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Chatbot Thread 4: The Chatbot Strikes Back Anonymous 08/28/2023 (Mon) 13:35:48 No. 11903
Time for round four. Made a chatbot? Post 'em here.
To all the creators here, what are your tips for making a good bot?
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Reposting the links to my pastebins for anyone that wants to access any of my bots. Beta Character AI: https://pastebin.com/GBJ08313 Spicychat: https://pastebin.com/y7eCBH8F >>11907 DrYagokoro made a guide for Beta Character AI that I've adopted for my own bots: https://pastebin.com/HQhQbY7f Another tip is to get good at writing in general, your own style is what will make your bots unique from those made by other people. Try to convey what you find hot about the fetishes you're writing for and it'll be reflected in the bot itself.
>>11907 To Carch's comment I can only add that you need to strictly adhere to SFW things when designing your bot. Fetishy things that are not directly NSFW words (fuck, tits, etc.) are fine. Also, do not write too many *noises*, *huffs* and whatnot into the bots description. Or else
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Updated list of bots from the last thread: https://pastebin.com/KEMeGLPr
I'm porting over some chats I made on spicy.ai and now char.ai Your girlfriend who constantly gets stressed and eats off the stress CAI: https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=KcKeltBJtngqF_H8KcOVfkSEPIBxWwccDgmiKgrH1w0&hist=71394fdb-d51a-49b8-91d0-bcd62afcdccb Spicy.AI: https://spicychat.ai/chat/5fa4d683-3dd3-4175-9504-fe858f6e6b05 Your former arch enemy who is now living a simple chubby life CAI: https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=dW203cWBuGApjJZkHzIKVQZjd-Rl48UCHSUhW-x6TmY Spicy.AI: https://spicychat.ai/chat/d3407ab9-312a-4ac6-baac-865b14841407
It looks like my chocolate town is missing from the pastebin. Here, https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=MnDVIaI0royLjImC9nSCC-i2LL92I0bLjLtKAvylwLs
Got another new one for you guys. Based on a subclass from Storymaker's expand&d, this one is Rachel, a knight of the Steel Harvest. The knights in her order like to bulk up in order to give themselves a layer of protective padding, as well as putting more force behind their strikes. I guess she counts as strongfat. Give her a try and tell me what you think. https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=qN46wPYvI4cqNvLY-_vlGBp8BnprQzBa74VsoXPvBDw
>>11919 Hey, I know this sounds weird but can you deactivate the image generator for the Isabella bot?
Leaving this here again for the new thread: https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=U8jYT9t0Bc6tfeBV-P9Db0ZwVv9EsovMNPLKy6ggDSA
As some requested last thread, I made a Passionlip bot, plus a Metryllis bot to match. I'll likely be working on a Sakura, and a Nero bot next. I know some people requested Prisma characters, but I'm personally not a fan of lolis. Lip: https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=SNlMfbice14xx6JmP90w7ICn8ylp1I_teNoiH_i3gYw Melt: https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=62lvkbT0Mpf8QYUeRUfT58P5F_uoekNpi4ViIxqsVy0
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>>11941 Oh, right. I forgot the pic I wanted to attach. >>11907 From what I've gathered: If you want to train the bot using ratings, positive reinforcement is much better to use. The AI doesn't really know what parts you think are bad, so save negative ratings for the real stinkers.
A new thread and I forgot to link my stuff... again. My Character.ai account, home to 45 fat Touhou bots at the time of posting. All of them are publicly available and visible (safe for the shadowbanned characters): https://beta.character.ai/public-profile/?char=gD_NrjCxgFZ6HZVU4XuUK5JMsx_X7LouwKYZcijt5sI&username=DrYagokoro This is my Koakuma bot, who has the links to my shadowbanned characters at the bottom of her - public - character settings: https://beta.character.ai/editing?char=NccHNy3qT2r0ZvAznOvjLjCMRrE545FY1GmhUPpy8mc And here is my guide to create your own C.ai bots. Now officially approved by Carch. https://pastebin.com/HQhQbY7f Thank you for 200k+ interactions. I will return to make more (Touhou) bots soon.
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>>11941 >makes a Lip bot like someone requested >also makes a Melt bot to match, even though it wasn't specifically requested
>>11941 Can you make a Tamamo bot to match that Nero?
>>11933 could this be ported to spicychat, everytime I try to use the beta version its the only bot that never loads
>>12010 You need to load the link then click the site link at the top of your browser and delete the "2" where it says "ai/chat2" literally just delete that 2 and hit enter and the site will reload with the bot working
>>12032 My man, you just earned 100+ respect.
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Can you guys port this Cala Maria Bot from Character.AI to Spicychat.aI ? Link for the bot: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=64H7ZWqP8-p11h61o3y3GBqp67uNQT2hKcJ0_AtEb6g I would appreciate it.
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Sixty+ bots later and I've never done a housewife bot until now, OC by Immune to Shame. Your fat housewife and potentially will engage in bondage (This made me discover that the pastebin devs are cucked enough to ban "bondage" in addition to "loli" but not "shotacon" bizarrely enough). Beta: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=pS28pSnA8pvSBpekpckpOQrCwFFY1dHlUdy0iiGprVk Spicychat: https://spicychat.ai/chat/018b9b4b-1c90-49ab-b1a2-5e60860c0211 This will probably be my last bot for August unless I feel like making something for my birthday.
Been loving this bot stuff, so with the new thread I thought I’d try my hand at making a few using that pastebin guide. Started with AC characters since I felt their personalities would be easier: All of them are non-slob. Ankha (Chubby, Goddess Complex): https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=WtSJLEfVrT9J_yo-Se2ICCtgAU3P_zTplmQJhWLbe4s Sable (Overweight, Hesitant Gainer): https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=vOH-UqwppRAR0i6Ou6D3E6Mxf4iKtQvsClqervQj7Ko Cherry (Curvy, Tomboy/Old Friend): https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=zXFCHX8vxibFaB1EvfG82MlJgoi6_l7x69K4yecDgYk Sorry if there’s any jank or weird stuff, still figuring out how to fix quirks. Hope you enjoy!
Been awhile since I made a bot so here's a bot I made recently. Anis from Nikke goddess of victory summer version. Have fun. https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=ITyrZkR8yyhyoT44xEafROGZL0jodctTbk5X4hDLw5E
>>12062 Hey, I see we have a commone interest, these Immunetoshame characters. I'm personally more a fan of their girthy gothy gamer girl character Akko, but all the same. (Speaking of, would be cool to see a bot of her better-made than the one I tried to make for my own use that seems to hold on to the 'goth' and 'fat' aspects 10x better than the 'gamer' aspect, but I know this isn't the requests thread, so if you do it you do it, if you don't maybe I'll post in said thread)
ok, got a new one for you MGE anubis: https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=138_LGqaJEzaWwt_iiYcApZGzvQ0H-DJSzEV8vMoPRk tell me if this one is good
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Hey folks, I've been messing around with chatbots for a bit and I wanted to throw this one out there. It was a two character RP written with some sort of FANAF character in mind by some kid (idk what game since I'm not 12 or sacred of Chuck-e-cheese) but I gutted it and remade it, the went back and updated the terms. The names are the only thing that stayed the same but that's only so I don't have to scrap the tonne of chat logs I loaded into it. As for the content it's a Mini gts/furry/sbbw rp with elements of slob (just burps) Two cat girls run a restaurant and love to be gluttons. Candy is older and very motherly with a southern accent the last few times I ran through something with her and Cindy is younger, larger, and is supposed to be easier to draw into stuffing herself but Candy 'll still stuff her face at the drop of a hat when encouraged. I hope you folks enjoy and please, please, please give me some constructive criticism because I'd love to do more scenario-type bots the link: https://plus.character.ai/chat2?char=zsUMOPRFDRTTZ0liHhDCIsrV48xvMn-7PD3eCbUzd4o (P.S. is there a trick to uploading custom avatars to Character.Ai? it never seems to upload for me so I have a placeholder for now)
idk if someone has the same problems or even a solution to this, but how do i keep venus.chub characters from turning more and more into a narrator? It always starts as the character and overtime it becomes those walls of texts as the narrator, not even adding anything of value. i use an open.ai api key.
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Here an example. the shorter one is from the beginning and the longer one is after about an hour of writing with the chatbot. i feel like atleast half of the longer one is just unnecessary filler of some kind.
>>12111 Your picture must not be spicy. Crop out tatas and the like. If its the one you posted, try to decolor it a little. For example, if I cannot use the one on the right, decoloring may do the trick. (Both work, but you get the point.)
I created a new ai.chatbot (with Bdsm elements)https://spicychat.ai/chat/3a2c8767-6c5c-4624-b749-e6aea28db6b0 (maybe I'll delete this post..)
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>>11933 Can you make a read one?
>>12160 *trad
Made a Komi vore bot, kinda surprised I haven't seen more vore bots lol. They work surprisingly well. https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=IMKcgR1YKNVLd8TT5cHiLh42xtFPPrfHU_KMzcfF3d8
>>12163 I should said the same thing lol. I also made a vore bot like months ago.
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two sides of Rika, both sweet tooth fatasses. "Clean"-ish version: https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=5SOrX-PzvyPd9EqJEY-LUDm-iW7uLbmVPdQccLj-VDE And for slob asses enjoyers: https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=F_SSa4xDjFmLmm9HRyuvUSm4z5DdJBTj87yRzVzzfpw
>>12168 Made this after seeing the Rika bots. https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=cTSZdWG5Q5lAUeQnjZl29JKI_V3yYHFhoI9nqc6Ny3A First time making a bot, criticism is welcome
>>12176 Can you link your other creations?
