this my rant... fuck these hoes charging up the ass for their shitty OF. covvid has fucked porn. but lets not dwell on that, lets politely tell these hoes they cost too much, respectfully. then perhaps they could learn they would mkae MORE $$ if they appealed to the working man, not just the guys that are stacked and have money to throw, and/or guys with no self-control..... I bought some shit from princessjadde a while back, her shits good for OF like 5 or 6 min vids for $15a pop b/g. she has 3 anal. ~$6 subscription plus a free video for every resub, so thats a $6 video. and she has a massive ass. its still very amateur but WAAAAAAY better than most of thesee bitches. Girls like her deserve to be gatekept, and the ones that overprice/scam/lie should be posted no cap. that is all.