/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Group Inflation/Parade DoughyDani 08/10/2022 (Wed) 17:13:00 Id:f53e85 No. 58894
The more, the merrier!
>>58940 Berryduke96! Someone should update his kemono party, he's apparently done a lots of stuff since.
>>58942 He's one of the few good artists who also don't tag properly and you can't find art without knowing titles.
(356.47 KB 2400x2400 FXPz77rVEAAd0n-.jpg)
I wish I could capture into words the appeal of a group of blimps together.
(232.04 KB 2048x970 FbbmBTIUEAEutZB.jpeg)
>>62123 Who's the artist again?
Fucking bump.
(2.48 MB 1631x1080 yo&irv2.png)
(1.44 MB 1240x877 200 watchers celebration.png)
my only contribution
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>>67970 It’s a Small Small World 🦃
(2.26 MB 3975x3056 image.jpeg)
From an actual official DC comic!
>>67975 Holy fuck this comic was written by the lead singer of my chemical romance, I mean dude has a piss kink wouldn't suprise me if he's into inflation too.
>>67975 >male
>>67998 aint no fucking way know gerard is a weird motherfucker but i had no idea it was at this level lmao
(630.03 KB 1389x638 The_A_Squad_by_SeriojaInc.jpg)
(983.06 KB 2850x750 The_A_Squad_P2_by_SeriojaInc.jpg)
(1.20 MB 2250x1950 The_A_Squad_P3_by_SeriojaInc.jpg)
>>70260 artist?
>>70288 Allymoodyneko Right in the file name.
Does anyone have a ter version of this
>>64830 sauce
How would you even convince a group of women to inflate?
>>71710 Yes.
Does anyone have this it's from berry duck96s patron does anyone have a better version of it
(978.57 KB 2800x2000 Vtubers As big blimps.png)
a few indie vtubers inflated as blimps together
>>74253 Who are they in order?
>>74260 Top left:Doodletones (in her “Bimbotones” design) Bottom left: Elliimomelli Middle: thegirlywolfpup Bottom right: HitenNoRunouni
>>75490 bump
How likely is a group request ?
What do you think would be the best song for a parade balloon human getting paraded around new york?
(3.66 MB 2048x1366 7xm.xyz975052 copy.png)
(1.59 MB 2048x1365 Essence Fest Blowout.png)
Sauce is Lushaani
>>81315 Just noticed this was already posted. My bad
(1.56 MB 4096x2867 Fq0Qa12aIAAyU3z.jfif)
>>80381 >png Source?
(3.02 MB 2048x1366 bbs pspwip2.png)
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(866.80 KB 4096x3151 FuUx9QwakAEMBUQ.jpg)
(1.25 MB 4096x3151 FuUx8A3aUAIDSF2.jpg)
Can AIs handle groups?
>>83731 Classic.
>>62291 Pneumatic Dave (pbuh)
>>86848 I want to ride on Marianne now. also who made this?
>>83731 Is there an AI that can take a drawing and replace the girls?
There are too many threads and not enough inflated women.
(488.02 KB 2892x4096 F22ClucaEAI4AYc.jpg)
>>75548 Source? I can't really read the cursive too well.
>>58894 >groups Real life stories?
>>93730 Seconding.
Why do some posters make new threads instead of posting in old threads?
(1.90 MB 4132x2836 flatenite.png)
Art by murosoba
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(1.46 MB 4200x5100 Rosa and Amy Balloon Gunner.jpg)
(1.58 MB 2000x2829 IMG_4767.png)
Does anyone know the artist?
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Art by Bo-the-sno
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Genuinely surprised no one has uploaded this to this thread.
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(183.47 KB 1024x1752 IMG_4055.JPG)
>>100328 Yes love this my favorite piece from axel rosered!!
There need to be more group MHA inflation…
(682.56 KB 1109x687 IMG_4825.jpeg)
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(238.01 KB 828x464 IMG_0282.jpg)
Art by Neverwere
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(1.59 MB 1736x2348 untitled_by_kaiga09_dev07x8.jpg)
Does any have any ideas for pictures or stories for group inflation?
(66.36 KB 828x621 IMG_4176.JPG)
>>101726 Sauce plz?
>>101748 It’s from Nuumatic
Some ARMS group inflation
(633.00 KB 828x687 IMG_4974.jpeg)
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(8.99 MB 8209x9070 Fu-Sen_no_Kiseki_bg.png)
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>>102702 Source?
(3.02 MB 4500x4000 smash.jpg)
(234.87 KB 2048x1930 IMG_5142.jpeg)
(100.82 KB 900x341 IMG_5146.jpeg)
Does anyone have a cleaner version of this?
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I assume this counts?
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5 ocs from 5 artists in ONE ARTWORK Pure gold right here buddy
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Sorry if out of order. By Kaiga1123
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(639.62 KB 3750x3905 IMG_6096.jpeg)
From a comic that unfortunately was never finished.
>>100871 BlaXinKek is goated when it comes to group inflations
>>108394 source on this?
>>117399 https://www.deviantart.com/mintrimo/art/Fortnite-Balloons-1027407199 First one
(745.47 KB 2331x3307 media_GQL-UAYbYAAnrgj.jpg)
If you have them individually please post them here too.
>>117652 https://x.com/opera_kaizin/ here's the artist with the individual girls in their own pics. Good stuff in here.
>>100296 Wasnt there a pic made by bo the sno that was three versions of May from gultly gear? I distinctly remember it but i cant find it anywhere
>>the view talk about trump every fucking say wtf
(303.94 KB 4096x1638 20210703_164613.jpg)
(129.40 KB 2048x835 20210703_164616.jpg)
>>118416 Gotcha covered
>>118423 God bless you, random internet stranger
(116.95 KB 821x1024 media_GQ4WqCeWMAA7dB8.jpg)
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(3.48 MB 2048x1494 BBS Gemini2024.png)
Anyone got this art in better quality.
>>125016 Artist here, gimme a few hours and I'll send a full-res version when I'm home from work
>>125031 All right thanks.
(5.24 MB 3000x3000 Namco Nine.png)
>>125037 Here, the highest-res version from my computer
>>125052 Who are the girls, oh great Dig Dug artist?
>>125052 Nice also I have a suggestion for the parade balloon you do if your interested or not.
(55.14 KB 587x601 Tha List.png)
>>125057 No clue about the 'great' part LOL but here's the list from the description on the DA page!
IIRC, I remember seeing someone on DA post a low-quality version of a TLH pic showing nine characters inflated, and it was by Booberries-Morphis.
>126386 The reason why is ask is to ask for a high-quality version.
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Isn’t there a mass inflation piece for Pokémon with individual parts? Why hasn’t upload the individual parts? I’ve seen the main piece.
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Bump with content
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By Murasoba
