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Games Thread 9: New Year Edition Games Thread 9: New Year Edition 02/03/2025 (Mon) 22:33:07 Id:e6156d No. 79118
Another thread Gone, another thread made. Let's hope that with the new year that some cool games get made/updated. Speaking of which, what are you guys hoping to see this year? Personally, as a backer, I'm very excited for Super Sweet's release as everything I've played and seen so far looks fantastic.
Some projects are such obvious scams, that people should sue devs. Like Yummy sinpie with her big Royal rivalvry, or the infamous thick threat game. and "i'm not a scammer" devs usually take their time making game and even if you keep funding them for like 4-5 years, they either OFFICIALLY abandon project, keep making excuses for lack of updates, or keep publishing updates that barely change anything.
Super Sweet demo anyone?
why are there subcategories for loli shit? is everyone just gonna allow pedos to post their fav loli art?
>>80220 They're not real, take your meds.
>>80222 Western Animated Lolis 10, Fat Loli General - XII, Loli donks 2: The Redonkaring, Oppai loli and loli inflation/expansion 3, Peni Parker / Spider-Loli thread...
>>80184 1) Nice to hear it the game will be free in the end but don't burn out making it if you're doing it for free. 2) Yes the comment was about your game that I replied to. I widened it up to be about other games too mainly which I'd hoped the context would cone through on
>>80201 Kind tells me you're not that great at development then if other indie devs can survive selling their game once while you need people to pay $10 a month subs to play your title. I have no fucking clue which dev you are but claiming your games are amazing? That narrows it down to devs I can count on 1 hand. Most of whom I've interacted with before and are pretty decent people not stuck up their own arses so you'll excuse me if I cast a large ammount of doubt over the idea your games are amazing, even if you are a developer to start with which I'd say is something worthy of doubt considering this is the internet.
>>80201 the main reason subscriptions are "good" is that people forget they exist and end up paying for a service they no longer recall exists It's basically impossible to argue that this is how anything reasonable should be run, although it is true that this business model is wildly popular because "it works"
>>80208 >>80207 Poor fags keep proving they are poor because they are stupid. "Reeee but what if the dev abandons the game", newsflash if you paid for the game once and the dev abandoned it you still got fucking scammed (deservingly so).Your issue is not with monetization but with scamming devs, and this is literally your only argument because you are fucking retards. >>80225 >Kind tells me you're not that great at development then if other indie devs can survive selling their game once while you need people to pay $10 a month subs to play your title. "Survive"? Fucking lol. I'm not surviving, I'm thriving here. You fucking animals don't appreciate any work that's done for you, why should I change my quality of life from "upper middle class" to "surviving"? Will you start sucking my dick for it? I doubt it. You are allowed to not believe me, frankly, I don't care, I'm here just to shit on poor fags.
>>80255 Sure, whatever you say kid. Keep insulting your own source of income. Go on, out-mouthbreathe the mouthbreaters. You can do it. It's anon attitudes like this that keep the leaks flowing :) More than happy to be a hyperparasite on your 'upper middle-class' income. xD
Can't tell how many devs are in here, but seriously, I thought it was common knowledge at this point that blocking pirates doesn't really increase sales much (if at all) because people who pirate aren't gonna pull their wallet out just because you blocked them from pirating it. Also, in the micro-indie level of game dev, ANY attention on your game is good attention, I've found loads of games I've never heard of, solely by downloading ""demos"" of games off F-95, some I even subbed to afterward. When a dev blocks pirates successfully, it's almost like the game goes invisible, completely disappears from the internet. Even Denuvo-blocked games do that sometimes, it'll be some AAA game with heavy marketing and it'll end up selling a couple thousand copies on PC whereas it might sell millions on console. >>80250 Yeah, I run a Patreon tipjar and I'm pretty sure at least half the people subbed to me simply forgot to unsub or they don't care, as it's just $1/mo and I eat all the fees for them. >>79925 >game is called Feeder Simulator >dev is called "TheGrowState" >none of the thumbnails on the Kemono include any bellies of any notable size worthy of either name (some of the pics IN the posts are fine though) >one post has the generic Ren'Py UI in the thumbnail, but later posts show it's been replaced. Ehhhhhh... could be worse, but it's not for me, not my thing. IDK, VNs in general are often pretty bad for expansion-related fetishes anyway since you generally have no control over how big they get or when/how they get big, and every new chapter just makes them bigger forever. Sucks because not everyone likes things growing forever, but like, what else do you do when the character grows past the sizes you like?
>>80257 Nah, I'm not complaining about poor fags pirating, you are just a fact of life. I'm not even calling you "hyperparasites" that's a label you've chosen for yourself. No need to gaslight me into believing being nice to you will make you buy more games LOL
another games thread completely derailed ...
>>80266 True, dude.
My perspective might be too simple because I'm only just t getting into game development and such, and the final product probably won't happen. But this.entire argue seems dumb. Either pay game devs or don't. Given, pirates can still be invested enough to get it themselves. You're still gettingpaid content for free. The only thing I hate about this thread/kemono is that because it exist artist /devs have started using smarter methods of sharing content (unless you're like an artist like BWS, who is already making so much income leaked content doesn't dent much).
can this threat get renamed to the "complaining about games thread"?
>>80255 Yeh, it means I'm not still paying for access lol. Man you pulling the "Poorfags" stuff when generally selling a game once is a higher initial const and generally people paying Patreons are poorfags with poor money management so they pay a samller ammount each month. Simple economics there. Hell look up Sam Vines Boot theory for more on this. but hey you're being schooled by the person you think is a retard and so what does that make you? >"Survive"? Fucking lol. I'm not surviving, I'm thriving here...... Yeh that's telling me you're likely a troll because full time and also being upper middle class on patreon funded weight gain games? Maybe middle class at best and I can count those who could be about there on one hand and still have fingers left over.
Well this thread completely went to shit
>>80310 Yep, 100%, make a thread in gen to talk about games or something, keep this thread just for posting game links or brief discussion on problems or tips for the game.
anyone have the story guide for D.I.E.T 0.32
>>80336 >People talk about games? In games thread??
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Found this game when digging through itch.io. https://hungrybelly.itch.io/hungry-mermaid-cruise There are parts that I like such as being able to eat the sharks and the mermaid getting bigger from eating, but I feel that it needs some major reworking (mostly for the powerups and menu). Just gonna leave the zip and apk here since I could not find a free version without going to some dodgy/shady website and I feel that it wasn't really worth the $3 I paid for it. https://gofile.io/d/2qfPqV
>>80345 they'd rather have the thread be a chain of samefags going back in forth between "CaN AnYoNe GiVe BloByGoN UpDaTe?" and "Go AwAy FuRrY" every time the other asks for an update on Famished, stfg.
Wholehog update?
Let's not fight, I asked for a game Feed the Dragon but ok, I guess is better give than receive. Wholehog 1.6 (PC): aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvQXhZQndKd1MjeUNDNFVOUTFKMVo5Njc1SG1TQzVPR25fNDBpT0Q2NmlyLTFVZmZSN0RkRQ==
>>80370 what if i'm stupid and have forgotten what to do with that string
lol nvm i rememberd
Remind me?
>>80377 You need to be able to speak the sacred machine code of Base 64
>>80393 Praise be to the Omnissiah, my brothers in the Machine God
>>80370 why do the images look so scuffed?
>>80364 you're better off looking on a dedicated vore board, famished is basic bitch material on boards dedicated to it
>>80396 Idk, this game's been like this forever, it's like the creator uses a Windows 95 to make this game.
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It's my turn to contribute to the pirate cause. These two games contain weight gain content, but it's quite difficult to get to it. I provide links to the source and for downloading. https://yuliya3k.itch.io/the-village-party https://mega.nz/file/yYV1DJDI#OtXpJHoeS4aaZe1863-66pt2gum8l8kT5xG_bcfrQUs https://nemtropy.itch.io/hobby-of-the-dukes-daughter https://mega.nz/file/SVkDVLoB#DB3hscnigk3tm6PgjacNGlaURhp8R-_E1jGBC_L1xoY
>>80432 sry but shit games
>>80436 >>80403 For a bunch of people who are into self-indulgent people with medical issues causing them to have heart diseases, feeling terrible doing slight exercise, constantly sweaty and feeling helpless most of the time, which also happen not to fall into the society standard of beauty, you're all awfully judgmental and rapid to yuck some other people's yum. Whatever happened to solidarity between perverts I ponder. Also, telling people to go away won't convince anyone, nothing stops people somewhere else to do exactly the same, doesn't mean anyone will comply, this is a thread about weight gain videogames, not a thread about "weight gain videogames with only the kinks I care about mixed in", save yourselves the energy. As of it being a vore game, I'll invite you to read the description of the /bbwalt board. > Slob, VORE, muscle, etc You could also argue that it's a furry game, but same problem, it falls into both categories, what's next, someone there telling people to go back here because "there's vore in it" ? If it fits, it sits.
>>80393 >>80394 Ironic that the certainty of steel is used to serve the pleasures of the flesh. Tread carefully, Brothers, the temptations of Slaanesh are not to be taken lightly.
>>80444 cry about it
Anyone have the new version of Feed My Affection?
>>80370 >>80432 Because no one said this, thank you kind Kings
>>80444 ok but to be fair the second guy shared a yuliya game. those "games" are actual asset flip shovelware VNs with the 3D equivalent of circle tool art
Anyone have TheGrowState's "Feeder Simulator"?
>>80516 It'll be free in 2 days
>>80517 then people will start asking for 0.2, since it's supposed to be out in 8 days. This game is being "guarded" too much by its dev
could someone share the current story guide for D.I.E.T.? the version I have is a fair few versions old
>>80531 Here's the guide that came with v0.31. Not current, but not too out of date. https://gofile.io/d/trf2k0
>>80419 OK not quite. From what I remeber of the devs posts he renders the images from I can't rember if it's Daz 3D or the other one using his CPU (I think maybe with integrated graphics) rather than a system with a dedicated GPU. Kind of impressive when you think about it
>>80534 bruh its 2025. you can get a good gpu below a 100 bucks
>>80534 Sorry, but a game where everything looks dark and static, while every single other Daz game at least looks polished to the bare minimum doesn't seem impressive to me
>>80532 tysm my friend
