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(644.22 KB 2183x2810 1591058569254.png)
Persona girls alt thread Anonymous 06/29/2020 (Mon) 07:02:20 Id:4f2a8b No. 2687
Where one could post persona art any at kind
(290.56 KB 618x684 1596324673105.png)
(84.23 KB 1280x1147 1596425147496.jpg)
(2.95 MB 4836x5049 1596388074309.png)
(114.85 KB 1638x1497 1596341312868.jpg)
(619.02 KB 2200x1600 1596423891562.png)
(75.84 KB 600x900 1596392195457.jpg)
(211.88 KB 2048x1502 1594644943067.jpg)
(223.58 KB 1685x1308 1594299944488.jpg)
(1.69 MB 5363x3875 1594727757522.jpg)
(168.03 KB 1280x1489 1596392843750.jpg)
(752.10 KB 1400x1300 1596392948240.png)
(1.37 MB 800x1118 1596395898764.png)
(108.80 KB 600x591 20200825_210431.jpg)
does anyone have the image of ann kasumi and makoto chungusart made?
(5.77 MB 3500x5000 chungusart ann makoto kasumi.png)
>>3806 It took a metric fuckton of digging, but here it is
>>3806 >>3829 lol its surprising seeing someone looking for that com so sad that we couldnt make it a sequence
>>3831 Honestly I nearly gave up and was about to dm you and ask if you had a copy, but I eventually found it sitting around in my files
>>3834 Its my commission of course i'd have a copy of it i save all my commissions Morphs/drawings/custom videos/stories
>>3831 >>3835 Just wanna say that I salute your supreme taste. And thank you for all the great fat Ann art you’ve commissioned. She’s best Persona 5 girl and deserves all the fats, certainly more so than god damn Haru and Futaba. Hot take but those two were the worst
>>3838 Lmao thanks Currently not getting any new P5 fats for a while Sticking with Archer (lana,pam,Cheryl) and Futurama (Leela and Amy) Also more Rey
anyone got gnibbles' slobby persona girls?
(6.17 MB 4533x1556 170957089651.png)
>>3909 do you have some of his p3 and p4 slobs?
(238.95 KB 1280x610 Persona8.jpg)
(209.12 KB 1280x480 Persona9.jpg)
(196.51 KB 1280x772 Persona.jpg)
(1.72 MB 1161x1458 vUlPAY.png)
>>3944 i remember him posting a big chie and yukiko, do you have that?
(200.70 KB 767x885 84046966947.jpg)
(166.24 KB 983x889 73401919312.jpg)
(9.05 MB 3529x1701 p4.png)
(179.82 KB 1280x665 Persona11.jpg)
(791.99 KB 1908x1268 1606957358515.png)
(3.79 MB 1647x2415 1607026670512.png)
(205.27 KB 1412x1512 1606230863594.jpg)
(3.99 MB 5500x2700 1605273363262.png)
(451.75 KB 4096x2960 1606086756137.jpg)
(56.54 KB 969x651 1606060682376.jpg)
(167.19 KB 1613x1608 EoM6wfZUYAI3UVt.jpeg.jpg)
Got some Chie art from @darkfireballz
>>5660 Is there more chie art from @darkfireballz ?