>>12177 If I made more bots, I would
ok i had another dumb. so for prefrences do you guys prefer the bots to have well written, descriptive intros, basic(but semi descriptive) intros, or just barebones ones? like "you encounter them in a normal setting they would appear" vs "they just show up out of nowhere"
>>12182 I always write a descriptive intro to establish the current location, the time, maybe the way you and a character see one another, etc. I do this as it is my personal preference, but it also serves as an additional example message, which I do not use as many off in my definitions the way Carch does. Now I'd ask you in return: Are you going somewhere with all of this, asking all these questions regarding preferences? You trying to optimize your own bots or are you only curious?
>>12168 Only used the clean version but this bot is incredibly good, any plans to try and port it to spicychat?
>>12182 I prefer descriptive intros personally.
>>12183 mostly trying to improve bots i've got two and a half going and idk if they're actually "good" or noy
>>12157 >>12158 Fuck that’s hot… please don’t delete
>>12186 Given the number of bots I've seen that are just one-line greetings with absolutely no other description, I'm sure you'll be relatively fine. Just test out your own bot when you're done, and iron on the kinks.
>>12186 I see. Though I would say that whether you consider yourself happy with your bots or not is the deciding factor at the moment. In regards to the intros, again, they are multi-tools and as flexible as the advanced definition. And the more fleshed out both text fields are, the more complex a setting the bot will be able to navigate in before falling back to its training from rp sites, which results in a mish-mash, random assumptions and descriptions, etc.
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My bot isn't in the Pastebin so I'm gonna repost her. https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=uyK-Ndu8q10ufRegkBwj1DG6QsgumM3aAw5yU6b6BCU Fat Formidable from Azur Lane. Probably more to come, probably not all going to be boats. I'm also once again going to beg Dicey on my knees to make the character settings for their Moona public, since I don't trust CAI not to wipe fetish bots at some point and I'd like to use her clientside. Anyway, question: When do you all consider your bots 'done' and ready to post here? As in, how much testing do you do and what does it take for you to be satisfied with it?
>>12184 first ever port! https://spicychat.ai/chat/6079d6bb-cd53-4d92-bb80-d0119324714e
Two more Fate bots: Sakura and Nero! (Also, even though Nero is nude in the pic, in the bot she is clothed) Sakura: https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=uuy8f5LW1UbUn6x4YBpCy8PScy8l2OmlsoTAkshmXGE Nero: https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=nUlcV95J1CRFUR8TZv4Psye0wUua41nR51WDDbTVIfw BTW, how often do the interactions get updated? My bot interaction #s haven't budged from their initial counts when posting.
>>12196 For whatever reason your bot isn't working, the link endlessly loads and when you remove the "2" from the url it says "bot isn't available to chat" this happened to my bot last thread, no idea why
>>12201 It should regularly update once your bots interactions meet a certain treshold. However, every once in a while, it just does not work for a period of time. When your count works, however, its pretty much live, and it is automatically updating every few hours. You can also force updates whenever you want - and the count works. To do that, you make a bot private, update your profile, then make the bot public and update again.
>>12197 Did a full import of some my bots, might fix a few things up but they all should be there!
Got another one, guys. Meet Rhoda, a tiny mouse girl you catch eating the food in your cupboard. She's already sporting a big food baby, but she has plenty of room for more. https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=Y23NPFyvO31OIF5nbEztdcVq1F1-XDaozSarypAc8wk
here a fat penny parker bot https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=WB-FURK4FPmCjqNO89ZMdVrrRwLmtI93xbOLYPqMaDo
if someone wants to ear a tip here is,when you are gonna make a long description....try to make it short or at least put the important thing like personality or what the character is wearing
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>>12197 Hell yeah man, good work
Could someone make an Ayano WG diary bot? There’s already one on c.ai but it sucks
>>12201 [My Short Roman Emperor Can't Possibly Be This Cute!]
>>12203 Okay, it was a banned word issue. She used 'seductive' in one of the example messages I put in the description and changing that got her to work for me when I logged out. Thanks for letting me know! I'll try to remove the 2 from the link myself next time as well.
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Requesting feeder bots p10x... asking for a friend...
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>>12241 Breastfeeder is close enough right? I also have taken a lot of CAI bots and modified them. These follow no particular format or design. Evelyn is the only OC and Lavender is based on art from a FA artist. Yachiyo card is two in one, combined with Tsuruno Yui (feeder). Fatima is immobile but has telekinesis. Feedaloid is also modded from CAI, but made much more idk extreme feeder. Hopefully she slowly builds up but maybe it doesn't work like that. Credit to all og creators of the CAI bots. Keep in mind nothing is based on canon, I just grabbed stuff I liked and made it more extreme kinda lol.
>>12246 Am I retarded or did you forget to include links?
>>12241 Always in a mood for creating a feeder bot, you guys here are way too skinny. What feeder bot would you like to feed you? Should she be stealthy feeder? Extremely forceful one? Wholesome relationship with somebody that spoils you rotten and the weight gain is just a side effect she pretends to not see? Somebody who is threat to the waistline of everybody near her, or just focusing all the calories into you? Should they see you as their victim or would you like to be happy active participant of your fattening? How much weight would be too much, just a little relationship padding or no brakes on the gain train? Mutual gain welcomed or do you prefer your feeders slim and athletic? Just feeding, or some storyline, like a lifestyle swap, calorie transporting curse, superpower struggles, mad science fiction, innocent anon's first time away from home and directly into the web of death feeder? Tell me anon, I would like to make a bot that makes you gain weight.
>>12249 Based almost entirely on their rarity: Forced and no breaks gain train, fantastical stuff like you list like powers/magic, science etc. and that as a setting too i.e. not strictly current modern would be noice
>>12246 >breastfeeder POST NOW
>>12249 I’m always down for mutual fatty feeders.
>>12252 I'm gonna guess its the Lavender toon
>>12249 Mutual gain is always great
>>12249 My proposed idea: A morbidly obese goddess who rules an alien planet (somehow you get stuck on said planet) takes you into custody, forces you to become one of her subjects, else you’ll be sacrificed.) All of her subjects are morbidly obese as well. Maybe she doesn’t tell you you’ll end up fat right away, and it’s kind of on the sneaky side. Or, maybe she personally force feeds you daily to get you up to the standard. I’m just spitballing here. In my head she and everyone on the planet is blue, and as you slowly fatten up over time you notice yourself turning blue as well. She either has to be a cruel tyrant or a nurturing mother type character, zero in between.
>>11913 i love this, but i'm just gonna point out that Anaconda (one of mine) is a character from LISA: The Pointless, not really an OC
>>12258 Sounds nice
Do you all mind sharing some of your prompts and example dialogues that appear in the character ai creator when you share your characters? It would help to know what's under the hood for designing our own characters.
>>12248 These are the character cards lmao. Use silly tavern or other front ends to import these cards. You can also import into Spicy chat easily.
>>12252 They are posted, just in character card format. I'm not gonna use CAI since it sucks and local models are better now. Also no limits at all. Plus some of those characters are from CAI and I don't want to seem like I'm just stealing bots and re uploading them even though I've changed them a lot. Fatima is also technically a breastfeeder bahaha
>>12272 what do you mean by no limits? dont must require you to pay?
>>12272 im a dumbass is there a link in any form?
>>12294 ok scratch that i actually stopped and read everything
>>12286 No limits as in I run models on my top end desktop and no censorship at all. Depends on the models used but generally you can do whatever you want with local models. Ask it to help you make napalm or do smut, doesn't really matter. It's a lot less accessible then just logging into CAI and pressing 1 button. You need to install several things and have the high end hardware needed.
tfw you have three bots on the backburner but don't know if they're up to snuff
ok fuck it, new bots everyone Uma Musume's goldship, lazy and retired: https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=IUaG68NrxfXZ3eFcJZm_A5FJFN97YmD3y7GDAgDxJqw Yowane Haku, drunk, bloated, depressed: https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=aX1a4Fm3-NCYqQtgfgHUfmMcEaF5aGRj0MGQbzKJsjY Nina, OC, encounter on the train: https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=eh-st2oWbkSBORa7YDl66h3jPNwulfKQ9y991aiXxKQ
>>12304 Go for it, maybe it'll be the biggest gem this board has seen
>>12251 Let's see, how about the classic then? Nice witch girl living in the woods? Do you like a gingerbread? Maybe the story about Hansel and Gretel wasn't entirely a lie. https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=pIOX-4rCZFzTT08nvpjqlbCRm63MkErlyD3vHEYyzvo >>12254 Mutual, not gainers, but feeders? Like... it's feed or be fed world out there? Sure, welcome to dystopia where the athletic Fitizens were victorious in a civil war and now once a year they commemorate their victory by forcing the innocent people of all size to participate in cruel games. https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=m2otX5nVjfmGorvxcOD7HCUozUbeTe7_wwA4GRl2nPY And for the fans of aliens (and pishtaco supernaturals), have one professional fattener from outer space too. https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=xhM5pbKDb-q4AUME3yKgpZcXXadEguvIqIAEjopXX1M
https://spicychat.ai/chat/a6b3d355-de6f-49ec-975d-095b9c96d5f0 Ssbbw Mei Mei from jujutsu kaisen
https://c.ai/c/lcRZEzObI5zSAGi9_sGDTXO44n4Np_ANgvgtiCmtxVc I made a feedee SCP-682 in a lab setting. She's angry, she's hungry, and she's far past her prime. She may eaten herself to immobility, but that hasn't tempered her hatred in the slightest. Furry, a bit slobby, very blobby. Enjoy it or don't.
