I'm not sure if it's a lot about psychology (certainly a bit), but much rather biology
I think a lot or this is correct
There definetely is a link to fertility and all that
Reproduction and not going extinct is the very core of evolution
But there's a missing link
And this made me think.. And a theory, a thesis just came up in the very moment
What if the core of this is what was mentioned before, but due to some minor defect, let's call it a bug in our personal preferences program, it's exaggerated to an extreme..?
This kinda makes sense to me
A lot of us have this preference or fetish, whatever you wanna call it, from the very beginning and discovered it over the years..
So something, somewhere must have happened that causes that..
The only question then is:
What is the reason for that and how exactly does that work..
There could be a million reasons when you look at how evolution and biology works
(Thinking about body parts or abilities that got lost along the way and reappear once in a million people for example)
On the other hand maybe that's just the evolutionary spread of difference to ensure not going extinct (variety in combination with survival of the fittest or best adapted much rather) and there's no big deal about it..
A question that remains to be asked is:
Is there any research on fetish causes in general?
That would also be a good point to start at
Is there a lot of similarities or differences?
Never really took a look at it
But does biology or psychology dive into this area or do they stay away, cause it's kinda taboo and too niche..?
If anyone knows anything, maybe we can create some kind of link there..
For me personally there is no obvious reason
It's always been there
Being interested in females and sexuality never ever included skinny
It was at least bbw right away from day one
So it was definitely hard coded by default
Kinda like homosexuality it just exists and doesn't seem to have a direct cause
Another thing that might shed some light now that I wrote it
How does that get coded into some people's brains..?