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Artists who secretly like loli Anonymous 02/22/2024 (Thu) 16:18:13 Id:5e62fb No. 53147
I posed on /gen/ but i figured posting here would probably be better tbh. im curious which artists you think are secretly into loli? Like dfbz's old nanako content or jeetdoh having a blob of lucoa smother shota. Discuss which artists you think might secretly be lolicons here, proof or no proof.
>>53147 threads like these is why you would hide it in the first place
This could literally just be a small discussion thing to bring up in the general loli threads
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>>53147 >Censored Lucoa Don't worry anon, I've got your back .
>>53147 Solitaryscribbles 100%
Now it all makes sense, bamboo hopped on the 2D rights train has hard as he could because he's been drawing little girls on the side. God, what a piece of shit.
>>53357 i remember he still had these on pixiv, though now he never shows this stuff anymore cos its all behind a paywall
Pivk and Bamboo are 100% confirmed to do it on the side Salt lets minors slide a lot so I wouldnt be surprised if he drew actual lolies for someone in private
wonder if anyone could save the old mintrimo gallery
>>53357 WHat I find funny about the people who are "2D rights" and "Anti-loli" are always the ones who get outed as sex pest. child groomers/Pedos or generally harmful people who either force their fetisths onto other people or are downright derange and heck sometimes those people are furries alot of the times
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there was the time fawxen drew paula from mother 2
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>>54586 It's more common than you think
>>53147 this list includes me >:) >>54586 >>57593 i can literally confirm this first-hand, especially in the fatfur twitter community because they'll cry about susie deltarune and then get outed for rping with a minor 5 months later also twitter/this argument is all about dealing in absolutes and stalking people for sport >>56647 i can at least defend this because i think they just find the human earthbound character designs cute, and aren't really into moral crusades outside of a rare out-of-the-blue tweet they arent in it for the horny parts, they just like making good stories about gluttony and drawing funny character designs i swear guacamolemuffler retired after being outed for something but i can't find anything about it
>>57605 Idiots islamics vs jews. Jews got you beat
>>57605 >this list includes me >:) Who the fuck are you?
>>57605 Oh Sissy, you know you're adorable, but I didn't know you could be this adorable in a thread like this :3
>>57605 how can we believe you unless you draw an unbelievably overfed little porker?
>>57763 Nah mate, just trust them, they are, and they LOVE every second of it.
>>56272 Trinity-Fate drew that as a commission, dude doesn't even draw humans anymore. He is secretly into fart and scat, but I don't see evidence he's into loli
>>57797 Bro, what the fuck is this then. God damn, fake fan right here.
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aaronfly98, most definitely
>>58119 is it really a secret when his loli artwork is open for all to see on deviantart and pixiv
>>57797 Get off your alts. We don't fucking care about your shitty roleplay. It contributes nothing and unless this fuck is actually an artist we think you're both retards.
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>>58119 where'd you get that wonder woman?
>>58208 >trying to call out two larding retards >is too retarded to respond to either
>>58308 That’s wonder loli, and it’s made by aaronfly98
>>58327 >Wonder Loli No it's not. You can't bloat her body so massively with food, to the point that her whole body becomes enormous along with having gigantic breasts; that just leaves her as Wonder Woman. .>>58122 He ever put anything out that wasn't aged up?
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>>58329 None of the characters he draws are "aged up". And as for your little rant, pic related
>>58331 Eat she-'munk!
>>58329 Why do you think that picture was posted in the loli section
>”Wonder Loli” >No visual differences between her and Wonder Woman I see.
>>58434 Its like the opposite of "aging up" a character. Instead of taking a loli and using their exact same design, but calling them 18. You take an adult, use their exact same design, and call them a loli. I think they managed to find a way to piss off lolicon and normalfags
>>58434 Dont use death to try & be present now. Clowns niggers stop touching me I dont want your hugs lmao niggas be like during sad times
>>58434 her pupils are smaller and she doesn't have lips, plus she's smug
>>58437 >>58437 Knew these niggas was pervs. Got heat for them. Where my white boys at again
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>>54586 Yep, pretty much every single time. They constantly forget their Likes are public too, and when called out on it, they make all the stupidest excuses for it possible, their universal favourite being that they "accidentally" liked things. It's very telling too whenever they see a short adult character being sexualized and immediately think of real children. A concerning number of them also don't see the difference between drawing/enjoying lolis and doxxing someone and threatening to harm them, further emphasizing how unwell they are, many of them genuinely saw nothing wrong with Cuties and stepped up to defend Meat Canyon's creepy Tom Brady animation to the death, and 100% of them respond negatively to being questioned about whether they feel the same way about video games or furries, they'll always indignantly go "NO, that's different!" The funniest thing, of course, is how not one anti has gotten the memo yet that Akira Toriyama was never on their side.
Addendum: I'd love to see Arkveveen and Samael's loli stuff dumped onto here, the latter has been a full-blown hypocritical SJW shithead for over a decade and in more recent years fully hopped aboard the 2D Rights train, the former has recently taken to kissing up to the very people who'd gladly tear them to shreds in Reddit threads where people do shit like call people Nazis for saying Japan shouldn't be forced to make their games safe for the Western woke mob, so their "problematic" art should be available in some form as a stark reminder that attempting to fit in with such people maybe isn't the best idea.
>>58442 Toby Fox should have never allowed that absolute weirdo to be THAT fiscally irresponsible enough to pay for his fetish fursona to be put into Undertale with a custom music track. Should have just quietly told the guy to fuck off, but I guess dealing with weirdos that put their fetishes in places they don't belong is the norm for furries
>>58471 It was literally $1,000 though, that's pretty much the exact threshold where most people will be content to do anything to get that sort of money if they consider it easy enough. Money speaks, so I don't really blame Fox in this instance. Look at it from this perspective, that secret boss encounter even with its unique elements still only represents a fractional amount of the total work he put into the entire game. Considering how efficiently Undertale was developed for being an almost one man job, Fox got paid a grand for what was probably like an afternoon's worth of work on his end. At that point it's easy money, most people without scruples would take this sort of opportunity.
>>58471 If it made the Undertale fanbase suffer, it's all good in my book.
>>58435 >>58434 Blame the animators. I will never understand Western people calling underage western animation characters "lolis". >>58441 I don't think they ever will get the memo nor do they give a shit. As far as they're concerned, Akira took it to the grave with him.
>>58471 Toby literally outright said (in a post he made after having gotten fed up with the harassment Sam was getting over So Sorry) that HE picked Sam's main fursona out of the characters presented to him. He and Sam then worked together to make it not quite as obvious that's who it was. It was also Toby who came up with the tail move everyone whines about, and somehow he ended up having to explain to a bunch of presumed adults that So Sorry's name, which Sam came up with, is a dad joke (ie. Well hi, Sorry, may I call you So?). Additionally, Sam actually paid for the spot that ended up going to Muffet's creator instead, but somehow the two ended up trading, so count your blessings, So Sorry almost ended up the mandatory canon boss fight instead of a non-canon Easter egg you don't even have to think about if you choose not to. Not that any of this ultimately matters, because a couple years ago, Sam decided to throw Toby under the bus by parroting the exact fairytale his own haters spun about So Sorry's inclusion and design process as though it was fact, and then he shit-talked Temmie Chang for good measure. So fuck him. I'm amazed the mofo didn't go as far as claiming the stories about Sans not caring if you kill So Sorry were true.
>>58604 Adding to this, cute that you think Toby would have a huge problem with furries and whatever kinks they're into, considering he allowed characters like Muffet and has always been 100% aware of and fine with how the internet looks at Toriel.
>>54586 This argument is getting old.
>>58333 we said secretly, anon >>58442 if the latter actually went on a moral crusade right before getting temporarily called out by another crusade i will laugh my ass off
>>59858 Tired of getting called out, hypocrite?
>>59858 >getting old unlike the children you've got locked up in your basement, groomer.
>>59997 Stfu, i just ment that not all "antis" are fucking pedos. Most if them have a brain cuz they know that some stuff may bit be illegal, but still weird.
I mean, i have shotacon thoughts myself. I hate it. I am self aware of how fucked up that can be. Even if i am one of those people, i feel strange when people openly on "X" keep posting "uooh cunny 😭" and then are suprised when people are calling them pedophiles. Also i do not belive that every antis are actuall predators, it makes jo sense. I have to say, as a shota enjoyer, i rather just not make that stuff on twitter. Like i feel like loli or shota isn't something that you have to talk about on every social media.
>>59998 No one said all antis are pedophiles or other varieties of sex pest. But many have turned out to be, usually the ones shouting the loudest about how lolicons are pedophiles, short women are pedo bait, anime is for pedos, etc. More commonly though, they just turn out to be into the exact fucking thing they're screaming about, they're just doing it to save face.
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>>62487 Is it reaaaally that much of a secret these days?
>>62487 >>62507 Given that the guy made his name running an ask blog for a fat version of a dubiously-aged but definitely not adult cartoon horse I'm not sure how it was ever in doubt.
>>58499 Not even ItSV Peni Parker?
>>62509 But is it true that he stalked a little girl on Halloween with his friends?
>>63654 Yeah but the post everyone is talking about reads like he's sperging out over someone looking like his OC instead of perving out at the sight of her. >>58499 >I will never understand Western people calling underage western animation characters "lolis" Because they're lolis, though these days they're mostly ugly goblins, and that's putting it lightly.
>>63654 >>63682 From what I remember he (and maybe his friends?) followed one around for a bit because he was fascinated by how much she was acting like his characterisation of Diamond Tiara (the aforementioned dubiously-aged but definitely not adult cartoon horse). It only happened once so it wasn't stalking, but it wasn't exactly normal behaviour either. I think it's kind of a big fuss over nothing, personally.
>>63682 "Goblins" is too generous, the current crop of underage western characters is the next step in the devolution of the calarts style. >>63723 It's funny he did that, but I have no idea why he posted anything about it to the internet either.
