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(1.03 MB 5326x4159 3488aa3ab5e195b86ef1.png)
Belly Fucking Thread Anonymous 08/21/2021 (Sat) 12:47:21 Id:820d76 No. 12560
Gather up Ladies and Gentlemen, we got ourselves a belly fucking thread cause 4chan hates it over there for some reason. Remember, the deeper the naval the better!
here some..
This thread was a LONG time coming. I especially love HooliganFreak’s work because of how much the bellies gurgle. almost as if the fucking is making their stomachs act weird
>>12566 Fuck yeah. Belly fucking is the best!
I have another idea for this thread, but I’m not sure since it isn’t really what people in this thread are exactly looking for: what if we also posted images of girls with very fuckable-looking bellies? I get so violently horny seeing a fat girl with a flabby double belly and deep navel because I can imagine it getting fucked hard. Would that be okay or not because it isn’t actual bellyfucking images
>>12568 I'm down with that
(240.30 KB 650x800 1627711581322.jpg)
(257.35 KB 720x1280 1627711501587.jpg)
(95.82 KB 850x740 1627711515215.jpg)
trying to revive this thread
(205.89 KB 2048x2048 1627711404214.jpg)
(566.16 KB 4096x3212 1627711332996.jpg)
(1.15 MB 1600x1200 1627711337448.jpg)
(1.15 MB 1280x1280 1627711439143.jpg)
https://spankbang.com/5lcuv/video/belly+button Oy we can post vids too right?
>>12569 Here are examples of what I meant. Look at their juict bellies with deep navels! they look perfectly fuckable.
some more examples, for good measure.
My Captcha is not working
(55.24 KB 716x768 IMG_8212.JPG)
(159.53 KB 1280x989 IMG_1426.JPG)
(80.07 KB 817x978 IMG_2328 2.JPG)
(659.54 KB 4000x3000 [CM] Atomic Appetites.jpg)
>>12673 Here’s some more good examples
(777.93 KB 1206x1326 Ec3UEi9XkAA2RnH.png)
(466.34 KB 2048x1881 E8_weBwXEAYDCNd.jpeg)
(213.36 KB 2048x1775 E8DutlOXsAA6UUT.jpeg)
(106.42 KB 1462x2048 E9ZqjMCXsAQp4WI.png)
(617.84 KB 1000x1200 1619777313392.png)
(684.68 KB 1000x1200 1619777347329.png)
(628.42 KB 1000x1200 1619777380858.png)
(115.76 KB 850x901 1616986918-picsay.jpg)
(824.10 KB 540x459 received_2799770440244417.gif)
(1.58 MB 855x479 received_473447606886406.gif)
(501.14 KB 2048x2029 E41XKPaX0AgFewd.jpeg)
>>12777 Souce?
(111.91 KB 1200x866 ERk7Xb1UUAAh9np.jpg)
(266.27 KB 1638x2048 EzcTdvmX0AAXzzu.jpeg)
>12794 Genkaku Cool Na Sensei Ga Aheboteochi Episode 2. Trust me though. It's really not worth it. It's only those two scenes.
(102.27 KB 845x900 1621954675-picsay~01.jpg)
>>12958 Artist?
>>12960 I found it in another belly fucking thread but if I had to wager a guess I'd say Mintrimo.
Some more, VERY fuckable bellies.
(1.02 MB 1280x1163 1520971313778.png)
(705.44 KB 1274x1622 1520971347308.png)
(48.45 KB 498x500 1622005644-picsay.jpg)
(136.63 KB 1848x1200 E3N-P4gXoAMly4w.jpeg)
(126.80 KB 1200x900 E1oFnOwWQAIMoxd.jpeg)
(106.64 KB 1755x2048 E_0h1NAVEBUuTMN.jpeg)
(554.48 KB 1961x2048 FA5rv0PWUAID6Np.jpeg)
(298.89 KB 1536x2048 FAtBRkDWQAAQBKz.jpeg)
>>13028 Source?
