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(665.17 KB 1161x652 Screenshot 2025-01-13 235223.png)
BBW/SSBBW Fart thread 2: Gassy Boogaloo Anonymous 01/14/2025 (Tue) 05:55:17 Id:11081b No. 77579
Other thread got bump locked https://gofile.io/d/UVbDZU https://gofile.io/d/GVtE0S https://gofile.io/d/9rzaLb https://gofile.io/d/VSEvc7
I love you
This is fantastic! The best thread!
Last link is dead
>>77837 god bless fat people, man. i fucking love this stuff
>>79340 Speaking of edits, did anyone manage to hang onto FemBrap’s Udderly Adorable fart edit from a few months ago? I’ve been looking for months and I can’t find a public version.
Hello everyone, do not Let this thread die. Here's some more content, enjoy. https://gofile.io/d/VsJVAu
>>79355 https://gofile.io/d/EB2J5y here ya go! plus a few classics, one day I’ll get back to making edits… maybe…
>>79407 that 2nd clip crazy, you got more of the gal?
>>79438 Dude we don’t want shitty edits on this thread, who even gets off to this??!
>>79438 Please do! I really enjoyed your edits.
>>79467 >'We don't want shitty edits on this thread' People were clamouring for and encouraging this person's work on the last iteration of this thread, someone was literally asking for their content here a few posts before you. Speak for yourself you asswipe. It's crazy how much objectively garbage content is posted on this board by the same gaggle of autists consistently in many of the other threads over here, yet somehow it's these entirely inoffensive audio edits that draw your ire. Honestly convinced you came here just to be an asshole, go fuck yourself anon.
I really like the proposal of this thread, so I don't want to see its decline and death, so I'm here once again to share with you an interesting video that unfortunately the woman practically became a lost media. Enjoy. https://gofile.io/d/a59tQd
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>>77579 Anyone have ‘cursed relic causes uncontrollable farts’ vid by Layla Moore and Ami Mercury?
