Girls store calories and nutrients in their bodies in for several pregnancies, and years of breast feeding.
The brain requires a lot of calories to sustain itself, so having nutrient reserves is important.
Girls don't have as much muscle mass for efficient calorie storage.
So, P lump Women represent fertility.
Notes: Having a T hick body Cushions from impacts, B uoyancy in water
[ allows for long distance swimming.]
Other animals display feeding behaviors.
Elephant seals, Bee q ueens ,Termite quee ns, Honey pot ants [ larders].
There are also T hick mammals:
such as, Bears, walrus, otters, squirrels, etc.
1. Cybernetic equipment can be fueled by the calorie reserves in adipose tissue.
[ For hand held devices, the grid, emergency supply for homes.]
[ Calories are energy. ]
There also expeditions that use
H ibernation for long distance travel.
The human body is like a bio chemical factory. 1. This can used for [ oxygen for breathing. [ scuba]]. etc.
This should help understanding.