>>13737 I think that's Better-With-Salt, though I can't be 100% certain.
(288.19 KB 600x450 ezgif-3-0dafafe6e246.gif)
>>13737 Would also like the sauce on this one. Doesn't look like BWS to me.
>>13076 Where is he uploading this stuff? I can't find this one on any of his galleries, and I could be thinking of a different artist but I feel like 0lightsource used to put up a decent bit of BBW stuff outside of his one fat OC. Wasn't anything crazy, just thick/big girls and the odd sequence. Regardless of whether or not 0lightsource was responsible for those I wanna know where he's hiding all the goodies like this
(174.73 KB 2048x1813 E6opwCnWYAI_HDp.jpeg)
(95.85 KB 2028x2048 FCG1VTrWYAEdC4Y.jpeg)
(116.73 KB 2028x2048 FCG1YDIXEAY9RQn.jpeg)
(134.92 KB 2028x2048 FCG1ZhOWUAMwXUJ.jpeg)
The world needs more fat glory hole bellies!
>>13737 Goblant https://www.deviantart.com/goblant
(6.26 MB 1280x720 [HH]direct_PID[HD].mp4)
>>12913 Agreed, most of it is just this student horny for his teacher who after resisting his advances eventually gives in and with the help of the horny school nurse. Ya don't get to the scene till the end so I cut it down to the only scene worth watching
>>14074 Sauce?
R/Fatfucking is great for this thread
Also can we post more stuff here? I need more fap material lmao.
(777.93 KB 1206x1326 Ec3UEi9XkAA2RnH.png)
>>14146 Akky_on
>>14183 Anything else from burgerkurger? He made his twitter private a while ago.
>>14183 thanks
(275.83 KB 2048x1422 E0RgH-7XsAAJTRg.jpeg)
(308.90 KB 2048x1422 E0RgIXnXsAEL-CW.jpeg)
Hooliganfreak is like the patron saint of belly fucking.
(196.53 KB 1075x1029 Gussiekins-724237-mimibellyfuck.png)
(46.79 KB 900x366 Ev5bzHiWgAEU-tr.jpeg)
(86.11 KB 1200x1200 FDtQ8ytWQAgy0Aq.jpeg)
(89.82 KB 1200x1200 FDtQ80gWYAAP1KK.jpeg)
(96.64 KB 1200x1200 FDtQ82RWYAMwyj8.jpeg)
(74.27 KB 673x675 FCPBxfdWYAIf2HO.png)
(273.64 KB 2048x1340 E3ykhXIVgAATTdK.jpeg)
(110.26 KB 900x861 1638417440-picsay.jpg)
>>12566 wait when did superspoe make the middle one?
>>14051 source?
(556.80 KB 2048x1925 FHfAIISXIAMylKm.jpeg)
>>14074 Do you have drawings similar to this? I remember seeing one with two glory holes
(144.41 KB 1240x1754 E7eWgRiVoAQk4Xb.jpeg)
(143.87 KB 1240x1754 E7eWgRlUcAcyx6K.jpeg)
(165.33 KB 1240x1754 E7eWgRiVoAMM_5X.jpeg)
(58.36 KB 724x1024 E6lZa4oVIAMCw5R.jpeg)
(63.96 KB 724x1024 E6lZa4kVgAI9lBr.jpeg)
(64.03 KB 724x1024 E6lZa4mUcAEeMjU.jpeg)
(125.68 KB 1536x2048 E0n2_D-VIAItHNk.jpeg)
(186.33 KB 1536x2048 E0n2_EAUcAkRH2G.jpeg)
(214.33 KB 1536x2048 E0n2_EAVgAESqoG.jpeg)
(80.28 KB 873x1200 EXifBOqXgAkJsyO.jpeg)
>>13026 Need source on Daisy
>>17854 @SweetnessAdmir1 on Twitter
>>17828 >>17830 Wish there were versions of these were you can actually see the girls and their reactions to being belly-fucked
(56.78 KB 900x597 FHVwLREXoAAXOYE.jpeg)
>>17884 >>12560 Who's the artist?
