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Artists who secretly like loli Anonymous 02/22/2024 (Thu) 16:18:13 Id:5e62fb No. 53147
I posed on /gen/ but i figured posting here would probably be better tbh. im curious which artists you think are secretly into loli? Like dfbz's old nanako content or jeetdoh having a blob of lucoa smother shota. Discuss which artists you think might secretly be lolicons here, proof or no proof.
>>74944 >you've become the next ffa#5 The fuck is up with this conversation and extreme exaggerations? This shit feels like you're either pissed Sun refused to do a fat loli for you or you're trying to distract the thread from outing someone you like if not yourself.
>>75024 He's probably schizo'd up some beef with sun. Like the BWS schizo who's been going for months.
>>75024 >"d-d-don't make fun of my favorite fap d-daddy uwu" Forgot to call me a bigot and -ist retard, if you're going to wax that tranny's balls do it right. Watching faggots like you whiteknight strangers online makes me want to puke, and this is exactly the type of sycophancy that gives creeps like Scales a layer of pond scum to manuver behind.
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Well this thread certainly took an autistic nosedive since the last time I posted. Are people really going to throw temper tantrums over Sunslept trying to stay on the good side of tyrannical payment processors that would gladly fuck him over the second they had an excuse to do so? Or is him being trans enough to make people shriek and shit their pants like retards. Can't say I like the way he tries too hard to cozy up to twitter psychopaths who would gladly eat him alive if he were ever "exposed", but he seems pretty chill overall.
>>75041 Lets give visuals to this mental breakdown.
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>me peering over at /bbwalt/ to see what drama is brewing on the board >an artist and a bunch of anons are sperging out at each other
>>75045 >someone pretending to be the artist and retarded anons taking the bait
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Anyone got the loli version of this? Got removed from deviantart and replaced with this one
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>>75063 Someone should make an edit where kanna and shouta are bigger
>>70094 >>74802 The person, who posted must be cackling rn that Sun got caught with her pants down LMAOOOOOOOOOOO
>>74823 I like that you draw dragon ball characters often
>>75063 At first when I read it I was confused because I was thinking about loli version of Lucoa
The craziest part about this whole argument is that a fapolantern dickrider exists
>>75044 Cobson grade retort, it's a shame your father never taught you how gay whiteknighting another man is. Tell me, are you doing this in the faint hopes of getting a freebie or is this some basic soycuck reflex that's been programmed into you? >>75043 Eishi and other loli artists use paypal just fine, sunslept is using that as a flimsy excuse to be a cunt. >>75098 There are retards who are trying to catch a ride on the tranny train long after that thing derailed and hurled itself off a cliff, anything can happen.
>>75133 Keep his father out of it. Doesnt give two shits about him
>>75133 >Cobson grade retort The autistic spammer being a shartynigger explains so much. Wouldn't be surprised if he was a literal retarded child.
>>75133 Surprise, they don't need to write a "loli" in a PayPal invoice. I always write just something like "art" in my invoices. And how beyond pathetic artists can be when they are trying to appeal to the shitters who are don't even pay them money and do this virtue signaling autism. This is the same as coming to KFC and work for free. Just draw whatever you want and don't give a fuck about opinions, you don't pay rent with opinions. Care about clients who anyway would pay you for the shit you promote. How the fuck I know this as a person from Europe by learning from American business practices and see so many modern Americans failing at doing a very basic buisness?!
>>75134 Fair point, and that explains a lot about his co-dependency. >>75167 Is the sharty in the room with you now? >>75179 That's why I called his bullshit, the fucker is so far up his own axe wound that he thinks his paypiggies are dumb enough to fall for that when loli artists have been using the major processors for years. I'd be insulted if someone tried to lie to me like that, but going off of bce9e3 the typical sunset fan has no self-respect.
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>come in here thinking some possibly rare art could be in here >half of the thread is just sperging out and not posting art
>>76782 Thread was decent at first but then it devolved to the same fag going "UHHMM TBIS ARTIST NOBODY GIVES TWO SHITS ABOUT DRAW LOLI?!?!??! ERMM.. THATS WEIRD!!!"
>>76799 don't forget the schizos with sour grapes, no wonder everyone does this shit in private when you have psychos keeping track of everyone that's "wronged them"
>>76799 Every anon who actually had a life completely abandoned the thread the instant that fag came on.
>>76799 >>76802 >>76815 seconding this and i hope my replies didn't worsen it too, everything just went to shit and turned into bickering and i got tired
>>76799 >>76802 >>77047 All of you are retards for thinking this thread was for anything except scuttlebutt. Whiteknighting artists is still lame and gay.
Where is more loli?