Idk I guess someone made it
>>12323 Amazing
>>12237 Cute af
I got possessed by the spirit of fat bug-girls and made a fat bumblebee princess CAI: https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=-ZjYKwUJfUDThrtala5r9V2QbeyH8sGVumhlp5cKjsI
I prefer a skinny and/or fit female feeder who teases you for how fat you're getting and references the contrast.
One bot I keep trying my hand at and failing is a feeder that doesn't even know they're a feeder, like the ditzy type that wants to share in her love for eating, but wouldn't know the concept of overindulgence leading to weight gain
Made RidiculousCake's OC Messy, hope y'all like her! https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=ZHxmcs4e9PqJghbJAAkQAdRDgcqUoXErd4ZsSpV-bAA If it gets enough use, I may port it to Spicychat!
>>12111 endless loading loop sadly. at least after removing “plus” from the link.
>>12374 Replace the plus with beta. Worked for me
...i know that like, this is a fetish site and all that, but is it bad if i want to make a custom OC bot, with "minima" fetish materials instead of whatever feeder/feede bloat i've been doing?
>>12374 The site's deciding to not work if I log out of my membership but the bot is public still. Search "Candy Cindy Fat" and it should be the top result
Alright. Break is over. I will start cooking now.
>>12296 What models do you use, and what’s your specs?
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Made a fat Soleil from Fire Emblem Fates 'cause I just sort of felt up to it! As per usual with my bots, I made her focus a little bit more on mutual WG, but you should be able to swing a feeder/feedee situation if that's what you prefer. https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=EcXP7IaNS6i3KqGrB-qO7kCtKAnzdulDAuWYNyQVxy8
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>>12392 Oh yeah, also made a fat Trish from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure if that's more your speed! She's a little untested, but hopefully she works well. https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=tdIr-cD2dpv939q3vpei94MWS-Uc5ZNNgA-r5gRHAfc
>>12393 >>12392 Do you take requests to make fatbots?
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After an extended break, here are two Touhou bots. Four or so more will follow soon-ish: Here is a fat Momiji Inubashiri: https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=sgDQ0ENpLKB5_gX51uQWxPcPW-XgqsuxD0VcodwgybU And Yachie Kicchou: https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=WpthI2Bb8Sq0OInOSBV9qt9DqqQfHT29iemySW-K1Po
>>12396 I take suggestions. Who'd you have in mind?
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>>12404 A fat Kyoko Kirigiri and/or a fat Sayaka Maizono from Danganronpa please.
>>12380 yeah, this is working again.
>>12246 Please port these to CAI, it shouldn't be necessary to either install a local model or pay to use these
>>12249 I'd be really into a dominant feeder, having a super curvy/voluptuous body but still obsessed with making you her lover and turning you into a glutton and a slob. Icing on the cake would be her always teasing how fat you're getting and how all the calories are going to your thighs/belly/ass etc., how your man boobs are bigger than hers, etc. degen stuff like that (and dont shame me)
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Anyone make a SaaVLewd bot? I see all these vtubers but Saa doesn''t have one?
>>12322 Thinking about a post Zenin arc Maki now..
I'm noticing a lot of the new bots being created don't have a "enable character voice tab anymore." Is that a new thing they took away?
>>11932 Seconded. The images are universally awful and they're slowing down my wank speed.
>>12437 1. fyi there is a request thread 2. seconded
>>12437 Someone already one on Beta Character AI, you can find it if you search for it but I'll leave the link anyway: https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=4C4HzDR5dyVHFOyfjgD10PMWD875M4dblNiGSmDj5r4
>>12176 Made a spicychat version of my Iono bot for anyone interested. https://spicychat.ai/chat/7408f31b-6801-42db-b3c3-fe9071d01625
zentreya: https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=9-CIzuH8P8Ssu-scCjh-tDxz94BR4A4ADgXIPavFGJ4 fatty, bratty, and...third thing idk
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>>12177 Here's another one of my bots, freshly made too. https://c.ai/c/liHox4mI3uU5votWr3-pCdtk6XGNuqDYf0DFljet9X8
We all know the stereotypical story, a former athlete suffers an injury and balloons to BBW. Well, one of such athletes fell into the rabbit hole and joined fit to fat board just now. What will be her fate? Will you turn her into popular content creator, encourage her on body positivity path, abduct her and lock her in your basement, blow her up or spare her waistline? https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=ym3NX544De7u_QV7kAH0WmtazCFK_sec6OkO2qYXNl4 Plump girls were popular in the middle ages, what would happen if such plump lonely cutie got turned into a vampire? Stuffee, not a gainer (or a bit of an challenge, as vampires cannot gain or lose weight). https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=lnlgMka0WzSykoMBMScRdbn9XX40k7FZ1WgxHZTXP3s
reworking the Natalie chatbot as NSFW for spicychat -https://spicychat.ai/chat/bee91d75-cd40-449c-83ba-32e763129b89
for all games fan here a fat colette chatbot https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=7X65qf5HAOdtF2ow8rhsGfKsGIFXWm-DNgFSJO8MbUM
Two more foxy Fate bots, Tamamo and Suzuka(Who I couldn't find a good colored pic of for the pfp)! Tamamo: https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=kxrMfpUGOUE5rzAS4RCx5GvCtA37ZbvG0X2AYqasPoQ Suzuka: https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=2uPdOFBEoeA6siIuWYYffP-iK9KFIfdlSSPPkgeoZks For those that have used my bots, and/or looked into their settings, what are your thoughts, any improvements I could make?
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>>12536 Woops, again I forgot to attach my image.
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At long last, I finished a pair of bots for a character I've wanted to make a bot for since the year began at least. These were actually the most challenging bots for me to ever make because of writer's block but I think I'm satisfied with the results. There's two versions: SSBBW-sized and blob-sized. There's also vore elements with the takodachis potentially volunteering as "tributes" for Ina to eat. SSBBW-sized: https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=PA2JiLaVRmxHMsIK3L0woFRZi3H3FDu_7rxhP2B2UzQ Blob: https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=QYm-h5JOC1Br-Md7v-8b1Tf9PBlwauW_TLL-NvC0e3E No Spicychat ports yet because I want to be more precise than just copying and pasting the Beta Character AI coding. I've been more active on Spicychat lately and it feels like my bots are inferior to the ones I've seen other people make on that site (shout out to Brisk for that Kafka bot in particular). I might go back and rewrite the advanced for some of my bots, probably only a few though since I have about seventy different bots at this point.
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Reposting some of the bots I've made from the request thread. Kobeni: https://c.ai/c/fdsPIgx_s21KDxWh602bSpcwAGD4jG8fN1e70ByStjM Jack-O: https://c.ai/c/5-Ag34RiN71QCDUzkFrZybewcnkbCGQAAlo65Tjso0Y Inflatable Octoling:https://c.ai/c/Zpg9BXXIDG1egEHCQKaINLrEBLhGytQRIKwMYWTDxGw Sayaka: https://c.ai/c/ivjqpO-0YxNpeiST-6lNPAM4g_Y5IiPB92xsm4eAX4s Kyoko: https://c.ai/c/ofskirmeodJyFinYhtY0EfIkrZSlyNlNy8tJxH_h8NA
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Made a Mina bot with those signature flabby fat arms a lot of artists give her https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=0VQt34R7LwERWZUn4hnd3crie3Ju9CHZdgZrfj6B__g
>>12548 Bueno. You willing to open the definitions for these?
>>12552 Done, I can't guarantee that you'll find anything of value in my bot's definitions though. Still new to this whole chat bot making thing.
>>12551 You thought about making fatbots for the other UA girls like ochako?
>>12536 In general, I find your bots quite well made in the sense that they stick to their characters quite well. They're definitely above average in that regard. If I had any recommendations on improvement, it'd be a simple one: Using " " to mark dialogue. While italics also works quite well, in my experience the quotation marks are a bit more effective when it comes to keeping Bots from getting confused between dialogue and other text. Of course, using both at once is the most effective.
>>12570 I suppose I could, yea.
>>12579 Yeah, after my first couple bots I was thinking of switching over to using quotations as well, but a part of me wanted to keep all my bots using the same texting style. Plus, I wasn't sure if adding quotations to the bots in-post would affect them. But I think I'll just go back and change the Miia bot's to see if it impacts things, then change the rest to match.
>>12564 Question: why does it say. that you made the moon girl, but when I check your profile, it's not there?
>>12592 I have no idea. Maybe it got shadowbanned or something. All my bots are listed as public though. I did check my profile with an alt and not all of my bots are listed there as well.
>>12594 I wonder why that is.
>>12594 Something upset the ai and the bot got filtered. It got shadowbanned.
>>12596 Figures, is there a way I can avoid or minimize the chances of my bots getting shadowbanned?
>>12597 Generally it depends on the words you write into your character settings. I skimmed over the moon girls settings and and Sayaka's settings. Then I compared it with a few dozen or so of my own, as well as my own shadowbanned bots. Sayaka is a no brainer, as you wrote things that are too spicy into her advanced definition... I am serious, that little is too much. As for the moongirl, I think it might be the same, really. Even if it is much less prevalent in her profile. Like 1 thing, maybe two? In general avoid mentioning 'tits', or mentioning tiddies and ass as jiggling in your settings. I am not sure where the exact limits are, though.