>>17901 Hooligan-Freak
>>17901 Imagine liking bellyfucking and not noticing Hooligan's style instantly. the dude is like the #1 bellyfuck artist lmao
(90.14 KB 969x966 dwawdawd.png)
(256.32 KB 1306x743 bellyfuck.png)
>>17970 The fat community always had subpar anatomy, shows in his "dicks"
>>18907 Do you happen to have this in higher quality? I can't make out the text of what the characters are saying. Also curious on the artist.
(117.68 KB 1077x1280 1539132912.mizpanda_fat_elf_2.png)
(4.50 MB 2050x4096 A Nice Day_20220302230255.png)
>>18911 Artist is gassy-chan
>>18980 Artist?
>>18984 Gussiekins. This is their character, Nora.
People seem to like her even though I made her as a self-indulgent joke character
(52.29 KB 659x680 EzxU1NXXEAQXr2j.jpeg)
(45.06 KB 680x672 EzxU4SLWUAcTD7y.jpeg)
(166.55 KB 2048x1807 FQ26yu2X0AAS8-s (1).jpeg)
(646.61 KB 600x614 ezgif-2-1bab66bdab.gif)
>>19554 Who made this?
(3.22 MB 600x614 ezgif-1-4201db57a8.gif)
>>19604 Ashvenit
(370.74 KB 1146x1800 FRnFmzoXMAAGuk7.jpeg)
(77.11 KB 681x900 FN1vq4dWYAYMTCm.jpeg)
(166.55 KB 2048x1807 FQ26yu2X0AAS8-s.jpeg)
(52.29 KB 659x680 EzxU1NXXEAQXr2j.jpeg)
(45.06 KB 680x672 EzxU4SLWUAcTD7y.jpeg)
(91.54 KB 1200x1029 FVcivPrXoAEsD0I.png)
(66.97 KB 1200x1013 FVcivPwXoAAyyxH.jfif)
(79.49 KB 1200x1071 FVcivQeXEAEP1KR.jfif)
(94.68 KB 817x493 1580192561887.png)
(1.87 MB 2047x1872 198291op10l001.png)
>>21153 Where did you get those? Please post more when you will have some new ones. >Inb4 crappy edit, picrelated
>>21998 I don't really remember where I got them but here is some more
(54.00 KB 332x332 1543289652255.png)
>>22002 Cheers, King.
(1.63 MB 2628x2244 image_2022-07-12_215902720.png)
(1.68 MB 3864x2784 image_2022-07-12_220236054.png)
(2.01 MB 2352x2441 image_2022-07-12_220333807.png)
(1.13 MB 2812x2060 image_2022-07-12_220355409.png)
I like to interpret some of soft spots' art as the feeder being able to use the growling of the feedee's belly like a vibrator.
(261.36 KB 1770x2048 FVPxkIHXoAAej_m.jpeg)
(218.72 KB 1903x2048 FVPx6p6XsAEL8M2.jpeg)
>>13803 i know its been literal ages but does anyone know the source for this one?
>>22546 nevermind I found it. https://aryion.com/g4/view/728057
(154.99 KB 1500x1500 EwZIcGKWYAAA_5d.jpeg)
(151.21 KB 1500x1500 EwZIcGKWYAMXUbR.jpeg)
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(246.53 KB 2048x1463 FY3-orIWAAEfj0D.png)
(71.03 KB 900x855 FbwFKqUWAAA_e7f.jpeg)
>>23541 Source?
(211.42 KB 2048x2048 FYPb-ZjWYAEmRuB.jpeg)
(186.25 KB 1911x2048 FRGMtVaXEAAWTVI.jpeg)
(260.96 KB 2048x1566 FdrHZI8UUAA-iRA.jpeg)
(208.96 KB 2048x1451 EtjZRrwXMAErh-a.jpeg)
(222.18 KB 2048x1451 EtjZT8XXYAE5H3B.jpeg)
I will never let this thread die.
