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Oppai loli and loli inflation/expansion 3 WackyCrackers 11/22/2024 (Fri) 22:59:24 Id:4e6765 No. 73495
Old one died,so here's a new one. Hopefully we can get some new art in here this time. Post your loli inflation stuff here. Previous thread: https://bbw-chan.link/bbwalt/res/63224.html
Also,shameless self promotion. >>73422
>>73496 Sorry if I send you a reminder...
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>>73477 You have Yokai out the ass, and that's the best you can come up with?!
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>>73503 Damn, thought I removed that last one. >>69612 Found another.
>>73503 honestly i should've put a yo-kai in there and it must have slipped my mind sorry random anon
Some bottom heavy Anya for you all!
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>>73537 sauce for the bottom heavy Anya?
>>73557 They were from the previous thread, reposted because they are based af. also TBUH inflation hell yea, love a girl exploding out of her clothes
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Anyone gonna be making any more story ideas for Wacky?
>>73495 That's the second time in a row my OC has been used as the header image for these topic threads. I haven't used her in a long time besides that the OP which was a recent art trade. Do people here like her?
>>73597 I'd say she's pretty neat. Also didn't know there was a bloob alt for these two images.
>>73599 Yeah I'm stretching thin on what I can share but I did have that. Pretty sure everything else with her has been shared before. But I can see if I can try and do something new with her. Don't really have much ideas tho.
>>73597 This is your OC?! She has some of my favourite art I have seen honestly, this berry piece and the more bottom heavy berry / inflation one are goated. need to see more of her for sure! Maybe something food related, or more hose inflation, either way shes hot!
>>73595 No, why should I? What'd he ever do for me? >>73597 >Do people here like her No, designs too minimalistic, with the only thing to set it apart from any random background loli being the nipple daisies. Being an OC born of expansion, I bet the personality and everything else under the hood is just as barren.
>>73599 >>73607 >>73649 >I like it >I love it >I think it's crap Fair enough then
>>73652 If I wanted to call it shit, I'd call it shit.
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>>73657 Granted, if an anon on an imageboard is commenting on their distaste for my OC and then making further assumptions beyond what's presented, then I made the assumption that they think it's crap. I don't think that's too unreasonable. Which is fine. I did ask for honest opinions and I didn't expect everyone would like her. You're right, she does have a very generic design. I can see why people wouldn't really like that. I did make the OC for me and me only, so I was little surprised I've seen people sharing around pics of her which is why I asked.
>>73649 >>73657 Wow you two, that's just disrespectful.
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>>73660 Maggie is fucking good. The more art of them the better!
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>>73668 >you two Pics related >>73660 >then making further assumptions beyond what's presented It's not a simple baseless assumption; OC donuts are regularly made as nothing more than DIY "waifus" to unleash whichever expansion upon.
>>73672 Excuse ME?
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>>73495 Is it fine if I make another request?
>>73676 No. Unless it means I don't have to do the previous one,then maybe. >>73649 Anon,how could you? Don't you remember back in '98 when I gave you my left kidney after your snowboarding incident?
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>>73677 >I gave you my left kidney after your snowboarding incident How's a kidney supposed to help me not starve to death after an avalanche leaves me trapped?! >>73680 I totally forgot Axel did the Alaskan sleddog movie loli.
>>73677 Ok, understandable.
>>73679 >>73680 damn Wacky out here with the good shit!
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New piece by BellySeeker looking good!
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Not everyday you see a Cindy Vortex inflation pic!
>>73707 Dont worry i got you. By uDumbGuy123 on DA
>>73709 I think we need more cindy inflation/expansion work now
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>>73698 Why just spit it out and gamble on someone else seeing and running with it?
wish there was more expansion art of hazel
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Update on story requests for anyone who cares: I've moved the deadline from december 1st to november 28th. (Sidenote: Anyone know if DJ-Bapho has done any more loli art?)
>>73834 I mean, might as well throw my hat into the ring. Would love to see a story interpretation of this sequence with Kairi
>>73834 Welp, I guess I'll put my two cents as well...I'd like a story where Katyusha from Girls Und Panzer is shot with an experimental blueberry bullet during a fight with St. Gloriana Girls' College, and her assistant Nonna needs to carry her around the battlefield while she's growing
>>73834 That was unexpected.
>>73836 Ngl anon,the attached photo on my post probably illustrates that better than my words could (I mainly uploaded the art so the thread wasn't just walls of text)
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Going to re-upload my terms and conditions for new anons who don't see the link to the last thread.
>>73841 The character in that drawing is someone else, but I guess I can understand why you'd mix them up lol
>>73842 Three things I should note that aren't on the attached picture however. 1. I've moved the deadline to the 28th 2. I will only really do loli/shota/kid/young teen characters. If you want older teen or adult characters,you're out of luck 3. Anything not listed on the 'will/will not' will most likely fall under 'will not',but it depends specifically.
>>73844 Ah,apologies for my dumbassery anon. Will consider your request then
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>>73840 It's current year, Anon, always expect the unexpected. >>73836 Why would anyone be using bullets that affect people when everyone's riding around in tanks? I know it's a supreme bitch to think of a reason for a series like it but if the shot isn't part of the fun for you, I'd suggest keeping the experimental part but switching it to a smoke bomb. As St. Gloriana is making a hasty retreat, they will fire it off and somehow end up with it falling right through the open hatch, and causing Katyusha's squad to immediately bum rush the exits while Katyusha was too distracted to notice what was happening before turning around and having an internal freakout before realizing the bomb is a dud and proceeds to carry it up through the hatch. Right when she's about to chuck it after she's had her fill acting cool, it fumbles out of her hands and back into the tank, but when she has climbed back down to get it, she finds out that thud was the thing it needed to activate and sow does the rest of the squad when a loud bang sounds off before a pillar of purple smoke billows upwards out of the tanks hatch.
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>>73846 Anon >>73848 just called you blind, you just gonna take that?
>>73847 Well...whatever, you could've requested this story instead if you think you're so smart
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>>73834 Not gonna lie, I'd really like a story starring Momoka Sakurai from Idolmaster. Maybe she receives a blueberry pie as a gift from one of her fans, or something like that
>>73660 you oc is nice also based as fuck pussy inflation we always need more of that
>>73845 On Thanksgiving huh?
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>>73845 Requesting Ravena Oxblood with a really round body flying high in the night sky.
>>73860 This one sounds interesting,will certainly make an attempt. >>73761 >>73871 Requests like these are why I'm selective with whose ideas I keep or ditch.
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>>73834 They did one of chibiusa too that used to be on their FA only
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>>73834 Riko Saikawa (from Dragon Maid) inflating herself to a massive size for Kanna? The combination of her inflating and her crush on Kanna giving her a rush and making her incredibly excited?
>>73949 I more think this is because Kanna wanted her huge! But both scenarios are really good!
>>73842 How about a story about a single father with a blueberry inflation fetish who actually makes the gum, and wants to get a woman to chew it, but his young innocent daughter accidentally chews the gum instead, and he has to help her before she explodes. All the while also being conflicted his little daughter is the first girl in the world to go through what Violet Beauregard did, not wanting to admit at first it’s a turn on for him. And post juicing she’s blue and inhumanly flexible, and her father wants her to chew it again.
>>73949 >>73963 Y'all, it's already fucking November 28th...I think it's too late
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>>73922 Happy Thanksgiving!
>>73967 After today it's over. I should've made that more clear,my apologies.
>>73963 That's a nice idea
Story requests are now closed,thank you to all anons who requested something. Will go through and decide which requests to do,quality not guaranteed and they will be finished when they are finished.
>>73963 >before she explodes You had me up until that part
>>73963 Sounds fun, could be cool if there were two ending to it, like one where the daughter is juiced and her father tries to get her to eat the gum again. And another ending where the father just watches completely enamored and turned on at how big of a blueberry his little girl has become with her clothes barely covering and containing her bloated body, she's wobbling side to side with her creaking and groaning as she gets closer and closer to popping, she's no long inflating anymore and all she can feel is the pressure building up inside her, and all she's begging and crying for her father to help her, "D-Daddy... Hewlp mwe... pwease... I fweel like... I'm gwoing to pop...! I'm gwonna PO-" and then she explodes with a loud sploosh and sends blueberry juice torn or intact clothing and rubbery scraps everywhere and her father is in complete bliss after watching it
Here you go Pervs! Enjoy your fap material!