(117.37 KB 600x491 20201208_084433.jpg)
(120.73 KB 2048x1076 EnH-wD2XIAE7LuX.jpeg.jpg)
(462.96 KB 553x856 20190331111013-226e6e8d-la.png)
(274.79 KB 553x856 20190331110207-7b3facf1-la.png)
(297.77 KB 553x856 20190331110620-c93c82d2-la.png)
(435.60 KB 553x856 20190331111303-16a76b2c-la.png)
(296.96 KB 553x856 20190331110637-d358b276-la.png)
(405.57 KB 553x856 20190331111139-7fdceb3c-la.png)
(384.09 KB 553x856 20190110130100-0d6d31ae-la.png)
(176.19 KB 1107x856 20190215165358-f11d03db-la.jpg)
(253.13 KB 888x1005 20201215_174448.jpg)
(336.14 KB 850x947 20201215_174502.jpg)
(406.36 KB 2166x3309 Sadayo Kawakami.jpg)
(365.72 KB 2610x3082 model 1.jpg)
(375.80 KB 2610x3082 model2.jpg)
(892.89 KB 4000x4000 Ann 8.jpg)
(340.72 KB 1855x2617 Ann 1.jpg)
(230.68 KB 1345x2748 Ann 2.jpg)
(243.75 KB 1423x2748 Ann 3.jpg)
(313.11 KB 1765x2748 Ann 4.jpg)
(316.74 KB 2361x2681 Ann 5.jpg)
(778.31 KB 3241x3191 ann 7.jpg)
(109.12 KB 1099x1951 Sae.jpg)
(1.00 MB 4481x3873 Ann 6.jpg)
(566.23 KB 2949x2296 Dr. Takemi Snack Shop Alt 2.jpg)
(707.21 KB 3256x2828 Snack Burgler Ann.jpg)
(809.88 KB 4000x4000 Ann no text or blush.jpg)
(1.06 MB 5873x2748 Ann 0.jpg)
>>6229 you got the rest of that ann sequence
>>6236 Isn't there more variants?
Can we get some Sumo Persona girls in this thread?
(168.29 KB 1544x2048 D-aR45tXkAIyatJ.jpeg.jpg)
More yukiko
(266.20 KB 1676x2048 Eqapl0oUYAIG3Ul.jpeg.jpg)
anyone got some slobby anns?
(140.88 KB 1358x1746 EuLzq5rVcAEAY3U.jpeg.jpg)
(260.75 KB 2048x1365 EuTUmS3XEAAFqxl.jpeg.jpg)
(208.66 KB 2048x971 EuTUn3FXYAElm5D.jpeg.jpg)
(219.14 KB 2048x1365 EuTUoveXYAEytbE.jpeg.jpg)
Persona will forever suck with the first two being the best ones ever, y’all can go suck a fart from a landwhale LOL
>>8232 imagine going to a fat porn site and typing this
>>8237 come back when you have better tastes, anon
(198.81 KB 2048x1934 EwOqql5WYAEOYgE.jpeg.jpg)
(330.31 KB 2048x1487 EkbJ2bTVMAAa8o-.jpeg.jpg)
(198.43 KB 2048x1517 EwT5XDTXIAMjhQv.jpeg.jpg)
Anyone got force feeding images?
More haru would be nice
>>8317 >>8318 source?
>>8331 They were made by Anthroskunkfromthe90s before he deleted them
>>8337 They look nothing like his art, are they super old or something?
That wouldn't really make sense either because, yknow, persona 5 is a pretty recent game. Unless anthroskunk has been doing this for much less time than I thought.
