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Type Moon alt thread Anonymous 05/26/2022 (Thu) 23:05:25 Id:56092f No. 20544
There are a lot of girls from fate, tsukihime, canan, etc.
(94.01 KB 858x1154 13_84426933_p4_2_.jpg)
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Some asagami
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Does anyone have a follow up?
>>30152 Yo, sauce for those Marie and Anastasia ones?
>>30202 Looks like Beltbuster.
>>30202 >>30231 Yeah, that I know, since his name is on them. But specifically, where are they from? Neither of these are in his Kemono or DA. Does he Beltbuster have some secret stash I'm not aware of?
(400.04 KB 2048x2048 Ei7rRo0XsAsjD1c.jpeg.jpg)
(42.29 KB 600x847 75131777_p0_master1200.webp)
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I remember there was another illya ssbbw immobile image that was similar to this image and position and just as big Can someone find it?
(2.88 MB 1661x2080 Untitled_10.png)
>>30239 Anyone still got any info on this?
Sunny made a nice, wholesome picture of Gudako being turned into a mana battery. btw, I remember seeing a while back a pic about a fat Marie Alter using her definitely, absolutely canon Noble Phantasm, "Let them eat cake" Anyone here know where I could find it? And before anyone uploads the recent pic by Adipose Saleswoman, the one I'm looking for is specifically Marie Alter.
Not sure why that last one didn't include the pic. Website acting weird again.
>>31055 >>31056 Holy shit, third time's the charm.
Anyone got some sauce for this?
>>30297 This it?
>>31055 Still wondering about this. Anyone know where I could find the pic?
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>>34570 Sauce on the first one?
(311.21 KB 2048x1740 IMG_6850.jpeg)
(624.70 KB 3008x2286 FyBm0ehXoAkOOMd.jpg)
There really should be more art of Parvati's Valentine's Scene.
(802.93 KB 2226x1920 FydpvzQaIAETcay.jpg)
>>38091 >>37331 Praise be to Adipose, long may she reign.
(2.30 MB 4000x2466 Barghest.png)
Anyone got tam Lin Tristan and Gawain?
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Any sei shougan?
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>>36538 Any more anne bonny and read
Can someone find more lluvia?
(4.23 MB 1792x828 IMG_7347.png)
She doesn’t care about her weight Any art about her?
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Thats all the avalon girls
(527.30 KB 1888x2048 IMG_2557.jpg)
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We definitely need more Gudako fat art.
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>>51163 Which Fate character is this? I don't recognize what she's wearing.
>>51167 It's Melusine in her swimsuit.
(195.72 KB 2048x1580 IMG_8753.jpg)
>>51163 I wish there was more fat méusine artwork xd as this is the only one I have
>>51927 Hail the Empress
These are just two commissions I received of my beloved Van Gogh, today I feel generous and if you want I'll post more
Please do! Goghy doesn't get enough art!
(155.44 KB 1152x2048 l7QWzGib.jpg_large.jpg)
(85.93 KB 2005x1017 g_EctxYW.jpg_large.jpg)
He painted so many works in his lifetime and now she receives so few...
(198.89 KB 1707x2048 FulhSmWWYAAMwxq.jpg)
(4.69 MB 2894x4093 108550943_p0.jpg)
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(498.16 KB 2587x1632 GLsNgewWgAAg_Sa.jpg)
(229.62 KB 1811x1200 F0wUs-1acAEaF9l.jpg)
>>49856 source?
>>58978 Stop posting male in /alt
(946.68 KB 2079x3213 GPzayOlWoAEraa9.jpg)
(849.40 KB 2079x3213 GPzayOlXAAAD5Tx.jpg)
Man, I'm feeling really conflicted with this comic. On one hand I love the concept, but the broken English just completely pulls me out of it. Like, this is unironically one of those times where the Artist would've gotten better results from literally just using Google Translate.
(125.14 KB 875x913 IMG_8536.jpeg)
As a suggestion, it would be good to see the works of Ashenwolf55 and Nikutsuki related to Fate
(192.76 KB 900x1200 GRGdItaWAAAcvmD.png)
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And someone have this?
>>73193 For real. I wish someone would update motimothi's Kemono. Though with the constant 504 Gateway Timeouts, I can see why some people are fed up with the site.
(300.97 KB 2028x2048 GN40Gk-W0AA8nfx.jpeg)
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(7.79 MB 4500x4000 Medusa_Hakuno.png)
>>79825 Source?
