Well if you expect the best, that defeats the point of OC on a basket weaving forum. 90% of anons here can't VA for shit, the remaining 10% aren't degenerate enough to out themselves or they're troons that can barely pass a whisper siren. No female VA would ever touch this site when they can get Paytreon dollars or be a discord kitten for a sugar daddy. Unless you have deep pockets or you think you're hot shit that defies the odds, AI is the only reasonable solution here (and less annoying to coach than a VA per take).
That said, default voice cloning isn't all that it's cracked up to be. On this second try, I had better luck with making a new synthetic voice than using Astolfo clips as planned. The only thing I haven't tried is overdubbing with AI, and that's behind a paywall.
Custom British Dom Mom, ElevenLabs:
Astolfo, Speechify trial: