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Paid Content Thread 34 Zephyr 12/13/2024 (Fri) 06:25:39 Id:b00c9b No. 235025
Sup everyone. Here is another Paid Content Thread. The last of 2024 and the first of a good 2025. Here is a another announcement of the rules of the thread for all those who has just recently joined us. 1. Don't be a post fag. This thread is for everyone to post their wares. Try to use a maximum of 2 posts for uploads. If your upload requires more than 2 posts, better use a transfer link that is not banned by Global Rules. Also hotlinks are disabled so don't go insane with the encryption unless it's absolutely necessary. 2. Don't be a beggar. We get it. Kemono is still broken af rn. But it ain't an excuse to keep on begging for the same thing relentlessly without a break or for begging in general. You will be reported if you do so. 3. No requests for updating Kemono pages. Can't believe I have to repeat this again for then nth time. But yeah, I think at this point we have made it clear that WE ARE NOT THE KEMONO THREAD. We are here only to get works hidden behind paywalls which Kemono and the other sites below don't have atm or are unable to get. As said before, it will be considered begging or spamming if you make requests to add accounts to Kemono or update Kemono pages. 4. Don't be a dick/moral fag. We have a rant thread here >>229373, if you want to express your well worded opinions. The usual queries regarding content, paywalls and such are only allowed here. Though try and keep it as low as possible. The main focus of this thread is to get and upload content not just talking about how to get it. And now, as is customary and compulsory with all threads before, here is another big fat reup of the works collected in the previous threads. https://mab.to/t/sDAXhTv0RzX/eu1 Hope you all enjoy the goods. Tried using gofile. Wasn't able to. So any1 here who knows how to use it, pls make a gofile link for the content posted above. Also if you just missed the upload, don't worry. Most of them are already available or will be updated soon in the sites mentioned below. kemono.party https://www.base64decode.org/ (use for decoding alpha-numeric strings of txt) https://forum.allporncomix.com/ https://8musesforum.com/ https://svscomics.com https://bondagecomixxx.net https://e-hentai.org Please thoroughly check these sites for content before making any requests for new content or posting reups. There are still some links active in the previous thread >>207769. Do check them out before the thread is gone. Do be on the lookout for the comics listed above. Quite a lot of them this time around. So wish u all good luck hunting. And also Happy Holidays.
>>244109 I know there are multiple pages out there with the blueberry vengeance. I’m hoping someone has the Phototroph comic.
>>244134 I know that but there are other comics besides the blueberry ones
>>244141 Someone already did. The problem though is that not all of his posts were imported for some reason
(85.56 KB 1280x720 GiijgJybsAAVfla.jpeg)
Did anyone have this? https://toro.fanbox.cc/posts/9052988
O mighty anon who paid their fav artists. Fanbox seems to be working again in kemono. May I interest you to these 2 great artist? They exist in kemono but haven't been updated for at least a year. Onehaunt https://onehaunt.fanbox.cc/ https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/22258194 Dobemaru https://dobemaru.fanbox.cc/ https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/20090779 Attached are examples of each artist's work Please give them a look and hopefully update their kemono page
Oh oops, I totally missed rule 3, sorry didn't meant to break the rule
lord altros comics?
>>235713 Can anyone share this comic?
Isn't one of this thread's rules to not request for updating kemono pages
>>245244 Here https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1LCbks1u23E0BL5ME_A-LaSuqMSlm6iq-
Someone have this?
Anyone got kerfus dungeon quest by waifu dekai
>>239794 Anyone have that comic?
(2.39 MB 2100x2900 Changing+Career+Pg1.PNG)
(2.81 MB 2100x2900 CHANGINGCAREERS-COVER.png)
Anyone got this?
(58.27 KB 1005x678 fhxyaybcsm9op2nixsrj0wdmqzw7.webp)
Anyone have this?https://sicstories.gumroad.com/l/AmpleArcane?layout=profile
(1.09 MB 2171x3071 DaisyRosaComicP1.jpg)
Someone has the most recent pics of this?
Can antone post here the first page of Coolviki's new comic, Fat chance: working it out?
Hi I’m not asking for the comic but help finding a comic it was called Ashley and another girls name one was a model and the other fattened the model up? Thanks
Anyone here got "thank you satan" by cyork please? Thanks if anyone here have to share!!!
>>246175 https://files.catbox.moe/b4ezp3.pdf
>>246598 Thanks bro
>>246598 Could u send it again in a gofile?
>>246598 >>244040 Can you do the same for this with a gofile?
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There's a manga called "ALL BE PLUS!" about a model who's gained weight due to the side effects of her anxiety medication and then became a plus-size model. So far, I was only able to find raws of volume one, which contains chapters 1-5, but not volume 2 with chapters 6-10. Can someone please upload raws of the second volume/chapters 6-10 here or on some other website?
>>246699 Volume 1 download link - https://manga-zip.info/dl/ALL-BE-PLUS%EF%BC%81/.
Anybody have this picture of Ann Takamaki of Assthethick?
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Anyone got the new nihijack post?
>>246971 And this of Elastigirl?
Anyone who has the rest of Primesui's patreon exclusive works?
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Any have this? (Anastimafilia)
Anyone have keep heaving Konami ch 3 by precioustimespent
They have the new page of the comic
>>247292 This is the wrong board to ask for vore. Go ask on >>>/bbwalt/.
Someone got this? (Gine-Dragon Ball)
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Can anyone get the mini clip of the water expansion animation from ladyluckfate pls? https://x.com/ladyluckfate/status/1895846943773049253?s=46&t=dmCgHRJktmJ7YoYoCSBXcA
hey, what happened to anongts, i don't seem to find it
https://asiamediablog.com/アンソロジー-油断しすぎた超絶むちぽちゃ女子/ Is this an actually a site where I can pirate one of the anthologies fusa was apart of? Very retarded. Don’t wanna brick my computer.
>>247837 https://viewer-trial.bookwalker.jp/03/19/viewer.html?cid=38520cbc-df1e-4c2e-97cc-cd5587712d70&cty=1
>>247857 Looks like this is just the sample unfortunately. Thanks though.
Im guessing this is where I put this, but here’s the story of Caroline so far from TheLustLord’s patreon. It’s just the main sequence though. https://gofile.io/d/4lLEQ7
>>248875 thx. I hate the extra parts in between
>>235025 Does anyone have this?
>>248969 Tbh, the extra parts are a bit excessive. Buuuutttt, there are times where the alt view is peak. I also think he does it so the stories don’t end too early cuz it takes a bit to do renders. But idk.
>>249038 I wish they were there own sections cuz it throws me off when I try to view it from part to part
>>249038 Also LustLords kemono hasnt been updated since December so if someone could please update it that would be nice
>>249048 I don’t know how to else I would
Anyone have his paid alts for his lucy stuff?
Does anyone have Substitute Wanted?
