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Ai Voice Request Thread #001 - Welcome Edition Anonymous 09/02/2024 (Mon) 04:52:11 No. 27275
AI Voice Request Thread #001 - Welcome Edition Welcome to our very first Ai Voice Request thread! If you want a character to say something, you've come to the right place. Using AI Voice Generator, we'll bring your requests to life with High Definition audio. 'If you can" please post a clip or audio file of your character's voice to help us use it perfectly, it will help us a lot. RULES: -Post the lines you want the character to say, we're not writers and guessers. -Ai can't replicate moans, groans, sighs, etc.
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(493.33 KB 3168x3172 Fat Peg Pete by Smappa.png)
>>27276 Can someone do Peg Pete (Pete's wife) from "Goof Troop" saying "What's the matter Pete? Ever see someone bigger and fatter than you?" for this drawing of her by SmappaNSFW please? Thank you. Here's a clip of her speaking I've made using a clip of her I found on YouTube and the gif making website Makeagif.com that I can be found here at https://makeagif.com/gif/peg-pete-voice-1-F9Szbb.
(234.33 KB Peg_Pete_Burp.ogg)
>>27286 >>27277 Here you go.
>>27276 can you do Bulma saying. "looks like gaining 1000 pounds didn't just make me fatter, it also made me stronger AND made me grow a bigger cock than you, vegeta. i guess that makes me the blubbery queen of the saiyans, while you get to be my sissy saiyan prince. now start sucking or i'll spank you red"
>>27288 Nice job here. This is great. Thank you for doing it.
(665.00 KB Bulma 1000.ogg)
>>27320 You're welcome
>>27276 Can someone do one for this inflation edit of Spinnerella from "She-Ra and the Princesses of Power" with her saying "Stand back everyone! I'm blown up like a balloon and I'm about to literally have my second wind!". Here's a clip of speaking I've made using the same technique I used for my request of Peg Pete's voice that I can be found here at https://makeagif.com/gif/spinnerella-voice-1-KAFjJ9.
(2.55 MB 3111x1750 Spinnerella Edit 11.png)
>>27323 I forgot to post the inflation edit of her I was talking about. Here it is.
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>>27276 Can someone also do one for this fat edit of Osono the pregnant baker from the anime movie "Kiki's Delivery Service" with her saying "AHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, my goodness! I don't know what you're putting in the Kiki but it's making me really huge and fat. I mean look at me I'm so huge and fat I can't fit behind the front counter anymore. In fact, I'm stuck. Could you be a dear and pull out of here please? Thank you.". Here's the first clip I've made of her talking that can be found here at https://makeagif.com/gif/osono-voice-1-TpJMI. Now here's the second clip I've made of her laughing and talking that can be found here at https://makeagif.com/gif/osono-voice-2-2kWmKE.
>>27276 Can someone do one for Heatwave (the orange haired woman on the left in the drawing of her shown here) from "My Adventures with Superman" in this drawing of her with Livewire by Mizz-Britt saying "Oh my gosh babe! Look at us! Who would've thought that weight enhancer chemical we swiped from Star Labs would make us as fat as pigs? I mean look at us we're as big and as fat as hippos and my belly is huge and way bigger than yours! Heck, I look as if as I might as well be pregnant with like ten babies! Let's take more of that stuff and see how big and fat we can really get. What do you say babe?". Here's a clip I created of her speaking which can be found here at https://makeagif.com/gif/heatwave-voice-1-kixEs7.
Please do Francine Smith from American Dad saying, "Roger! If you make one more fat joke about me, I will sit on you!"
Just out of curiosity, what AI program or free AI voice generator website did one of you guys use to create the ones for the Peg Pete and Bulma requests? I'm just wondering about this because I've been trying to find a free AI Voice generator website that I can use to create a few of my own AI voices for my favorite characters using the sound clips I've created for their voices via video clips I've created of their voices on Makeagif.com.
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>>27276 Excuse me, But I have a request I like to please share as well. Miles: We can't do this! We're vegans! Laurie: C'mon Miles! Just a dozen more burger! *Bonus* Laurie: I can't believe we ate all that meat!!! Miles: So fat... Too full... Hard to... Move... I also wondered if if anyone's is free to add some music into the background. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rd-SpXJ3ops for the main. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJvdl7z0j88 for the bonus. Thank you.
can someone dub over this piece?>>27276
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>>27276 Requesting the dialogue in this piece to be done; files for Kasumi's voice can be found here https://www.sounds-resource.com/playstation_4/persona5royal/sound/38359/
Can someone please dub this?
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>>27276 If anyone can dub these with mori I can add the sfx later
>>27504 I approv
(1.05 MB 1650x1275 Fat Lois Lane by Expandapanda.jpg)
>>27276 Can someone do one for this fat drawing of Lois Lane from "My Adventures with Superman" by Expandapanda saying "WHAT THE?! HEY! WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME?! I CAN'T MOVE! I'M BECOMING AS FAT AS A HIPPO! I swear if that little twerp Mxyzptlk had something to do with this I am going to take this new extra-large gut of mine and SQUISH HIM INTO OBLIOVION, AND I'LL DO THE SAME TO ANYONE WHO SO MUCH AS MAKE A JOKE ABOUT MY NEW FAT BODY! I'm looking at you Jimmy! I see that smirk on your face! Don't even think about it! Don't even dare!". Here are some clips I found on YouTube where you guys can I find her voice... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DM2j76x0B9A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgaB74qgvJQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYyjNuXh290
Can someone also do one for this drawing of the pregnant fitness instructor from the "We Bare Bears" episode "Yard Sale" by AltzEgoz with her saying "Hi there and welcome to the Pregnant Women's Workout: Plus Size/Multiples edition, and we're going to show that just because you're as fat as a hippo or a elephant and packing on a ton of extra pounds eating for three, four, five, or however many babies you're carrying doesn't mean you can't still be active and stay fit. In fact, I'm already carrying multiples myself, I'm as fat as a hippo myself eating a truckload of food every day, and yet I still look good and am still active as ever. Don't let my fat pregnant body fool you I'll still show all you fat pregnant women out there that you can still be active and stay fit. Just follow me.". Here's a clip I created of her speaking at Makeagif.com which can be found here at https://makeagif.com/gif/we-bare-bears-pregnant-lady-voice-1-1o9p7K.
>>27514 I forgot to put the request anchor >>2727
can I request a vore AI voice on a random picture?
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>>27393 Sorry, can't find any good files of their voices. >>27504 Who?
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>>27277 >>27500 The best I could do.
>>27548 >"Who?" Mori Calliope. She's a VTuber.
>>27548 Whoops! Guess I also should've added this to the post. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZ7Y-rBizPA 😓
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>>27276 Would like to have Rainbow Dash say this: "Sup, Fan? Long time no see! Oh, this big thing? That's just my belly. Decided to let myself go a bit after living the Wonderbolt dream... What's that you say? You think I'm too fat to fly anymore? Hah, who needs flying when you're someone as AWESOME as me! Now, do me a favor and rub your number one favorite Wonderbolt's belly, will ya?" Some voice clips I found on YT you can work with: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjSwRtxrfBw https://www.youtube.com/shorts/U7a3zSbtwR4
>>27552 Yhea thanks for clarifying I forgot to say it like a dumbass
>>27445 Figured this might be easier to work with for my request instead of the dozens of audio files on that link, gonna add this here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xI5mWSv9sSE
>>27276 I'd love to see this sequence voiced over, there's no canon voice because its an oc of the artist so any default elevenlabs voice that feels like it fits will be fine
>>27275 What tools are you guys using? RvC?
>>28355 what's the sauce on those pics?
>>28386 Metropep on deviantart
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I ended up doing it myself, my very first time working with ai voices so if you can hear different models thats why
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>>27276 Can someone do Peg Pete (Pete's wife) from "Goof Troop" again but this time have her saying "Oh wow Goofy these cookies are delicious! I can't stop eating them! I mean look at me those cookies have already gone right to my hips, my thighs, and my butt! I'm almost as fat as Pete! Keep those cookies coming Goofy! I want to eat, eat, eat, and eat them all until I explode! Ka-boom!" for this drawing of her by ExpandaPanda please? Thank you. You can use the same sound clip that I created for her that can be found here at https://makeagif.com/gif/peg-pete-voice-1-F9Szbb.
>>27325 i probably could, if anyone has some good audio samples of her let me know
>>27393 found a good audio source im doing it plus some sfx just cus im nice
>>28889 Here's a good audio sample that you can use for Osono that can be found here at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARGGxD987fI. I hope that this will help you.
>>28891 yup this will do just fine
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did a version with and without sfx>>27277
(813.28 KB 1920x1080 cute mom.webm)
>>27277 i couldnt really think on how to add any sfx so i left it as is
>>28896 Not bad. In fact, this is pretty good. Thank you for doing it.
>>27554 >>28889 >>28896 >>28895 Can you also do this one please?
>>28901 I’m not a bronie but fuck it why not
>>28866 I’ll try to look for some good audio to use if you have any let me know
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>>27277 her voice is pretty hard to get right
>>28908 >>28355 Could you give this one a try?
