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Anonymous 01/12/2024 (Fri) 15:01:49 Id:0384bf No. 184859
Nintendo Girls Thread 5
Post all your Super Sized Models from Super Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Pokemon, Smash Bros. Metroid and many others that you have.
>>184861 >2nd image >>184863 >3rd image Wrong board for furries.
Anymore good ones with Min Min?
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(2.87 MB 2480x3508 IMG_9231.jpeg)
>>184949 There's a criminally low amount of fat Min Min art. You'd would think Smash Bros. would have caused a massive increase in it like with every character, but nope.
(1.63 MB 3900x3000 20240116_115108.jpg)
I post.. WAAAAAAAAAAAARIOOOOOO.... ...girls.
>>185978 I see you are a man of culture as well…
I want Advance Wars girls, please.
(79.88 KB 474x800 _20240122_075708.jpg)
Someone know where this come from please?
(167.07 KB 900x1223 IMG_6774.jpeg)
Could anybody post this sequence?
Princess peach showtime trailer looks great with ninja peach
>>186580 Too bad a thread based on Advance Wars would just sink into oblivion.
(1.35 MB 2700x2125 IMG_4915.jpeg)
>>186612 Advance Wars already has a thread? Gimme a source, please.
>>186738 He didn't say that, retard
>>186765 Then what did he say?
>>186772 >Too bad a thread based on Advance Wars would just sink into oblivion. It's literally there above. Retards coming out in full force lately...
Anyone have more smb1 peach from BWG Lite? She has a chubby design, yet there's barely any fat art of her.
>>186809 She has a game as well made by the artist.
>>186830 Too bad it wasn't fetish focused, besides Peach being fat, imagine if they make it something like the Sonic mod where she gets fatter for every mushroom she collects.
>>185978 Here’s some more.
>>186970 Living with Syrup
Rosalina tum
(205.68 KB 2062x1753 GF651JoakAAdrxo.jpeg)
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(7.75 MB 4200x3000 TwintelleV2.jpg)
(306.82 KB 1000x800 September2023SketchesV3.jpg)
>>188912 >When the only lasting impact that ARMS left, was Twintelle herself and maybe the clown girl.
Does anyone have this one with better quiality?
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(172.68 KB 1394x2171 FQgvZToaUAIatWi.jpg)
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(1.17 MB 2048x1660 GHdABF8awAAA81J.jpg)
>>185978 Yeah... You're based.
>>191767 Artist?
>>193395 Sauce in the third one?
(87.68 KB 1200x1034 20220909_125912.jpg)
(499.11 KB 3556x1857 20221107_233202.jpg)
How many of you play MMORPG games that feature bbw and curvy females ? Also, we should have a Community BBW and Feedee flag. Get Official representation, since we live in a democracy. vote and elect members that can advocate for us. Note : Patreon's policy screws with freedom of speech, our personal lives, and artistic expression.
(9.97 MB 2953x3500 viya.png)
>>193617 are you mentally retarded
(976.92 KB 1056x1132 PPS_Grape_Artwork.png)
Make her fat
(174.56 KB 1290x1091 IMG_3325.jpeg)
Lol Nintendo never ceases to amaze how low they’ll sink
>>194168 dafaq?
>>194168 To be fair, I get that it’s kind of ridiculous, but I also kind of get it in the sense that a kid might stumble upon it.
(204.93 KB 480x286 IMG_3464.png)
>>194175 No need to start beef but kind of think this whole DMCA situation with Nintendo started with Doug Bowser replacing Reggie as the head of Nintendo of America. I haven’t heard any infringement situation when Reggie was president. Plus, they want to maintain a family-friendly image and to NOT be associated with anything pornographic. May I remind you about the “Super Hornio Bros.” Situation?
>>194168 Good fucking luck to the lawyers putting a band-aid on a busted dam
>>194177 Why did you automatically default to NoA being the ones doing it? The company has been DMCA crazy practically since the internet became widely and heavily used. Japs simply can't comprehend parody.
(37.92 KB 238x480 IMG_3467.jpeg)
>>194182 >”Japs simply can’t comprehend parody.” This statement is so wrong on so many levels. There’s so many parodies of various properties in Japan, such as “JoJo’s Bizarre Married Life,” “Gokudo Rockman,” amongst other parody works that are heavily influenced by popular Japanese media media. Heck, even the most popular manga series of all time “Dragon Ball,” began as a parody of the Chinese novel “Journey to the West”. To state that they can’t handle parodies, while ignoring many of the examples I listed is ignorant, and a tad bit racist in my opinion. The reason why I stated that due to how I haven’t heard as much of issues like this from Nintendo of Japan nor Europe. Plus, it’s mostly been under Doug Bowser’s rule. Remember “Nintendo Digital Event,” back in 2014, where Nintendo teamed up with Stoopid Buddy Studios, the producers behind Robot Chicken, which also parodied Nintendo properties multiple times, and they were fine with it. This was during Reggie’s time as president. I may have contradicted myself here, but my point is that it isn’t necessarily NoA going DMCA crazy, but it’s because of Doug Bowser. Now, let’s get back to talkin’ abt bellies.