>>8474 He’s been doing this kind of art for a while before quitting and returning as Puntthepoodle
(180.10 KB 2048x917 Ewoev_9WYAUoYve.jpeg.jpg)
(132.41 KB 2048x1332 Emp16ehVEAAdP1L.jpeg.jpg)
(292.00 KB 1756x2048 Emp18O6VgAEGOqu.jpeg.jpg)
>>8486 Okay so I'm a bit late but I'm in a server with pint the poodle and believe me they never posted this
(196.50 KB 1297x2048 ExW4_pdU8Ag87jX.jpeg.jpg)
(116.43 KB 1500x1200 1006540622122094592_1.jpg)
(126.36 KB 1500x1200 1006540622122094592_2.jpg)
(172.49 KB 1200x1125 1044689117815218176_1.jpg)
(327.25 KB 1500x2000 1010160872298295296_1.jpg)
(68.80 KB 1250x650 1049652399122604032_2.jpg)
(123.37 KB 1150x900 1051896971408093185_1.jpg)
(124.13 KB 1500x1000 1071455659550478336_1.jpg)
(100.39 KB 1500x1000 1104375403303616512_1.jpg)
(98.33 KB 1180x1300 1107424452885786624_1.jpg)
(95.43 KB 850x950 1118908905130725377_1.jpg)
(152.95 KB 1500x1000 1121087315567423489_1.jpg)
(584.62 KB 4096x2300 1164181620636684288_1.jpg)
(298.68 KB 2500x1600 1206684139128315910_1.jpg)
(833.87 KB 4096x2731 1173245573371240453_1.jpg)
(566.83 KB 3900x2400 1168501986913857536_1.jpg)
(303.63 KB 2400x2000 1240048520213790721_1.jpg)
(368.71 KB 2100x2000 1213207971787923459_1.jpg)
(803.31 KB 3750x2990 1319642168622022656_1.jpg)
(635.75 KB 4096x2731 1215028860485603334_1.jpg)
(64.87 KB 771x691 1271533691991359490_1.png)
(619.02 KB 2200x1600 1283431769048592385_1.png)
(391.41 KB 3000x1800 1297243729787486215_1.jpg)
(682.50 KB 4096x1946 1310323813498982400_1.jpg)
(168.17 KB 1500x1500 1333438218440765440_1.jpg)
>>8488 Sauce?
(413.57 KB 2048x1384 EyEPMFBXMAIVNUu.jpeg.jpg)
(32.03 KB 641x800 Untitled.png)
Does anyone have some slobby makoto?
(233.37 KB 2048x1692 Ey7yyLOUUAQw1nn.jpeg.jpg)
(185.92 KB 1881x1846 E0d6ZQaVcAA3VND.jpeg.jpg)
(163.47 KB 600x800 20210611_224556.jpg)
(111.78 KB 1174x1644 E4U4L-mUcAYP-tI.jpeg.jpg)
(243.36 KB 1536x2048 E3w5474VoAMA-Hj.jpeg.jpg)
(191.44 KB 1650x1275 r6udvUuQ.jpeg.jpg)
(178.56 KB 1650x1275 yeEcV9yQ.jpeg.jpg)
(188.43 KB 1650x1275 7CARfK-Q.jpeg.jpg)
(159.21 KB 1650x1275 3qdP0yjA.jpeg.jpg)
(174.85 KB 1650x1275 KqS0vEbw.jpeg.jpg)
(170.79 KB 1650x1275 voKUjKYg.jpeg.jpg)
(170.11 KB 1650x1275 Oo2wsyxg.jpeg.jpg)
(350.63 KB 1275x1650 6h__oYOw.jpeg.jpg)
(276.53 KB 1650x1275 qgD0XB9w.jpeg.jpg)
(245.83 KB 1650x1275 Qs7ce7hw.jpeg.jpg)
(270.64 KB 1650x1275 EzJ_9oiw.jpeg.jpg)
(302.49 KB 1650x1275 UMuLYS-w.jpeg.jpg)
(219.65 KB 2100x1800 20210605_102032.jpg)
(4.70 MB 9000x6384 poodle11212.jpg)
Does anyone got any Lavenza art? From all that I've searched I don't think anyones made any art of her yet, only the twins.
(122.31 KB 2000x1175 lavenza.JPG)
>>12017 This is the only fat Lavenza art I know of.
(96.18 KB 1000x815 pinn_ups_mitsuru.jpg)
(1.02 MB 2500x1600 file1.png)
(3.31 MB 5700x3200 file(13).png)
(131.20 KB 1140x1448 E8q7_dSUYAIoluu.jpeg.jpg)
(223.47 KB 2042x2048 E4MfdV9VgAAr-0B.jpeg.jpg)
(2.70 MB 2500x3000 KasumiTB.png)
Did some digging and found that this was hard to find. I check my files and I lost a piece with a Ann and Kasumi in bikinis. I have the normal version but I can't seem to access the sweat alt.
