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Gmod/SFM Thread Anonymous 08/23/2023 (Wed) 13:29:56 Id:14120e No. 42029
Post Garry's Mod and Source Filmmaker expansion artworks. Weight gain, inflation, blueberry/fruit inflation, heavy bottom, etc.
(3.12 MB 3840x2160 261202.png)
(2.83 MB 3840x2160 261203.png)
(558.00 KB 1280x720 1786441.jpg)
(257.52 KB 2040x1148 IMG_9586.JPG)
(865.75 KB 1280x2720 amy_chaosemerald_blimp.JPG)
(1.84 MB 1920x1080 peach_inflates_herself.png)
(1.15 MB 1080x1920 rosalina_blimp_shower.png)
(876.93 KB 1080x1920 rosalina_berry_shower.png)
(1021.86 KB 1080x1920 rosalina_berry_shower_juicy.png)
(1.64 MB 1080x1920 sonic_blimpy_walk.png)
(1.67 MB 1080x1920 sonic_blimpy_walk_nude.png)
Warning: Popping
(1.25 MB 1920x1080 1591988337560.png)
(1.33 MB 1920x1080 1591988369930.png)
(1.38 MB 1920x1080 1591988402658.png)
(1.66 MB 1920x1080 1591988435442.png)
(1.42 MB 1920x1080 1591988469393.png)
(500.55 KB 1400x1080 13926.png)
(112.46 KB 1920x1080 125308.jpg)
(59.88 KB 1280x922 13906.jpg)
(56.85 KB 1500x1080 13925.jpg)
(1.24 MB 1920x1080 2376163.png)
>>42165 Who made these?
>>42175 I think he made by Sonic-Inflator (Aka ButtRump on FurAffinity)
(1.57 MB 2560x1440 1689921886.buttrump_1.png)
(960.08 KB 1920x1080 amy_big_butt.png)
(2.84 MB 3840x2160 sonic_p_balloon_1.png)
(2.84 MB 3840x2160 sonic_p_balloon_1.png)
(3.03 MB 3840x2160 sonic_p_balloon_3.png)
(3.34 MB 3840x2160 sonic_p_balloon_2.png)
(3.60 MB 3840x2160 sonic_p_balloon_4.png)
>>42189 Sorry guys, i accidentally posted the first page, my bad...
(3.52 MB 3840x2160 sonic_p_balloon_5.png)
(1.08 MB 1920x1080 2962492.png)
Does anybody have more Sonic-Inflator's arts?
(1.13 MB 1920x1080 2421828.png)
(978.01 KB 1920x1080 2423136.png)
(652.55 KB 1920x1080 2338326.png)
(664.74 KB 1920x1080 2338329.png)
(664.14 KB 1920x1080 2338333.png)
(748.11 KB 1920x1080 2338336.png)
(553.42 KB 1920x1080 2338341.png)
(2.45 MB 3840x2160 3158733.png)
Warning: Popping
>>42264 Shouldn't this be on the furry or mlp board?
(544.91 KB 1616x909 2344892.jpg)
(711.76 KB 1616x909 2041496.jpg)
(702.20 KB 1600x904 1968722.jpg)
(100.99 KB 1280x720 1806808.jpg)
(53.68 KB 1192x670 1941543.jpg)
(50.68 KB 1191x670 1793275.jpg)
>>42525 >>42524 love these so much! especially that pic where they're all pigging out in the class room <3 anyone here know how to make models like these in gmod? Really interested in making stuff like this, maybe we could get into gmod together or talk in discord?
(384.57 KB 1000x1602 20230901_061001.jpg)
(2.10 MB 1280x714 XxC3JBDjZn2WpLZR.webm)
(975.80 KB 1920x1080 peach_daisy_nude_balloons.png)
(7.93 MB 1920x1080 get.png)
(7.93 MB 1920x1080 get (1).png)
(7.93 MB 1920x1080 get (2).png)
(7.93 MB 1920x1080 get (3).png)
(74.63 KB 1280x720 large.jpeg)
(591.48 KB 576x1024 large (3).png)
(1.08 MB 1280x720 large (5).png)
(1.15 MB 1280x720 large (4).png)
(498.75 KB 1280x720 large (6).png)
Can we at least have something that’s not mlp related?