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So what are your takes on the categorization of the term "loli"? I feel that when a decent chunk of western artists talk about hating "loli", they tend to be talking about the characters like Kanna. That's why they feel they can turn around and lust over characters like Megumin without being hypocritical; because in their minds it's different. While that doesn't change the actual meaning of loli, I feel it does open up what artists are "into" it, as per the threads original purpose.
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>>64940 I feel like there's definitely a difference between characters that clearly look underage and characters who just happen to have a too-low number on their Wikia page that makes a certain type of person get triggered every time someone admits they're attractive. Characters who look "old enough" or can be easily changed with some extra curves to look old enough also feel different from ones that are clearly child-shaped like Kanna. Using Pokemon Scarlet/Violet as an example, compare Nemona to Poppy. Nemona's age is ambiguous and she looks a little older than the MC but she's almost certainly a teenager of some sort. Poppy is explicitly nine years old, but looks like a toddler. The line's different for everybody, and you'll find plenty of people out there who will enjoy a lewd Nemona but not a lewd Poppy, as well as people who will scream bloody murder at both equally. IMO, a Poppy enjoyer would be into loli. A Nemona enjoyer just thinks she's hot and her potential underageness doesn't factor into it. She's "old enough".
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>>64941 I don't think your example of Nemona fits all that well. No one classes her a loli, she just falls into the underage debacle, which is another matter entirely. A character can be classed as a loli without being underage, such as Maho from Steins Gate.
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>>64940 You're thinking too hard into this; they all have that one loli they look the other way for or beyond that one character, say she's been aged up, to try and save face. Raven was that character for most of them for over a decade. >>64941 >I feel like there's definitely a difference between characters that clearly look underage and characters who just happen to have a too-low number on their Wikia page 24, 5, included because it made me wonder if any of you think there's someone among their ilk who'd be okay with a loli if it was an adult who was deaged and kept her mind completely intact (third from left), 11 >>64961 >such as Maho from Steins Gate Got a group pic? That head makes it look like she's just flat chested while being about the same size as the others. I wonder how many people started drinking Dr Pepper because of that series.
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>>64965 >Raven If you mean Teen Titans Raven (Can't think of any other) then, again, I wouldn't consider her a loli, just underage. (Unless you were just talking about age, then ignore me). Honestly, I feel like 80% of artists in this sphere are secretly okay with non-loli underage characters. They just fear backlash from either their audience, or from the site they regularly post to. >Maho I tried to find a decent pic with characters lined up straight. She's supposed to be 4'7, fyi
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>(artist who disavows loli) added your picture to their private collection
>>53147 Ngl I feel like SuperSpoe is probably into loli. He has drawn fetish art of "underaged" characters. Plus he also follows Eishiban, an artist known for drawing fetish content of underage and loli characters. In addition, I remember him having a discussion with a random guy in his Discord server, the SuperSpoe Dojo, about whether it's okay to draw porn of Peni Parker (the anime girl from Spider-Verse).
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I have a lot of blackmail material for Dook. You can uglify your art style as much as you want, it won't stop us from knowing you're a borderline just a flat out lolicon. And yet he feels no shame in gooning over his own drawings of quadrupedal pokemon that might as well just be animals. Curious. Doesn't matter how many medium sized IRL fat chicks you draw to try and get their attention, we all know about the freaky shit you're into HAHAHA.
>>58499 Because a loli is a fictional little girl, her ethnicity is irrelevant.
>>68504 ho ho ho ho ho! delightfully devilish, anon.
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>>68504 Show more of his loli stuff >>66639 Actually that guy was asking if Peni Parker was allowed
As much as I personally hate gossiping about artists,I'll make an exception here. This one may be more under 'loose theory' than anything definitive. I nominate BonBon01. Now,to my memory he hasn't done any loli artworks,but he does seem to be in good cahoots with InflateResponsibly who frequently does loli/shota inflation art. I don't know if they're friends or just close,but they have interacted a bit. In case I'm somehow right I hope BonBon01 does loli inflation art someday,but only time will tell.
>>58499 lmao are you under the impression that Japan made up the concept of lolis? Lolita is a book published by a Russian-American author (initially released in France but later in the US, where he lived while writing it), and lolicon means "lolita complex", ie, a person into little girls (like the titular character of Lolita). A loli is just an abbreviation based on that. As in... a little girl someone might have a complex over. Shotacon is at least a fully Japanese term based on lolicon. But the basis of loli comes from America.
From earlier this year, I found out that apparently Tehsquishyray did kink art of both Coco from Crash Bandicoot and Camila from Ghost Trick years back? To be honest, I'm not that surprised that he might be into this stuff, as one of his characters, Zapp, has this "loli" appearance give or take, especially the general art-style he has. However, his friends (especially Yuck_07) have a very negative view of loli content.
did everyone forget sunslept's weird post from the start of the year or did i dream that? it was some thinly veiled pdf post about off limits characters. he draws mha and follows intangibletang too, an artist who is so obviously drawing loli in every single post. he draws a ton of itsv shit, who knows if theres peni fat sitting in a circlejerk discord somewhere
>>68734 He was in one of the sta thread on this board. Have you tried asking him?
>>68742 you think hed say yes if he was? artists act like its a disease if you dare to suggest it.
>>68656 He already has drawn loli inflation before, Kobo from Hololive.
>>68758 >>68759 >>68760 I mean no offense anon,but she doesn't really seem like a loli. Like,at all. Maybe I'm just a dumbass and out of the loop when it comes to hololive stuff,but she doesn't really fit the bill. Or maybe it's a case of how teen characters don't entirely count as loli,I dunno. I'm probably the dumb one here,just gonna state that 100%.
>>68764 You know...it's kinda whatever? She looks younger compared to the other Holomems, she has a more shrill voice and she acts like a kusogaki. I'd say the fits the bill
>>68656 He openly hates loli
>>68766 ... that's what they all say...
This is unrelated, but I think a lot of age regression shit goes way too far. I want to see fatties become immature and childish adults, not literal drooling babies.
>>68773 Not really the place,but still a valid statement nonetheless.
>>68764 I don't really agree, she's short and petite and also has a kusogaki personality as >>68765 pointed out.
>>68495 Source please?
>>68790 https://www.deviantart.com/vallavv
>>68765 >>68781 Alright anons,you've convinced this crusty seamen captain. >>68766 Still though,there is the angle of him being close with InflateResponsibly. Once again,I don't know if they're friends or just close,but they still have/had something.
>>68800 >Still though,there is the angle of him being close with InflateResponsibly So? not everyone's a twitter pearl clutcher who burns all bridges the moment they hear someone they know draws loli/shota, he most likely just does not care.
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>>68734 no fucking way. doesnt this completely confirm?
>>69399 >character drawn with adult body with a post emphasizing she's 24 years old >doesn't this basically confirm the artist is a lolicon? Are you retarded
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>>69399 How come they never just use Roll Casketts mother or bad boxart Roll? Everyone who wants expansion art of OG Roll, would never upgrade her to an adult chassis.
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I wish I had a neutral way of saying this, like sharing actual artwork I have to prove this but yes, Miro is 100% into Loli and Shouta con, and before you shoot me down saying I’m only talking about the Denny (OKKO) & Lotte (Little Witch Academia) Nonono, I’m talking about ALOT more stuff, there is a cavalcade of art, high quality no less, that he only keeps to himself, especially with Momo from that one Pokémon short. Again, I completely understand if you don’t believe me. But I swear on my life I’m telling the truth. It’s just there’s a bunch caveats of can’t I show any of the things that I’m talking about. But, after he’s Ex calling him out on it (And failing miserably) he’s become scared to express himself in that regard And I’m not just talking about Denny & Lotte, I’m talking all walks of Loli & Shota life. With all this being said, please don’t just seek out becoming friends with him just for said secret gallery alone. Yes it’s peak, but he’s human being first and foremost. Respect that I’ll say it one last time, I cannot blame anyone here, if you don’t believe me. You’ll have to see it. To believe it.
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>>70079 mintrimo? yeah it's been known since forever, he used to draw them openly but deleted them after he got big
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>>70079 >he’s human being first and foremost. Respect that
>>70080 Question was that something he once had up a long time ago? Or did he send that to you, or someone you know through the grape vine
>>70083 He had this up publicly a long time ago along with many other pictures (that was the only one I have saved) and then took them down years ago, honestly a real bummer because he's always been one of the best artists in this community
>>70084 Yeah I guessed. So, yeah no. I can 100% say that. He’s still doing it, but completely to himself. But, again I wish I could show y’all the beautiful illustrations he’s made recently. But as I stated There’s a bunch of caveats to why I can’t just simply do that. I wish I could straight up say why, but that’s not possible. I’m working with what I got to let you dudes know
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>>70085 yeah I understand, if you or anyone else has any more old (or new, somehow) loli artwork from him it'd be much appreciated if you could post it
>>70079 >SecretGallerygate
>>70088 darkfireballz too lol, in my opinion this all traces back to tumblr banning porn and twitter becoming the norm, more and more artists started making their work private thanks to twitter moralfags ruining everything
>>69399 Heyo, I can actually 100% confirm this. Yes Sun was into lolicon, keyword: WAS I remember bringing it up awhile ago to them. And they said it was just a “stupid way to cope with their trauma, whilst aging up Roll, doesn’t seem that far of from just repeating lolicon again, I’ll take their word for it But yeah no they were into it for awhile
>>70094 You are a massive larper, this kinkwatching thread is retarded, refer to this anon >>69400
>70089 Dark is not as secretive as most. He used to be very open that "cute wholesome loli that may or may not even be an actual loli" is one of his fav character types. He's also one of the only artists I've seen that simply refuses to do the "all characters are 18+" schtick. I think he more so just doesn't upload many of his full on loli stuff anymore because of just how strict sites are getting. It's the reason why he only posts previews on DA anymore because DA has such hissy fits every now and then over underage characters, even if they're 17 year old blobs with massive tits.