I kind of remember this one image of Frankie getting bellyfucked while lying down, but don’t know the exact details. Does anyone have that image or anything similar?
>>26864 *Frankie Foster
(1.73 MB 3000x2500 Frankie Cookie BellyFuck.png)
>>26864 You mean this one?
(288.48 KB 1200x1147 IMG_20221011_214038.jpg)
(288.79 KB 1200x1145 IMG_20221011_214055.jpg)
(291.72 KB 1200x1145 IMG_20221011_214111.jpg)
(295.27 KB 1200x1144 IMG_20221011_214126.jpg)
>>26217 Excellent work you've brought here. Mind providing teh sauce? Here's my Mega stash of HooliganFreak's work. Duplicate it and use with care, upload you favorite stuff from there too. https://mega.nz/folder/KIQXwYBY#wFS3jZXABmHhEQc2KQ54wQ
>>26889 Found them on Twitter but the person who commissioned didn't state the name of the artist.
(705.44 KB 1274x1622 1520971347308.png)
(63.97 KB 720x900 FLcnpSgXIAQBz60.jpeg)
(808.83 KB 4910x3471 1.jpeg)
(40.09 KB 900x783 FhMXaAHUAAAOuye.jpeg)
(64.84 KB 680x677 Fh0qle-VEAAVc52.jpeg)
(65.46 KB 680x676 Fh0qle9VEAAuYnv.jpeg)
Bumping so hard rn gimme more of this goodness
(917.90 KB 2911x4096 20221221_204026.jpg)
Does anyone know who made this?
(238.20 KB 1937x2048 FlP2Q6QaMAAQf2T.jpeg)
(280.14 KB 2560x1600 1671135533409503.jpg)
>>30346 Inky kinks on Twitter
>>14136 Where is that from
(145.93 KB 1024x814 Fmx3GNjXEAs4pDZ.jpeg)
(192.81 KB 1937x2048 Fm20TFbaUAE7Suw.jpeg)
(253.25 KB 1937x2048 Fm20TFcakAUYEj0.jpeg)
(219.12 KB 1937x2048 Fm20UZoaAAAKSes.jpeg)
(280.70 KB 1937x2048 Fm20UbLagAAR2UK.jpeg)
>>31033 sauce?
(260.00 KB 2065x1785 1674781749.art-act_kuja_thedrill.jpg)
>>31215 @SonicLagann on twitter
(91.82 KB 1200x900 Fn75pxEaUAIciGR.jpg)
(214.82 KB 2048x1536 FoKRLtTaEAIrwfL.jpeg)
(154.23 KB 720x1113 1591569400869.jpg)
(224.14 KB 1082x948 1614637046423.png)
(111.08 KB 729x1056 0023.jpg)
(2.56 MB 2791x3134 1619216449618.jpg)
we do a little collecting
>>32044 Nice! Can you link where you found it?
>>31749 I beg of you for the sauce.
>>32810 The artist's name is Cakens they are only on Twitter as far as I know.
>>32044 Who is the artist of the third picture?
(113.61 KB 1024x830 FrcLIL0WIAAxeC2.jpeg)
(84.73 KB 680x575 FriZ3vXWIAEoRfy.jpeg)
>>33594 A mangaka called Tetsujinex. I think this is the only work they did with belly fucking.
(358.59 KB 2048x1820 Fu_GN35WcAM4GCm.jpeg)
(367.27 KB 2048x1820 Fu_GN4JWAAYDGUa.jpeg)
(386.64 KB 2048x1820 Fu_GN4OWYAA22Uf.jpeg)
(415.38 KB 2048x1820 Fu_GN36X0AQzl0u.jpeg)
(141.49 KB 1200x894 FwYT6jeXwAAPdPK_1.jpg)
(105.35 KB 1200x1165 EfKrYXsXoAAg8z0.jpg)
(107.84 KB 1200x1165 EfKrZMCXsAMp5na.jpg)
(103.65 KB 1200x1165 EfKrWhQWsAAjv3k.jpg)
(107.23 KB 1200x1165 EfKrXI2XkAEaKP3.jpg)
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(46.53 KB 960x530 received_1012965256105016.jpeg)
(50.04 KB 960x623 received_526205745141540.jpeg)
(35.51 KB 960x623 received_848541992532454.jpeg)
(141.36 KB 869x960 received_366378145076258.jpeg)
I am the artist of these photos
(131.41 KB 1200x720 FrtfbJAXoAAnZqV_4.jpg)
(155.28 KB 1200x689 FrtfbIkWIAM_ZOs_4.jpg)
(163.27 KB 1200x665 FrtfbJBXoAAijYa_4.jpg)
Does anyone have fnf gf belly fucking?
(251.94 KB 2048x2048 Fce1nU4WQAAkeFH.jpeg)
(570.48 KB 1877x2048 1687414550094563.jpg)
(302.16 KB 1495x2048 FoD6vCMXwAQ_8_Q.jpeg)
Can't have my favorite thread dying on me!
(295.46 KB 2048x1894 FzuxT9WX0A4kr7R.jpeg)
(313.88 KB 2048x1894 FzuxT9WXoAAS6An.jpeg)
>>38356 Nope, sorry mate.
>>39016 Source on second image?
(673.24 KB 1807x1794 mamustard_bellyfuck_comm_VkUA0QW.jpg)
(62.75 KB 800x600 naveljob_L3gSJQI.png)
(68.72 KB 800x600 naveljob1_vPJBKnm.png)
(753.97 KB 3044x2511 hooligan_2_vdxiH7Z.png)
Somewhat considering archiving all this belly fucking art.
>>38320 Souce on all of this? Cant find it with reverse image
(1.66 MB 6433x3300 rosegold_com_492023_LA0pyvI.png)
>>39287 Ashvenit is the artist.
>>39338 Thanks.
>>39189 If you do, can you zip it all up and upload?
>>39338 source? name in file name wasnt coming up with anything on google?
(389.01 KB 980x980 Fu67cN1aMAAGuaQ.jpg)
(3.80 MB 1280x720 BellyFuck)
Anymore belly fucking animations out there?
>>40634 Artist?
>>40646 Primesui
(274.10 KB 850x1012 1524017617907.jpg)
(94.57 KB 1200x1018 Ez7ZEanXoAMk0ko.jpg)
(134.71 KB 1280x1106 1622006355-picsay.jpg)
(1.67 MB 5120x2880 ff04d8cd515a1dfbfd88.jpg)
(1.74 MB 5120x2880 1c2e68e3e9ae1236b2d5.jpg)
(2.04 MB 3505x3000 Queen Nailah Bellyfuck.jpg)
Here's an art piece I did a while ago, hope it's good enough anons
>>42282 Looks great! Got anymore?
(2.37 MB 3585x3065 comm belly job.jpg)
>>42285 Last time I drew belly fucking was last summer when I got comm'd. Honestly wish I did more with BG, but it is what it is
(176.68 KB 1384x1492 Fv-h1PVXgAMcmVx_3.png)
>>21153 Do you have a white version of that pyra and mythra one? (I’m not racist.)
(52.42 KB 540x578 IMG_1267.jpeg)
(184.28 KB 1088x1183 IMG_1269.jpeg)
(84.71 KB 927x612 IMG_1268.jpeg)
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(53.32 KB 584x612 IMG_1274.jpeg)
(141.61 KB 1088x777 IMG_1271.jpeg)
@WeirdDeviant on twitter I live for this shit this man draws
(1.68 MB 2029x2454 bellyfuck.png)
I will not let this thread die.
(277.27 KB 2222x2177 20230903_020313.jpg)
(275.49 KB 2347x2191 20230903_020311.jpg)
(302.45 KB 2048x1707 F5xr63CXsAAMThc.jpeg)
Oh no we not letting this thread die Bumpbump
(137.72 KB 900x1200 F7uVLSGXUAAlB9J.jpg)
>>45037 holy shit sauce for this?