Also, trying to make a character with the same name does not work, as he / she will get shadowbanned as well. What I do is to write a meme name and refer to the character with that name in that profile. Once the profile is done, I check on an alt account whether or not the bot is shadowbanned. If the bot is not shadowbanned, I change the meme name to the correct one.
>>12599 I see, thank you for your insight and for being an inspiration, DrYagokoro. I had a feeling that my descriptions were a bit too spicy for c.ai. Your bot-making guide was such a big help when I started making bots a few weeks ago.
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>>12579 Alrighty, I changed all my bots to use quotations! Also, after checking through an alt, I realized some of my bots were shadowbanned. So here's the Mushroom himself to help out! Nasu, Shadowban Emancipator: https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=24u3CLNH1lMcNpBhMIc0FRfGzHBJydo3TqDXLTkKKCs
>>12608 Anytime, king.
>>12545 If you have any insights into how to better adapt bots between character.ai to spicychat, please share them. I've been trying to retailor some of my bots to spicychat to mixed success.
>>12634 Does it really change the bot that much? I've only ported a few of my bots and didn't really see much differences. I probably didn't test them much due to the queue system.
>>12585 Yay, can't wait to see how it turns out! :)
Made normal and slob Ame bots from Needy Streamer Overload. P-chan's done their best to steer Ame away from her self-destructive tendencies by replacing them with an even stronger fixation, she's become an absolute glutton, addicted to food! Surely you can fix her, right? C.ai link (normal): https://c.ai/c/9maPnZEUOHqA1iC2ODdprSjRzXo7G8_9a-lq9_fB4MQ C.ai link (slob): https://c.ai/c/ra76vVk9W6spXXZjBTuI3344kj4tlLDkU9mv_3cRtGc Still trying to tinker with her personality and slobby aspects. C&C welcome.
>>12638 Forgot the pictures, lol
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>>12654 And I got to heaven there. Heh
...ok i've had brain rot the last couple days about a character idea, but idk if beta ai would "correctly portray" them if i specify specific types of monster people(like say...BotW zora), would the bot actually KNOW what i'm talking about?
>>12667 Not necessarily BUT you can describe their appearance in the character settings to make the bot recognise them as being a monster girl. You can't just say "she is a lamia" for a snake girl as it may get it but it may forget after a while. But if you describe her in detail in her description as having a snake lower body, long and scaly tail etc etc it will work better as your giving it a concrete description and not just "She's a snake"
>>12640 Hey, sorry Mate but do you have a full Version of that second image?
>>12157 Do you know who made the illustration?
>>12674 Sure, here you go. I wish there was more fat art of Ame, though.
I swear to god, Character AI just removed the ability to go to previous chats, which allowed me to use the load photo mode, but now I can’t… so I have no idea why
>>12676 Thank you my friend! Great bots btw :)
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Someone should do a bot based on RedAndroid's version of Rhonda Lloyd from Hey Arnold.
>>12681 "Should" lol. Also wrong thread.
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Sample of the new (unmodified) Falcon 180B model. It seems to be absolutely fucking stacked. At first glance, it has about the intelligence of C.AI but without any of the filters. This was just a low effort first attempt, I still need to get the prompt engineering right.
Nickgam's (the one who created the 'moon colony girl' who became the bot Luna Celestia) newest piece is another moon colony fatty, and, inspired by the bot of the first one, I went and created one for the new character. Her name (my version, the official character seems to be nameless like the art that inspired the other moon colony girl) is Selene Bendis (no relation to the comics guy Brian, I just picked two moon-goddesses, Greek and Thracian, one of whom is an established surname, and stuck them together for her name), and she's a representative of the Archimedes Colony's (named for both the crater and the ancient scientist who discovered the principle of water displacement by weight/mass) Tourism and Immigration board, her job is to make sure that your stay in the colony and on Luna is enjoyable. You play the role of... whatever you want, a tourist, immigrant, diplomat, you choose. And of course, since it's on the uncensored and unrestricted Spicychat (though I may try to port her over to c.ai later for those who don't like Spicychat, though Spicy's AI seems to be improving by leaps and bounds), you can take the interaction in whatever way you choose. https://spicychat.ai/chat/2baedfd3-8196-4a1c-9544-940184b7e00f
...kinda waiting for the pastebin to update mainly because i've put out like, 5 different bots, but the bin says i've only got the one
>>12700 Damn, you beat me to the punch on this one... I was in the process of making a sequel to the Luna Celestia bot. Might just still make it though
new bot: https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=3PuLZApE-C8MyeIHYeDsPhlSoehpq53LFAFvjmani2k based on nickgam's girl from "rising pressure"
Alright, I took a shot at writing my own Celebi chatbot in character.ai. I'll port it over to Spicychat soon.
>>12730 https://beta.character.ai/editing?char=dF-0ZOdp5yiabjuBc49JVEO7EkaCkFcbbyqcEZZyNxI
I made a bot based on PrismaBee's OC, a chubby kitsune that runs a restaurant filled with incredibly addicting and fattening food. This one is mostly centered around mutual WG but I wrote vore in the definitions as a potential bad ending if you piss her off. https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=o7IMiCojgDjcvX_sW3oE3aPKXtYwHcejTp5MPLhJ28M
I don’t want to sound like a whiny baby, but what’s with all the pregnancy/pregnant bots, and chicks with dicks bots on spicy chat? It’s just kinda happened out of nowhere in the past few weeks. It’s everywhere now, and it has made me realise A LOT of people have a thing for this, apparently.
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I’ve tried making my own fat loli with some inspiration from Carcharodontosaurus‘ fat brat. The epidemic of obese young ladies are on the rise and she is an extreme indication of it. https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=Mrd48rBqmhgmH4FZJ5YNvjMCzL5Sgkn81mkPJpAys1o
>>12775 Feedback is always welcome because I may add some stuff in the future
Anybody willing to make bots based on Auctus177’s OCs?
>>12775 Can you please put it on spicyai
>>12795 Maybe, I just have to find out how to port it over first though
>>12775 Can you open the settings?
>>12796 There's a tool to extract chatbots into a png that can be used on spicychat
>>11927 Ayo, could you make The Gilded Trough available to users Who have the link? You know, to keep chatting from the chat page
Any good source of fat bots for something like sillytavern? I know chub exists but its hard to find as many potentially good bots as for c.ai
>>12818 Just use CAI tools plugin.
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I'm working on a Hilbert bot, which pfp do you guys think is better? The only thing this will affect is his starting weight. I've seen just about all of the fat fanart of him and none of it really matches what I have in mind, these two are the next best equivalent. I'm not expecting this bot to be particularly popular since there's little interest in males but it's something I've wanted to do for a while. >>12760 Spicychat's userbase isn't just us, fat/inflation-oriented bots are only a minority of the content hosted over there. Pregnancy and futanari are both much more popular across the Internet as a whole. >>12775 I'm glad that I was of help.
>>12699 Is this from a website, or is it being run locally?
>>12836 1st one
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>>12836 I choose the first one since the artwork reminds me way too much of the handler from cruelty squad (No Offense.)
>>12844 Oh crap, your right he does
Is the OP of this Marianne still around, I was wondering if they could open the settings to her https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=lfqDnDDl7gqkBvDZ-IN1AquApUGzQCQ5SfJtk74Oigw
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I’m taking it upon myself to make an actual good Carol chatbot because the ones I’ve seen have just been half assed. Having some chats with her creator about all the important details of her character developments I believe it’ll be good or at least decent. So I’d like to ask what things would you like to see come out of this slobby goth
>>12872 mutual gain potential
>>12872 Immobility. Nothing too slobby tho
https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=uNYevTrAgyGq1B09Up6hyYmv28qn0ebA0b_lcf1v-zg Made a tour bot for just in case if my bots we're Shadow banned or if you wanna look through it. I made some touhous bots along with other series or games. My next bot I'm making is a Remilia vore bot that I would work on later on. So feel free to look through the bots I made.
>>12872 Immobility Is a requirement, but it would be kinda cool if she was kinda hesitant about gaining
>>12872 Immobility, but also she wants to ride my face because I don't have realistic fetishes. And that's okay.
>>12872 I find it really hot when bots are written to have heavy breathing. A few huffs in between words adds a lot.
