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Cookie Run 4: Extremely Gooey Edition Cookie Chef 08/03/2024 (Sat) 01:03:20 Id:107ab3 No. 64746
Once again we must reheat the oven and cook up some fat art of our favorite Cookies! Previous Thread: >>52863
(128.65 KB 974x991 IMG_4095.jpeg)
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Reuploading my stuff here again, cause why not
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this should be the last of what I’ve got
(66.62 KB 1076x1070 20240720_030947.jpg)
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(71.10 KB 1350x1080 20240719_162227.jpg)
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(70.59 KB 1349x1079 20240719_162223.jpg)
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Once again asking for the hollyberry vid
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(1.05 MB 1170x1164 IMG_2495.jpeg)
Sup fellas and fellas
>>64752 Honestly how do you make these edits and shapes, these are incredible.
Anybody got some art from plumpybread?
(369.62 KB 2048x1189 media_EgdLYU_WAAIMyhS.jpg)
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Got some Chonky lesbians
(4.93 MB 3024x4032 SPOILER_20230517_172136.png)
Apparently tiger lily cookie’s mystery box figure is caked the hell up, the more you know i guess
(130.26 KB 400x360 IMG_4690.png)
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(457.97 KB 1170x892 IMG_2688.jpeg)
New mintrimo just dropped
Vore Warning
Has anyone got any Choco Ball? I need that footballer HUGE.
boys boys boys
(2.36 MB 5577x2816 Cocoa Cookie Massive.png)
>>66270 holy fuck thats good
(72.78 KB 850x528 IMG_6750.jpeg)
(69.77 KB 850x568 IMG_6751.jpeg)
(56.20 KB 850x656 IMG_6752.jpeg)
(86.41 KB 850x543 IMG_6753.jpeg)
>>66207 This is the Gourmet shit. Artist?
>>66917 This is so lovely. I dream of seeing Cocoa Cookie and Mint Choco Cookie mutual obesity.
(93.72 KB 850x546 IMG_6901.jpeg)
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(773.53 KB 798x1200 IMG_6957.png)
Anyone know who made the Shine Muscat one here?
>>67940 InflateResponsibly
(310.40 KB 2048x1152 IMG_2105.jpeg)
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(808.25 KB 1280x1083 IMG_4101.png)
>>67997 Thanks! If anyone knows who made the first Starfruit from this bundle, that’d be great, I’ve got a lot that I can share to this thread!
>>68025 https://x.com/vbUnknown2347/status/1718508509766254869
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(209.03 KB 1280x906 IMG_4119.jpeg)
>>68043 Thank you!
^^^^^^^^^ Who made the Rye Cookie Image???
wanted to get back into doodling so heres a scuffed princess cookie doodle
scuffed indeed. But DAMN those legs so I also very much approve
My Queen!
(252.78 KB 1855x2048 F85KsLwXEAExAOy.jpeg)
(215.87 KB 1855x2048 F85KskMXoAAbrBm.jpeg)
(1.39 MB 1855x2048 70 sin título.png)
Well there are 2 Official Versiones of gold cheese big ass, but I make a version without the skirt or idk what is she wearing
(1.57 MB 5543x7006 hllyft.png)
>>68340 thanks heres a slightly less scuffed hollyberry. not sure I like how her legs turned out but I think I did alright
does anyone know who made this one? or have a higher quality version og this image?
(93.67 KB 2000x1000 Untitled343_20240926003244.png)
>>64751 Finally made a deviantart account, not exclusive to FA anymore https://www.deviantart.com/caloriecake https://www.furaffinity.net/user/shadowthehedhehogsimp/
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Christ a like if I wasn’t pan before-
>>69081 that...was really fast also whats the source on these mozzarelas?
(3.63 MB 3286x2053 PlumpKnightEdit.png)
(8.34 KB 120x167 20221026_214914.jpg)
(812.41 KB 4000x2750 Untitled363_20241003194727.png)
(1.28 MB 4000x2450 Untitled372_20241004224453.png)
>>69166 i deeply appreciate seein the moon rabbit cookie stuff you post, this is the Good Shit:tm: and if you're the one also making the edits then i think you're even cooler and would love to chat more with u!!!! >>69310 these two are amazingly cute and i love that blobface,,,,,
>>69315 i wish there was either a folder for your edits/some way to dm you because if so, jhksdfghjksfdghjksfd your edits are insanely hot and adorable and i keep wanting to make more like em
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(65.30 KB 1609x1209 SPOILER_cakecomm.png)
>>69574 Who made these?