>>69401 Because it doesn't feel like the same character. I heard they had internal conflict about drawing Tron Bonne when asked to
Heyo it me again, whilst I cannot show y’all the art of Miro’s secret stuff, I CAN show y’all. This illustration by DarkFireBallz! Because I actually found this floating around the internet. So it was actually someone else who leaked this so I don’t have to take the blame for this!😁
>>70113 you seem to take a lot of pride in being a rat against people who trusted you with info like this
>>70114 it’s funny you bring this up. Because I legitimately found this two years ago on these very boards, seriously. And not even on Alternative. I found this on the BBWDraw boards back in 2022. In the MHA thread, so this wasn’t even trusted information that was given to me this was. Something else that somebody else sent Don’t shoot the messenger!
To be honest I've always wondered what the purpose of this thread was, even from the OP it always felt like it was loaded towards cheap gossip that can be used as fuel for callout posts. Why not just use the normal Loli threads instead?
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>>70109 Them and their denial over liking a loli. >>70140 >Why not just use the normal Loli threads instead Pic related; I don't want to wad through gossip to find any interesting conversations.
>>70140 Rats We're rats. We're the rats.
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>>70079 it’s me again. So like imma be honest y’all, I’m starting to believe that that random fucker on f-list was lying to me. and admittedly tried myself to make it believable as well. if anyone wondered why i decided to say he drew momo and shit. It’s cuz i found his sfw account and saw he was obesessing over the character and thought it would make my point more convincing as for sun and darkfireballz. imma real i kinda just pulled that shit outta my ass, i dont even have any connections like that. i just saw how wordy sun’s tweets were, and thought they’d come up something like that. and i found that artwork of darks on the main boards of bbwdraw like 2 years ago-ish in general is miro into Loli and Shota? to be fuckin honest idk
>>70153 I'm one of those rats
>>68656 Hey, IR here wanted to set aside the confusion on the matter; I wouldn't know if he's into or not, I rarely talk or associate with him because of how honestly annoying he is at times and occasionally full of himself he gets, though that's just a given with a lot of these big name inflation artists, they're more concerned with being on top that they'll spew nonsensical bullshit to make themselves look good; hate to burst your bubble here but I remember one time asking him to do loli for a trade but had to backpeddle with Bianca from Spyro as he was almost at the verge of throwing a fit at me over it; with the rate things are going, you're better off messaging cub artists on InkBunny who usually just draw kids fucking to draw you loli inflation because the big names in the community have their heads up their ass to care
>>71683 Ah,thank you for the clarification. Sorry to hear about your experiences with him. Good luck with your comms man.
>>71683 He sounds like your basic clout chasing faggot.
A tragic tale >Jeetdoh >Draws fat anime chicks, not caring about their ages >Is one of the best fat artists in the scene at the time >Draws insanely good SFW art too. So much so that official accounts for cartoons promote his SFW art >Makes lots of friends with other fat artists in the scene >Other artists don't care about character ages >Time passes. Fat art community develops some more. Cliques start forming, with Jeetdoh in the most popular one. >Time passes, new artists pop up >They're normies, and bitch and moan about Underage depictions in drawings every waking minute >Some of the old guard give in >Eventually Jeet denounces drawing underage characters because a bunch of karens bitched >Became really cringe about it with his desperate attempt to appease everyone while trying to moral grandstand at the same time >Still drew the occasional underage character anyway >Autistic obsesses over Bea from Pokemon, who, while having an unconfirmed age, is more than likely underage due to concept art depicting her wearing a school uniform >Goes back and worth constantly about whether he's quit, sticking around as a SFW artist, or staying around >Brags about dating an SSBBW >SSBBW breaks up with him >Suffers from the typical modern man breakup response and becomes a crossdresser with a considerably higher attraction to men than before >Can't decide whether he wants his online presence to be normie transformers shit or the autistic self insert fetish crap >By this point he's quit so many times it's gotten ridiculous >Other fat artists have surpassed him in skill and quality. And his SFW art isn't as good as it used to be either. All just transformers autism with his barely disguised fetish sprinkled in >Eventually decides to go all in on transformers and put his past behind him >Does a shit job at hiding his kinks and the majority of the people that still engage with his new stuff are followers carried over from his fetish art >Goes full nuclear and deletes the entirety of his old fetish art >Even in the transformers art community, he's just known as "The one transformers artist with the fat fetish". >He's not fooling anyone. Quitting loli is a slippery slope to retardation it seems. I haven't thought about this guy in years because his downfall was so disappointing. Quitting for "Professional Work"? Yeah, he'll pull a Foxfire/Toroboro/Yeobul and be back in a year.
>>72493 Hold up, I knew he quit making fetish art, but did he really delete all of his old content? That's fucking nuts considering how influential and well-known he is among the community.
>>72493 >>72510 Also what really annoys me about Jeet is that it seems like he tries to cover his fetish from the normies as he draws no NSFW nowadays, but yet he still openly follows fetish artist. Hell I seen his ass comment on post of himself being drawn fat wearing a maid outfit. The motherfucker can't make up his mind.
>>72493 This was a conversation already had on the transformers thread, but I cannot stress enough just how wildly Jeet fell off after succumbing to this assine franchise hyperfixation brainrot. And I say this as a massive transformers fan, all of his artwork has just become so fucking bland and sterile. He was putting out infinitely better work in both the kink and SFW space four years ago compared to now. Sadder still is seeing his desperate attempts to meld SFW and kink together when they can't really co-exist like that, dude will just draw the most blatantly fetishistic character designs imaginable and then spew some dogshit rhetoric like "artists shouldn't be afraid to give their characters some extra pudge" as if he isn't exclusively drawing fat robots to get his own rocks off. Pizza bots is pathethic and the epitome of the writer's poorly disguised fetish, I was scratching my head for a bit wondering why it had the vocal support of some semi-signifcant content creators in the transformers community. But after finding out it was Paper Plane and Keyan Carlile who are throwing their weight behind him, it all makes too much sense unfortunately. Both of those guys are as rampantly autistic as Jeet, if not moreso.
>>72510 Yeah he deleted all the fetish stuff. You could probably tell from the "Jeetdoh Archive" threads being made. >>72511 He flip flops so much. My best guess for right now is that he's doing the fat fetish equivalent of "safe horny on main" with all those memes like "I am into fat bitches" and the "Skinny guy x bbw meme".
>>72513 >dude will just draw the most blatantly fetishistic character designs imaginable and then spew some dogshit rhetoric like "artists shouldn't be afraid to give their characters some extra pudge" Yeah I hate that shit too. Adiposesaleswoman whinged a bit about that and how her obviously fetishistic drawings of obese Friday Night Funkin characters would only be seen as fetish material. I used to be the same way with drawing obese character designs while pretending like they're not fetish material. Shit like "The man in the window" is a horrible offender of this.
>>72513 >But after finding out it was Paper Plane and Keyan Carlile who are throwing their weight behind him, it all makes too much sense unfortunately. Both of those guys are as rampantly autistic as Jeet, if not moreso Never heard of them before, plz elaborate.
>>72520 Paper Plane and Keyan both run transformers-centric youtube channels, they're not ridiculously huge but in the context of a relatively niche fandom they're sitting at that sort of level where they'd be at least recognisable to anyone who's seriously plugged into that scene and watches a lot of non-toy review Transformers content on YouTube. I really cannot be bothered to dig up the receipts rn as this was stuff that happened closer to the start of this year, but both of these guys were pretty explicitly mentioned by Jeet in pizza-bot adjacent content. Like, Paper Plane literally appeared on camera in the flesh with Jeet for a video advertising the pilot or smth like that. He flew out to Thailand to see Jeet or vice versa and had no bones about shilling his friend's weird and self-indulgent vanity cartoon about his fat ocs. Keyan also mutually follows Vhite on twitter and Vhite does a lot of explicit NSFW fat content that you absolutely cannot play the plausible denability card with. There's nothing nefarious about any of this, I just think it's funny to observe two content creators in the community with otherwise squeaky clean images fraternising so closely with a brainrotted schizo like Jeet.
>>72523 I couldn't find any footage of him appearing in the video but he does state he edited it for jeet. This is also the first time I've ever seen a photo of jeet, and even from the back of the head this is depressing: there's something that just isn't right about seeing a man in his mid-30's playing with paper puppets of his OCs and being delusional enough to think this project will ever have legs. As an aside, is there not one person in the transformers fandom who isn't a flaming cockgobbler? Fucker used the bi pride flag colors for his bland oc and stapled his personality to his orientation like a teenager in portland.
>>72493 It really annoys me how the newer fetish artist from the past 2 years constantly bitch about characters being 'underage' and always act self-righteous. Some of the worst offenders of this are Niftytoast and Cloudboyo imo. Hell the later of the 2 made a post saying it was wrong to see fat women as only 'fetish material' and that it's rude to call irl fat women ugly.
>>72550 >Hell the later of the 2 made a post saying it was wrong to see fat women as only 'fetish material' and that it's rude to call irl fat women ugly. Please tell me you screencapped that cringe, I knew that motherfucker was a closeted male feminist lmao.
>>72550 Sounds like a duo of dickheads to me. Boyo especially.
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>>72559 He's a bitch
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>>72576 Yeah they're both good artist no doubt, but they are annoying as hell. Though Nifty gets on my nerves more since she is one of those people who always bitch about America and glorify Europe. Also they won't shut the fuck up about how they are Lesbian.
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cloudboyo is the last person to be acting self-righteous when they've drawn underage characters before
>>72579 my god furries are fucking insufferable, they're always doing this holier than thou act but then go to the zoo to take pictures of hippo's asses so they can jerk off to them later *cough* rushrabbit *cough*
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>>72579 Mother of God I almost choked on my drink, I never thought anyone would be so autistic as to unironically call himself a bbw warrior. Sweet Jesus I knew this guy was a faggot when he screamed at Eishi over the dungeon meshi cat's age, but this takes the fucking cake. >>72596 And just like that the common wisdom of the fucker pointing fingers having the most skeletons in his closet is proven true once again.
>>72604 The whole thing with Eishi reminds me how a few months ago, someone tried to call out squarewave29 for drawing art of his 'underaged' OC. I think it was @alt_for_fat_art who made the post, who is obviously a retard since they draw Paper Mario and Pizza Tower shit.
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>>72614 Trying to cancel a Japanese artist for drawing loli is like trying to stop the tide with a cup lol. Assuming this is his page then yeah, he looks like someone very familiar with futility lmao.
>>72619 this guy is a massive cunt, few months back he sent his cronies to attack another artist over nothing
>>72620 Actual dickhead
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>>72614 oh yeah, that twatwaffle. Every other post is either bitching and moaning about >wahhh wahhh I suck at drawing why do you follow me wahhh or some 2014-era puritan fingerwagging and harassment over other people. He oughta mind his business, stay in his lane and worry about grinding loomis and getting over himself.
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>>72493 >>72513 What's funny to me is that how vhite9, one of Jeetdoh's biggest glazers, is practically the same as him: he's also a fat fetishist from Thailand that is ridiciously obssesed with Transformers and has turned faggot. He made a specific drawing that got a bit of negative attention of a young boy growing up to become a fat tranny. However people started accusing him of being a pedo. He seems to deny it despite still making porn of 'minor' male characters afterwards. Only difference is that vhite9 is also into futa and hypermuscle, which is expected from a gayass like him.
>>72579 >>72635 I find it rather funny that whenever fetish artists start to get “called out”, the community instantly recognizes the bullshit that they’re seeing. Remember when Mintrimo’s EX called him out for an avalanche worth of things? And despite a lot of the things being levied against him being pretty dang prominent. A lot people in the community, prominent figureheads no less, ether did not give a single shit. Or actually stood up for him. Don’t be fooled, there are artist in this community who will stand up for their degeneracy for underage characters.
>Remember when Mintrimo’s EX called him out for an avalanche worth of things? What did Mintrimo do?
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>>72635 I've not seen such a sad human being!
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I'm starting to think that people who post about lolis in general are just asking for drama.
Rumor has it that Mint was pressured into deleting his underaged/loli-centric art by his ex FruitGremlin when they first started dating. >>72648 >Remember when Mintrimo’s EX called him out for an avalanche worth of things? And despite a lot of the things being levied against him being pretty dang prominent. A lot people in the community, prominent figureheads no less, ether did not give a single shit. Or actually stood up for him. His ex called him out? This is the first time I've heard about this.
>>72703 Yeah the old Ned Sontag episode showed us how that works. Fucking Zionists.
>>72706 >Ned Sontag What does that boomer have to do with any of this?
You know there's one artists that I am surprised no one has mentioned, bonusart, given that he's just been going for so long too.
>>72773 maybe im way too desensitized to these scenarios, but i feel like these technically dont count a lot of people are fine with drawing deltarune characters and they have no canon age, there's a lot of weird people out there using the school setting as a gotcha and toby fox once said " " but God i hate the moral grandstanding of big artists like this who want to fight everyone about how to like fat fetish art the "correct" way >>72599 i feel like ever since leaving twitter she's finally been letting go of that attitude, i dont know them personally and maybe there's some secret way they're still doing it but i remember every other day they'd fall for some ragebait and make an annoying holier-than-thou post and finally stepping away from twitter and replying to everyone in their thread seemed to help, that and bluesky is currently alright >>72619 also pffffff god bless how many users with accounts made after 2020 try to speedrun privating their account after making shitty takes and butting in people's space >>72635 god bless the fanwiki defense, if the character's popular enough it doesnt matter like neco arc, if the character's number is too high then it doesn't count anymore they're evil, and all the sonic characters got their age directly removed and can go gambling and drinking and you know how that goes >>72773 these scenarios feel relatively tame for an ancient fatfur artist since everyone ended up doing school scenarios, but the third one is incredibly based and i wish that were me getting flashbanged with a wall of belly >>70079 >Momo from that one Pokemon short. holy shit someone besides me has actually drawn her as a massive cute blob?????
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>>53147 I got one; insane-gopher. Don’t get me wrong, this dude is a good artist, but wow, this dude is kind of sus to me. He’s drawn Billie from “Billie Bust-Up” (she’s around 15-16), Mr Tibbles from TomSka’s “Imaginary Friend” animation (Implied to be underage, best guess is a pre-teen), Henry Hugglemonster (he’s 5), Neco-Arc from the “Melty Blood” series (confirmed to be a newborn), and Ralsei from “Deltarune” (speculated to be around Susie and Kris’s ages, being a teen). This is sad since his art that has actual legal characters, like Angel Gabby from “Angel Hare” is pretty good. (He even did Smiling Critters preg art, which all of them are implied to have the souls of dead kids, similar to the FNAF animatronics.) Take a look for yourselves. https://www.furaffinity.net/user/insane-gofer/
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One more. https://youtube.com/@tubbytoons?si=QDMoZiXVq_UGBgyy It’s really on the nose with some of the characters that he draws like Lisa Simpson, Mabel Pines, the chicks from Harvey Street Girls, and even Kelsey from “Craig of the Creek”. >>72908 Funny how both of these artists that I’ve called out are both Persona fans. Guess the stereotype about them being groomers are true.
>>72908 you're the only other person ive seen bring up the "neco arc is a newborn" fact and I find that hilarious, i dont want anyone to be discouraged from drawing her just because the art is still cute but i find it hilarious that the same people rushing to fanwikis to yell about deltarune characters completely ignored neco arc's page for the longest time that and their birthday/gender/species isn't even consistent so i doubt her age is actually calculatable, maybe newborn just refers to how fast they can reproduce and duplicate themselves henry is the only choice in these images that id say is really questionable >>72912 >loud house we said artists who *secretly* like loli
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>>72908 >smiling critters implied to have the souls of dead kids
>>72912 kinda unrelated but i absolutely despise how that dude draws faces, they are so fucking ugly i can't even look at the rest without finding it repulsive
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>>72915 Yeah, I still think about poor artists who draw smut of Neco-Arc without realizing her full age. Kind of feel bad for them. Yeah, Henry absolutely flash-banged me since I forgot about that show until he popped up on insane-gopher’s page. Funny enough, I had to look up his age since I knew he was a kid, but I didn’t remember what age he was exactly. Kind of crazy. Trust me, TubbyToons has gone lower, this mofo has drawn some characters from Lilo and Stitch and ignores how weird it is. I apologize though. >>72920 Regarding the Smiling Critter’s age argument…
>>72929 Ik you said artists who secretly like loli, but I still want to expose these guys since they’re pretty much getting away with it. Heck, most TubbyToons fans who are into his stuff with legal characters like Marge Simpson, Tomoko Higashikata (Josuke’s mom), Vivian, and Chi-Chi are unaware of his loli stuff since they probably assume that he ages them up or smth. I mean, read the comments on this. https://youtu.be/Bayk-sV2sAU >>72920 I mean aside from a few exceptions, this dude’s drawings are mid at best.
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>>72915 Might be beating a dead horse here, but artist Milk-Knight and his friend Creflunker have both drawn Neco Arc. Like I said, they may not have known about her age and may have done it for the lolz, but the first and third drawings were from 2 years ago, while the 2nd one was from last year. Maybe milk could’ve looked her age up at some point, but I highly doubt it.
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>>72931 Fuck, the file got swapped. Here’s the one by creflunker
The people in this thread smuggly going "Erm, don't you know Neco Arc is actually 0 years old, gotcha!" are in the same retarded vein as those screeching "She's 17 years and 364 days old you pedo!" Obviously the walking, talking cat creature who shoots lasers from her eyes isn't comprable to a literal newborn. It's for the same reason people don't care when an android/homunculus has their age listed as 2 years or whatever. Imagine if they gave 2B a manufactury date. "Oooooh 2B was manufactured 6 years ago, she's basically a child you hypocrite!!"
>>72935 I mean, yeah, but it’s still odd to draw preg art of a newborn. Babies making babies.
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>>72936 Impressive that a newborn can run a coffee shop
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>>72916 god bless my brain's dumb period where my best excuse for hating fnaf fat art was "but robots can't get fat!!!!!" now im fine with either of them even if it's not something i look out for >>72920 i feel like this applies to a lot of this category of artist, they love to draw these characters while keeping the ugliest parts of their art styles in there even when the rest of the blob looks fine >>72931 the veil of anonymity can no longer shield me, but i wish i was closer friend to milk-knight and all i've really done is just gotten a few comms 😔 >>72932 when i drew this i had no clue about that age factoid, only after finding it years later did i go "lmao that's amazing and i love that the same people who yell about deltarune ages conveniently ignore her" ive had Worse character choice and i should draw her again, she's just cute in general as a fat silly blob >>72935 heavily seconding this, because to clarify if you're going to use this as an actual "gotcha" now and try to yell at artists for drawing neco arc, You're Fucking Stupid regular arc is already an adult and this is more like a corrupted chibi version of them, basically if you turned mr mxyzptlk into a cat, so their birth information is completely nonsensical on purpose
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>>72908 >>72912 You either must be under 13 or a mentally disabled 30-something year old if your ass jacks off to this clipart-looking trash.
>>72948 >mentally disabled 30-something year old Isn't that most of the autists on this board?
>>72596 This honestly doesn’t surprise me Dude constantly went after people who did or liked any slightly underage character, people like that are almost always trying to deflect from their own secret collect of characters they’ve drawn in the past (or still draw in secret) to make them look good like they’ve somehow changed
>>72948 I don’t necessarily pull my pud to it, but his non-loli/shota stuff is nice.