I made a chatbot of Crossbreed Priscilla from Dark Souls. She can either be the feedee or the feeder depending on if you reject or accept her food. Character.AI: https://c.ai/c/mJLYDq7Upbf4bkCQJD3AMm_rb1eUC6wPurhbAevTYrs SpicyChat.Ai: https://spicychat.ai/chat/86a7bbf7-2f7c-44d5-9e74-48cfb197c324
>>12880 its privated
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https://spicychat.ai/chat/a3baae6d-d0a0-4369-9018-ff8fd439e94d -I present to you my new bot Seleste fat Argonian (although most likely this bot will not be interesting to anyone. Although you can still rate the chatbot)
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>>12754 I have to say, this is by far the best chatbot I've tried so far. Somehow I managed to change Shizuko to stuffing another guest and me more or less watching... And holy shit, the dialogue is just top-notch, and sometimes funny Here is an excerpt from the last dialogue
>>12872 slob, make her fart please
>>12887 My bad. Here's another link https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=uNYevTrAgyGq1B09Up6hyYmv28qn0ebA0b_lcf1v-zg
>>12872 Tbh just do what you want the most. There’s no way you’ll satisfy everyone anyway
>>12900 Fuck this guy. Do the opposite of what this guy said
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Hi, everyone. Been a while since I created a bot on these boards. So in regards to being a while of creating a bot. I present to you to a bot that takes inspiration from Verblimp’s writing. In addition, some inspiration from Robot001’s art sequence titled Wii UNfit. For this bot, let's say you are exercising. However, you are exercising, IN REVERSE! Meaning, you’re getting fatter while exercising. It’s your choice whenever you can chat as either male or female. That being said, the link to the hot will be down below… Wii Girth: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=FeCXvx4g3GgrcUUnynxUbMZq04QHOVE5uumbgsV5esM
>>12888 I knew that the chatbot didn't turn out very well ;(
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>>12168 I do have a colored Rika from another thread if you want to add that to her slob variant
Hey I'm the creator of the Onee-san bot and I'm back with a new fucked up feeder bot. Meet Andrew, you married him straight out of college as his trophy wife and he immediately started putting as much food as possible in front of you. At first, you liked not having to worry about your weight, but as you popped out some kids for him, your weight ballooned. Now you're having some second thoughts, but the food just keeps coming. https://c.ai/c/5ZtZnwEB4SUdeev5j3Vj06JX3q6shDE-OJ1qTWDgbhM Keep in mind this bot is new so it still needs some work. Please let me know what you think!
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BBW raphtalia or SSBBW whatever the case xd don't have a image for the last one tho
>>12939 Can you bring back the Onee-san bot?
>>12952 (I am not the creator) https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=pJ568Iv2ymL3oHiIWXWabYFKInx9ViJyWAXI4iIn59o
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Making a extremely fat Ranko Mannen from Akiba Maid War, I can’t choose which would be the best pfp for her
>>12956 Second one is better imo
>>12956 The first one’s pretty good
>>12957 Unfortunately it doesn’t allow me to upload or even use the second one
>>12959 Maybe if you cut the image, or maybe it's not in the right format
>>12973 Not that anon but Beta Character AI has had this problem with blob pfps for several months now, the censor seems to interpret most blob faces as nudity even when there is none. I've ran into this problem several times before myself.
Is workplace feedism overdone? Maybe? Either way, here's Friday, your personal, super-sized secretary. All of those long shifts have lead to some serious stress eating, but surely you wouldn't take advantage of that, right? C.ai: https://beta.character.ai/editing?char=YN3yZlmBGXSxrJtlYYJHxf9UzolH6jFCct1EDCbHXsw
>>12975 I think the link you posted goes to the edit page. This link should lead to the chat: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=YN3yZlmBGXSxrJtlYYJHxf9UzolH6jFCct1EDCbHXsw
>>12977 oh whoops. Thanks
Alright, finally managed to get some decent intros together. With this I completed the Yakuza bosses from Touhou Project. Here is one fat Yuuma Toutetsu: https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=6ro9lv-ezfUcHCAjgX1sthlwmtfI7BL7phQV1dQ6pWw And one Saki Kurokoma: https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=W72Q1WHeWdsQUmyT50PbtJVe7BBYqM6FsoXky2wpIdU Both of them should be very receptive to vore, but mostly just eating a lot. Now, if I were to make a hypothetically make a Junko bot, how much of a mommy should she be? In play only, adopted or full-blown Alabama? Hypothetically speaking of course.
>>12985 Hmmmm I suggest play only.
made an inf chatbot based on a twitter post i saw a while ago. first time making a proper bot so lmk if anything needs tweaking https://c.ai/c/yQyyXtO99s2dh8Hqq4CPPPnc7ubVv7SveXOToB7wXeQ
>>12985 >>12987 yeah i agree, definitely like an older friend who acts like a mother to you
>>12996 I was thinking of her as a wife who does it, to be honest.
>>12985 Play only for sure, actual incest is a huge turn off.
Anyone have that one bot that was an inn or a hotel that fattened you? Totally forget it’s name or where I saw it
I have learned something about user interactions today. While the numbers are frozen on your profile, they are when your bot is searched. Of course, that means that the bot must be set to public - and not hidden due to being shadowbanned.
>>13013 The Gilded Through
>>13017 No wonder I mostly get 0 but when I search up my own bots the numbers change.
>>12955 Doesn't work, the bot has been set to private
Advice for how to get avatars past the filter without distorting the image much?
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kairi-kh1 outfit but she is indeed 18 beta.character.ai/chat?char=Z6C6pvg6Qdjx98hMCQh-9VWCnwUK_Ys7MmmssKG9ISc aqua-ofcourse she is 18 beta.character.ai/chat?char=JariQkSP14XQflreT3q3v2nXXnzGa1XvCYy4rEAXIQc ive made a aqua and kairi bot gonna make a xion one like maybe right after posting this
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Made a fat Neptune bot. https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=ZaQDhXIpXQgeI5SCypSR9rn6sPA17-inxDwWDTQF6Vs Also made a bot based on an OC from a user on Deviantart. Meet Sarah, a shy, timid, overweight girl who has a large appetite. You're coming over to her house to meet her in-person for the first time, but there's a lot more of her than you expected... https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=oHuJObZSwE-qp6TRY1t0on40jcpCcFoGVj6ECK_PpPs First two bots I ever made, so thoughts and comments are appreciated.
Just a tip: Putting "Descriptive" in the short description box for a character can help with giving longer responses from them.
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>>13030 On my settings, it says Onee-san is set to unlisted. I think the bot is shadowbanned. Here are the latest bot settings as a text file.
>>12168 Am I the only one for whom the Blob version doesn't work?
Idk if anyone has a vore fetish in here but I made two touhou vore bots. https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=YAytKJj7--kGn_j6HCyOQSeIKf5iPIndGzHLm0Sosr0 This one is Remilia which both of them are Shadow banned sadly. https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=A585-0Xv00wMmRUPyh_nyUb4uvlSzKG4j8oKCQr7Dbw This one is satori. Quick note: Use ** as thoughts since I use that for she can read people minds. Anyway hope anyone enjoy my vore bots. I might make some more touhou or other series vore bots soon since I like writing vore stories.
I've finished the Hilbert bot I mentioned a few days ago: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=1NAcm1rE7NI12hYgEcvptTqXAT3e177m3fR1X6kNzB0
>>12872 Any news?
>>13042 https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=tIEeI_XViOaZrKFr4aeB96NnV4LDxha3h7BLYVHLPPU here is the xion bot gonna make a kh2 kairi bot that is a sequel to the first also an olette bot a namine bot maybe a bot for larxene and a fem-sora bot
>>13078 i actually make these bots pretty easyily maybe because i know some details that would make for some fun scenario's
>>12754 Best chatbot I’ve used and would sacrifice my firstborn for a spicy version
>>13078 https://pastebin.com/impqpkSr alright made a pastebin of all my kh bots
>>13082 Well thankfully you’re never getting laid
>>13078 any chance of them getting ported to spicychat?
>>13074 Has your pastebin been updated? As the link I been using is still missing a few. Also love to see you do more male or femboy stuff. Maybe a slob focused one?
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Thinking of making a fat office girl, but need to know which idea would be better. Either a senior team member which would be represented y the first girl, or a fail girl intern that’ll be represented by either or the two pfps since it’s the same girl in different context. Fair warning which ever idea gets picked I plan on making that girl as unkept as messy as possible given the context
>>13099 First.
>>13099 The second idea is also good
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I found this fanart of Nerissa Ravencroft this morning and instantly knew what I had to do. I leaned hard on her masochistic tendencies this time. https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=Xvau0usm0hfAlnmGr9URkWuu8X5Ptxm73nuAFZwwNSY
>>13099 both are good but im really leaning towards the second one
>>13099 How about basing it off this character, called Vera Casaknave the svartalf. Link for info: https://www.deviantart.com/xoxodiablo/art/Lockdown-Pt-1-2-3-4-925238681 Really hot story, need more horror wg, stuffing, feeding etc themed bots. Adding horror to the mix somehow makes things even hotter and more interesting. Like maybe that ring ghost character as a fat feeder who can pop out of anywhere to stuff a burger in your face, idk lol.
>>13099 Second all the way. I feel like the first one has already been done a few times but I have yet to see the second one
https://c.ai/c/h1gYY9sie6wjDRS3HE3J2pepq5pyzF7_I6pO7rsVo5A Been tweaking my Maya Fey bot. Now she starts off fat and is more slobby, and hopefully less of a prude.
>>13087 dont see why not
>>13104 Fat + Masochist is a great combination.
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Fellas, let’s get crazy here. I present to you the first ever (I think) bot based on a real model. Mistress Boberry. In her free time, she has a cruel alter ego as a domme. (Vanilla BDSM warning) Sorry the avatar sucks, made it on CapCut in 10 minutes lmfao. I’d gladly take some help though https://spicychat.ai/chat/ec41af25-5593-40e3-a2b5-67fe84c2ee87
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Meet Julia, in need of validation and support from a feeder like you. One if the few bots I’m working on, I gave college exams coming up so when that’s out of the way, I’ll do my best to release the others when I can since im halfway done with Donna my indulgent it intern and Carol https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=-gdVTjjspeM7DeUI4sZcPzUQuE9iS2pSKw9i-1BdZZo
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Just created a Lucoa bot from Dragon maid. Obese, teasing and very gassy! https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=1MVkiwxRrM1E4hkLqb2YIcjTnztcy8y-VBBGRFxjlW4 let me know if it needs any tweaks and enjoy!