>>43478 There's also some sonic pics here
(526.08 KB 1280x1280 mimiass3.png)
(1.45 MB 2405x1440 holyshit.png)
(1.18 MB 2188x1354 idk.png)
(1.19 MB 2042x1330 gfass2.png)
(540.53 KB 1280x1280 mimiassredux.png)
(1.27 MB 1768x1407 mimibeach.png)
(1.01 MB 1383x1330 newteammatealt.png)
(1.02 MB 2560x1440 bigbonerhours.png)
(990.15 KB 1280x993 1591048252.png)
(1.40 MB 3200x1800 FQu8rZTXoAY6SCK.png)
(1.05 MB 1920x1080 balloon_ride_boy.png)
(1.31 MB 1920x1080 antoine_beach_ball.png)
(2.92 MB 1280x12168 inflate_a_date_megacomic_pt1.jpg)
(4.86 MB 1320x16592 inflate_a_date_megacomic_pt2.jpg)
Warning: Gassy deflate
>>43483 I mean't like tf2 or something, not furry shit
(1.18 MB 1920x1080 big_blueberry_antoine.png)
(1.24 MB 1920x1080 big_balloon_antoine.png)
(1.12 MB 1920x1080 peach_daisy_pole_dancing.png)
Does anybody have more Gmod and SFM arts?
Holy shit, this thread is like being lost in the desert. How did not one soul link this guy? https://www.deviantart.com/sir-saltshaker
(678.49 KB 1920x1080 pinkie_pie_day_2023.png)
>>45224 Thank you! Might as well call this thread 'gay ass furry sfms' we need more tf2 stuff
>>44221 Do you know who made this?
>>45281 Yeah, he mades by Sonic-Inflator on DeviantArt
(2.43 MB 3840x2160 AppleberryTextless.png)
>>42210 Textless version
How to get sonic blimps add-on?
Does someone have more Nintendo characters on Gmod and SFM?
Does anyone have this
(3.20 MB 1920x2160 blimpy_strip_club.png)
(620.52 KB 1920x1080 blueberry_and_apple.png)
(700.59 KB 1920x1080 blueberry_and_apple_alt.png)
(1.04 MB 1920x2160 amy_and_p_balloon.png)
(1.03 MB 1920x2160 amy_and_p_balloon_nude.png)
(1.02 MB 1920x1080 3244247.png)
We need more Gmod and SFM arts!
Does anybody have more Gmod arts and SFM arts? I'm so bored...
(1.35 MB 1958x1805 Image01.png)
(2.91 MB 3110x1749 Image04.png)
>>49061 Ayooo, these renders are killer. BubbleFox’s Circus Baby is my favorite of their models. Did you make them or do you know where these came from?
The first Antoine17's artwork on FurAffinity.
(520.44 KB 1920x1080 minnie_inflates_herself.png)
(335.30 KB 1920x1080 sailor_berry.png)
(1.56 MB 1920x1080 too_many_p_balloons.png)
(269.19 KB 1080x1080 pauline_blimpy.png)
(231.45 KB 1080x1080 pauline_blueberry.png)
(271.59 KB 1080x1080 pauline_blueberry_juicy.png)
(1.08 MB 1920x1080 pp_and_fs_blueberries.png)
(1.57 MB 1920x1080 horny_berry_shower_part_1.png)
(1.80 MB 1920x1080 horny_berry_shower_part_2.png)
(1.62 MB 1920x1080 horny_blimp_shower_part_1.png)
(1.95 MB 1920x1080 horny_blimp_shower_part_2.png)
(1.05 MB 1920x1080 blimpy_valentines_day.png)
(1.94 MB 1920x1080 SONICBLIMP1.png)
(939.03 KB 1920x1080 sonic-inflator_rose_belly.png)
(1.51 MB 1920x1080 tails_floating_away_2.png)
(1.26 MB 1920x1080 tails_floating_away.png)
Hey guys, i found them on the Blimp Hill Zone (Discord server)
>>53748 Sweet We need more of this
>>53748 Any chance you could put in invite to the server in this thread?
Can we get more art by JIANT101
>>53862 Maybe we can add Blimp Hill Zone server on Kemono?
>>49061 I also would love to know where these two pieces came from.
(279.61 KB 666x720 fat.png)
(321.05 KB 685x720 fatty.png)
(303.39 KB 763x720 fatter.png)
>>54493 If you got a social page or something like that outside these boards where you post renders like this, would love to check it out. And would love seeing more of these renders in general. Thank you for these, they’re awesome.
(6.19 MB 3216x2160 Squid_Bloon.png)
>>42181 Does anyone have part 3?
>>42181 The part 3 is here: https://www.deviantart.com/sonic--inflator/art/Explosive-payback-Part-3-1036875365 But i don't have a DeviantArt account, sorry
I have 200 hours in SFM from a few years back and want to get back into it, how do people do "add fat" to the models? I want to make some artworks like the pics attached
(620.14 KB 1478x2494 1712461871.buttrump_fa-1.jpg)
Can we get some art from the inflated sonic characters made in GMOD thread?
(121.96 KB 1920x1080 GKzN5l0XMAAfjt2.jpg)
(145.68 KB 1920x1080 GKzN5lyXIAA_a9k.jpg)
(156.97 KB 1920x1080 GKzN5lvWUAQwirH.jpg)
(101.67 KB 1920x1080 GKzN5lvW4AAtNGg.jpg)
Source: https://twitter.com/RinnSFM/status/1778113214661927087
Can someone please get the uncensored version of this from jiant101's FA? it's called welcoming Wendy to the harem
>>55926 I've actually asked this artist before, their art is a combination between SFM and Photoshop, they basically manually smooth everything out and add the details they can't in SFM
>>57291 I am aware of that, I just want to know how do they add the bellies to the models in the first place
(1.00 MB 1920x1080 3357989.png)
Does anyone have any inflated cream the rabbit pics made in gmod or sfm?