>>69253 Source?
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>>70652 that white lily chin is so uncomfortable to see
>>69803 Got anymore?
(182.62 KB 1250x1000 CustardCookieiii.png)
(592.62 KB 4000x2750 CustardCookieiii(again).png)
>>70681 Maybe
>>71258 some great shit anon
>>71258 Never thought I’d see my art used for edits, unsure how to feel Not complaining though, just surprised!
(123.43 KB 1250x1000 SquidInkCookie.png)
>>71300 Related to this, people are allowed to use them like this if they’d like to, just don’t post the edits to places like DA or Furaffinity please!
(98.67 KB 1250x1000 Untitled217_20241027021007.png)
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Actually here, blank versions for convenience
(124.36 KB 1761x1243 IMG_0817.jpeg)
(177.95 KB 2256x1794 IMG_0335.jpeg)
(797.26 KB 1280x951 IMG_4720.png)
Damn is there really no Prune juice fat cookie art?
>>71323 Whoever you are, you’re an absolute saint with these bases.
>>71400 Thank you!! :] I have a couple accounts https://www.furaffinity.net/user/shadowthehedhehogsimp/ https://www.deviantart.com/caloriecake https://bsky.app/profile/bigcookieslover.bsky.social
(44.32 KB 500x500 Untitled399_20241029014417.png)
super small but i did this little crunchy chip sketch last night
(48.52 KB 1500x500 IMG_2973.jpeg)
Hey guys whats the full image of this?
(441.15 KB 1056x1153 IMG_3175.jpeg)
Took a lot of scrolling but I founds it
Course matey!
(692.04 KB 2565x1383 MozzarellaCookie.png)
>>71884 Source?
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>>72070 >>72070 >>72071 Going absolutely feral over these WHERE DID YOU GET THEM
>>72106 Images are from FruitGremlin
Most of them at least
>>72152 Iirc don’t they have a new twitter? I forgot the handle
I only got those images from an old friend so I’m not sure
>>72175 The new account is Slopothecary On X
could we have more of my boi sorbet shark cookie?. *Cough* anyways yeah my boyfriend loves the fucker
Anyone know what happened to Kirigami? And if they have another account or not, because they made some pretty good CR fats.
(113.85 KB 881x907 IMG_8618.jpeg)
>>72722 https://x.com/nishikigamium?t=3lm_95mntwrKfvxibk4HXw&s=09 Here you go
>>72749 they have not uploaded the old stuff, does anyone have that one pic of starfruit cookie sweating with a bare belly
Does anyone have the Wildberry cookie burp video
(60.79 KB 1192x670 IMG_7249.jpeg)
(59.86 KB 1192x670 IMG_7248.jpeg)
I’ve been trying to find the creator of this chocolate bon bon avatar on vrchat so I can favorite that respective avatar. anybody know them on there or the name of the avatar in question?
Orange Cookie turned herself into a ball on the beach. That's it really. I hope they make this scene for a new cookie run game!
(264.70 KB 1700x1600 IMG_2992.PNG)
(1.62 MB 1993x1816 IMG_9216.png)
>>72983 I believe the creator of that avatar is ViewerMink. I'm unsure if the avatar is still public or not, but I know I have it favorited.
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(222.04 KB 2560x1440 Untitled1061_20241203203421.png)
(792.31 KB 5000x1200 BlobChartTextless.png)
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(647.77 KB 144x192 hell_nah.gif)
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This thread needs more dudes.
(85.60 KB 964x811 20241211_080818.jpg)
(438.74 KB 801x655 20241212_234910.jpg)
(249.90 KB 1305x718 20241212_234934.jpg)
is the previous thread not available on the wayback machine for yall either or am i doing something wrong
>>75222 bbw chan . link got blacklisted i think (it states it got excluded) note that pages saved when it was bbw chan . nl still are there try looking with that or another archive site
(127.79 KB 1412x1429 IMG_8765.jpeg)
(516.46 KB 1000x1000 witch.png)
(517.11 KB 635x384 unknown.png)
(1.39 MB 3037x2095 unknown.png)
(1.59 MB 2377x1729 unknown.png)
(2.89 MB 4882x2625 unknown.png)
>>75586 Source for this? This looks incredible!