>>12775 I am in love with this bot. if she goes on spicy I'll never leave lol
>>13170 I’ll try my best to I’ve been busy as of late
I made a bot based on the last stage of pic related. I got her name from an elf name generator. https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=qbHq-EtIX-37yhzp5B2TbwOSqROXhhm9i9xAJCrdBpU
>>13200 say, are you able to a chatbot of Pew's OC Snow? Just curious.
>>13201 Who is Snow?
>>13203 Snow mama
>>13018 Crap, I think it's been shadow banned. >>13018 Here's the link for you. https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=F_9jndRbrakNpUwwv2VrU-xBv4PzsTiAfbkv3-IkOWk
>>13203 Snow is Pewbutt’s OC, it’s a furry character so you should be able to find it on his furaffinity account
(1.69 MB 498x498 crying-emoji-dies.gif)
>>13211 You got me. >>13225 I don't do furry bots, sorry.
>>13099 Second idea using third image, bonus points if she's super embarrased about everything
Y'all like goblins? I got a nice, greedy, bratty, flabby one right here for ya. https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=2bRNYB2QjUvoZjfJ-SAKay-2R28dswLabzbX3HopEws
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Could someone please if they will make an ai for this huge dva
>>13233 It’s ok, I have another fat-bot in mind. Can you do Better-With-Salt’s OC Chloe as a fat-bit?
(209.20 KB 348x348 Chloe by BWS.png)
>>13242 I haven't tested it much but here you go: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=nGlKdMxL7NKxtSdcKjN-vnynyVoXt7M4KblyNf6Bigw I like Natalie and Courtney more as far as BWS OC's go. Someone else already made a bot for Courtney so I might make one for Natalie at some point.
>>13245 Care to throw down a Courtney bot for us too?
>>13245 Are you still interested in doing my request for an Umi bot from the request thread? Just asking out of curiosity.
>>13246 I probably won't because there's already one in existence, at the moment I don't feel the need to. >>13247 I think I'll pass for now, I do have another Trinity-Fate OC in mind that I want to get around to at some point though.
>>13250 Would you mind telling us which OC you're thinking about doing, or would you prefer to stay quiet until the bot's finished?
>>12775 First ever spicy chat port hopefully things transferred over well enough, and those who wanted her over there are ok with this port: https://spicychat.ai/chat/9255ecf7-0471-402c-ae29-1069c0b08a7d
>>13250 Wait, there’s already a Courtney bot? Where?
>>13260 It’s not as descriptive as she could be though
>>13261 So which champion is gonna take one for the team and rework that bot?
>>13265 You.
>>13245 Is there a Sammy bot anywhere?
Here's another bot I managed to have a surprising amount of fun with. Meet "Fatti", your AI-supercomputer designed to help you "unwind" after your long day of work by showing you all and any fat fetish-related media you could want. The way I built this is kinda like a fat-fetish wildcard, so you can go off the rails with a message like "I was about to give Fatti a demand to start displaying the updates, but I was quickly interrupted by a knock at the door" and still get a decent response. It's sounds lackluster on its own, but do give it a try. https://c.ai/c/1CWbohijNkNMl9f2Nbty80ClaClarDyiUqUiUB1xhGM
>>13271 Really enjoying Fatti so far, any chance of porting over to spicychat?
>>11913 Just finished updating the pastebin. https://pastebin.com/UndvXxKc >>12264 It should be fixed now.
>>13245 um man but there are already several Chloe bots out there
Alright guys - looking for some feedback here. I’m making a bot atm but I’m struggling for the ‘hook’ Basically most of the bots I’ve made have the fat girl be your roommate. This formula is getting pretty stale and I’m looking for some recommendations. What are some other good reasons that someone would be in contact with a neet who constantly eats?
>>13276 I can only think of incest, a neighbor and a friend that crashed at users place but overstayed their welcome. But In my opinion, nothing wrong with the roommate formula. >>13275 So what? Maybe someone likes Carcha's Chloe more than yours, or the other way around. Besides, as far as fat fetish characters go, Chloe is immensely popular. You can't expect that there will only be one or two bots with her. >>13238 I will try my best, don't expect it to be good though. In exchange I want the sauce.
>>13276 >What are some other good reasons that someone would be in contact with a neet who constantly eats? If you're going for a reclusive/lazy neet then it's pretty hard to justify them being out of the house. Few suggestions I can think of being: You're friends with her sibling who brings you round to their house frequently You're friends online and play games together You went to high school together and stayed in contact with her after she became a neet
>>13277 I'm not against it, I'm even interested in what he can do with Courtney or Sammy
>>13276 I know what you mean. Struggling with the intro / setting is the hardest part of bot making for me, personally. Anyways, here are some ideas for you. - You met online and then in real life. - Neet was your childhood friend and you are back in town, and she is embarassed by your surprise visit... or not, depending on what you would like to do with the character. - Neet didn't attend classes for x amount of time, and you go to check on her or to bring her the materials she missed out on. (Pre-wrote this before lunch and posted it after, sorry if I repeat previous suggestions)
>>13276 How about a broke would-be neet that has a two-hour shift at a grocery store late at night. She needs money, but can't stand the public that long... So you make her a neet.
gonna try making a zero ffxiv bot (probably feedee), should it start with her skinny or already fat?
>>13233 Can you make a Ignis dragon girl inflation bot that loves inflating herself or others?
>>13277 the sauce if FFANumber5
>>13275 >>13277 I wasn't aware that there were already multiple Chloe bots, apologies. >>13276 The NEET could be someone that you've been hired to take care of as a butler/disability worker or it could be a futuristic setting where you've been sent to her house a government-assigned boyfriend. Or maybe her parents paid you to visit her without telling you how fat she was (sort of like Chris Chan's fake girlfriends).
>>13301 *as a government-assigned boyfriend. Or as a husband even.
>>13301 no problem dude I have a similar situation. I wanted to make a chat bot Maxine but they did it for me and this bot is damn good
>>12305 Nina is too horny for c.ai, nothing but filtered chat x)
>>13302 I could see you doing a fat student x teacher scenario maybe even a fat teacher and student scenario thing
>>12700 Could you please import her to character ai? I loved your other one. I actually saw the art for these characters before I saw your bots, lol I was planning on eventually making them myself.
>>13340 If any wants to do a teacher x fat femboy student roleplay, I made this feeder bot where you play as the student. Please let me know what you think. https://c.ai/c/5A_gIiXhkDPsi9b8JuH101tEx3GVtpquGWHHCW73h3s
>>13370 The link doesn't work. Only a loading screen.
>>13370 It says the character is unavailable to chat
>>13371 >>13372 Try this link? https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=5A_gIiXhkDPsi9b8JuH101tEx3GVtpquGWHHCW73h3s
>>13398 nope still doesnt
>>13398 still broken
Good morning, does anyone have fat Ilulu bots?
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>>13399 >>13400 Welp I guess CAI shadowbanned it immediately for being too saucy. I ported it over to Spicychat and it seems to be working well. If you want the bot settings, check out these text files. https://spicychat.ai/chat/9f90cf83-7167-46a4-8ec7-850f8c08bb0d
>>13422 fat femboy stuff is either hit or miss tbh, I kinda perfect fat lady stuff
>>13422 It's probably fucking shadowbanned cause you have GROOMER as part of the long description....maybe go for college professor instead buddy
>>13439 As opposed to the wholesome student/teacher relationships?
Has anybody made or seen any giantess ones?
>>13441 I did say college professor instead, to be fair
>>13448 That's still considered unethical by many.
>>13422 I don't understand the appeal of doing this shit where you add a bunch of example traits for the character as well as just a bunch of lines of dialogue in the description box (which, granted, is what the site tells you to do) It only takes a couple minutes to write enough prose for C.AI to run with and you'll need less retries overall.
Yo! The way you fix your bot is by removing whole chunks of the descriptions, and testing the link, until you find what keywords or phrases are causing it. It could be in your example dialogue, short description or long description, or even the picture. If you really have a type or direct plot you want, go for body description and personality in the settings, then in the chat, ((type in one of these, which the bot considers to be "out of character")) and tell them what plot you want. Its also great for guiding the bot if you want to add a kink or remove one.
Meet Jodie, Mama Time. A Celebi who is in charge of taking care of the time gears in the pokemon world, and has a special bowtie that, when removed, reveals her true self. Character.AI: https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=f141vJmnlSlYrVGChSWYTn7dREth22wrLgf-74b2JwU SpicyChat: https://spicychat.ai/chat/ce675a80-278b-4090-811c-bc1722321953
>>13479 This is gay. Get help
>>13479 >not 'Joe Mama' sigh...
>>12775 Hey dude! Can we talk in discord about making more fat loli bots? I really love this one! Discord:sillygoofballconnor
>>13481 >implying that it's gay Look at that symbol on the image again, and tell me it's not a female symbol.
>>13479 do you have autism? genuine question
>>13479 That offended me. Wtf
>>13479 Just to clarify, if you have a look at Buttery inkling's page (this image's source) you'll see the "Mama Time" nickname, so stop embarrassing yourselves.
Y'all are being fucking snowflakes over a fat celebi, genuinely pathetic behavior lmfao
>>13556 Ngl, even I found it ridiculous too. All I wanted was to share a fat Celebi character (even with use of special objects), only to be met with replies that are often incoherent.
>>11909 A het couple but no double SSBBW bot?