Anyone got pics by silver inflator aka mathi88?
(218.99 KB 1920x1080 FnWDGvIWYAAVSX-.jpg)
(406.83 KB 1920x1080 GHhtFqfXsAAVxuE.jpg)
(140.91 KB 1695x1021 GIbH02IW0AA9eSG.jpg)
(200.37 KB 1440x1080 GIArriiWcAApK1Z.jpg)
(260.25 KB 1920x1080 FWldSPVXoAAln9d.jpg)
(164.33 KB 1920x1080 F_VPksrXYAAJTau.jpg)
(233.85 KB 1920x1080 F65rtRHWIAAP1K4.jpg)
(314.72 KB 1920x1080 GJtT1WnXgAAV1R8.jpg)
(97.30 KB 1340x1080 GOmvJH8WEAEiANm.jpg)
(151.59 KB 1920x1080 E-vaqG1VEAYrtaN.jpg)
(173.02 KB 1920x1080 E9SRAMsVoAMnXyE.jpg)
Does anyone have rouge inflation comics by sonic inflator?
>>56023 Does anyone have part 4 by Sonic-Inflator on DeviantArt?
>>61129 Here ya go! https://mega.nz/folder/sKVQAJAL#xILy57Dq2zNa5mXxd1Vnlg
(70.67 KB 1280x720 IMG_9350.jpeg)
Look who got a Sfm model https://sfmlab.com/project/3f797a2a-f500-4d03-84f6-060f50a5ebed/
>>62013 Oh lord here comes the tism
CW: Popping/Bursting
>>62380 Whoops, i forgot to put a spoiler!
Does anyone have any of holydazza stuff
Anyone knows who's the author?
(6.73 MB 1280x11264 1113363.jpg)
I found the lost pic on Derpibooru!
(5.08 MB 3600x2010 rainbow_berry_cider.png)
>>62761 https://x.com/RockyPone/status/1808431933879136583
>>62452 Got any of he's other stuff
>>56023 Final part CW: Popping/Bursting
>>65560 Oops, i forgot put the spoiler, my bad
(322.79 KB 1920x1080 20240821_071944.jpg)
(57.76 KB 1920x1080 20240821_071948.jpg)
(103.30 KB 1920x1080 20240821_071946.jpg)
(306.92 KB 1920x1080 20240821_071950.jpg)
(71.21 KB 1920x1080 20240821_071956.jpg)
(148.17 KB 1920x1080 20240821_071958.jpg)
(138.67 KB 1920x1080 20240821_072000.jpg)
(147.86 KB 1920x1080 20240821_072004.jpg)
Can anyone post more of sonic inflator's deleted art and silver inflator's deleted art?
(1.74 MB 1920x1080 A_Big_Lesson_to_Teach (1).png)
(1.77 MB 1920x1080 Lifes_A_Buffet (1).png)
(1.53 MB 1920x1080 Shes_a_Keeper (1).png)
I read somewhere there was an addon for Gmod made my someone called Payton or smt that was able to make the playermodel fatter until it exploded, someone knows what happened?
>>66418 I have a drive where I collects some of their works
>>67657 Really?
>>67657 Would you be willing to share it?
>>67662 Clear! I'm still looking to find more. If anyone has anything it would be very helpful. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1b1rgB6610dnjuzdTM36MmDIZ2aE1Wp6I?usp=sharing
>>67683 Cool, thanks
Does anyone have the blaze inflates rouge comic from the sonic girls gmod thread before it got nuked?
Does anyone have the rouge inflation comics by sonic inflator from the inflated sonic girls in gmod thread before it got nuked?
Is there anymore cream the rabbit inflation art made in gmod?
Are there anymore angels of this?
(86.90 KB 1280x800 image.jpg)
(944.69 KB 1920x1080 sailor_blimp.png)
(1.47 MB 1920x1080 3180575.png)
>>71134 Original art
are there any good gmod weight gain seqs and pics?
Does anyone have the blaze inflates rouge comic by sonic inflator?
>>70105 >>70154 >>70736 >>71134 I love Antoine17's stuff, he's a nice guy and good artist
>>75951 You posted the wrong thread.
Weghit gain
(1.51 MB 1280x8192 IMG_0586.jpeg)
(8.30 KB 320x420 IMG_0487.webp)
>>42029 Do you take requests?
(4.43 MB 3840x2160 Steaklady1.png)
(5.04 MB 3341x2160 squirrelsnow000000 (1).png)