>>72961 There's no need to lie, anon
>>72965 Most of his stuff is MPreg and I’m not even into that, but when he does regular female (legal) pregnancy, it’s a treat. Any lolipreg/shotapreg is a red flag for me.
>>72935 >>72932 >>72908 i've been wanting to finally draw her again for a long while even before these posts, you're right that its kinda weird for me to be drawing this when she's being born 10 years from now
>>73070 Oh, shoot! You’re actually here. Are you being sarcastic?
>>73073 in this case yes just because i don't personally see them as Literally 0, they're just a cute scrimblo cat portrayed as an adult like the rest of the art of her and it doesnt factor into this drawing But I've Done Worse Before™️
>>73070 where neco arc chaos alt >>72908 >>72929 Also eca9f7 you're a fucking retard for taking the age of a joke character seriously
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>>73075 > “But I've Done Worse Before™️” We talkin’ abt fetuses? If so, please no. If yes, then you’ll like this. https://youtu.be/Wk_2lPb-2ug >>73077 It’s still weird, even for a joke character. No need to be moralist, but would you excuse r34 of Norimaro from “Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter” cuz even though he’s a high schooler, he’s still a joke character? SMH.
kill minors kill minors kill minors
>>73089 What?
>>73089 Based
>>72596 QUICK ADD THE KRIS TO THE KRIS AND CHARA AND FRISK CHANNEL! Also does he still draw them?
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>>72533 >>72523 >>72513 Sorry to be late to the party, but was PaperPlane like this? Damn, I loved seeing him in Diamondbolt’s videos. He was funny af. For another artist that’s been hiding this for years, GirlsVoresBoy/BoysVoresGirls/VToons Been doin’ this stuff for years and haven’t been caught at all. (Before you ask the questions abt the deer stuff, they’re like the first stage of evolution, right? And they might be the youngest, so I’m counting that. Btw, this gif of Norimaro perfectly encapsulates what these artists are like in their private time.)
>>73166 >They've been hiding this stuff for years. No they haven't. The only reason no one has put girlsvoreboys on blast for any of this is because they're such a cosmically shit """""""artist""""""" that 99.9% of neurotypical people with actual standards actively avoid their content because it's that bad. I don't think anyone would implicate this talentless hack in any serious discussion about the fetish scene unless its exclusively about the worst vore artists out there.
>>73170 My brother in Christ, they literally made artwork of Molly McGee, and Roll. Idk if it’s trash or anything, if they draw kids in a suggestive manner, they should be called out.
Damn this thread is starting to get filled with garbage. What a shame
>>73166 Might as well call everyone a pedo for drawing first stage pokémon then
>>73171 Yes, call out the shitty ms paint circletool fag who has barely improved at art after over a decade of being active. This will truly rock the vore community, because so many people care about what beloved and acclaimed artist girlsvoreboys is up to. Your service to the cause has been invaluable, thank you moralfag#7592185834.
>>73171 >My brother in Christ Aww look who cant say NIGGA
>>73175 Yeah, I might’ve been a moralfag and I apologize for any mistake that I’ve made. Just thought that this thread would get more eyes on different artists who’ve been doing this stuff.
>>73173 furaffinity admins, 2023 >>73087 most of the time it's just joking that a character is stuck in the slop factory for infinite decade stuck as a -999999 year old immobile blob, but this video made me laugh just because it has the same energy as this https://youtu.be/JFgGhvdRsDMt=43 also he's literally a caricature of this comedian playing a bit >>73170 heavily seconding this, even years ago they always had a bad artstyle and worse character taste, pretty much unless you have personal nostalgia/respect for them like mistystuffer/virus20 they just fall under "wait what do you mean nothing's changed" >>73172 maybe i'm making it worse but it very quickly turned from finally having a good rant about the rest of the fat community's hypocrisy and the details pointed out being in a smug "this stuff is still good just stop being a pussy lmao" way, but it also invites anyone who will seriously argue about it over any random artist they find with fanwiki info muddying the actual serious concerns towards these artists >>73183 fair enough and i at least respect that effort, you're pretty much the only other person i know who brought up the "neco arc is a newborn" bit and showing how even in the wild this art ends up being way more common
>>73189 And you're posting male here because?...
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>>73189 Gengar looks like he’s seen some things. Yeah, I apologized since I felt like I was being too much of a moralist. I mean, I myself pull my pud to the ADHD cat by Pixigags, so who am I to blame? I’m out here exposing loli artists while I’m on the same boat as Shane Dawson. Also, abt the whole Norimaro thing, he’s kind of confirmed to be a high schooler, considering he’s based off of a character that Noritake played. Also, nice to see that a fan of Joel is here. Reminder, I just don’t want anyone to pull a ReploidRevo and have a “youngins” folder.
We're sharing real estate with 4+ loli threads on this board. Imagine being this autistic to think this one was made to """"expose"""" artists
>>73190 on one hand i wanted to finally contribute to this old topic >>54422 >>70080 on the other, im surprised no ones complained about the last few posts consisting of mostly furry stuff considering how quickly that becomes this board's Get Out card (even if im fine with it and have my own few random people i want to complain about if furry artists counted) >>73192 you're absolutely fine and i appreciate the effort, for some reason i have way too much energy getting to debate this just because i hate seeing big artists getting yelled at and manipulated for doing stuff that they didn't even know was "wrong" just because a character design was cute, perpetuating the cycle of "so if this stuff is so forbidden for no real reason and all the people against it are assholes, i guess i should lean deeper into it" also the nd friends are cute and i genuinely love and respect a good obscure/niche character choice, and i think they're cute and i don't mind em!!! same for me on that last part even without much context, all of my moods revolve around fictional scenarios and generally impossible feats and even regular irl fat stuff looks Bad :( i prefer huge wobbly blobs who can get constantly forcefed and smother entire continents in their fat doughy asses!!!! side effects may include immediately aging -999999 decades one frame later but in a way that's more of just a funky micro scenario >>73200 Literally This and i feel like this thread is more for reminiscing about artists who suddenly deleted their good stuff/being able to vent about what led up to them just deleting certain drawings, the closest to an "expose" here is just being able to smugly point at the artists and know that they have something to hide in a good way
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>>73260 Sometimes, I feel like my whole Neco-Arc argument revolved around making that point about artists who were naive and didn’t know her age. Also, yeah, I’m a sucker for cats (Cheezborger, Lolly from Animal Crossing, Felicia in her cat form, Luna from Sailor Moon, Temmie from Undertale). They turn my legs into Niagara Falls and make my Willy rise up! One more artist that’s been under the radar is UnknownGuy404. This dude has made vore fanart of both Satina and Hanazuki (both characters who don’t have a confirmed age yet, but are pretty much regarded to be kids. Look at here in Sarina’s case https://youtu.be/zjMh_iE8bf0 https://youtu.be/tuPmXjKZ438 Time for a bit of a lore dump, but Hanazuki is a moon-flower, which in her series, is a guardian of one of the galaxy’s moons. Think Rosalina from the Mario series. She’s been stated to be a newly born moon-flower, which makes her young. I apologize if that sounds dumb, but Hasbro makes the lore and the info, not me, bub.). Sorry if I’m sounding retarded or anything.
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>>68504 I'm pretty sure Dook's cringy "I'm totally asexual you guys!!!" LARP is his way of covering his ass in case anyone drudges up the fat loli art he did in the past. That, or his way of trying to cope with guilt and personal shame over drawing "pedoshit".
>>73166 This shit is so fugly 💔
>>68504 >>73270 I think the funniest thing about Dook is that he literally hangs out and talks with people like ManiacalFork that have drawn and still draw child characters Every artist literally has double standards because they all know and hangout with at least one person that's into it
>>73321 Lol Dook still openly posts Pokegirl stuff on 4chan. I don't think he really cares deep down.
>>73343 Wait, do you have screenshots of that?
>>73344 https://arch.b4k.co/vp/thread/55900456/#q55903015
>>73345 Bro’s a damn hypocrite. >>73264 Funny enough, I remember seeing GHG121, a vore artist that used to be in DA, favorite this drawing.
>>73345 >/vp/ fat thread Imagine my shock
>>73346 anyone with half a brain knows GHG is into lolis
>>73348 Still sad though. Bro was a good artist, but he was kind of messed up. Are there any fetish artists who draw adorable obese characters that aren’t into kids?
>>73350 Thank God for Lumerrac and SquishyPsycho.
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Slimecrime/Slimebo/Fuegon/Cchilab is currently going through one of her "Loli is gross and icky and BAD" phases, but she's probably still super into it on the down-low. She actually drew these 12 Forever fats shortly after the moral crusade shown in the first pic, lmao.
>>73384 lmao, did anyone ever call them out on it?
>>73345 Obligitory asking if he's done any other non public stuff on 4chan and if so if you've got anything saved. . Sick of this shit.
>>73385 The first picture leads me to believe yes, they were. They have a habit of randomly tearing shit down and starting over.
>>73384 i always found the second image of this genuinely funny just because the furaffinity rule change was extremely half baked, but this is even more fucking hilarious now that i know that the bottom panel actually means they're interested also god i love how that first image is edited because there's so many twitterfags who talk a big game like that with so much hypocrisy that's just as easy to find, why is there such a correlation between people who are strongly against/supportive of loli stuff and having the worst possible tastes as well >>73392 i've seen a lot of artists just delete and reupload their stuff on the same platform and sometimes i just want to go "it's the fifth time you've uploaded this one drawing do you need help picking a stable username" >>73387 seconding this, i didn't realize i had this much vitriol left over because i've mostly just ignored this side of the world's drama for so long that i just want to see people happy with drawing what they want to draw and happy with others drawing what they want to draw, they can block them if they'd like to but unless they're being weird with actual kids Please Shut Up >>73349 there's still a lot out there or at least a lot who manage to be more normal about it, but i feel like any artist with a presence for more than 10 years is into it one way or another, most artists dont even care or recognize which characters they draw count as "loli" or immediately swerve into liking it once someone tries to bully it out of them, if they seem normal they're probably normal but i dunno
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>>73411 Yeah, about that meme. I actually found it funny. Reminded me of Puppychan and her hypocrisy. I have another one; WolfyGoofyToons, an inflation YouTuber with an alright art style. There was a video posted on one of the old Chikn Nuggit threads that contain a link to this video and someone pointed out that he included Sody Pop, who is a young kid, which caused the thread to explode into fear and outrage because of this. Even though there were people who complained about those who pointed this out as “moralfags”, it’s still weird for Sody Pop to be included in the first place. The link to the vid is in the subject. Honestly, as long as a character is confirmed to be a kid or is pretty much a kid despite their age not being confirmed yet, don’t draw them in any type of kinky situations. That’s why I always go for legal characters like Cheezborger, Mina-Girl from Vitamin Connection, Gangle from TADC, Cocoa Cookie or whoever.
