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Vomit Thread 11/07/2024 (Thu) 04:07:11 Id:7e13fb No. 72331
There's not too much good material about vomiting, don't you think? I leave a classic here in case any new member does not know it or does not have it in their collection. https://gofile.io/d/rQXxad https://gofile.io/d/rQXxad https://gofile.io/d/rQXxad
Have any of Jigglybellysofthearts puking videos that she's supposedly done? All of them were on google drive but got banished to the shadow realm
https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/tianastummy/post/373407614 Here's one, better save it because I heard coomer party is on its last legs
Yes yes yes puke vidéos of feedee
>>72359 Do you have this vidéo ?
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(249.70 KB 1394x1015 ameenaspew.jpg)
>>72527 I always think of her videos and wonder what happened to her.
>>72566 Believe me, you don't wanna know, I just gonna say she's still making content, but not fatty stuff (not scat or some weird shit btw)
(261.61 KB 1920x1080 laylaspew.jpg)
>>72527 >https://gofile.io/d/AUkcgA
I've always been trying to find this one
>>72861 The coloring mixed with Laylas proportions makes me think of someone who fell under the effects of a curse or spell that magically pumps gallons of concentrated liquid fat directly into her stomach and causing it to keep surging in size until it's so completely engorged that she can't keep herself from spewing the excess out but even when she's starting to feel better, the spell shows it's only getting stronger when her lightened gut instantly swells even bigger than she was at her highest capacity before a lot of it got blasted over her barrel of a gut. It keeps happening and happening until she's laid out on her back stuck perpetually spewing out gallons of liquid fat with no more breaks in between as her blank eyes stare upwards, her mind completely broken and unable to to notice the monstrous grease tanker of a belly having swelled past her own height or freak out at her body having become completely caked in solidified fat.
Tiana’stummy sent a clip from her sonic chug video if anyone has it https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/tianastummy/post/645605929
>>72570 Clearly he wanted to know. Did something that bad happen to her? Im sure it's definitely not anything the world hasn't seen or heard about.
>>72997 Nothing crazy, she just lost a bunch of weight and looks very deflated now is all
>>73692 Any source i can read?
https://gofile.io/d/bZl9Pc https://gofile.io/d/AUkcgA
Probably a long shot since it's not fat related, but I might as well ask. Does anybody have those "Asian vomit supercuts"???. They were videos on thisvid and they were supercut videos of asian ladies violently vomiting into the toilet. They made amazing sounds when they were throwing up, so the fact that they were seemingly either deleted or taken down is a shame. Anyone manage to save them?
>>72997 >>74041 Second link is dead
>>74086 works fine for me
>>74313 Can you repost it please?
(25.06 KB 720x405 layla.jpg)
anyone have this?
(413.68 KB 1080x1920 couchqueen facefuck.jpg)
(9.15 MB 920x518 juicyjade puke.gif)
(25.06 KB 720x405 layla.jpg)
>>74408 https://gofile.io/d/Uaa9aj
(6.26 MB 1920x1080 gallon chug puke.webm)
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i guess y'all would like Victoria Beatriz: https://www.eporner.com/video-JNQ843u8wF8/vitoria-beatriz-p-sluts-vol-1-starring-vitoria-beatriz-akillies-black/ she has lots of puke and fart content. the puke scenes start at 09min and foward
>>76113 >https://gofile.io/d/Uaa9aj
(9.33 MB 720x1280 kmbelly1991 coke chug puke.webm)
>>76226 Where'd you find this clip?
>>76974 https://www.manyvids.com/Video/6031024/gallon-melted-ice-cream-chug you will have to ask her to sell you the uncensored version though
(6.26 MB 1920x1080 gallon chug puke.webm)
(403.24 KB 1920x1080 puking ice cream.jpg)
>>76974 >>77049 also on curvage https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/55074-gallon-melted-ice-cream-chug/ but again you need to message her to get the version with puking
(262.55 KB 1920x1080 layla cake milk defeat.jpg)
>>72343 Would love to see these if anyone found them.
https://thisvid.com/videos/overeating-girl-vomit-part-1/ https://thisvid.com/videos/overeating-girl-vomit-part-2/
(9.76 MB 1080x1920 puke overflow.webm)
>>77818 my GOAT
>>77818 I agree you are one of the GOAT on this site. I have been looking for this one for so long.
>>72331 wheres the thumbnail vid?
Can't find any full videos of this gal and can't remember her name neither If a kind soul has anything to share, it'd be cool https://thisvid.com/videos/overeating-puke2/
>>78638 The model goes by ikot on darkfans. Her videos are crazy expensive though.
>>78645 Guss I won't see one of her videos before a long time lol
Do you guys think there is an extreme video where it's a mix of everything? vomiting, messy eating, and shitting? I really hope there is because I would love to find it
(164.52 KB 1280x720 renvom.jpg)
(164.52 KB 1280x720 renvom.jpg)
>>79122 https://gofile.io/d/eRqVwX
>>79122 Any chance for a reup? its already gone
>>79188 its in the link right under that
>>79240 Oh its only the preview I thought it was the full video.
(7.70 MB 1920x1080 layla2stuffed.webm)
>>79123 >https://gofile.io/d/eRqVwX
(4.20 MB 640x480 mukbangvom.webm)
>>79575 I saw this full vid in a content album in the booty thread but it's not there anymore can someone please upload the full video.
>>79584 maybe check one of the links above
>>79906 Thanks. Looking at other links caused me to lose it lol.
>>72331 Does anyone have the name of the girl in the thumbnail?
>>80362 https://www.reddit.com/user/filthypukeslut/ she hasn't been active in years though
(52.25 KB 852x480 Chugging Defeat.jpg)
