
>>139126 >starts with R2 >Hell naw man WTF, Who invited this nigga, Get yo ass outta
I actually want to buy the video, somebody knows how to share it ?
>>139141 download it and then upload it to gofile and share it here Plenty of download toolbars out there too for grabbing it from the site.
>>139143 Why not just press shift and right-click on it? smh
>>139141 You just have to remove the controllist no download attribute in the HTML source code. Then your browser should show you an option to download/save the video. After that just upload it to gofile and share the link here. Hope this helps!
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Sample from the preview :D
>>139150 Holy shit she is huge!!!!!!!
>>139150 Guessing she has gained another 10 pounds since june? She does look fatter, especially her face
>>139036 Seriously? Are there pics??
I think I found the next Boberry, NakedOrange looks just like her and she started off like 150 pounds skinny and is now 350+ and still gaining https://gofile.io/d/uZAVgn
>>139204 NOPE... face is meh & body is pure pear w/o a noticeable chest
I was wondering, did anyone save her mega, since it was removed somehow.
>>139208 Fast car. Slow in the head. Make it make sense. He had to settle for her some losers ex girl friend and he thought he won a Nobel prize
>>139204 there will be never a new boberry her genetics are just too unique for that too happen
>>139210 Really, a lot of people have these genes, not many are as light skinned. But be real, Mary is no looker without the right makeup, clothes and angles. She regularly looks like a cave troll or a sad middle aged receptionist.
>> Her mother need to stay the fuck out of people business for real.
>>139141 Don't worry guys, I just bought the measurements video but I don't have access to my pc now. I'll try to upload it tomorrow
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>>139211 im sure you aint talking about Mary...She is so fire for her age!!
>>139223 She need a huge dick in her ass after those insinuations
>>139217 92inch hips and 40inch width when sitting…good lord!
>>139223 this is kindof weird considering shes always been super tan in all her old photos, well actually every photo except these.
>>139217 ok no shade this is the most impressively autistic thing I've ever seen. do you have this for other models? can you start a thread? lol
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There will be never another Boberry period .
>> you wanted to be a single parent your welcome make sure your mother helps you with everything. Degenerates
>>139226 Her makeup game is on point. Also the filters. She’s pretty fucking old to be pretending to to have no wrinkles on her face, with the same level of photoshop she uses on the infected sores and dimples on her ass.
Did anyone on here catch the first cruise ship livestream? If so anything good to expect? (if it ever arrives)
Only other person that got her genetics is her mom. You can see it big arms and thighs same as Mary
>>139233 Vid please?
>>139243 There are literally thousands of women built like this in any major American city. The issues isn’t genes, it’s just that no one is dumb enough to spend tens of thousands on makeup, fashion and all to be a sex workers when ozempic/WLS surgery is cheaper and will score them a richer SUGARDADDY and bigger market share of internet whoredom.
>>139225 My brain explodes every time I think about how wide she is when she sits, I had to grab a measuring tape and put her on my couch and she takes up more than half of it, she really is huge
>>139245 Lets make a challenge show me another boberry figure type women ill wait
>>139245 >>139247 >>139254 Can anyone share the vid ? this thread would get bump locked before a new vid is posted at this point.
>>139216 dont leak it yet bro let her make more $$ off of it for more food money she needs it!
>>139217 sorry for being stupid but what is the "rel. size" category here?
>>139259 I believe it's the relative size compared to her first measurements update. So she increased her arm circumference from 61 by 1,25, thus 61cm*1.25 you end up with her current measurement of 76cm
>>139217 I haven't seen the video, but something tells me that she didn't get her thighs right. Or maybe she measured a little diagonally in 2022. There's no way her thighs are smaller.
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>>139262 yeah it was just a struggle for her to do this alone i believe her thigh might be bigger and she didnt get her hips in the widest for sure as yall can see and it was 92 inches measured like that!
>>139264 I hope someone told her in the comments. She might need an assistant to get those measurements right.