(222.71 KB 2048x1417 IMG_20200307_082447.jpg)
(166.26 KB 866x736 20210912_163827.png)
(136.03 KB 1024x1393 Tumblr_l_901606434493315.jpg)
>>13185 Who's the artist?
Does anyone know or have a fat face Naoto that’s just her with a donut stuffed in her mouth and her cheeks are covered in food?
>>14249 Bump
>>14155 is there a full version of this?
(134.03 KB 1500x1000 FHgzQW2aIAUOodd.jpeg.jpg)
(940.55 KB 2048x1687 FH4QtoIXwAEUggh.png)
Does anyone have this art of Makoto from YummySinpie?
>>6236 Anyone have the other uncensored drawings of the other 3 girls from NewMeTrack?
(204.99 KB 1563x1250 IMG_1104.jpg)
(294.78 KB 1563x1250 IMG_1025.jpg)
(436.00 KB 1563x1250 IMG_0966.jpg)
(376.99 KB 1563x1250 IMG_1084.jpg)
(196.86 KB 1638x2048 FP47oPpXMAIqkjE.png)
Does anyone have the image set of the p5 girls in a candy-themed palace? I think it was by Sunny3257.
Does anyone have the image of Nanako Dojima by SoulInflatioN?
>>20172 Who did the Futaba?
Any ann
>>3424 Sauce on the futaba
(188.28 KB 1280x1802 Fatty Fat Sophia.jpg)
This world needs more Sophia pics
(303.82 KB 2048x871 FgL5nIDUcAAMZpX.jpeg)
(375.45 KB 1268x1622 FgL5nyZUoAAKtD6.jpeg)
(284.11 KB 1048x1769 FgL5oguUYAAy2YY.jpeg)
(2.26 MB 2350x8500 tae negakafe kafekafei.png)
>>27355 Source for the last pic?
(263.37 KB 2047x1522 Fg6z9J6agAEgGzw.jpeg)
Spoilered image is animal prey
Anyone got the rest of these? can't find them anywhere anymore
(12.34 KB 366x290 D2W4HyUWoAAEgr6.jpg)
(16.36 KB 453x351 D2W4JDbWsAUjKf8.jpg)
(29.81 KB 649x504 persona 5 rolls.jpg)
(50.95 KB 827x488 persona 500.jpg)
(129.76 KB 1500x1000 persona 5000 lbs.jpg)
(152.95 KB 1500x1000 D47mzBvW0AAgw2v.jpg)
Does anyone have the complete collection of Yugioh Fighters from MadEvil Industries? Also some his yugioh stuff on Pixiv goy deleted. namely the patreon collection
>>30779 Shit wrong tread
>>29534 >>29609 There were 11 parts. Here are 3, 10 and 11, which should be all of them.
(117.02 KB 2048x1093 FprxnO5XsAYqV4o.jpeg)
Does anyone have the image with a blobby futaba drinking a blobby Ann’s breast milk?
(347.92 KB 1698x2048 FuTOC1UWAAALUXs.jpeg)
>>35759 >>35760 saxxon's drawings are the esoteric gnostic eldritch scripts of fat fetish
>>35760 Can someone color these please.
(64.10 KB 2038x1062 Fvz_lmeaEAEMG9s.png)
(6.65 MB 4743x3000 Kasumi Slob1.png)
(2.08 MB 3000x2000 Kasumi Slob3.png)
Any fuuka
(1.07 MB 4096x2572 1681845632600278.jpg)
>>37652 Love this perfect semi natural style of blob at utterly huge size yet suffering, plus how the pard hangs, hnnnng. Moar pls
Why is it exactly Persona gets so much expansion content?
>>38244 Easy to comprehend school life setting, pretty much the only JRPG in a modern setting, character design ain't bad, probably easy to pick up in comparison to other games and Megaten, probably had a story during Scooby Doo that made people feel like they were high IQ for simply liking the game; all that combined likely made people feel special inside and with the simple and cute designs for the females, they became more attached to the series than Siamese twins.