I literally don't know where to ask this, but does literally ANYONE have some kind of archive video of Cakehoarders old Shota visual novel? Squirrelgirldgt sneakily deleted their video of it. This is the only thing i could find of it (And absolutely crazy that Cake had the balls to say that a VN where you lure and groom a shota and buy him mcdonalds isn't "shota". Absolute snake). The game is still easy enough to find downloads for, but that game is legit so old it just flat out doens't work on my operating system. So if anyone has an archive of the video playthrough, that would be great. I don't even like shota, I just want it for archival purposes (*cough* blackmail *cough*)
>>77207 Not gonna help you if you use it to hurt squirrelgirlDGT. Archiving is one thing but blackmailing someone for doing a video is gay.
>>77210 Lmaoooo I'm not ACTUALLY gonna blackmail. I don't care about it THAT much. I just use the word blackmail because the idea of treating lolisho like its dealing drugs is just funny to me.
Is Chunks a lolicon or is he just willing to draw some lolis when it comes to comms? He's also drawn a bunch of Gawr Gura and a couple other Hololive characters.
>>77246 Considering how that guy draws idk about that. All those characters are the "not technically loli" ones. Don't be surprised if he goes "Wtf man!" if you comission him to draw a pokemon preschooler.
>>77246 Anyway this is a really good art
>>77207 This is the one with the catboy ain't it? Rori rings a bell.
>>77246 I agree with >>77255 here. I feel a lot of the "anti-loli" artists are mainly talking about characters like Kanna or Anya, ones that are in-universe meant to be little kids. Personally, I've always believed that categorizing them in the same sphere as characters like Rebecca or Frieren was odd.
>>77369 Yeah, Rori was Cake's catboy shota OC
All artists draw fat lolis
>>78027 Fact.
Usually make a point not to ever post here but given half the posts are "No shit this artist used to/still does post lolicon content publicy" reveals or "I have no real clue but I'll pretend I know an artist I like does based on a hunch and hope other people post secret taboo art from them" attempts, you know you can just join more discord servers with these artists to figure this stuff out right? People naturally say/post a lot when they don't think they're being recorded. Like, not everyone's a lolicon obviously but you'd be surprised how many still draw problematic characters like Miku or pokemon trainer girls in private draw sessions/for friends when they don't think anyone's going to find out. Any artist in the fetish scene born in the 90's and earlier from my experience knowing most of these people on some level since the late 2000's/early 2010's is 99% lying about having a real moral stake in fictional characters' rights beyond not wanting a retarded unemployed Gen Z'r with too much time on their hands deciding to dox them to feel like they've made something of their life. To a lesser extent maybe also 'we will defeat the alt right/trump/gamergate by fighting the lolicons' and fetish artists not realizing/wanting to accept a lot of both sides of that cutlure war also includes stamping out most gooner content, but imo it's more the former. Some artists are just more obnoxious about performatively pretending they give a shit about something they were regularly drawing before the 2020's. I guess as a random aside most people already sussed out, Jeet to at least a few people in mid 2020 confided he felt like he was being blackmailed into the whole problematic fictional character age debate ("Oh, it'd be a HUGE shame if your studio employers found out you draw these sort of things :)))) " style conversations framed as genuine concern is how it was described to me). I can't verify that beyond knowing the people who told me this were at least at one point in some of the same close-knit servers as him and myself I really only talked with him in the mid 2010's, but him still regularly faving fetish smut of the same underage characters he declared he'd stop drawing for a year or so after the fact to me makes it obvious he didn't genuinely give a shit. Maybe he'd claim otherwise now but it all felt very blatant at the time. The transformers etc. shit they deal with now is too beyond my ballpark to really know or care about, but I guess he'd naturally want to distance himself from everything despite how easy it is to link him back to all their old MHA/Pokemon porn that's still floating around there.
>>78045 >Just join a sever Ah, you see, there's just one problem. Nobody wants to go on those shitty discord servers. Wayyyyyyy too much roleplay and schizo horny posts. So many people in this community are so unbelievably soft that going into servers where they give their full unfiltered thoughts and concerns could give any normal person terminal cringe. Made all the worse by how much of a circlejerk they can be once the Gay Furry LGBT mfers find them and start complaining that their parents don't like that they became a trans feedee. That is to say that there's only so much bullshit we can tolerate for a the tiniest potential crumb of a "problematic" sketch. So much of them nowadays you have to be invited to, or pay to get in, and those ones you basically have to be a part of the circlejerk to join. An analogy would be if GTA6 came out, but it could only be played on an arcade machine in the corner of a gay strip club, and everytime time you entered the gay strip club and didn't tickle at least 10 pairs of testicles then they'd look at you funny and ask you leave, or threaten to close the place down because people are only there to play GTA6, not to get a gay lapdance. So it's no wonder why barely anyone even wants to bother with that, and chooses to wait for something to leak by one of the people that actually do bother with going into the gay strip club. The Bambooale + Foxfire discord is the only one I've tried bothering with, and the only credit I'll give them is they sort things well enough so I don't have to read their "Holier than thou" messages. One extra thing I will say is that the cheeky wankers that post cropped, low quality screenshots of secret alt pics like loli and then don't even post the full thing or provide a source and give the shitty ass response of "Sorry bro, you just gotta lurk more" is lame as fuck. Keeping it to yourself and not wanting to share things around too much is one thing, but when you're doing the weird thing in the middle where you don't pretend it doesn't exist but you have to act cheeky about it and not ACTUALLY show it is weird AF. I really don't get the logic that sharing something to BBWCHAN is somehow "too public". TLDR: We just wanna take our lolis and leave and do a little bit of bitching on the side. We don't wanna bother with discord bullshit
>>78045 You type like a faggot with daddy issues. >>78084 This, 100%.