>>139264 She missed the two big hip bulges there. Since she's fatter, I know measuring her thighs alone was harder. She probably missed that massive inner thigh bulge.
She is 3 inches away from the woman with the widest hips in the world, Bobbi Jo. Either it's wrong with its measurements or it's really huge
>>139234 >>139245 I don't understand these comments. (>>139260, >>139262) If she "seems smaller" is because her muscle structure changed over the years (especially when she lost weight, the ass size changed a LOT), the mass proportions of the fat inside her thighs get bigger especially because the muscles deflated and let space for the rest (it's just because she regained weight) ... this explain why she feels softer. The struggle as I said depends by how she feels every day moving the weight and the skin on her body, you guys wanted a bigger Boberry but it's VERY dangerous and I don't think she enjoys that! My suggestion is: let her lose weight and maybe after bunch of months regaining again, she seems tired.
>>139272 you are literally satan. get off if this board if you like skinny bitches
>>139272 Can you all just let fat people fat? It’s her body, not yours. Let it go.
>>139224 Agreed >>139254 Seconded. LOOK AT HER. A tribute to gluttony and beauty in a bipedal packacge. Almost like a diety >>139233 She's gotten bigger. Just a fate intended. By this point the ONLY other thing I could see her doing to further cement her position at the top would be sex videos, becuase unlike A LOT of people her size, she has kept up with more mobility and flexibility, and therefore can do more things Part of it will come down to "who does this but better?". In the future, I can imagine that a LOT of people will end up asking whether or not she chose to do sex videos becuase comparing her content to other people's if you do a direct comparison will end up being "she does the same thing as others but she's bigger than them". I don't mean to sound so negative, but the more people who have access to fattening food, the more people may start to notice how samey things will be. At the same time, a MASSIVE part of her appeal is her reaching her size AND keeping her beauty on top of that. If people care about size but not beauty, then they can go look at Echo or others. Jazz and Hayley started out HUGE and kept their beauty, but since they started out that big then for them to keep staying power, their content variety needs to pick up the slack. I say this as someone who has been watching SSBBW content for 10+ years (granted I missed out due to IRL stuff forcing me to miss out but no one man can watch everything) There will NEVER be another Boberry. Her legacy in the scene will come down to her beauty but also her content variety
>>139274 If you really want to mention satan, why don't you explain how is it possible to pay hundred of fucking idiots making stupid videos about "feminism and fat women" on Youtube?! Ooooh wait I'm not American, I don't sell drugs and I don't enjoy raping kids just to make other people fatter and fucking retarded: which is why you trained AIs for "body positivity" but it's completely useless, not even FBI or the nuclear weapons for Russia can stop me. Hope your "daddy satan" will find me in hell so we will roleplay every day and understand how make people fatter and destroy the economy of entire countries, 😁 good luck with that!
>>139313 shut up
>>139288 >>139256 >dont leak it yet bro let her make more $$ off of it for more food money she needs it! Don’t leak the tapes! Protect her Saudi investors as they funnel their blood diamond money thru London. Semper Fudge!
She looks AMAZING blimped up like this! Better by the pound! Let's pray for 700 and beyond. Modern fertility goddess.
>>139323 >wow, there's alot of activity, I bet the new video got posted. >reads the posts and realizes there's no video. You all need to be taken out back and put down.
>>139325 I had the same thought lol. just relax, I'm sure someone will post it eventually
>>139245 I'm not gonna jump on the Boberry simp train but let's not act like women with her build are a dime a dozen. It's a relatively small fraction of fat women, especially women THAT fat, with that build.
>>137822 >>137910 >>139233 >>139264 Proof of 4 people on this thread who have the video and not a singular one of them has cared to share it
>>139329 i have it and will not share. let the lady make money. its 20 bucks bruh. either buy it or dont but dont come on a thread crying and calling people out for them not doing your favors
Sometimes I start to think that I am a really small man compared to this woman, I am barely 5, 4 feet tall and weigh only 150 pounds.