(2.43 MB 3650x4550 tae.jpg)
(309.59 KB 2048x1448 F0900EAaUAE-etT.jpeg)
(340.55 KB 2048x1448 F090xfAaMAEW5Nr.jpeg)
>>39295 Source?
>>39295 You have eyes anon, use them.
(1.51 MB 2300x1563 Kasumi Big Brap.png)
(1.51 MB 2300x1563 Kasumi Big Brap2.png)
Spoiler for poopy
>>39426 Someone stickinghis dick into a woman's shitty anus. You saw it here first.
>>39426 Source?
>>39437 https://twitter.com/bigbnuuy
(4.57 MB 4092x2893 oitcomm1.png)
If you’re gonna reup my commissions at least put the whole set up
(4.16 MB 4092x2893 oitcomm2.png)
(4.47 MB 4092x2893 oitcomm3.png)
(594.16 KB 1312x1000 3444324.png)
(445.74 KB 4096x1420 IMG_8200.JPG)
Can someone get these 5 part sequence https://www.deviantart.com/machochowder/art/Takemi-5-5-976824928
>>41114 What is there to 'get' exactly? The image is right there on the web page...
>>41186 I mean high quality
(145.98 KB 2005x1125 F32JgKjX0AALlsr.jpeg)
(2.01 MB 3000x3000 KnightGoose-918484-sketch+09.png)
(310.50 KB 1450x2048 F49atT3aEAAso3d.jpeg)
(397.45 KB 1450x2048 F49atT5aEAAkFeo.jpeg)
(265.46 KB 1450x2048 F49atT9aEAI9QTo.jpeg)
(1.57 MB 1675x2550 Patreon Haru Okumura Sept23.png)
(254.36 KB 2048x1206 F7ir96LXMAA4HIr.jpeg)
(511.43 KB 2043x2048 F7jLQz3XQAAq9gz.jpeg)
(295.21 KB 2048x1536 F8LTaOPWkAE_Lnw.jpeg)
(191.20 KB 862x575 1554661296961.png)
(188.97 KB 863x700 1574541319235.jpg)
(1.04 MB 3384x3832 1697684493665703.png)
(1.84 MB 2446x3293 1697754809359897.png)
(184.91 KB 2048x1286 20230418_114436.jpg)
Hey does anyone any honako otani i remember a pic of yu feeding a bkob honako around here but the thread got deleted
(112.82 KB 890x481 3n6wkl_Original.jpeg)
(1.86 MB 1800x3000 Aru-950631-kawakami.png)
(201.84 KB 1304x2048 F-0lWNGW4AAk67V.jpeg)
(2.58 MB 1980x2650 1701381618449670.png)
(56.48 KB 659x680 1698891259196.jpg)
(498.12 KB 620x842 1701230992068.webp)
(77.09 KB 1024x843 1702884672947.jpg)
(175.29 KB 2048x1457 1702884854814.jpg)
(213.68 KB 2048x1911 1702884960226.jpg)
(180.87 KB 2048x1829 1702885760615.jpg)
(252.59 KB 2048x1384 1702884884044.jpg)
(359.38 KB 2048x1517 1702884692968.jpg)
(258.37 KB 2048x1891 1702885663143.jpg)
(219.72 KB 2048x2048 1702885718538.jpg)
>>49392 sauce?
(395.81 KB 2048x1429 IMG_7816.jpeg)
(231.56 KB 2048x1843 GCoTVdFXQAAZWkk.jpeg.jpg)
(449.03 KB 1536x2048 GCqbATkaAAAIzcE.png)
does anyone have the ann and makoto sequence yegloman did?