>>78084 More meant if you care enough to pull dirt on people who publicly harp on about this stuff like half this thread's about, you don't have to dig far if someone invites you to a server or you swipe a link to an artist's server off kemono or somewhere. Never actually genuinely enage wtih these servers, they're fucking insufferable when everyone's walking on egg shells around each other just to inevitably backstab each other when it's socially convenient. >>78097 aight cool thanks man
>>78045 As an artist I was invited to this kind of servers. Every time it is a bunch of dudes erp together so I instantly leave this faggotry. Seriously it was vomit inducing. Only once it was a good server for just posting art with a good moderation. And once it was a server with a people just one step from the Sophie Labelle level of degen shit
>>77403 "Loli" isn't only about age, and both Trigger and CDPR called Rebecca a loli. And as I'm sure someone else has probably pointed out, it doesn't matter to the Height of Consent/2D Rights schizos anyway, to them it really is at the point where pedophilia is when anime girl.
>>78536 I imagine CDPR called Rebecca a child or child-like, and only ever said loli when repeating what Trigger said about the loli staying.
>>78045 For years I did a lot of art with Miku, Asuka, Rei, Megumin, etc some with more than 1k likes. For some reason I never had a problems with it or even anyone who would annoy me about age shit. Maybe because I simply don't talk with anyone outside of clients and don't give a single fuck about "community" or anyone who don't pay me. So if it is so easy what is these people problems? Just tell this crying Tumblr kids to get a job, or at best ask them to spit they dads cum out before they start to talk, and that's all. It feels like internet had a huge reset and everyone simply forget how to don't give a fuck about any random internet strangers
This entire thread is a magnet for misery. >>78544 >It feels like internet had a huge reset and everyone simply forget how to don't give a fuck about any random internet strangers It's simple, the Internet became marketable and accessible. The Sekrit Klub died and the smartphone killed it.
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The worst part about Lolicon being more and more villified is that it's making loli content less casual and normal. For example, loli fats back in the day was extremley normal. People would just draw an underage character because they liked them. The age of the character was a complete afterthought. You'd see tons of fetish content for characters like Saria from Zelda, and people wouldn't be afraid of making Highschool age OCs (It was only natural). Anyone who complained in comments about the characters being underage would be met with a resounding "Who cares.". As time has gone on, those complainers have grown in number and have become artists themselves, and thus drawing art of loli characters has become all the more eyebrow raising and more of a "backstage" thing. So many sites now delete that kind of content, which inherently makes the content go from "I just so happened to draw a loli character" to a more intentionally taboo thing. You have to go out of your way to find the loli stuff, you can't stumble upon it anymore. The loli content is more often than not no longer alongside regular content, which makes it a "lolicon space" and makes it inherently more degenerate as a result. What was once just so happening to draw a loli character becomes specifically fetishising youngness.Taking away the lolis only makes the people who enjoyed that content more rabid and debaucherous. Before they would look at adults and lolis just because they loved fats. But with lolis gone, they find themselves seeking out the lolis and being drawn into the depths of depravity. Works the fetishising the characters for specifically having young ages, works that specifically use the word "child" or call the viewer a pedophile. By extension having to delve into the infested pits of loli pixiv, in which actual pedophiles RP with eachother in the comments and scarily realistic nightmare fuel loli/sho art is in the recomendations, with works that full on use tags like "Pedo" and "Little Girl". Every other month the fat loli thread on alt will get a discord server link, many of which will have a non zero percent chance of having an "IRL" channel. . The vilification of simple arts of hot characters that just so happened to be underage created a generation of borderline pedos. >>80587 Squarewave is nowhere near "Secretly into loli". He just flat out draws lolis sometimes but some of his English anti friends are stupid to realise it.
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>>80621 Pretty much this, it's scary how low functioning some of these pro-loli guys are. I just want to see a drawing of a dubiously aged fat character for god's sake! but when the comment section starts getting filled with niggas acting all cutesy I'm out.
>>80621 >>80624 Take your meds, both of you.