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Heya! I'm back for some suggestions because I lost the previous thread 😅
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>>74295 Yai Ayano from Megaman Battle Network water inflated looking desperate to pee This loli from a YouTube shorts channel dazed with a stuffed belly A couple I wouldn't mind seeing
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>>74295 would love to see you turn maggie into a horny orb
>>74295 Pan would be cool
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>>74295 how about alice from balloon kid inflated and she's vibing
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>>74353 >>74295 i was gonna request Frisk or Chara but I'm not sure if they count for this Thread
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>>74295 The obvious being Kanna... Or just some non-descript kid, or ages down Violet from the movies
>>74354 I'm sure they're allowed since a fair number of people in the fandom portray them as girls.
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Still ain't too sure how to reply to shit on here, but to the dude doing request, sorry to ask another of ya, and the shit refs, but hear me out, could you do another lucy snow pic? Like her swollen up into a blueberry, with miss notch (another character from those books, shown below) rolling her away, saying something like "this happens every year, atleast three students end up as blueberries.."? Sorry again to ask for somethin-
>>74295 gonna keep it simple and say Peni Parker blueberry with a shape and size similar to the Saikawa pic
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>>74295 Maybe a massive Princess Morbucks blueberry? Surprised she doesn't have more art
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>>74295 May I request Cree Lincoln massive inflation, with her battle armor as a alt?
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>>74295 Please do this. >>73871
>>74295 Glad to see you back, many blessings you find some great choice. Will keep things easy and breezy, would a Blueberry Madeline be possible?
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>>74295 I would love to see you blow Violet Parr up like a blimp if possible?
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>>73849 Why the fuck does that girl in the first image almost looks like Enma-Kun from Dororon Enma-Kun.
>>74411 Sauce/artist?
>>74508 Stop misinterpreting smugness for a characters actual looks, Anon.
>>74510 DisneyHero100
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>>74295 Creepy Susie
>>74755 Source or artist? Also I miss the Alice thread and all the Alice edits we saw
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>>74295 https://bbw-chan.link/bbwalt/res/48836.html#q74246 I don't suggest the exact size and shape, but what if she finds an unlimited source of food and stays there for a month or two, stuffing herself with the full power of her madness?
>>74295 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMHYKj57EfQ Imagine this little bitch inflated bigger than her ego. Oh wait, you can't. Nothing can be bigger than infinity, even with help of a "sweet sweet candy".
>>74722 Seconded
>>74769 found it https://www.deviantart.com/bootijuse/gallery
>>74769 he deleted a lot of stuff but i found it from here https://bbw-chan.xyz/bbwalt/res/51392.html#q52054
Stories are complete. >>73860 https://www.pixiv.net/novel/show.php?id=23579506 https://inkbunny.net/s/3497170 >>73949 https://www.pixiv.net/novel/show.php?id=23579532 https://inkbunny.net/s/3497171 >>73836 I tried to do this one,but I'm not going to lie,I genuinely got intimidated just by reading the wiki. I honestly don't think I could do this idea justice since the whole world of Girls Und Panzer seems intricately written,and at that I didn't know where to look on the wiki. My apologies,anon.
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>>75073 >I tried to do this one,but I'm not going to lie,I genuinely got intimidated just by reading the wiki. I honestly don't think I could do this idea justice since the whole world of Girls Und Panzer seems intricately written,and at that I didn't know where to look on the wiki. Eh, they won't have any interactions with anyone while on foot. They're in a competition to damage each others tanks until the white flag pops up. They'll likely be far from the battle by the time Katyusha becomes a landmark Nonna will have to switch to rolling around. I don't remember Nonna speaking that much either.
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>>75073 >My request didn't get accepted.
>>75076 I do still have an outline saved,so I could potentially try to salvage the GUP request. I'll need a lot of guidance if you're willing to provide it,Anon. My pixiv DMs are the best place to reach me as to not clog the thread.
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>>75078 My HOTO request wasn't complete, was it?