>>192643 >>187008 >>186216 You want bellies? Wario show you bellies! Wario show you fats!>>185978
...Ok, just a few more. (Feat. Rare Wario's Woods Mermaid fats...)
With the recent announcement that Nintendo is DMCAing pictures of Princess Peach off of Newgrounds, does anyone have a backup of the fat ones that were taken down?
(194.45 KB 2000x1500 Bowsette's Inside Story.png)
>>194168 Is she safe to draw or will Nintendo send the ninjas?
>>194360 Probably not- A. She’s not cannon B. Not a real Mario character
(81.83 KB 562x426 Capture.PNG)
Sup guys, i wonder if someone has the rest of this Overlordmetal's comic in patreon?
>>194186 This makes SMG4's Lawsuit Arc all the more pointless.
>>193784 >>193784 >>193784 Can you say “moron” or “loon” instead of that stupid filthy word?
stop being a newfag. go cry on reddit
>>194986 As much bullshit goes through this place, get over it, we're all special in our own way here.
>>194986 Can you stop being a sensitive retard ? Worse words could be used you know.
>>194986 stfu retard
>>194995 Domino effect
>>195000 Eh, I’d say it’s more so the Boomerang effect. Snowflake says he doesn’t want to see a slur but it only encourages contrarian douchebags like us to say it more.
>>195066 That sounds like reverse psychology with extra steps
>>195091 No just the truth. Let it hit like hell
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>>195091 It’s like reverse psychology but by accident. Reverse psychology is done to goad someone into thinking they’re acting out when really you’re intentionally manipulating them. I doubt this guy’s intention was to be called retarded. ..unless he’s a masochist which I mean, this is a degenerate fetish board, it’s not impossible.
>>194973 I’ve always viewed it as more of a parody/satire of the amount of lawsuits that NoA has been giving out since Doug Bowser took the torch that Reggie gave him. I’ve done my research pal, and u just had to be there too.
>>195162 I'm still upset over Nintendo taking down BrawlBRMST and GilvaSunner.
(149.18 KB 1391x1540 IMG_3649.jpeg)
(Art Cree: Fizzooka on X/Twitter.)
(729.13 KB 4096x2958 GHxJAITW8AAnQBJ.jpg)
>>194706 low resolution was bugging me, here's ya high res
(2.02 MB 3500x4500 Wii_gainz.png)
I love Frutiger Aero
>>195162 What the hell are you talking about??
>>195191 >BrawlBRSTMS3 God, I haven't heard that name in YEARS... >>195162 Eh... there were still takedowns even in the Reggie days. AM2R, No Mario's Sky, and Pokémon Uranium all got DMCA'd in 2016. At least in the case of AM2R (and later Mario Royale) Nintendo was working on their own versions of those concepts behind the scenes (Samus Returns and SMB35.) Also, must I remind you of the Nintendo Creators Program BS from the mid 2010's? Reggie was great, but he sure as hell wasn't perfect either.
>>196080 Come on in and join the pity party. It still hurts.
>>185978 Same Here
(796.87 KB 4096x2896 GKh-d9AXkAEmuxa.jpeg)
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Somebody has some liko fat art ?
(9.28 MB 4096x2160 Strongfat samus1.png)
Say, does anyone here have the picture of Kumatora and hinawa wrestling with each other? I recall it was posted in a previous thread but the artist deleted their traces.
>>194986 faggot
(1.96 MB 6000x4250 Marilyn But Slightly Fatter.png)
>>194986 For once, jannies are based.
>>200525 >>200527 There's a Pokemon thread on /bbfurries/ for non humans.
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Does anyone has this
>>194986 We don't have to walk on eggshells just for you, retard.
>>199154 Who made the animated one on the right
(236.08 KB 2048x1328 GON04ThacAAtwbE.jpeg)
>>202239 Does anyone have the first part?
>>203136 Where did you find it? It’s not on his kemono
>>202768 Who drew this one?
>>203211 He made public the second part but not the first. Also his Kemono hasn't been updated in months
>>203252 The sky had a Weegee!
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>>194986 KYS you massive faggot
i might be misremembering but didn’t someone do a fat pixel art of the jellyfish sisters?