>>28911 Oh wait I thought you wanted me to remake the one I just did, nvm sure I’ll do it, excuse the retardation, what voices should I use tho
>>28908 >>28901 Couldve been better but thanks!
>>28914 Yhea her voice is pretty hard to get right because it has a roughness that the ai confuses all the time
>>28906 Here are some good audio sources for Peg Pete's voice that you can you use that you can find here at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5TalyVWWnk and here at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wm1A9q0Dve0. I hope that these will help you out.
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Can someone dub this weight gain comic of Pearl, Peridot, and Amethyst from "Steven Universe" by TheNeverWere please? Thank you. You can use this clip of Amethyst and Peridot for the audio source for their voices which can be found here at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3prA2tFH6ls. I hope that clip helps you guys with the audio source for both Peridot's and Amethyst's voices.
>>27338 If anyone needs a better audio source for this request you can find it here at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxkKLr3h3iw. I hope that this help anyone who decides to do this request via using it for the audio source for Heatwave.
(989.50 KB 3150x1780 Poison Ivy and Catwoman Edit 1.png)
>>27276 Can someone do one for this fat edit of Poison Ivy and Catwoman from the animated series "Harley Quinn" with Poison Ivy saying "What? How was I supposed to know that the berries I've created with give us a few extra pounds and make us both as fat as cows? It's no big deal." and then have Catwoman respond "No big deal? Are you kidding me Ivy?! Does this look like a few extra pounds to you?! Look at me! I'm as fat as Garfield the cat! How am I supposed to break into places when my butt's as big as a hippo's butt and my belly looks like that, I'm pregnant with triplets or even Quints?! In fact, Ivy, I just about hate you right now!". You can find an audio source for both Poison Ivy's and Catwoman's voices here at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0SIKyl3eMw. I hope that clip helps with the audio source.
>>27276 I have one for miss Lapis Lazuli. For the first pic of her basically yelling NO... MORE... FOOD!!!! with basic kaiju like stomps and water sfx. There's also one for the second pic as well. With the mean Lapis experiencing hiccups and burping loudly while the nice lapis is feeling quite sick and groggy from being overfed as payback for feeding Lapis over and over again. Audio source for the voices which can be found here at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qelNkO-UH_g
>>28913 Well I don't really know what voice models there are, I guess just something bubbly/tomboyish?
>>28941 I use e2/f5 so I only need clips with the voice you want Rn I’m thinking I could use may from Pokémon or something similar
>>28943 I was thinking something a slight bit deeper but yeah may works
>>28982 this is my very first time making ai voices but for a free prrogram is pretty nice
>>28982 what do you think of aoi asahina from danganrompa?
>>28990 Oh yeah go with her
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>>27277 i tried
(4.52 MB 1920x1080 part 1.webm)
>>27277 i love this lard ball
(4.71 MB 1920x1080 part 2.webm)
(3.66 MB 1920x1080 part 3.webm)
had to split them up because size limit
>>28999 Not bad. It could be a little better but still not bad. Thank you for doing it.
>>27276 Can someone do one for this fat drawing of Camilla Noceda (Luz's mom) from "The Owl House" by Mizz-Britt with her saying "Ay mija you never told me that the food here on the Boiling Isles would be so addicting and fattening! I mean look at me I'm already so huge and fat that I can't even fit into any of my clothes anymore, and not to mention if I eat any more food here, I'll explode like an overblown parade balloon! Somebody get me out of here before I become even more of giant fat pig then I already am!" please? Thank you. You can use this video here at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZlYLoP5K1A or this video here at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGXd8GTxeX8 for the audio source for her voice.
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>>27277 i did two versions because her voice is either too soft or too rough for the ai
>>29153 Not bad on these two. Although the second version is a lot better than the first one. Still, thank you for doing them.
>>27276 Request: Make Blaze the Cat say this: "I knew staying long in Sonic's dimension would be a mistake. Those chili dogs and onion rings have done quite a number on my waistline. Princesses aren't supposed to get fat...but at least my boobs have gotten bigger as well. How will the people of the Sol Kingdom see me once I get home? Then again, this extra weight feels rather... pleasing. I can't control myself to stop eating, but as long as my kingdom is safe and the future is still intact, I don't mind..." Some voice clips to help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrqCSCe4jfk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ww-q_H5fYZM
(2.65 MB 1920x1080 persona redhead.webm)
>>27277 lovely persona redhead
I don’t wanna sound like an asshole but since I revived the thread, can anyone recommend a good Vtuber weight gain comic for me to dub?