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>>73417 They made fetish art of sody pop? That's fucking disgusting!
>>73387 Sorry I have no clue if he posted anything else on 4chan.
>>73425 I’m seeing this pic everywhere, what does this mean?
>>73417 i feel like in this case they're one of the artists in the Actually Sees It As Innocent category, their stuff is cute and they draw better than most of the people who spend every day hating on them, and i think in this case they just threw sody pop in there just to fill up the lineup in that short >>73425 this image is still hilariously amazing to me and i feel like this is how most of my thoughts end up, if you tell me a random artist did something fucked up and its not about them being actively harmful/stalky or anything and its just complaining about character choices i will go Based >>73430 i think it's basically just used as either a silly shorthand for going "god i wish that were me" if posted under something they like, but sometimes its just used to imply the feeling of "oh no who could be into this thats weird (lmao i secretly love it)" i hope im not bugging anyone/weirding people out with my constant replies to this thread, its one of those topics that i got way too in touch with years ago and have way too many opinions on that boil down to "it doesnt matter everyone is dumb and mean"
What about Megumin art? She is a loli by sjw standarts? Many BBW artists done a Megumin art
>>73434 >”i feel like in this case they're one of the artists in the Actually Sees It As Innocent category” Most of their content revolves around characters fartin’ themselves into balloons (kind of doesn’t make sense, but I don’t question it), and he also made videos that include inflated versions of Klonoa and Ralsei. These are the links to the respective videos. https://youtu.be/mkJdAQT91xQ https://youtu.be/OauqLnGaEFg https://youtu.be/z4BJmOfk0rg >” i think in this case they just threw sody pop in there just to fill up the lineup in that short” Even if he was in there to fill the lineup, it’s still kind of weird. That would be like me goin’ “I’m gonna draw hyperpregnancy of various Capcom girls, might as well include Roll from Mega Man, Anita from Darkstalkers, and Katie Greene from Dead Rising”. You see how that’s weird to include them cuz they’re kids? > “sometimes its just used to imply the feeling of "oh no who could be into this thats weird (lmao i secretly love it)"” Ohh, I get it, so it’s like that 2nd pic that was used in the post calling out Slimecrime. Also, that Sonic rendition of the pic is so damn funny. > “I hope im not bugging anyone/weirding people out with my constant replies to this thread” Honestly, I don’t mind. I think it’s kind of cool this thread exists so we can actually talk about this topic and the whole grey area of it. Whenever I think of this, I think of the whole “PhantomArcade retweeting Miku r34” controversy, where Twitter users were calling him a pedo for doing so, but people on YT understand the type of humor that Newground users have, so they didn’t think too much of it.
>>73417 I thought the drama behind this artist was that the artist was confirmed to be a minor.
>>73459 Well that just makes the situation more worse.
Hopefully my rants didn’t kill this thread.
>>73479 There's just not much to talk about at the moment. No harm in letting a thread go idle for a bit before something topical inevitably gets it going again.
>>73482 Oh…I honestly thought that me talking about Neco Arc and all of that nonsense killed the vibe of this. Glad to know that you’re cool. I’ll wait until Creflunker comes back.
>>73486 You are surprisingly calm for being a bbw-chan user, I'm kinda shocked lmao
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>>73450 the weird thing is that even in the first case i think they also see it as just as innocent as the rest of what they make so i know it's not their intention, and i still think the stuff they make of klonoa is cute!!! they draw a lot of "cursed" joke ideas and are genuinely funny when they make regular stuff, i dont know where else im going with this point and its nothing against your argument but i feel like at least their motivation isnt out of anything horny that second argument is almost fair, but i feel like it would apply better if the rest of the capcom girls happened to drawn in the same style/proportions and yet were still classified as adults, and the outliers who look exactly the same as the rest of the characters are suddenly Evil to draw and for the last point im glad you're cool with it, and i think its situations like that that made me realize most of these arguments are Fucking Stupid because people just suddenly declared miku a minor after brazillian miku got popular, not out of any actual duty to protect anything but just to make like a twitter user and get mad at new thing/current trend for a scientific reason/any way to justify it for themselves >>73479 >>73486 you're fine and ive just been busy with other stuff and tired out in general this month, it feels nice to finally rant about these things again even with the hardest possible things to defend and i hope im not bugging you too much with my own random vents >>73488 seconding this because this thread is surprisingly calm, maybe because most of our hate has just been directed at random artists/people getting mad at those artists instead of fighting over eachother, and even in the recent posts of "how would you excuse this???" it thankfully hasn't devolved into a screaming match
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>>73488 >>73514 First, you’re welcome. I don’t want any trouble, so I try to be polite here. About the Capcom girls bit, I used that argument since Roll is included in various promo art that includes women from other Capcom games. These are two images that showcase Roll alongside other Capcom women. As you can tell, they’re one of my favorite gaming companies, so I’d thought that I’d used that example to explain my argument. Wait, the whole Miku/PhantomArcade thing happened way before Brazilian Miku, so she was still considered a minor back then. I do have another artist I’d love to expose; RidiclousCake. He’s a fat/inflation/flatting artist that did some work on minor characters. He’s pulling a ReploidRevo and preying on Violet from Wily Wonka and the Choclate Factory. He also done videos on Webby from Ducktales, Mabel Pines, and Rei Ayanami. Not sure if this Look. https://youtu.be/Gs7GtCvwQcs https://youtu.be/00MolDacQPY https://youtu.be/Dub8jiHp3JY https://youtu.be/K-DKX__cRZ0 I swear people want to be Funny Valentine so badly. (All of my JoJo fans would get this one. Context for those who don’t understand. https://jojowiki.com/SBR_Chapter_50 )
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>>73527 What does this even mean?
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Kip did young characters such a Megumin, Baqua7 did, Cakehoarder did too.
the cropping on the newest nuumatic pic is weird, I wonder if theres some alt out there or something with one of the other girls in the game
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This is an artist that no one here has probably heard of, but his name is “Fuck456You”. Yes, he made fanart of Trunks, and I’m talking about his younger self, not his future self. Forgot to tag myself, lol. >>73526
>>73602 And you're posting male shit in a LOLI thread because?
>>65445 You do art? Share with the class Anon
>>73602 Had a quick look at their account and it's nothing but stolen art
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>>73602 >Male shit >Directing people to a DA account which is literally nothing more than yet another severely autistic art thief
>>73605 >>73260 Same reason he does it. >>73616 Whether it’s a repost or genuine fanart, artwork of underage characters shouldn’t be shared.
>>73620 >'same reason he did.' That's not an excuse, if against its the rules then it's against the rules. Just have the decency to not infract on them to begin with instead of coming up with this bs 'oh but someone else did it!' rhetoric. In any case I don't think anyone gives two shits about furry art incidentally being posted to this thread only as this is primarily a discussion thread centred around artists themselves, the art itself is ancillary to the conversation so it being human or fur here is mostly irrelevant. Male is an overstep though, this is a female-centric board so there's literally no reason to bring artists from that sphere into this discussion. >artwork of underage characters shouldn’t be shared And why are we moralfagging all of a sudden? You do know where you are, right...? There are literally multiple active threads with people circlejerking to underage content on this very board. This thread isn't about the ethics of people producing underage artwork, it's just gossiping about artists we think might be closed lolicons. You are very emphatically in the wrong place lmao. Between this and somehow mistaking a single digit IQ mouth-drooler on DA for an actual artist, its pretty clear you're very retarded. Please do every other anon here a favour and just leave.
>>73622 there's been a lot of moralfagging creeping into this thread recently. its alienated all of the actually smart anons.
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This thread is starting to feel like this image
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>>73629 >In any case I don't think anyone gives two shits about furry art incidentally being posted to this thread only as this is primarily a discussion thread centred around artists themselves, the art itself is ancillary to the conversation so it being human or fur here is mostly irrelevant Your loli's gonna end up a furry, with that kind of thinking.
>>73526 Please stop speaking
>>73622 >>73620 >>73616 literally the first post in the op is talking about an example of a male character getting fattened, they allow both if it applies to the topic of "this artist is acting weirdly moral", this is the one time im defending the main guy >>73644 mauru from waku waku 7, inflate the girl too, Win >>73622 seconding the latter half of this though, i might have steered this way too far away from the conversation trying to defend it but the point isnt as focused on the art itself and more just being able to talk about weird gossip/drama around it, and every choice of literal who to bring up just keeps getting Worse >>73633 pffff this is a great way to describe it, mirrored to have both sides be greg and i apologize for my long rambly arguments as well, i have other random artist stuff i want to complain about even if the posts in question would be extremely old and petty by now
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>>73739 Yeah, sorry if my post about Trunks seemed dumb. If I can make up for it, there’s a dude that seems to deny that he’s into loli’s, despite the fact that he’s made fanart of it before. His name is “it’s-Sophie” on Deviantart, and he’s made tons of fanart of Anne, Luz Noceda, and Maggie from “The Buzz on Maggie”. The reason I bring this up is due to how he focuses on the teen (then-current) designs of these characters. He added an “adult certificate” in Anne’s design as a means to get away with drawing fanart of her, which is still weird since it’s her old design with a tag to excuse his actions. That’s like me writing “18+” on Roll from Mega Man, so I can get away with doing dirty deeds with her. Funny enough, that’s the only character that has this, as a bunch of other Disney chicks look underage. He also made fanart of Spooky from Spooky’s House of- I mean, Spooky’s Jumpscare Mansion. Like, how dumb can this dude get, he even excuse his actions in a comment. He even did fanart of two chicks from a forgotten commercial (both of which are underaged, btw). Honestly, this clip from Centaurworld is a better description of this thread in my opinion. https://youtu.be/h2rTB8Dj84U
VeryFilthyThing's latest piece definitely puts out "repressed lolicon" vibes, though I'll admit that I could be reading too deeply into things.
