Can't tell how many devs are in here, but seriously, I thought it was common knowledge at this point that blocking pirates doesn't really increase sales much (if at all) because people who pirate aren't gonna pull their wallet out just because you blocked them from pirating it.
Also, in the micro-indie level of game dev, ANY attention on your game is good attention, I've found loads of games I've never heard of, solely by downloading ""demos"" of games off F-95, some I even subbed to afterward.
When a dev blocks pirates successfully, it's almost like the game goes invisible, completely disappears from the internet. Even Denuvo-blocked games do that sometimes, it'll be some AAA game with heavy marketing and it'll end up selling a couple thousand copies on PC whereas it might sell millions on console.
Yeah, I run a Patreon tipjar and I'm pretty sure at least half the people subbed to me simply forgot to unsub or they don't care, as it's just $1/mo and I eat all the fees for them.
>game is called Feeder Simulator
>dev is called "TheGrowState"
>none of the thumbnails on the Kemono include any bellies of any notable size worthy of either name (some of the pics IN the posts are fine though)
>one post has the generic Ren'Py UI in the thumbnail, but later posts show it's been replaced.
Ehhhhhh... could be worse, but it's not for me, not my thing.
IDK, VNs in general are often pretty bad for expansion-related fetishes anyway since you generally have no control over how big they get or when/how they get big, and every new chapter just makes them bigger forever.
Sucks because not everyone likes things growing forever, but like, what else do you do when the character grows past the sizes you like?