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Slob, vore, muscle, etc

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Canadian Animation Thread Anonymous 01/13/2025 (Mon) 01:41:46 Id:25f406 No. 77486
Covers multiple shows without the need for multiple threads: Totally Spies, Amazing Spiez, Winx, Total Drama, Invincible, and etc.
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Here are some more Canadian animated show examples.
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>>77486 That 4th pic is from a sequence of Lindsay becoming very fat.
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>>77516 Last night I somehow dreamed that Izzy broke into a big warehouse with thousands of delicious and cheesy burgers all around her. She starts eating thousands of burgers. Cramming them all in her mouth and turning into a giant blob of fat attacking the city as she looks for more burgers to eat. And Owen was there as well. Pretty weird huh?
>>77486 Don't forget Dee from Producing Parker. I couldn't find a colored version of this one. I should request it to be colored on the need of color thread on /BBWDraw/
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Got any Courtney?
Sky looked so cute when she was bloated and fat. If Sky had to eat 1,000 pies, how would she feel after each row?
>>77651 she'd probably feel like Leshawna did after she got bloated after a while x3
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>>77653 And she would look like a huge food balloon after all those pies.
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>>77584 get some more TDI up in here
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>>77653 Let's just say Sky has to eat 1,000 pies to win a vacation. And the weight in her body increases as the number of pies she eats decreases. Each passing number shows how she feels after each pie (1,000 > 901) (900 > 801) (800 > 701) (700 > 601) (600 > 501) (500 > 401) (400 > 301) (300 > 201) (200 > 101) (100 > 1)
Last night I dreamed that Emma & Kitty (The Sisters) turned themselves into sumo wrestlers and were ready for action. I don't know what goes on in my head but my mind is one crazy thing.
Artist: WeirdSturm
More sisters incoming!
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Artist: Zenite14
Some guy wanted to see her grow into a giant kaiju, with her clothes tearing off leaving her clad only in her underwear, possibly because of some left over radiation Chris still somehow retained from the ROTI days. Lauren then begins terrorizing [insert city] and smashing buildings because she enjoys the screams and violence. She gets temporarily defeated by having large chunks of food thrown in her mouth. She has a more voracious appetite due to being kaiju-sized, so she keeps stand still getting fat. She eventually blows up to gargantuan proportions to the point where she's immobile or can barely move. Authorities then detain and her, and she gets taken away, He took some inspiration from the kangaroo Eustace sequence and Izzy staring in a giantess movie that one time from the TDA special He also was thinking MK since she's usually the brains, so we can see her coming up with a plan. Like she hears Lauren's stomach growling loudly because a giant body needs a lot of calories. Let's just say if x city was New York, she devices a plan and some kind of contraption to launch of bunch of New York Pizza into her mouth. The food being so addictive, she stops her rampage and just stands there letting the pizza fly at her How does Scary Girl feel from all this madness? At first, she would be flabbergasted at growing giant, maybe a mix of anger and sadness from her growing size rend her favorite outfit into pieces. Then start to feel a mixture of embarrassment, shock, and anger of being clad only in her undergarments because of the show's doing. Shortly after she would notice all the townsfolk, citizens, and production staff in the city screaming at the sight of a giant woman, fearing their lives, and after a few steps in her new body, she realizes how much destruction and more terror she can enact. This greatly delights her She completely forgets about her peers, the show, and the state she's in and begins having fun terrorizing people, making potholes on the road, picking up cars, and smashing architecture After MK devices her plan to launch seeming infinite New York pizza at her, Lauren takes the first bite scoffing on how seemingly ineffective it is at stopping her rampage, but still thinks the food is delicious. She decides to stop and let the pizzas keep coming after realizing how much she's starving with her new colossal requiring a vast amount more calories to function. Lauren chomps down at the pizza's being launched at her, with some being hurled at her in giant clumps. At this point she already satisfied her daily calorie intake, but the tastiness of the food made her ravenous and she decides to keep on feasting and enjoying her meal. After some time passes, everyone starts to notice Lauren is growing again, not vertically, but instead outward. Her belly stars going from a muffin top, to to a sizable round gut, to being immensely fat for her size comparatively as she chomps down on the food completely oblivious to her changing body After about an hour or two of non stop eating, the kaiju-sized Scary Girl, is now more akin to a cartoonishly colossal-sized marshmallow girl. She is now nearly immobile and can barely move. Her face and cheeks quite chubby her belly and toros huge, her breasts large, big ass and thick thighs, finger that are shaped more like sausages and she sucks the remaining food residue off of them. She first groans with a satisfied sigh just from how good the meal felt, but then groans from pain from just how full she is and how inept she is as moving now She’s to oblivious and full to react to authorities preparing to detain and transport her.