(234.00 KB 2400x1563 cafebig4.jpg)
(210.77 KB 4096x1434 F7kIPTlXcAAEa1E.jpg)
(126.72 KB 2048x1458 F95UzdTW8AAizvQ.jpeg)
(159.07 KB 2048x1458 F95U0mGWUAAOl4K.jpeg)
>>36521 Gonna need a sauce on this one
(79.21 KB 1280x509 12.jpg)
(74.60 KB 1280x405 19.jpg)
(43.53 KB 1280x551 14.jpg)
(56.52 KB 967x810 13.jpg)
Im trying to revive the thread
Mei anim done by bloggerman Other done by primesui
(105.45 KB 1200x857 F__gWROWYAAFQaa.jpeg)
(165.58 KB 1000x1200 F9NaSAna4AAvgnH.jpeg)
(164.60 KB 1000x1200 F9NaSBFa8AAF-4o.jpeg)
Not letting this thread fade away from existence
(986.62 KB 3920x3500 20231208_103731.jpg)
(87.26 KB 1085x912 20231207_094628.jpg)
(999.95 KB 3920x3500 20231208_103732.jpg)
(522.34 KB 3277x4096 20231207_011957.jpg)
>>48526 who drew the second one?
>>48538 Whos that
>>39635 Sauce?
>>48538 Gabbadraws >>48551 Sadayo Kawakami from Persona 5 >>48679 Thegreatday on Deviantart
(550.62 KB 3000x2040 20231207_094248.jpg)
(470.00 KB 3120x2720 20231207_094145.jpg)
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(57.46 KB 488x297 FsF9yYNXgAE3a4T.png)
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(164.60 KB 1000x1200 F9NaSBFa8AAF-4o.jpeg)
(165.58 KB 1000x1200 F9NaSAna4AAvgnH.jpeg)
Ain't letting my favorite thread vanish from existence!
(138.46 KB 904x1200 F6XayxZaYAAAS-y.jpg)
(87.14 KB 1200x857 Fz2xFR_WcAAMWLi.png)
(128.81 KB 1101x1080 E9LCbVWWQAc90fl.jpg)
(152.07 KB 2400x1176 rendercombined.jpg)
(101.17 KB 1200x1200 FuCZtjRakAYnQL3.png)
(165.78 KB 1024x866 FriZ3vXWIAEoRfy.jpg)
>>26889 Reup of this please?
(256.79 KB 2000x1500 20240304_085507.jpg)
(232.00 KB 800x800 20240304_085538.jpg)
(106.24 KB 1200x1200 FKd18EpVQAAeeck (1).jpg)
(135.00 KB 950x1200 FvaV6iWXsAI-z4j.jpg)
(1.14 MB 1500x2250 20240304_085514.jpg)
>>12565 what the fuck is that second one
(232.55 KB 2500x2008 20240305_234514.jpg)
(465.65 KB 1830x1664 20240305_234321.jpg)
(130.14 KB 1200x1001 FgQrD8cX0AA85KG.jpg)
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(5.01 MB 3137x3190 sq3.jpg)
(78.74 KB 1200x978 GKvCxuhXgAA5pbO.jpg)
Not going to let this thread die.
(318.18 KB 1933x2048 20240414_233225.jpg)
(476.80 KB 2477x2126 FaeQlK-WAAIQAnd.jpg)
(3.00 MB 3500x2824 20240506_082413.jpg)
(4.69 MB 3500x2824 20240506_082419.jpg)
Don't want this thread to die, have a fuckable belly
(1.41 MB 2980x3200 20240518_092043.jpg)
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Spoiler because there is blueberry
>>59748 Source?
(186.40 KB 2048x1676 GL-Dp7PWkAEfTVd.jpeg)
(581.56 KB 3506x4096 media_Fg6FSLDWQAMhI4b.jpg)
>>60264 Ngl, but I'm starting to think hooliganfreak peaked in late 2022 - early 2023. With occasional blurts of good stuff. I suspect it's the way bellies are drawn now, they're looking lumpy (?) and the belly button is shaded with pure black and is drawn like (X), roughly put. It's not complete fall from grace, but the earlier style did look nicer, at least for me. >Pic 1 (new) >Pic 2 (old)
(338.36 KB 2048x1639 GNgvSN6WAAE1jF2.jpeg)
(595.76 KB 3558x3978 media_FgLSyf0X0AYNBop.jpg)
Again, new and old stuff. Looking haggish on the newer pictures, honestly.
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>>62249 >Furfag shit
>>62249 Isn't furry art segregated to /bbfurries/?
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>>60936 Yo you got a source on that fourth pic?
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Finished this yesterday, sorry if y'all not into clown girls
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Spoiler because the one doing the fucking may be furry, but I'm not 100% sure because of style. If I'm being dumb, oh well
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By BorisGrim414 on twitter
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>>62680 Sauce?
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>>67275 Could that be the Fairy Godmother from Billy & Mandy? If that’s the case, that is sooo HOT!!! She deserves more recognition.
>>68362 I meant Blue Fairy, sorry.
Some Big ol tumbs brawling to revive this thread
>>69425 >>69426 Double posting and you couldn't even manage to scrounge up an image that has actual belly fucking in it at that, good job retard.
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>>65309 What artist is this from?
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(263.85 KB 2000x1936 [email protected])
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Looking to hone my craft while keeping this thread alive. Give me some obscure characters to draw. No furries or lolis please.
>>75313 Based. Either DDLC Yuri or MHA Uraraka are my suggestions
>>75313 Shit only just read obscure lol - well either them, Cala Maria from cuphead, or Sadie Miller from Steven Universe
(163.61 KB 331x455 Amber.png)
(507.03 KB 1778x2619 Telma.jpg)
(63.70 KB 529x768 Doris.jpg)
>>75313 Amber from DQ11, Telma from Twilight Princess, or Doris from Wild Guns.
>>75313 FNF Girlfriend. And before you ask, she is canonicaly 19
>>75394 Anon they said obscure characters not ones that everyone and their mother have drawn
(21.00 KB 265x478 WAxfEdna.webp)
(68.37 KB 535x750 a_vampyre_story_reduced.jpg)
Greetings my esteemed fellow bellyfucking bohemians, art anon here. I realize now I should have been less vague in my requirements. Even though I like a couple of the choices like Cala Maria and Telma (Telma in particular was inspired, don't recall seeing much art of her) they are both characters from two wildly popular series. Lard Lass (Bacon Man: An Adventure), Edna Warren (Wild Arms XF) Mona De Lafitte (A Vampyre Story) would be good examples of obscure.
(4.01 MB 1500x2000 resize.png)
Now with that out of the way, here's the Telma sketch so you can see my progress. Been trying to avoid the dreaded 3/4 view trap.
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(177.62 KB 961x1481 ybge708q8sqa1_(1).jpg)
>>75313 Care do a ninja?
(1.07 MB 1005x921 Nefaria.PNG)
>>75313 Surely a character from a long dead mobile game counts as obscure
>>75520 Bellybutton needs to be lower, also she needs to look up at you given that you look down on every part of her body here except for the face. I get it's easier to draw a face this was but messing up perspective can mess up your whole piece.
>>63014 Do you have a source for this one
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(2.65 MB 2924x3284 Le_Creme_(1)_(1).png)
Fuck it, OC art just so that this thread doesn't vanish. Sorry if clowns ain't your thing.
>>73242 Artist?
>>71628 Anyone know the giga mermaid artist?
(230.37 KB 1603x1041 GilXt-EWoAAFkpm.jpeg)
(484.22 KB 2048x1611 GilXt-EWkAAGLFQ.jpeg)
>>79941 Primesui
>>77531 It’s peak