(746.20 KB 1920x1080 gay ass batman show.webm)
>>27277 could you believe this was my first try
>>29209 >>29169 Can you do this one too?
>>29214 Be fucking patient it’s only been a day
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>>27277 there you go
>>29169 >>29228 Thank you
>>29209 Nice one. This is great. Thank you for doing it.
(635.71 KB 1920x1080 harley.webm)
>>27277 harley was a little difficult but she has a sweetspot where her voice sounds clear
(675.96 KB 1920x1080 gay ass superman show.webm)
>>27277 another one
(311.88 KB 1920x1080 gay ass he man show.webm)
>>27277 onlky one more and all the request so far will be done!
>>29260 Nice job on this one. This is great. Thank you for doing it.
>>29261 Excellent job on this one as well. This one is also great. Thank you for doing it.
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>>27276 Can someone do one for this fat edit of Poison Ivy and Catwoman with Poison Ivy saying "Oh come on Catwoman just let me help you. Look just this genetically modified broccoli that I created, and I promise you that we'll shed these extra pounds and be back to normal in no time flat." and have Catwoman respond "No way Ivy. I'm so not eating anymore of your mutated veggies. I mean what if your broccoli makes me fatter than I already am or worse?" please? Thank you. You guys can use this clip here at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpTSL0NZISE for the sound/audio file.
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>>27276 Can someone dub this please? Thank you. There's no official voice for this character but I would like to suggest that you guys use the voice of Nora Rita the female CEO of Warner Bros. from the "Animaniacs" reboot as I think that her voice would be perfect for this. You can use this clip here at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UG7AeDnfa4c for the sound/audio source.
Fuck I was so close to finishing every request
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>>27277 ok i just gotta finish that annoying steven universe one and im done
>>28929 do you have any other scene of lapiz voice? ive been trying the one you gave me and some ones on youtube and none work for some reason
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>>27277 this is the best i could do, but what really matters is that i finished every request so far!
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>>27276 Can you dub this? It's Lisa Simpson (in her adult design). Voice Clips to help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fl0kmj-bUhQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xicskGOAUQU
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>>27276 Weird request, But I'm requesting Dawn (from Total Drama Revenge of The Island) Sending Christmas messages that shows her growing fatter and sleepier from each one as she prepares herself for winter. (SFX included) (1st picture) Greetings Citizens of the universe. I'm Dawn. And I'm sorry to say that I won't be attending any Christmas celebrations this year. For I will be asleep all winter. It's called hibernation. (2nd picture) *munching on Christmas cookies* Since I'm one with nature, I too must prepare for hibernation by eating as much Christmas cookies as me and my animal friends carry. *continues eating* (3rd picture) *still eating but feels sluggish as she waddles* Another thing... about Hibernation... is that... like all animals,... I must be allowed... to conserve energy and survive... when food is scarce... and temperatures are low.... Oh I don't feel good... *eats another cookie* (Final picture) *huffing and puffing from too much eating* Like... Some animals,... I'm beginning to feel the effects... my body is slowing down and moving less... frequently,.... I'm starting... to enter... in a deep... sleep... Good night.... And.... Merry Christmas.... *She rubs her big belly in pain as she falls asleep* Here's the Voice Clip to help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoXfKokpsll
>>27276 Can someone please do one for this group inflation edit of Velma and famous supermodel Gigi Hadid from an episode of "Scooby-Doo and Guess Who" guest starring Gigi Hadid herself with the boo-womp sound effect playing for each of them as they inflate which can be found here at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xsrjy7140Lw and then have Gigi Hadid saying "Woah! Hey! What just happened?!" and then Velma responds "Jinkies Gigi! We've turned into balloons!", and then Gigi Hadid responds "Oh man. This is seriously going to ruin my modeling career. There's no way I can model if I'm as fat and bloated as a Goodyear blimp." and then Velma responds, "Don't worry Gigi you can always try plus size modeling." and then have it end with Gigi responding "Gee I haven't thought of that. I'll give it a shot just as soon as I can roll myself over to the nearest plus size modeling agency." Thank you.
>>29384 I forgot to mention that you can use this clip here from that episode for the sound file or audio source which can be found here at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9s5aQmJisyA. I hope this clip helps for the sound file/audio source.
For Dryagokoro: I think Ran got shadowbanned
>>29365 the video with the audio source got taken down can anybody post another one?
(1.02 MB 1920x1080 the good velma.webm)
>>27277 sadly gigi doesnt speak enough for the ai voice to get her just right
>>29427 Here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lx-mFTImjOE
>>29429 Not bad. In fact, this is pretty good. Thank you for doing it.