>>75663 While the artist's name is on the file name. gluttonousguzzlord drew it https://www.furaffinity.net/view/59198916
>>75663 i miss the mintrimo cookie run phase so much
>>75391 sauce for the first 3 pics?
>>76031 WoopWoomp on Bluesky
>>76050 He left you once before. Why you so confident he won't do it again. Nobody told you wealthy women fall out of the sky????
Anyone got that one animation of Licorice cookie sitting on a bed playing with his belly rolls? I can’t find it anywhere and it’d be a pleasure if anyone knew or had it.
(2.78 MB 2380x1480 IMG_2017.png)
Request fulfilled over at >>233551
(150.89 KB 2000x1678 IMG_2359.jpeg)
(777.08 KB 1000x933 1000.png)
How in the HECK is there no fat art of this canonically thick thigh cookie already?!
Holy Holy actual shit. I had no idea. This has made me happier
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(878.72 KB 1695x2376 IMG_9238.png)
Some appreciation for Avocado Cookie
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(10.09 KB 128x128 IMG_6627.png)
(13.93 KB 128x85 IMG_6628.png)
Anyone got the full version of these?
Any other fruitgremlin stuff?
(368.96 KB 2800x1800 IMG_3104.png)
(28.47 KB 169x216 meme.png)
(66.83 KB 917x691 GhNjRSdX0AAus1k.jpg)
(216.96 KB 476x384 Cutscene9074_13_A.png)
ovenbreak got blessed with a gluttonous coded cookie and no one has drawn her with a huge gut yet...tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk
>>77833 nuh uh
(116.83 KB 1980x1280 IMG_3932.jpeg)
Meant to attach this
(464.16 KB 1170x986 IMG_3982.jpeg)
(358.14 KB 1023x1096 IMG_3981.jpeg)
(397.51 KB 1054x895 IMG_3980.jpeg)
(535.60 KB 1048x949 IMG_3979.jpeg)
Lads and lAss
(116.48 KB 920x664 image-423.png)
Here's a Strawberry Cream my pal made
(3.39 MB 2199x1676 1736996746.png)
(377.56 KB 1170x528 IMG_3993.jpeg)
>>76532 Well would you look at that
(434.61 KB 1080x1361 Picsart_25-01-22_01-37-43-197.png)
(329.95 KB 907x832 Untitled221_20250122013649~2.png)
>>76532 Tried to make an edit + my oc as a cookie!
>>77689 I'm growing real tired of seeing these shitty edits made by some autist I want actual art of moon rabbit cookie instead of this slop
(249.15 KB 2012x1446 IMG_1842.jpeg)
need more shadow milk..
(166.73 KB 1800x1800 IMG_4566.png)
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(167.83 KB 1800x1800 IMG_4564.png)
(130.17 KB 1279x1504 Gg4fUFkXsAAgWI3.jpg)
(97.86 KB 1173x1295 Gg5RX4yWYAEXQ-m.jpg)
(62.40 KB 1029x968 Gg-vcoEWIAAyHSo.jpg)
(106.43 KB 1598x824 GhIQTrGXoAAqKfe.jpg)
(67.45 KB 894x1050 GhRnChnWQAAK3W6.jpg)
The last one is cropped because it also featured non Cookie Run characters.
>>78534 Aight now i'm interested in the og
>>78548 This was by Woopwoomp on Bluesky. I posted some of his art here before.
(528.93 KB 1170x635 IMG_4098.jpeg)
>>78134 the only moron here is you.
(340.23 KB 2048x2048 IMG_5242.jpeg)
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(184.03 KB 2048x2048 IMG_5245.jpeg)
(370.80 KB 2000x2000 IMG_5247.jpeg)
(594.95 KB 2048x2048 IMG_5243.jpeg)
>>78343 Source?
>>80285 Fizzooka on Twitter and Bluesky