>>73772 But this is not a fetish art
>>73763 Can we kill this anon he's hella annoying
>>73911 I'm down for it.
>>73911 Agreed, this thread is meant for finding more loli art to masturbate to, not some dumping ground for witchhunting faggots to cry about some random autists on DA.
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>>73924 >“Agreed, this thread is meant for finding more loli art to masturbate to, not some dumping ground for witchhunting faggots to cry about some random autists on DA.” So, this entire thread, which was made to talk about artists who were potentially lolicons, was all just a ploy for you guys to charge your Bloodberries to this stuff? Isn’t this whole thread about talking about this stuff in a civil manner or something like that? Why are you trying to get at each others throats?
>>73939 Civil on a chan site? Whack.
>>73944 You get what I mean, especially when Creflunker’s on this board.
>>73939 >"charge your bloodberries" Youre the travis touchdown LARPER thats shit up threads before. That explains everything.
>>73526 >she was still considered a minor back then. She still is one. Miku has always been 16, that never changed. >I do have another artist I’d love to expose; RidiclousCake. An artist who's literally never hid the fact that he's unafraid of drawing younger characters. Good job, bro. >preying on Violet from Wily Wonka and the Choclate Factory You can't "prey on" fictional characters, go back to Twitter.
This thread's a fuckin comedy, keep it coming.
>>72786 Sonic characters still have their ages listed on the wiki.
>>73969 All I did was make a NMH reference, chill. >>73978 The Hatsune Miku part was to show that she was a minor before the Brazilian Miku thing, and I mean, you kind of can. ReploidRevo literally did that to Roll from the “Mega Man” series.
>>73985 How tf is Miku a minor but Brazilian Miku is not, they're literally the same but one is from Brazil and has a tan
>>73991 I’m not sure. Fan AUs can get wacky sometimes.
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What the hell even is this thread? Bickering or baseless conspiracy theories?
>>74050 Somewhere you don't belong in, that's for sure.
>>74050 just an excuse to get loli expansion that isnt already public
>>73985 Brazilian Miku is just Miku but Brazilian and tanned. And no, no one "LITERALLY" did that, because Roll is not a real person, and not even human, for that matter. You cannot prey on a fucking video game character, and you sound like the type of person who ignores the FBI's pleas to stop forwarding them inactionable content and distracting them from helping real-ass human children who actually exist.
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Vhite does some nice art
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Artist SunsleptOS made this drawing
>>74802 Doesn't Sun actively harass artists the draw loli?
>>74805 Not really, he's just very fake about his need to age up characters. He literally doesn't care about it at all, and yet he insists on doing it anyway. Much like Dook.
>>74802 >>74805 >>74819 I pretty much just do it so my payment processors don't fuck me in the ass. I've always been rather openly neutral about what I think of people drawing loli and have always said I'd be throwing stones otherwise.
>>74820 In fact I believe I literally came in here and tried to start the rumor mill on myself some time ago as some fucked up cry for help LMAO
>>74820 So you admit you harass other artists to look good to payment processors then? That is actually kinda super fuckd.
>>74824 I don't harass anyone, no. I was referring to the ageups, my bad for not clarifying.
>>74825 Still not a good look. Most folks know how much bullshit you peddle with the my hero stuff and you only get views on that stuff all the while you moral high ground saying they are aged up. Honestly you need to grow the fuck up. No one has ever cared except for other artists and you as a bigger artist also treat other artists like crap. We all saw the stuff with fapolanturn. You treat fellow high tier artists like crap.
>>74830 Am I really peddling bullshit if I'm saying that I do it so I don't get bodyslammed for posting these characters? I feel like peddling bullshit WOULD be if I was going around harassing artists for drawing characters I dont agree with and virtue signaling for something I don't have footing in. The fapolantern situation had to do with a $500 drive sitting undone while commissions were being done and yne deals were being forged. And even then I do think that's apples and oranges to the topic at hand, but I think it's fair if you disagree with my handling of that situation becuase I've often thought about ways I could have handled it better. Definitely could've/should've gone to Fapo in private first and foremost I think.
>>74832 Still, you make all your grievances public very consistently. It shows you have a massive ego and think you're better than everyone. With fapolantern you do know artists can do more than 2 things at a time right? Still I think this is falling on deaf ears. The images are out now, you draw loli.
>>74833 Yeah I think that's fair. I believe I made a tweet about it recently that I want to cut back on doing that, especially with my hot takes and what have you. I used to quite enjoy being publicly neutral-facing and at some point I guess I just felt that inherent "pressure of the follower count" to be more responsible. Also yeah it was more the timeline (the wg drive hadnt been worked on for months at the time) but I think that's a valid criticism on your part.
>>74836 Cut back but no apologies for things you have done. You are not looked at in positive light in the community. Most folks I talk with do in fact avoid you as you are seen as a very toxic person.
>>74841 I've actually heard the "very toxic person" line a few times recently and (though you'll just kinda have to trust me on this) I definitely want to hunker down and try to be better about it. I think I just kind of became complacent as a person and stopped moderating how I behaved and I want to be more conscious of the words I use and my treatment of others going forward, just because I think there's no real harm in aiming to be better.
>>74825 Lying faggot >>74832 >Am I really peddling bullshit Nigger you are a tranny, bullshit is all you spew >>74844 >I've actually heard the "very toxic person" line a few times recently Well golly gee, have you ever heard of the saying "if you're surrounded by assholes every where you go..." before? Christ almighty you are a drooling retard.
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>>74820 Bruh ok I think you need to get some help. The replies to this thread already that were about sunslepped seemed already schizo-ish (Because all the reasons presented were just retarded, and the only one even worth raising an eyebrow at was the intangibletang one, which just makes you seem even weirder knowing that YOU wrote that), but knowing that sunslepped wrote that about themself is just utterly bizarre. This just makes you seem mentally not all there. Heavy disagree with the other anon about the fapo situation. Telling an entitled schizo artist to actually make the thing people payed for doesn't make you the asshole. Yeah, being a popular artist comes with an inherant "Don't stir the pot" and "stay in your lane" mentality, but that doesn't mean you have to tolerate dumb shit when you see it. Still though, I think there may just be something wrong with you. Have a good hard think about wtf you've done, cos it aint lookin pretty. Maybe drawing obese Roll cunny will make you make you feel better 😎
>>74832 you’re going to be skullraped surrounded by nogs in Portland faggot.
>>74856 For the record I actually agree and it's part of why I'm in therapy now. Self-destructive behavior and schizoposting were a pretty big sign that I needed to chill out and address my mental health going forward. Been at it for a few months now and it's helped me a bit but there's still a lot to be done. Probably the last post I'll make in this thread just because there's not much more to be said on my part but unironically I do appreciate the very blunt opinion.
Lot of us been here since the beginning
>>74863 Can you share some art here
That's right two can play that game ma. You decide
>>74820 So you, Sunslept, are admitting that you being against after people who draw underage characters is actually a facade because in truth, you're afraid of ruining your reputation and losing everything? I knew it all along. My advise is don't listen to people who complain about fictional character ages, nor worry about said ages yourself. It's really not good for your mental health.
>>74863 >I'm totes in therapy and that gives me a freepass to be a hypocritical cunt plz dnt bully uwu And you wonder why you've become the next ffa#5.
>>73384 What a shame, I really like her art.
>>74944 >you've become the next ffa#5 The fuck is up with this conversation and extreme exaggerations? This shit feels like you're either pissed Sun refused to do a fat loli for you or you're trying to distract the thread from outing someone you like if not yourself.
>>75024 He's probably schizo'd up some beef with sun. Like the BWS schizo who's been going for months.
>>75024 >"d-d-don't make fun of my favorite fap d-daddy uwu" Forgot to call me a bigot and -ist retard, if you're going to wax that tranny's balls do it right. Watching faggots like you whiteknight strangers online makes me want to puke, and this is exactly the type of sycophancy that gives creeps like Scales a layer of pond scum to manuver behind.
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Well this thread certainly took an autistic nosedive since the last time I posted. Are people really going to throw temper tantrums over Sunslept trying to stay on the good side of tyrannical payment processors that would gladly fuck him over the second they had an excuse to do so? Or is him being trans enough to make people shriek and shit their pants like retards. Can't say I like the way he tries too hard to cozy up to twitter psychopaths who would gladly eat him alive if he were ever "exposed", but he seems pretty chill overall.
>>75041 Lets give visuals to this mental breakdown.
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>me peering over at /bbwalt/ to see what drama is brewing on the board >an artist and a bunch of anons are sperging out at each other
>>75045 >someone pretending to be the artist and retarded anons taking the bait
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Anyone got the loli version of this? Got removed from deviantart and replaced with this one
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>>75063 Someone should make an edit where kanna and shouta are bigger
>>70094 >>74802 The person, who posted must be cackling rn that Sun got caught with her pants down LMAOOOOOOOOOOO
>>74823 I like that you draw dragon ball characters often
>>75063 At first when I read it I was confused because I was thinking about loli version of Lucoa
The craziest part about this whole argument is that a fapolantern dickrider exists
>>75044 Cobson grade retort, it's a shame your father never taught you how gay whiteknighting another man is. Tell me, are you doing this in the faint hopes of getting a freebie or is this some basic soycuck reflex that's been programmed into you? >>75043 Eishi and other loli artists use paypal just fine, sunslept is using that as a flimsy excuse to be a cunt. >>75098 There are retards who are trying to catch a ride on the tranny train long after that thing derailed and hurled itself off a cliff, anything can happen.