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>>27276 Can someone please do one for this inflation edit of Alice from the 1951 Disney movie "Alice in Wonderland" beginning with the balloon inflation sound effect which can be found here at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dU7MNGtdV0A and then have Alice saying "Woah! Woah! Woah! Woah! Woah! Oh! Oh dear! Oh my! What is happening to me?! I'm swelling up like a balloon! I knew I shouldn't have eaten that cake! Oh, do I hope that I don't pop like a balloon.". You can use this clip here at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=di7dZwidXZU for audio source/sound file for Alice's voice.
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>>27276 Can someone please also do one for this inflation edit of Wonder Woman from the "Justice League" animated series first beginning with the balloon inflation sound effect that can be found here at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dU7MNGtdV0A and then have her saying "Great Hera! What is happening to me?! I'm swelling up! I'm almost as fat as Dionysus the God of Wine! I better do something fast before I explode!" You can use this clip here at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhaSXRVlWXk for the sound file/audio source for Wonder Woman's voice. I hope that it helps.
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>>27277 sorry i took so long, i was pretty busy with uni work
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>>27276 Can someone please make a Voice for Mystique Sonia from Hero 108 on Spicychat
Would anyone mind making audio for this image? Voice clips: https://youtu.be/QlRzWPMBIGo?feature=shared I'll post story in thext subject
Makima invited the listener out for a drink, there's a subject she wanted to discuss. You've made it, I hope you made a safe trip *Makima offers you a seat next to her, then you've noticed 1mug of beer, and 5 other empty mugs There's a matter I wanted to discuss with you, regarding your work, don't worry, you've been doing fantastic in the field, I wanted to discuss a reward for you, don't you think my pet deserves a special reward after doing such a great job. Good Now, before we get into that, there's something else I wanted to discuss with you, I know about your secret Hush now pet, don't play coy, you know I can sense when you're lying, now be a good boy as relax for me, would you...good boy *Gurgles* Excuse me, since we're on the subject, there's something I'd like to reveal of my own. *Makima undo the button of her shirt in her mid section revealing her tummy* Something I think you my find, enticing *Gurgles* (Makima take a deep breath, then exhales, as she does so, her stomach started to grow before your eyes, as sounds of her stomach filling up and loud gurgles, finally her belly reaches a large sized) *Sighs* There I could *hic* finally breath (Her stomach gurgles) You wouldn't believe how much I have to hide this tummy if mine, how much I have to, suck it in, it could be bothersome, but not I don't feel the need to do that anymore more, do I? *Gurgles* What you don't think I know that this is what entices you, what convict your sexual urges, there's no need to hide that from me, I find it quite enduring, and reliving to know I don't have to hide this all the time. Now then, come here. Hasn't it clicked for yet, this is your reward, me letting you enact into your fantasy, (along with mine) now new, please don't make me ask again *You scooch closer, then lay your head upon her stomach as you listen to the gurgles in her stomach* There we are, comfortable? *Gurgles* I'm please someone finds this tummy of mine, enticing, now make your self comfortable as I finish my drink. *You nod* Good boy (Makima proceeds to finish her drink, as you listen to the beer traveling down to her stomach as fizzing and gurgles erupts from her stomach) *Hic* Did you *hic* enjoy that, I know I did *burp* I know I did. *Gurgling continues* Now pet, I have a special contract for you, are you willing to listen. (You nod) Good, promise me you keep this night between us, we could do this once a week, as well a night at my apartment, where you can lay on my stomach all you want, trust me we both be getting something from this, do we have a deal? (You nod) Good boy *Gurgling continues*
>>29929 Btw don’t think I gave up on doing these, this is too good to not make
(5.22 MB 1920x1080 Makima-1-1.webm)
>>27277 back to the grind
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>>30318 Bloody Fantastic!!!!
>>30322 Thanks king
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Can someone do this, for the first part I just wanted her to say huh in the first panel, and then the second one, the second panel say exactly what it says on it
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Requesting a dub of this entire comic (Linking to a gallery instead because it'd be shorter that way) https://e-hentai.org/g/2419835/5f1b06e12a/ Voice Sources: Peach: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mz736XLJfwo Daisy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHWdHHdRvK0 Rosalina: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkFq-84TeRg Pauline: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CASViv0STL4&list=PL2NF0ltSdq-4qG0O8dD4ibZRH4BeAsOMy
>>31239 >>27276 Forgot to anchor this
Wish I could do these because they are pretty nice, sadly I don’t have my pc anymore
(505.00 KB 1920x1080 bulma.webm)
>>27277 made this one first because the other one was way too long