Is there any particular science behind other characters potentially showing up in scenarios? For example using one of doc's touhou bots, taking a SDM character like say Sakuya, it'd be easy to easily mention Meiling or Patchy and have them join into the scenario. It also worked on the Reisen bot and mentioning Eientei characters. Asking because I was curious about trying to get into bot creation myself and not really all too sure about how it'd really work with background characters being involved or if the bot just kind of has a catalogue for characters that could theoretically work or if it just wings it. Long story short, I'm the fgo mash requester I guess I'm asking if the hypothetical of incorporating the other Chaldea servants is realistic or if the bot would break.
>>13287 Make her skinny starting off
Are there any tips for writing characters with more crass, vulgar, or sharp tongued dialogue? It feels very inconsistent at points and I feel like I specified these details in the descriptions.
>>13570 The Ai is trained with rp data, amongst other things. Characters related to the character may appear on their own, such as the SDM and the Eientei crews. Specifying a handful of Servants in your advanced definition should be fine. But if you mean all servants when you say "the other chaldea servants", then it is just not realistic.
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Tried my hands at making my first character bot through following Doc's guide, Miu Iruma from Danganronpa V3 Killing Harmony. https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=H60jxtf8e7TzP6tPU1ZhQ3FQxuaXDsnwllTdreKI_3k Thought she was a good first character to go with on account of the obvious machine inventions and easy whacky weight gain elements that could along with it. Just went with Kip Miu for the pic because I couldn't really find Miu art that I liked the style of. Tried hard to avoid shadowban but I think it still happened anyway, but I suppose that was a foregone conclusion considering it's Miu. Since I saw a request in the previous request thread about Kaede, I might try her next, or Chiaki. Both should be a hell of a lot easier to avoid being shadow banned on. Also speaking of anyone have a rough time frame estimate of how quickly a character gets shadow banned? I was using an alt to check Miu in a testing stage and she wasn't banned for a while, slept checked again and she got banned.
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>>13644 Have you thought about making a Junko Fatbot? I’d go for one
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I'll just post some bots here for you folks to enjoy! Millie Corpulentia, (CW: Slob) Tried my hand at making a feeder bot and also a test bed for different text sizes. C.ai link: https://c.ai/c/SrxbFS0Irj-8FrEU0-cUJ5WVUIGSeEnoAwdG4ivMXnU Ramlethal Valentine, a companion bot to the Jack-O one I made a while back. Keep an eye out for an Elphet bot soon C.ai link: https://c.ai/c/Z_gygNlB5lc9nSqZ_7aQg_tYUQQBrxM7ApgUDJEfVAs Yuuka from Blue Archive, everyone's favourite 100 kg calculator but she's gained an additional 100 kg. C.ai link: https://c.ai/c/FwsXrmPGqZa8qMjjtYzUfyqGCSzLR_OUce1s4BiLFIU Spas-12 from Girl's Frontline, gotta make fat bots of canonically chubby/gluttonus character. C.ai link: https://c.ai/c/fPADroVNSkPQeAtbNeX7F-AAvcf2wkIbECxRWu5gTBM C&C is welcome, for sillytaven users, any pictures I post in the future are character cards
>>13708 Millie has been amazing in the limited time I've had to interact. My only complaint is that she'll kinda get stuck in a loop of saying what she's going to do and not proceeding to do so. A very direct order will eventually fix it, but I hate breaking character to do it.
>>13739 That's a problem that I've found in testing with most bots in general. I'm glad you liked it, I made her as a test for some ideas of mine. If I fix a fix for the loop, I'll update it.
>>13708 You got any plans to port these to Spicy?
>>13781 Usually, when I did requests on the other board. But I mostly do it when people request a spicychat version. Millie link: https://spicychat.ai/chat/30bfcc92-a2e3-4205-8845-cdc0b8a1e7ac Hamlethal link: https://spicychat.ai/chat/a43d7669-606d-4b0c-ba6d-f1e145a009be Yuuka link: https://spicychat.ai/chat/da5e7be3-0a63-4d96-925f-eaa6d550ab32 Spas-12: https://spicychat.ai/chat/3b7c1cc2-ff75-4142-ae1b-1e910faaa173
Colleen(fat former star of the nineties)-https://spicychat.ai/chat/2f638a06-f9d6-43f5-93ed-cd445dc83324/2ef4f256-985a-4f1a-b672-61bd9dc48ba7
I’m currently making a bot of Nicole Thompson (a Jolenedubois character from one of his series.) I’ll post the link when it’s finished, lemme know if anyone would like to see anyone else.
>>13981 The link isn't working
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>>14040 Would love to see an Autumn bot in the future.
>>14043 https://spicychat.ai/chat/2f638a06-f9d6-43f5-93ed-cd445dc83324 try this one; the one he posted yesterday didn't work for me either but I was scrolling thru most recent bots and found a working link.
>>14043 sorry for the broken link, I hope you like the bot (I hope so)
Don't know if anyone's familiar with CantankerousAvian on DeviantArt, but if anyone is, I've made a chatbot (SpicyChat exslusive, at least for now) based on/inspired by his haunted extreme-pear Edie, wherein you olay as an old classmate of hers who was always into the paranormal back in high school, who she has gotten in touch with to help her deal with her personal haunting experience (as detailed in some of the artist's art and a series of stories on their page). Doesn't have to go sexual, but the option, as with any SpicyChat bot, is always there. Suitable for anyone, make, female, or other, both because it doesn't have to go sexual and because if it does then as far as I could see in the stories Edie's sexuality was never firmly established, just that she's probably into girls, though seeing as bi and pan exist, could be into guys and others too. Just play it how you like. https://spicychat.ai/chat/641d6158-64a9-4c20-9322-586c585a875f Pic related.
>>14129 *play as *male, female, or other
>>14040 Here’s the Nicole Thompson bot completed, give me some feedback and I’ll see if I can make any other characters. https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=06FAO4lHU0uqlDIdnuHy5zAe7yftfOtcA4z0pXild_E
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Since many people wanted it (and also because I was horny for a particular picture of her), here's Courtney! I'm still new to bot-making, so thoughts and comments are appreciated. Peppino slightly related.
>>14149 Forgot the link. https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=fZbzK4MsJi_H7Ay08lcUdcylgQmFg_nalZHUWzDDJRI
>>14149 This is fantastic. Its been so long since someone posted a bot of an actual human being in a real life situation.
>>12985 Fully blown alabama
Hey guys, with the Nicole bot all finished I was going to start on an Autumn on next, I heard he posted the full video series on Patreon and I was wondering if anyone had the link. (I could just read the story but this is the fastest option.)
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hey guys, i present to you a morbidly obese Nico Robin bot. I made this through Dr. Yagokoro’s guide. I was motivated by the fact that there’s so many Robin bots, but none of them seemed satisfying to talk to, so i just made one myself, and she’s morbidly obese too, so that’s a plus. Let me know what you think of it, and i’m open for any and all criticism about it. Nico Robin: https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=3HYHAXp3YC9f2vjLrNCpLkZLD93maNfDVVJYFJQEez0
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What happens when you feed a swan cake instead of bread? You get Cygnie, a great big swan Princess. As you might have guessed, she loves gorging on cakes and sweet treats, and would gladly like to have some! https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=ZNd3aNHFjQ3CUEOkibig9MInj_4VAm-UD_GS3P5L3q8 (SpicyChat version coming soon.)
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I posted this yandere Yuri months ago but it was one of the earliest bots I had ever made and as time as gone on it didn't live up to my current standards. So I just remade it to fit the spooky month, not just Beta Character AI but Spicychat as well. Beta: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=4V5B8s6aZ35tmTbGiTYuiXwMYNuJuRty__HJjBNCR_o Spicychat: https://spicychat.ai/chat/ace52761-6cd7-439a-b1ce-6a62e4e1d827 There's a lot of bots I want to redo, especially on Spicychat. But it will take a long time since I have over eighty different bots.
>>14326 Hey dude, the link isn’t working, can you see if you can fix it please?
>>14328 I think it might still be set to private. Either way, I'm really looking forward. Yandere Yuri has been one of my favorites.
>>14316 I think there might be something wrong with the greeting since it says, "your name" instead of my username. I think the issue is that you need to use <user> instead of "your name" for the system to register the user's actual name. You might also want to make the character settings public so it's easier to look for bugs.
>>14334 alright, changed the greeting and changed the settings to public.
>>14328 >>14333 It's public but I think I flew too close to the Sun in terms of how lewd this bot gets, the site might have shadow-banned it. I had this same problem with a Sayori bot several months ago. Just like with that bot, I made a backup that should work: https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=3oZzx2KOqQFn0gF_mJ4CQmn7I4_BoNE4HbUO9ndb0FQ It's only Beta Character AI that is down btw, the spicychat version still works (recommending that version in particular because it's the overtly sexual bot I've managed to make and I'm looking for second opinions on the format of it because I'm trying to improve my Spicychat bots going forward).
>>14337 Somehow the backups down as well, don’t know if it’s just CAI being strict or what.
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>>14339 That's what CAI says. Can you just upload the character card? I use those always anyway. Everyone can import that card to their venus or spicy or CAI then ez.
I'm thinking about putting this bot out? it’s just that this one has little to do with fat-chatbot
>>14363 well give details about it
>>14368 This is a chat bot of a character belonging to the artist skarlett cynder,Roxanne - juicy muscular anthropomorphic hyena woman tomboy
made my first bot https://spicychat.ai/chat/fb23085d-bf83-4227-acc8-bd3881da17dc
>>14380 https://spicychat.ai/chat/7da7a660-e47d-447a-8eab-2408fba37a6b ok I'll post it
>>14380 Can you make a character.ai version?