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>>75078 I've only seen the first Finale movie and some clips. The requestor should have the info you'd need, though I just can't see it being anything more than quick words between the teams, before they're left by themselves, with the story being about them and fighting against the forest and land to get back to get the midget juiced. You don't even have to have Glorianna's team say much beyond announcing their retreat while laying down a suppressing fire (knicking Katyusha). I remember trying to find clips of the corridor chase, inside the ship but I can't remember what significance it had for me.
>>75078 I don't know if it's too late or something, but I just sent you a message on Pixiv
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>>75337 Weeks late.
>>75371 Oh, shut up. It's just been three days
( ! Spoilered pic is a gas alt ! ) >>75337 Odd,I didn't receive a thing. >>75383 Only three days,yes,but I am a lazy slacker bastard.
>>75392 Fuck,realizing most of these are technically western lolis. My bad.
>>73834 >>73926 Thanks for the find,Anon. I also remembered this last one. These three might be the only ones he's ever done (to our knowledge,at least)
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i got 3D Ashley (i wonder if someone got some Penny crygor?)
>>75079 I mean accepted.
0ppail0li is truly goated
>>75371 Artist btw?
>>75392 Talk about powerPUFF~ They look fit to blow!
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>>75514 https://twitter.com/NantokaWave29/status/1867846759252472290
>>75552 danke
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>>74295 Hazel inflated with a pudgy belly and swollen cheeks while in awe
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anyone got the high res of this violet from theneverwere? original has been deleted
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Spoiler for cream and vanilla from sonic
>>76145 that's the good shit right there
>>76145 Holy shit you're amazing
>>76145 Based as always~ great art friend!
Does anyone have those loli inflation images that lashdog deleted from his alt picnic account?
>>76350 Here you go https://mega.nz/folder/PUE3nbyC#Z7NnQ-zxTYjfYWUnH3SXrw >>76145 That's the good stuff.
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>>76145 This is so good, I'd love to see more slice of life of Cream stuck like this
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>>76512 >>76513 I still sometimes wish BalloonToes finished this sequence or at least still did some kind of loli stuff.
>>76515 They're too busy with feet, but after their name change to BalloonToes I kind of expected it.
>>76570 That's the thing though,they used to compromise with both (pic related). I honestly wish they still did loli inflation stuff. Especially lolis with inflated feet since I tend to dabble in that niche.
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Hey, it's InflateResponsibly, wanted to share an art piece I had in my folder for a year now; so tl;dr, if anyone knows about BaughBee or the fucked shit she did regarding minors, don't know much on the matters other than that, but wanted to least share this piece she drew when she was apart of a friend group of mines that was a safe haven for lolicons before her and SquishySofty's more fucked bts shit was shown... figured it be fair for you all to see this, sucks knowing a potentially good inflation artist was too fucked up to tell the difference between reality and fiction
>>76777 Thank you for still sharing this. Let's hope the depraved shit those two did doesn't dissuade further loli expansion artists from coming up in the future.
>>76777 Hey, question. You said they had safe heaven for Lolicons? If you’re not comfortable with that skin you can shoot me down on this, but. Was there any other secret arts? Are there any artist that we don’t yet know if that are into the stuff that were in that server? Prominent in the community or otherwise? Just in general any interesting trivia about it?
>>76812 *Question
>>76777 Funny considering you're in the secret chip chell server where they share actual cp, meet up with minors, and gush about how much they love fantasizing about the kids they saw crossing the street. But not all lolicons amIright?
>>76831 for just an hour, then immediately left because I was fed up with them basically whining at me left and right for what I was posting and complaining about lolis; I had zero clue about any of that, that's just fucked beyond belief; rather be hated by these hypocrites than sink to their disgusting level...
*for an hour on one day
>>76831 >the secret chip chell server where they share actual cp, meet up with minors, and gush about how much they love fantasizing about the kids they saw crossing the street. What do you mean by this?
>>76812 To answer your question, no I was never in their server; outside of my Patreon exclusive server, I barely join servers period, especially since I know a lot of people in the inflation community hate my guts to a point where mentioning or sharing art I made is a bannable offense according to close friends; sorry to say, but I could try to find some more inflation art I have sometime later down the line if anyone wants, the fanbase for loli/shota inflation is starving and I feel it isn't fair to be the only person providing it publicly when it should be more but that's just me
>>76831 That's quite a wild accusation there, anon.
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>>76831 What the hell are you talking about
>>76851 you aren't the only one making loli inflation art stop glazing yourself XD
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>>76831 please post proof or you're a liar, all i've seen elsewhere is just that they're extremely banhappy/at least commented on one loli-adjascent animation but thats it not to be confused with the other chip going around the twitter fagdrama carousel who's only crime is going "i dont even know if it counts and its all fictional, are fat shotas fine" and telling the loudest complainers that they Don't Care Lmao
>>77048 Anon,it's probably bait in all honesty. And even if it's real or true,OP is incriminating themselves by supposedly knowing everything that goes on in this 'secret server'. Besides,who the hell posts a confession like that in a place like this?
Is there any oppai loli or loli inflation based discord servers out there?
>>77249 You're asking to get deactivated being in a Discord server themed around that.
>>77249 If frickin' wish but would get banned so damn quickly
>>77462 prooobably more than just banned. My worry would be people using it to meet and take things too far in secret (real or realistic CP, etc.)
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did anyone save this artist's loli art from the previous thread?
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>>78156 Thanks, what I meant was if there's an archive of the artist's other loli art.
>>78183 you can find my stuff on baraag (@tatsugeki)
>>78202 Do you have the one with the group of lolis popping?
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>>78227 textless version because I think the version showing the ages got deleted last time
>>78230 Your work is so freakin' good as always!
>>78230 I absolutely love your stuff, with my fave probably being the Cream and Vanilla one. We need more blimp bun.
Well anons,if you've all been following my pixiv/inkbunny,you all know what the deal is. It's the end of the road for me. I won't go through a big farewell like I did on my other sites though,so I'll just skip to the point. Here's an archive of all of my works. Remember to save the stuff you like,digital kleptomania can be helpful in this day and age. https://mega.nz/folder/DEcBCZjT#J8XPVHVFLYLh603gRvyrbA Thank you all for everything.
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>>78459 Hey it's the same anon who asked for Kat and Ana and I'll say one thing (if you don't count the image) You Still Killed it with my request (I should of asked about adding the AnaXLulu ship but that's in the past unless someone else can do it? idk) and i hope you're other endeavors go Great 👍
>>74314 I second the request for stuff done to that YouTube Loli.
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Hey so regarding the guy that was doing request for a hot second, I've commissioned him on twitter, and chatted to him for a bit. He got IP banned. Just can't send messages, but can still see. He was saying had he not gotten banned he would have done more. He's a really damn chill dude though, if you got the spare money and see their comms open you should absolutely commission em. Support your local artist that does freaky shit like this cause not many artist will. Least in terms of what skill they have.c
>>79558 Artist name?
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>>79558 He could ask them to clear his name since unintentional bans seems to be an issue that happens now and then. >>>/gen/50992
>>79572 @Eugene_mcgreen on twitter Think he's got one more slot open.
>>78230 Does anyone have the text version?
>>80027 >The ghost is filling my body like a balloon! Sounds like a line from the Super Ghostbusters album
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I would like to know if MachoChowder had more loli content on his pixiv before his account was deleted. The only image I could rescue was this one of anya (peni is on twitter), but definitely for the moment these 2 images are the only worthwhile thing in his gallery. The rest is slob with scat and fartflation. >>79938 Btw, you can find it on another page called baraag with the same name as always (@tatsugeki). He also has 2-3 extra images that he hasn't uploaded to twitter or here.
>>80355 >'before his account was deleted' His pixiv is still up, what are you on about?
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>>80369 My bad. I didn't check if the account was deleted. I still managed to save that drawing because it is no longer available. He even uploaded a post to DA advising of his new drawing (https ://www.deviantart.com/ machochowder/status-update/I-posted-an-Anya-Forger-1042204982)
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Not entirely sure if this fits here.
I'm trying to find a really hot image of bloated Lisa Simpson from the previous thread, can anyone find it?