>>139333 Not that anon, but it is a porn board for sharing content. If no one shares why have a boberry thread? Why come to this site at all? For any model. The discussion? We both know the discussions aren't worth it.
>>139333 Then go do your useless discuss in her livestream, retard. There's no point of this thread.
>>139344 Only thing I could think of is discussing things like how she stays at the top and what separates her from other models...but aside from that, not much discussion
>>139226 She was pretty pasty in her early big cutie sets
Who wants to creat a group chat were we collectively buy the videos? It would be so much easier instead of this bs.
Where are the mods? This website is complete shit now. These retarded motherfuckers are just talking about the same dumb shit!!! I thought this was a site for sharing content? Isn't there a thread for just discussions?
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>>139333 >have it and will not share. let the lady make money. its 20 bucks bruh. either buy it or dont but dont come on a thread crying and calling people out for them not doing your favors
The amount of thirst in this thread is amazing. Oh, and btw... >>139217 ...here's proof that I have it, too.
>>139335 Man you want to know what is funny? Even the mods and most of the people HERE are smaller compared to Mary, we all look like "daddy satan" because there are "women" out there pretending to got married and got paid by rich people ... here is what you'll discover: Those skinny whiny bitches want to get the same attentions of these OnlyFans losers, why you think they post Boberry content without paying her?! Exaclty, because they look like "TINY and SMALLER" compared to her!! (>>139352, >>139346) she's never being a professional or a streamer, Bigcuties.com paid her so ASK TO THEM not us how she worked!! And again I'm not into skinny whiny bitches, unless they don't pay and support Mary ok?!
>>139288 >> no one man can watch everything O, but I have tried.
>>139233 I see she had her double chin removal surgery reversed. Good on her. She probably saw my comment on here, realized I was right and decided to put it back.
>>139247 holy fuck, that's 3 of me sitting side by side
Man just post the vid already
>>139360 You've become what you swore to destroy. You're no different than kilotroll trolling this thread.
>>139421 I uploaded the complete VIP files many times. The last time I did this was just over a week ago, all monetized sets included. What did you do?
>>139360 please man please sharre the video, be such an ever kind hero and share the video to your fellow community
>>139439 let the women make the $$ on her gain since her weigh in there was no pay wall content at all from her trip chill
Señores quiero agradecer a todos los que forman parte de este hilo, sin duda me han hecho parte de mis amigos todo este tiempo, aunque la mayoría somos anónimos, nunca imaginé encontrar una comunidad como esta. Desde el hombre que hizo un tótem gordo, el hombre que cayó en coma (sea cierto o no, lo envidio mucho) y el amigo que llegó incluso a las listas de Boberry todos estos años, nunca imaginé que conocería gente como tú. Gracias señores y que el culo de María nos acompañe hasta el final
>>139438 A true hero or good samaritan does not rest on their laurels, and say I've done enough for others and communities. They continue to help the disadvantaged and less fortunate. I am one such asking for the video and a hero to save bbwchan.
Plz post the measurements
>>139497 They don't come over because they know they can't talk to you like that. I'd just ignore them they're low iq degenerates who needed green cards
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>>139497 I'd love but I'm too dumb to understand how to download it from boberry site...
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>>139508 If you know what's up it's actually not all that hard. I'll try to explain what's happening and how to bypass as best as I can. Firstly: What is actually blocking the download? Here videos on the website are played with the use of html video Element which looks something like this: <video id="myVideo" autoplay="" playsinline="" src="http://example.com/meassurments.mp4" controls="" controlslist="nodownload"></video> Notice I have removed the actual link to the video in the src attribute for privacy reasons. The controlslist="nodownload" part is what is blocking the normal download option you would see (i.e. in Chrome under three-dot menu; along with playback speed and picture in picture). So now onto the solutions: 1. Manual way trough inspect element - open boberryvip.com and click on video - pause the video playback - hit ctrl+shit+c and hover over the video - when you see the video highlighted click to select it - Now look at the marked source code of the video element in the inspect window - Edit the controlslist attribute to be empty OR remove it completely 2. Automatic way trough js use an Extension that can inject js into specified webpages. These simple lines of code should do the trick: https://hastebin.skyra.pw/devowebeja.ts This just runs the removeControlsList function every second.
>>139514 Do it yourself lmao I have the following vids to trade
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I meant this one srry
>>139516 You do realize that: a) I already have all the vids your offering to trade AND b) I haven't bought the measurements video, as it's 29$.
>>139517 Well, it's kinda hard to realize that... all good
>>139508 Just press shift while right-clicking on a video, and select download. It's not hard.
>>139527 Good point, but this only seems to work in firefox for me.
>>139514 Got it ! https://we.tl/t-INBJkuPEV0 Gonna upload it 3 times in total. Next time I'll upload it on gofile and third time on mab
>>139539 Thanks, king!
>>139539 Thanks!!! Slightly dissapointed with the angle of the video, really wished to see more of her thighs, camera could have been slightly lower! Well, enough bitching, hope she does some nice stuffind in underwear soon showing her whole gigantic body haha
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>>139539 To clarify it, I'll post it again in a couple days, not directly after this link expires, think it's smarter like this. The reason why I share this video is because I got so much vids thanks to some of you guys so I wanted to be nice in return. If a weigh in video is released, I'm not gonna buy it because I'm too broke but I hope somebody would be nice and share it
site rip from jun to nov 24 sans live streams/https://mab.to/t/HA0eAepbRfN/eu1 can anyone PLEASE share these missing updates that were recently shared by our german bro? 41 - $13 - More great shots from last night - 26 pics 30 - $64 - Boyfriend roleplay; eating marshmallows in bed - 8:58 vid 27 - $13 - Boobs, belly, and pigtails - 1:06 vid 17 - 2022-01-14 - $24 - Bath - 1:50 vid 13 - 2022-01-14 - $24 - Black lingerie pt 2 - hearing the bed struggle under me - 1:10 vid 12 - 2022-01-14 - $29 - Black lingerie in bed - 18 pics
>>139539 >>139549 Thank you both very kindly! Also I wanted to like some of the pics but...seeing the reciepts and imagining her eating like that almost daily ruins it for me because much as I hate to put it... We all dream of having someone like Bo, sure, but how many of us could ACTUALLY afford a woman like her?
>>139438 Is there, by any chance, posible for zou to explain how one could access those?
>>139575 It was posted on /gen a couple days ago, but it got taken down already
>>139544 Her knee is bigger than my waist. Dang Wonder what her neck measurement is
I'd fuck a 700 pound Mary to be certain
She has resurfaced, does anyone have the goods?
Shes posted new stuff, not gonna beg but is her page worth subbing to now? (certainly not worth it last month)
Any updates on her content? She seems to have some on her VIP site, but not much (and nothing on IG). And what reason did she give for her two-month absence?
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>>146704 It was close to A month, and she said it was a stalker that got too close for comfort. And since this thread is bumplocked, you may want to check for updates on /gen/. New BoBerry threads are verboten here.
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To hot in leather
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>>146709 You mean this one? I saw it, but I also feel like Tiktok and Instagram's creeps are getting her address! The price to be popular for your body, it happened with other models trust me.
>>146709 what is "gen"?
what is this "gen"? >>146709
>>146839 Wow, that sucks. I thought she was always quite careful with revealing too much.
>>146982 I can find anyone's home address with a face pic. I can usually find a lot about them without a face pic too. I've been doing OSINT for a number of years now and have gotten quite good at it and so have the creeps. I'd love to turn the tables on them but they're super careful because they know it can be done. The freak who bothered her probably frequented this very thread.
>>146851 >>/gen/ Bbw-chan.link/gen
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>>147284 Are you sure about that or you're just accusing me?! Because look what I found around the internet: They even made an AI version on https://www.talkie-ai.com/ just to say:
Guys, look at this thread LMAO: https://bbw-chan.link/gen/res/58577.html#footer