>>208721 >>208722 >>208723 Keep Inflation on the Inflation board, bub
(5.53 MB 3840x2160 Royal Mushroom Airship.png)
(7.06 MB 4096x2160 Doughball Cruiser.png)
(3.93 MB 3700x2160 Planet Observatory.png)
Here's some fat peaches with a side of daisy
(59.84 KB 521x594 IMG_20240706_001256.jpg)
Who is the Artist ?
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>>203136 He also made a third part not so long ago.
>>199154 Anyone figure out where the animation is from?
>>210930 Can you imagine a mad lad mod Super Mario Galaxy and turn one of the planets into a massive blob Samus?
(834.01 KB 820x820 IMG_5131.png)
There is a trend happening on X/Twitter it’s where Peach gets Sassy… and people are drawing the pose like it’s a Redraw Meme like Bulma in her bra and underwear from Dragon Ball Z (Namek Saga)
>>211648 So I’m hoping some can find or draw a Bbw/Ssbbw art of Sassy Peach (Mario Strikers GameCube)
>>211525 Need more at this size, it's peak
(9.85 MB 7350x6000 IMG_5177.png)
>>211678 >>211649 >>211648 Found this too..
(406.18 KB 900x900 20240725_044345.jpg)
(555.58 KB 2430x2430 Daisy T Shirt Trouble.jpg)
(356.69 KB 1010x1010 daisy_by_haveachunkyday_dhwih0d.jpg)
This is a picture where you can hear.
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>>194376 whats the author of the first art with the 875 stars?
>>215306 mario if it was a good franchise
>>219868 They are starbits
>>215306 >Boo girls >Nastasia >Casual Jolene >Lily T >5-Volt >Shokora >Traveling Sisters Yeah I'm thinking based.
New Mario Party Jamboree minigame looking fire (It's called "Peach's Day Off" and you give her doughnut in one section of the minigame)
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(537.49 KB 1920x1080 pudgepeach.webm)
Artist is Scrumdiddlyumptious2 but they deleted all their art suddenly. Only managed to grab this Peach. There was another Peach one but I couldn't find it.
>>226979 is this it
>>226979 Ah man, so that’s what happened to them. Sad. I wonder if we’ll get a thread of their stuff soon.
(300.59 KB 1991x2714 20241104_060321.jpg)
Someone posted a massively fat, obese, pixel art style peach image on twitter but the timeline refreshed before i could save it, anyone has it? It was framed to look like it was on a gameboy or something
>>229700 Still not Nintendo. Keep to the theme or don't bother posting.
>>229700 >>229709 You can post them. They are offically nintendo. The bottom middle on the red line tells you what company published it. For example the mario and rabbids one isn't official a nintendo game because on the red line at the bottom middle it says ubisoft
>>229727 That's retarded logic. Bayonetta belongs to Platinum Games, which belongs to SEGA. What you're saying is like calling Sonic the Hedgehog a Nintendo franchise just because Nintendo worked on the Mario & Sonic games starting with the 2014 Olympics.
(1015.34 KB 2400x1748 il_fullxfull.5064239976_47o1.jpg)
>>229728 It's not a nintendo game. The mario and sonic game is segam and it's not logic it literally tells you who owns the right to the franchise
(40.28 KB 200x250 1615172875205.gif)
>>229728 Completely retarded; shit would mean Fatal Frame and Dragon Quest would be on the table too.
(1.94 MB 3264x4224 Untitled_Artwork-1.jpg)
>>226997 Yes, that's it. >>226999 They already had a thread but it saged. Also most of their stuff's on Ex-hentai now.
I'm looking for a specific WG sequence of Pauline, where she's already stuffed, but then Donkey Kong is jealous that she didn't eat his (literal) banana so he jams it done her throat.
>>234193 You should look for something else
(1.81 MB 2114x2026 image.png)
>>235730 Need a version of this where she's not covered up by her Zero Suit, but also not nude.
(149.54 KB 800x533 1377580-1.jpg)
Someone have this?
>>236190 Source?
>>236196 >>236196 Yer-keij-fer-cash Super Smash Sisters
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Spoiler for vore
>>242376 Where did you find this? I don’t see it on his deviant art account
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>>243046 It is on his deviantart account. You just didn’t look hard enough.
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(584.61 KB 2048x1316 PeachAndDaisyJoeKie3wl.png)
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Classic pinup by War-Off-Evil/Justonehuman taht will be turning 10 this year! (Featuring Samus Aran, Zelda (Twilight Princess) and Palutena with Olimar
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>>244363 >Farting in first image, and slob in multiple images. >>244364 >More slob, and furries in the last image. This is the wrong board for you. Take your furries to >>>/bbfurries/, and your slob to >>>/bbwalt/.
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Someone has the most recent pics of this?
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Does anyone have the Zelda pic on here?