>>75133 Keep his father out of it. Doesnt give two shits about him
>>75133 >Cobson grade retort The autistic spammer being a shartynigger explains so much. Wouldn't be surprised if he was a literal retarded child.
>>75133 Surprise, they don't need to write a "loli" in a PayPal invoice. I always write just something like "art" in my invoices. And how beyond pathetic artists can be when they are trying to appeal to the shitters who are don't even pay them money and do this virtue signaling autism. This is the same as coming to KFC and work for free. Just draw whatever you want and don't give a fuck about opinions, you don't pay rent with opinions. Care about clients who anyway would pay you for the shit you promote. How the fuck I know this as a person from Europe by learning from American business practices and see so many modern Americans failing at doing a very basic buisness?!
>>75134 Fair point, and that explains a lot about his co-dependency. >>75167 Is the sharty in the room with you now? >>75179 That's why I called his bullshit, the fucker is so far up his own axe wound that he thinks his paypiggies are dumb enough to fall for that when loli artists have been using the major processors for years. I'd be insulted if someone tried to lie to me like that, but going off of bce9e3 the typical sunset fan has no self-respect.
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>come in here thinking some possibly rare art could be in here >half of the thread is just sperging out and not posting art
>>76782 Thread was decent at first but then it devolved to the same fag going "UHHMM TBIS ARTIST NOBODY GIVES TWO SHITS ABOUT DRAW LOLI?!?!??! ERMM.. THATS WEIRD!!!"
>>76799 don't forget the schizos with sour grapes, no wonder everyone does this shit in private when you have psychos keeping track of everyone that's "wronged them"
>>76799 Every anon who actually had a life completely abandoned the thread the instant that fag came on.
>>76799 >>76802 >>76815 seconding this and i hope my replies didn't worsen it too, everything just went to shit and turned into bickering and i got tired
>>76799 >>76802 >>77047 All of you are retards for thinking this thread was for anything except scuttlebutt. Whiteknighting artists is still lame and gay.
Where is more loli?
I literally don't know where to ask this, but does literally ANYONE have some kind of archive video of Cakehoarders old Shota visual novel? Squirrelgirldgt sneakily deleted their video of it. This is the only thing i could find of it (And absolutely crazy that Cake had the balls to say that a VN where you lure and groom a shota and buy him mcdonalds isn't "shota". Absolute snake). The game is still easy enough to find downloads for, but that game is legit so old it just flat out doens't work on my operating system. So if anyone has an archive of the video playthrough, that would be great. I don't even like shota, I just want it for archival purposes (*cough* blackmail *cough*)
>>77207 Not gonna help you if you use it to hurt squirrelgirlDGT. Archiving is one thing but blackmailing someone for doing a video is gay.
>>77210 Lmaoooo I'm not ACTUALLY gonna blackmail. I don't care about it THAT much. I just use the word blackmail because the idea of treating lolisho like its dealing drugs is just funny to me.
Is Chunks a lolicon or is he just willing to draw some lolis when it comes to comms? He's also drawn a bunch of Gawr Gura and a couple other Hololive characters.
>>77246 Considering how that guy draws idk about that. All those characters are the "not technically loli" ones. Don't be surprised if he goes "Wtf man!" if you comission him to draw a pokemon preschooler.
>>77246 Anyway this is a really good art
>>77207 This is the one with the catboy ain't it? Rori rings a bell.
>>77246 I agree with >>77255 here. I feel a lot of the "anti-loli" artists are mainly talking about characters like Kanna or Anya, ones that are in-universe meant to be little kids. Personally, I've always believed that categorizing them in the same sphere as characters like Rebecca or Frieren was odd.
>>77369 Yeah, Rori was Cake's catboy shota OC
All artists draw fat lolis
>>78027 Fact.
Usually make a point not to ever post here but given half the posts are "No shit this artist used to/still does post lolicon content publicy" reveals or "I have no real clue but I'll pretend I know an artist I like does based on a hunch and hope other people post secret taboo art from them" attempts, you know you can just join more discord servers with these artists to figure this stuff out right? People naturally say/post a lot when they don't think they're being recorded. Like, not everyone's a lolicon obviously but you'd be surprised how many still draw problematic characters like Miku or pokemon trainer girls in private draw sessions/for friends when they don't think anyone's going to find out. Any artist in the fetish scene born in the 90's and earlier from my experience knowing most of these people on some level since the late 2000's/early 2010's is 99% lying about having a real moral stake in fictional characters' rights beyond not wanting a retarded unemployed Gen Z'r with too much time on their hands deciding to dox them to feel like they've made something of their life. To a lesser extent maybe also 'we will defeat the alt right/trump/gamergate by fighting the lolicons' and fetish artists not realizing/wanting to accept a lot of both sides of that cutlure war also includes stamping out most gooner content, but imo it's more the former. Some artists are just more obnoxious about performatively pretending they give a shit about something they were regularly drawing before the 2020's. I guess as a random aside most people already sussed out, Jeet to at least a few people in mid 2020 confided he felt like he was being blackmailed into the whole problematic fictional character age debate ("Oh, it'd be a HUGE shame if your studio employers found out you draw these sort of things :)))) " style conversations framed as genuine concern is how it was described to me). I can't verify that beyond knowing the people who told me this were at least at one point in some of the same close-knit servers as him and myself I really only talked with him in the mid 2010's, but him still regularly faving fetish smut of the same underage characters he declared he'd stop drawing for a year or so after the fact to me makes it obvious he didn't genuinely give a shit. Maybe he'd claim otherwise now but it all felt very blatant at the time. The transformers etc. shit they deal with now is too beyond my ballpark to really know or care about, but I guess he'd naturally want to distance himself from everything despite how easy it is to link him back to all their old MHA/Pokemon porn that's still floating around there.
>>78045 >Just join a sever Ah, you see, there's just one problem. Nobody wants to go on those shitty discord servers. Wayyyyyyy too much roleplay and schizo horny posts. So many people in this community are so unbelievably soft that going into servers where they give their full unfiltered thoughts and concerns could give any normal person terminal cringe. Made all the worse by how much of a circlejerk they can be once the Gay Furry LGBT mfers find them and start complaining that their parents don't like that they became a trans feedee. That is to say that there's only so much bullshit we can tolerate for a the tiniest potential crumb of a "problematic" sketch. So much of them nowadays you have to be invited to, or pay to get in, and those ones you basically have to be a part of the circlejerk to join. An analogy would be if GTA6 came out, but it could only be played on an arcade machine in the corner of a gay strip club, and everytime time you entered the gay strip club and didn't tickle at least 10 pairs of testicles then they'd look at you funny and ask you leave, or threaten to close the place down because people are only there to play GTA6, not to get a gay lapdance. So it's no wonder why barely anyone even wants to bother with that, and chooses to wait for something to leak by one of the people that actually do bother with going into the gay strip club. The Bambooale + Foxfire discord is the only one I've tried bothering with, and the only credit I'll give them is they sort things well enough so I don't have to read their "Holier than thou" messages. One extra thing I will say is that the cheeky wankers that post cropped, low quality screenshots of secret alt pics like loli and then don't even post the full thing or provide a source and give the shitty ass response of "Sorry bro, you just gotta lurk more" is lame as fuck. Keeping it to yourself and not wanting to share things around too much is one thing, but when you're doing the weird thing in the middle where you don't pretend it doesn't exist but you have to act cheeky about it and not ACTUALLY show it is weird AF. I really don't get the logic that sharing something to BBWCHAN is somehow "too public". TLDR: We just wanna take our lolis and leave and do a little bit of bitching on the side. We don't wanna bother with discord bullshit
>>78045 You type like a faggot with daddy issues. >>78084 This, 100%.
>>78084 More meant if you care enough to pull dirt on people who publicly harp on about this stuff like half this thread's about, you don't have to dig far if someone invites you to a server or you swipe a link to an artist's server off kemono or somewhere. Never actually genuinely enage wtih these servers, they're fucking insufferable when everyone's walking on egg shells around each other just to inevitably backstab each other when it's socially convenient. >>78097 aight cool thanks man
>>78045 As an artist I was invited to this kind of servers. Every time it is a bunch of dudes erp together so I instantly leave this faggotry. Seriously it was vomit inducing. Only once it was a good server for just posting art with a good moderation. And once it was a server with a people just one step from the Sophie Labelle level of degen shit
>>77403 "Loli" isn't only about age, and both Trigger and CDPR called Rebecca a loli. And as I'm sure someone else has probably pointed out, it doesn't matter to the Height of Consent/2D Rights schizos anyway, to them it really is at the point where pedophilia is when anime girl.
>>78536 I imagine CDPR called Rebecca a child or child-like, and only ever said loli when repeating what Trigger said about the loli staying.
>>78045 For years I did a lot of art with Miku, Asuka, Rei, Megumin, etc some with more than 1k likes. For some reason I never had a problems with it or even anyone who would annoy me about age shit. Maybe because I simply don't talk with anyone outside of clients and don't give a single fuck about "community" or anyone who don't pay me. So if it is so easy what is these people problems? Just tell this crying Tumblr kids to get a job, or at best ask them to spit they dads cum out before they start to talk, and that's all. It feels like internet had a huge reset and everyone simply forget how to don't give a fuck about any random internet strangers
This entire thread is a magnet for misery. >>78544 >It feels like internet had a huge reset and everyone simply forget how to don't give a fuck about any random internet strangers It's simple, the Internet became marketable and accessible. The Sekrit Klub died and the smartphone killed it.
