/bbwalt/ - BBW Alternative

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(1.26 MB 1500x1200 GWSG02 Dark Shadows.png)
(4.07 MB 3300x2550 Paya 2.png)
(161.50 KB 5514x1964 D.Va Fed.png)
(730.73 KB 2573x1022 Samus Sequence.jpeg)
(4.19 MB 2160x1620 Shantae Blimp.png)
(331.23 KB 1280x797 beltpop.png)
Near Bursting Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 00:23:40 Id:e7d109 No. 71606
For greedy fatties a bite away from a messy end (implied or explicit) All manners of gluttony welcome
(3.34 MB 1857x3205 Cheelai_femzam_fat_3.png)
(1.93 MB 1512x1134 Shantae Blimp Farting.png)
(1005.33 KB 2573x971 Samus Sequence Gassy.jpeg)
Plus some alternates and more deviant artworks (contains gas)
>>71608 I wish there was more near bursting/bursting with the girl becoming extremely gassy. The build up with the girl becoming more and more gassy is hot as fuck but I feel it often gets skimped on.
(238.48 KB 3300x2550 Heba Seq3.jpg)
(200.46 KB 3300x2550 Heba Seq4.jpg)
(4.03 MB 3300x2550 Heba SeqBAlt3.png)
(3.33 MB 3300x2550 Heba SeqBAlt4.png)
A few more I found (with extreme slob spoilered)
Spoiled for gas
DrFattenstein on DeviantArt
>>74034 source?
>>74040 https://itaku.ee/images/30358
This thread got me so horny holy shit
(191.65 KB 2048x1451 20241125_142912.jpg)
(216.80 KB 2048x1451 20241125_142910.jpg)
(212.33 KB 2048x1451 20241125_142909.jpg)
(332.45 KB 2048x1332 GZOl6jBWwAAhxpb.jpg)
(1.88 MB 4096x2452 GPHGldtXwAABLHk.jpg)
(275.64 KB 2048x1285 GdmYJqFWYAAvH7j.jpg)
(362.87 KB 2048x1378 GW_QuRfXAAA35sO.jpg)
(194.84 KB 2048x843 skin tear 2.jpg)
(194.84 KB 2048x843 skin tear 2.jpg)
Spoiled for mild gore, especially the last one (skin tearing, medical, x-ray organ view) Artist is squishcakesart; as a warning they also draw male
>>74132 Goddamnit the last one didn't spoil. It's now the fifth one that most explicit
Can I get sauce for the OP image?
(348.02 KB 2048x1285 skin tear 1.jpg)
>>74141 >>74132 PunishedAbso/Flumpo on Twitter Plus the actual extreme alt for the color image
>>71608 >>71606 tried to search it with reverse image, but with no success. can someone tell me the source of those shantae pics?
>>74230 Colored by Suitonacat on twitter, linework was apparently anonymous. I really am gonna have to sauce all these, aren't I.
>>74194 That angle in img three is hot as fuck
>>74237 appreciate it, thank you
>>74272 sauce?
>>74380 Emmapresents but i wouldn’t recommend searching for it, uninteresting content.
>>73702 source?
(1.40 MB 2861x4251 dice__1_2__by_pvtfcf_diab298.jpg)
(2.31 MB 4994x4567 dice__2_2__by_pvtfcf_diab2je.jpg)
I need a GF like this so bad
(172.56 KB 1178x850 IMG_3551.jpeg)
>>75579 no furry, delete it and post on the furry board.
>>75579 Don't have to delete furry on /alt/ by the way
my bad
(70.10 KB 832x850 lg.jpg)
>>76504 First it was already posted you faggot, scroll up. Second it’s the scat version, keep it yourself.
>>76506 You're trying too hard to fit in.
>>76658 nobody here is trying to fit in, dipshit. why posting images that’s already there huh? as for the scat , there’s already a thread for it. Keep your shit together bro, it isn’t hard.
>>76663 Silence, eslfag.
(277.94 KB 2048x1436 GdC4MdOXMAAgPJg.jpg)
(289.48 KB 2048x1436 GdC4MdNXcAAcQNR.jpg)
(277.40 KB 2048x1436 GdC4MdMWQAAnJIt.jpg)
>>76668 Or what social retard? are you gonna beg jannie for assistance
>>76577 Anyone know who the artist here is?