(169.74 KB 1170x1462 GF6RRxDXsAARozn.jpeg)
(170.29 KB 1170x1462 GF6RRxNWoAAZdXg.jpeg)
(630.14 KB 2048x1665 GHHzkxsXIAARiBn.png)
(204.02 KB 2048x1298 GHHzoQnWEAEu5Ls.jpeg)
(118.76 KB 1180x2048 GIALNclWIAAHpxZ.jpeg)
(122.51 KB 1180x2048 GIALNcnXMAAJYej.jpeg)
(122.88 KB 1282x739 1558949309589.png)
(588.02 KB 2048x1836 GHjNR2PXMAANnfO.jpeg)
(197.82 KB 2047x1397 GI_qhr9WMAA6HZn.jpeg)
(236.91 KB 2048x1365 GKCuYXBagAAVqe-.jpeg)
(159.50 KB 2048x1463 GKbKMTzWwAAOZ15.jpeg)
(320.78 KB 2000x2000 GKbKMT5WUAATNb7.jpeg)
(167.87 KB 2048x1261 GKbKMTyWcAAU_Vs.jpeg)
(167.87 KB 2048x1261 GKbKMTyWcAAU_Vs.jpeg)
(282.35 KB 2048x1638 GKbKMTyXAAA8SBi.jpeg)
(106.73 KB 874x1754 GIQzWUqWsAAeXhk.jpeg)
(283.24 KB 2048x1655 GMCTC7XWYAErl2c.jpeg)
(223.17 KB 2048x1299 F9_kTuBbQAAJqZR.jpeg)
>>58024 >This content is no longer available Why the fuck would you post a link instead of just the content itself? Convert the mp4 to webm and just upload it.
>>58079 It's not even Persona related either. It's a fat giantess Last Air Bender chick loudly burping as she stomps through a city. Want to say it's an old animation from Prevence. So random.
(141.75 KB 2048x951 IMG_2327.png)
Does anyone have the color version of this?
Does anyone have more art of the twins?
(3.27 MB 2869x1700 sgroha56o0h51.png)
(274.02 KB 1288x2048 GOIY6PfW4AA8fX8.jpeg)
>>60838 Blueberry doesn't belong here you mongoloid.
(171.83 KB 1771x1254 GPXco6WaMAAOH5h.jpg)
>>58930 You're in luck lol
Anyone got a link to free download fatsona breakout by newmetrack?
(222.48 KB 2240x892 FvyG6poWABgHSA9.jpg)
(341.06 KB 2048x1575 GIlqY4CWAAAVqmv.jpeg)
(336.85 KB 2048x1448 GKZ5XmQb0AEblfR.jpeg)
(729.85 KB 4096x1990 FLKXaCpX0As4VIn.jfif)
noticed the alts of this got taken down anyone have them
>>65359 I have one of them
(104.99 KB 1131x707 IMG_8917.jpeg)
Too close
>>49407 artist for that mitsuru x yukari pic?
Can anyone share Fatsona breakout from newmetrack?
Anyone got Personaween by Yer-Keij-fer-Cash?
(77.28 KB 1200x840 GUjMqj2XgAAmbE-.jpg)
(189.05 KB 1200x1120 GVS0KGvXIAAsFRw.jpg)
(345.53 KB 2500x4000 media_GRcuvehWgAAxD4E.jpg)
(125.79 KB 643x838 Gcdy1AgbcAANulI.jpg)
Anyone happen to have the full image?
(5.57 MB 2120x2803 Plump+mitsuru.png)
(67.81 KB 827x566 IMG_9618.jpeg)
(95.88 KB 1017x785 IMG_9619.jpeg)
>>75273 Retard, AI art ain't allowed here
(960.06 KB 4096x3277 GhhLxrGWgAACavb.jpg)
(1.40 MB 2199x1955 1734206379081375.png)
(2.25 MB 2600x2700 1726132802309265.png)
(1.46 MB 2269x2851 saltybeaverboi.png)
(231.48 KB 2048x1553 GhchJsmXcAA9f_S.jpg)