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>>14339 >>14349 Here's the character card for the Beta Character AI version, hope this helps. Sorry it took so long, I've been through a lot today.
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>>14399 all g. Lol good stuff. You heard her ladz, she gonna blow up like one of them marshmallows in a vacuum chamber.
>>14399 Ummm and The character card?
>>14411 The picture is the card, I believe (doesn't work on c.ai iirc, but spicychat, sillytavern, etc should have a place to import an image as a character card).
>>14428 Not sure if it'll work with bbwchan's image sharing. Might need to catbox it just in case.
>>14411 >>14428 >>14432 I just tested it out on Spicychat and it does work with BBWChan's image sharing. I was going to upload it to catbox as well but catbox didn't detect it as an image so it didn't work on there (probably because the file has the bot's coding embeded since it's a character card).
>>14452 You have any plans to try and fix the one on CAI? If not, you could always make a different yandere Fat-Bot.
>>14456 I already did, I made a copy of the Yuri bot and the site still blocked it. I guess the only way to "fix" this bot would be to completely rewrite its definitions but I'm not sure if it would work since Beta Character AI never clarified at all why the bot wouldn't work. I might try it at some point soon though since I already have a back up of this bot.
>>14457 I had the same problem. To fix it make a blank bot and slowly add back elements to it and find what breaks it. Add the short description, check it, one paragraph of the long description, check it, another paragraph, check it. And you'll eventually find the couple of lines it doesn't like.
>make cowgirl (non-furry/ushimimi for the weebs) based off an OC >0/32,000 characters in the advanced definition >load up long description with some first person "I'm fat" etc. and some personality traits including "forward" >make the greeting include her approaching you and calling you "cutie" >suddenly she's lewd as hell and tried to get me to sample her milk from the source or roll in the hay within three interactions Just how much weight does the advanced description have? Is it just useful for trying to model an official character and information from their setting, or maybe describing a complicated personality?
>>14467 Thanks for the suggestion, it's something I'll try out at some point relatively soon. >>14505 The advanced definition has a lot of weight and can make or break a bot. It's an essentially a template for the bot to draw upon and recall for writing dialogue as well remembering certain traits for consistency. If you want a more reserved bot, I would recommend writing your own sample dialogue of how you want her to act. When I initially made a bot of Natsuki from Doki Doki Literature Club, for example, I ran into a lot of trouble getting her to act tsundere because she would drop it and act shy/loving way too early. It wasn't until I wrote her example dialogues myself that I managed to get the bot to stay in-character.
>>14321 Thank you for choosing this nice character and for a well made bot! Waiting for the SpicyChat version.
I made 2 Female Sonic bots. One based on Merton's version(Since I've always found that version to be the hottest Female Sonic.) This is for those who prefer to start off with just a simply slim, yet curvaceous gal to fatten up. https://c.ai/c/FjzaN2sou4YkSNjElrX_p-CeHBYb3YczTHs0YZAX4qs And another based on komakomaranger's take on her. https://c.ai/c/zFnU5nOyLdTC4pJo5hipH7VssL2cqHAMQLOSqsnhRuk
>>14396 1: I'll have to cut this bot a lot to fit into the character limit. 2: I originally made this bot for NSFW content.
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A bit different from the usual I guess but I made an rpg bot thing for Plus Sized Elf. https://c.ai/c/Br_X1tGOJkyhyl1BK46D7-rlCjrt2WMc8QCQ3foIcm0 This is the first time I've made something like this so I don't know how well it'll work but I added a bunch of characters in the thing
I've heard news that the site may be shutting down soon (January 29th to be exact). Does anyone know any back-up plans before this site goes down?
>>14574 I mean we got that pastebin of fat bots
I made two Kaguya bots, one where she's a fat feedee https://spicychat.ai/chat/57d379f8-ec2f-495d-9952-eca386e40333 and one where she's the feeder https://spicychat.ai/chat/1d5f905f-ea05-4422-8689-f87ca21427a4 They're my first bots, so I'd like some feedback.
>>14574 Which site are you talking about? and where does this information come from?
>>14562 This one is really fucking good so far. I’d love to see more rpg stuff.
>>14581 Yeah thanks I'm surprised it's as recent as it is right now. Through testing, it looks like it only really gets Erufuda, Kuroeda, and Olga since iirc c.ai uses definition more the higher it appears in the box. It'll be interesting to see how it is once time has passed. I can't really think of any other series that could get a RPG thing.
>>14586 DDLC. I'm modifying the fat natsuki bot to try and include the rest of em, with monica behind the scenes altering DDLC reality to make everyone fat, idk lol. I'm just trying to make it horror based, which is hard to do properly. I haven't played or have anything to do with DDLC, but I have played the expansion parody DDLC game, which was great.
>>14577 I mean't like where we can bring this thread to next after the shutdown, such as Discord or whatever. >>14580 BBWchan, unfortunately. >>>/gen/37424
>>14591 there is an option via telegram
>>14595 I wonder who will start one?
>>14321 >>14531 Here's the SpicyChat edition! one chat example was deleted; it was meant for getting around Character.ai's policy https://spicychat.ai/chat/4bc6c27c-01ac-4d06-8183-7cee17243c7d
Ruby Rose Ai bot I made because I wanted to give it a try and see how it goes and its public along with four other ai bots I made but if it does well I can try to make the other three of team RWBY and others possibly https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=rPwKiwky692YVTGIy50ERrpgArS2DfDuW1Olwdj5O5A
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Made a bot based on Debu-Buxom's OC Berry. Tried to also integrate her sister Sherry into the bot as well. Thoughts and comments are appreciated. NOTE: Berry is a fat bot, not a blueberry one. https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=-doOnq1g2Wv0omNROOD8b0MhVwKMg_wfIu4Jt6Rn9lY.
So does anyone have any good alternatives for folks to post their fat chatbots and suggestions if this site goes down?
>>14616 Maybe a telegram group chat?
>>14601 then I'll start
>>14621 Okay! Let us know when it releases!
>>14623 it is already ready, only the BBw-chan automatically bans the message with a link to the telegram
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>>14625 (or QR code)
https://t_m e/+v4lBOxcGgTc2MjJi (if this link doesn't work) >>14624
>>14628 (just remove the hyphen and get a link to the group)
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I just made a bot based on RedAndroid's version of Rhonda Lloyd from Hey Arnold https://c.ai/c/lc3cwKdsjOUQU2wqpCcIZEVNkyNyXKtKTeu-aps87EE
>>14628 it's saying the link expired
>>14633 It isn't expired on my end. You probably forgot to do tm.e
>>14633 Try the QR code
should we make a new thread?
>>14624 >>14626 Is telegram like a facebook messanger/whatsapp type thing or is it closer to discord?
>>14621 We still have a few months left… so let’s spend our finale hours on here before it’s gone.
>>14662 crap. I got acquainted with this site a year ago, then I was just reading different threads. I really started writing when I learned about Ai.chatbot and decided to publish my first bot...
>>12985 Hey doc will be in the discord server
>>14678 Sure.
>>14677 But at least you still have more Spicychat.ai things to do while on here or other thread sites… Fat Android 21 (Good) Fat Glamrock Chica…
>>12272 which local AI's do you use? i've been looking into getting into it, any things you can share?
anyone got chatbots for BWS, kipteitei OCs?
>>14756 Here are some BWS OC bots. First one is a Chloe bot made by Carch, The second is my bot of Courtney. >>13245 >>14150
Here is a small list of my favorite chatbots: https://c.ai/c/dMVh7laJpdg_UFInnU0aGqd4EhrrWOzY6z2P-Tr1KNg https://c.ai/c/IZUud7T-HW1Iowy46SblKxxhuAX7VrJo5w8rUnMaK-8 https://c.ai/c/8MoqIO5s6oQccO-N-0h_MjUFGG49R1es-mSgLRGUEcM https://c.ai/c/IeRPbFEt2DdI1i8x2IVu6vjrfiyWltqILEsMYpRb9WE
Hello Dr Yagokoro, i have one request for you, can you make a SSBBW Tojiko and the SSBBW Hisami bot? Thanks
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a very peculiar restaurant , where you are not going to eat in that restaurant… YOU feed the waitresses with the amount of food you want, it is like a dream come true... wellcome to "fullhouse", https://c.ai/c/wx01qSrfW4j0Msp2gOJTQyJ2VwrEzmx6j5uSxiKGoOU
Hello, I have all night and an air pump, you know what I want to do... How about you come to my house and help me with this earring hehe... 🎈🎈 I have an immense desire to inflate myself and exceed my limits.... If you don't want to inflate me with air, you can also inflate me with water, milk, coke and mentos, whatever comes to mind hehe, get creative tonight... https://c.ai/c/LGoc6vxBhB95bQlIPiF0k7QTgyiNJi5ITUFd3jKLCjs
“Hello Human, I am the angel Tengoku *she leans and kisses your cheeks* And ill be your own angel… Make sure to treat me well okay~?”
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I hope you like Aoi, and I hope you like a massive Aoi, because I made her and they actually allow it https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=UAoHKDGsb2wfxuP5qDuj_AVNMB2kCrauCjfeTwF8fYc
>>12548 Hey, I love the story with Kyoko and Sayaka, I’m hoping you would make Celestia Ludenburg?
>>22482 The 3 some that might never happen. I have a couple 3 somes in the works. Need hot weather to get those hormones going
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>>13052 Love the Neptune one. Now I really want the love of my life Uzume