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>>77516 The Killer Bass girls from the same artist. You're welcome. The artist is @Garazune in twitter btw
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Artists: Xmasterdavid Plumeria
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>Laurie and Miles return for another season of TDRR >They are forced to eat mountains of meaty burgers >They become four times there original size >There Bellies are large and round >There Footsteps causes big tremors >There Faces and Cheeks are very squishable >They now smells of meaty scents >They constantly burps and breathes heavily. >The can't run very fast in there new forms >They've got a bad cause of Type 2 Diabetes >Everyone, having very thoughts about Laurie and Miles. Seeing there now morbidly obese body, They mumbles there words, saying insults and compliments to the meat-bloated vegans >The thought of seeing and eating more meat only makes Laurie and Miles even more nauseous and sick to there Owen-sized stomachs >They can feel and hear there own gurgling, sloshy, digesting, meaty, greasy liquids in there bellies
Artist: Fatty's Den
>>78016 Shame Fatty doesn’t do commissions. Dude is damn good with cartoony fats and there are a number of Canadian gals I’d like to see him give the fat treatment to. Same for other animated gals.
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I know it was probably in her heart-shaped belt buckle, but whole else thought she pulled that cookie out of her underwear and her body heat caused it to get all melty? Binge eating is sexy enough, but her addiction making her hoard food near her warm crotch takes it up a notch.
>>78127 If I recall correctly, I seem to remember giving Courtney a strange cookie addiction. She would instantly run around town looking more cookies to eat. And even when she's passed full and I mean really full, She'll still be hungry and go to extreme length to get more cookies.
Recent pic of Zoey from Total Drama by Grimphantom!
Alt Version of Zoey Pic
Grimphantom Pic from years ago featuring Taylor & Emma from Ridonculous Race
Bikini Booty Pic of Taylor from Ridonculous Race done by Scobionicle99/SB99Stuff back in 2015
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Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but since it's Totally Spies, does anyone have Jackurai's old Totally Blimped Out flash animation?
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Big and fat all over.
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Could there please be more Megan art. Either more inflation or even WG of her. I feel she’s been long overdue for either inflation or WG.
We need more Aviva Corcovado art! I wanna see a slob of her.
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Got this Totally Spies comic by Azumaonfire. It’s long one but it’s still pretty good. Can anyone post the rest of this comic?
Artist: JoanCarrington14
>>78985 Emperor-of-Noplace stash that vanished had a bunch of stuff for this thread. One piece in particular was of Megan from Amazing Spiez. Anyone got the stuff from their old stash on DA?
>>78991 You can found all of it on Kemono
Speaking of Kemono, I hope someone updates the posts from CK-Draws-Stuff, cause there are notable Total Drama Pieces that deserve to be seen....
Artist: TrulyPhantom
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Recent Pic featuring TD's Lindsay by Codykin123/CK-Draws-Stuff (One Red and One Blue)
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Watermarkless versions of the 2 Lindsay Pics
Cropped Edits of Lindsay Pics
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Does anyone have it and in HD?
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https://x.com/TPsFILTHYHANDS/media Dude’s got other TDI ladies, but she was the fewest, therefore the easiest to post all of here. Sorry in advance, saw nothing of Gwen or Courtney
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>>80226 Thanks
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Drawn by Grimphantom
