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Thick, curvy, plump - In the flesh, no cartoons or morphs

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PeakyPooky Anonymous 10/18/2024 (Fri) 07:52:55 Id:ce1e33 No. 178118 [Reply]
Underrated curvage girl, never seen a thread for her. She's put on a solid bit of weight and is pretty cute. This is all I have of her and a link to her curvage https://gofile.io/d/dLhHFX https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/profile/270866-peakypooky/
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>>194493 🐐🐐🐐
she did a Q&A fairly recently - does anyone have that?
all i know is she "can't" burp according to her. so shes fucking useless to me.
I doubt she will, but she'll be incredibly hot if she blimps to 300+

ChubbyDumpling7 Anonymous 11/08/2024 (Fri) 20:51:08 Id:af392e No. 180901 [Reply]
No she's not a tranny so don't report this thread. Fucking NEED this girl's newer vids!!! Here's something to start you lot off: https://gofile.io/d/44cZFU
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>>192095 something about stomach problems i believe. it always happens to the good ones where they end up leaving for a good while its a shame hopefully she can bounce back doughier than ever
Hey! Appreciate the share big time! But the RP video I'm actually looking for was the one from Jan. 22, 2024. It's one of the clips that are listed as not available for purchase on her page. Still thx so much! But anyway, as promised, here's a batch from my collection, unwatermarked. These date back to 2023 but I hope these are satisfying. Will some more later. Enjoy! https://gofile.io/d/VE97qx
>>192449 appreciate the drop king but one of your videos in the files (The one with the title involving her friends ditching her) its shaky for some reason, could you fix it?
BUMP! https://gofile.io/d/3Kn5bx Here's another batch from my collection, unwatermarked, as promised. Again, 2023 stuff but hope it serves.
>>195744 >https://gofile.io/d/3Kn5bx appreicate it brother

Sweet Chubby Ren Anonymous 01/16/2025 (Thu) 23:11:20 Id:491efa No. 189493 [Reply]
Curvage Model https://gofile.io/d/Ste5xB
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Here's some vids that I found https://gofile.io/d/TocGY2
does she do stuff any where else besides curvage? also theres a video of her in here https://gofile.io/d/f5REZg
>>195512 Yes, through t3legram as the video says
>>195512 I only post my videos on curvage. But i also sell my unedited vids + playing naked tits on my telegram and you can message me on curvage if you want 🥰

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Stuffer 31 girls Anonymous 05/16/2024 (Thu) 07:14:07 Id:c0dd38 No. 158634 [Reply] [Last]
Here are some stuffer 31 videos I have of certain girls, will post more in the following days. I'd like if anyone had videos of Honney(at her fattest), Kimmy and Pattie. https://we.tl/t-qv1G8UZVUM https://we.tl/t-0i6PSyR8Wt https://we.tl/t-CVFFJHaUSQ
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>>192865 Lol... Layla?
>>194792 holy shit goated
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>>194792 Her name?
>>195640 Cutie

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Bigcutie Cass Anonymous 02/19/2025 (Wed) 05:20:07 Id:e87682 No. 194300 [Reply]
Anyone remember Bigcutie Cass? This is the only image I can find of her online - originally it was badly morphed, and I have equally badly tried to undo the morphing, incase that's why this thread was deleted before. Cass vanished from the scene a long time back, and I never see her content posted. I used to have it until my HDD died - anyone got some of her stuff? In return, a mixed bag of goods in return: https://gofile.io/d/4mlIfW Thread got deleted on /ssbbw/ so i can only assume I'm better off putting it here?
wow someone went through a lot of effort to scrub everything of hers from the internet. can't even find a single picture besides the one you posted
I remember her. This is a huge morph. She never looked like this. Around 375 lbs at her heaviest she said but most of the photos were smaller than that. She did fewer than 15 sets on BC then changed her mind about modeling and quit. She was hot. Whoever scrubbed her did a great job because I never saw any after that. Lost mine on an old computer.
Very flat chested but a fairly large belly. Not seen her content in a long time - it really does seem as if it’s been wiped off the face of the internet
>>194300 She’s real? What a cutie!

MissRubyLuxe Anonymous 11/05/2024 (Tue) 05:14:47 Id:1a19a3 No. 180392 [Reply]
Starting a thread of this beautiful slob bbw. Anyone have Sexy Fatty Eats Too Many Birthday Cakes? Here are some of her messy vids of my own: https://we.tl/t-51xZwQmHra
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man, she is so hot
She's great. Miss her content.
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Swollen Belly Girl Anonymous 02/05/2025 (Wed) 06:37:51 Id:2298eb No. 192280 [Reply]
Another legend in the community. Haven't seen her since early 2023. Here's a few good ones from her OF. Some of these I don't think I've seen posted anywhere else. https://gofile.io/d/kNhedo
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>>193388 Damn, i didnt realize she got that chubby. Looks great
Found another video of hers that doesn't seem to have been shared yet. It seems to be a part 2 to a vid that's already be shared so I put them together (Warning that it's a vore video but it's all I can find) https://gofile.io/d/3AF8Sd
>>195498 Thanks for sharing. Her vote stuff is always amazing imo
I don’t usually check this board, but I guess it’s your lucky day because here’s my archive of about 50 vids. https://mega.nz/folder/5SRyxDbD#r_-a7H47rXW_imbnl2VGpQ
>>195539 Holy shit thank you so much. And thanks for splitting the videos too. Her voice honestly makes her stuff 100 times better

Extreme Stuffing / Overstuffing / Challenge thread the 2nd Anonymous 06/08/2024 (Sat) 23:02:26 Id:5d0600 No. 161689 [Reply] [Last]
It's back! Let's share extreme eating videos. https://gofile.io/d/azFyHh
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>>195166 Because it is H.265 (HEVC) video and its patent holders are charging an x-amount of $$$ for the streaming option. So you must download. It will play fine then.
https://gofile.io/d/EquqIq please more
the 30 cake stuffing still audio only
>>195382 no its not
>>195200 Nope, it still asks you to pay for a video player even if you download it.

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VR? 02/15/2025 (Sat) 00:19:20 Id:1a8a54 No. 193688 [Reply]
Seems like a very untapped genre on here that's absolutely amazing if you have a headset. Here's what's right now one video but should be many by the morning: https://gofile.io/d/b2fbe927-d396-4c1a-b773-46b5a0944b33
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>>194290 bevr Lexi Lynn is amazing! i cant wait for vrfatties to launch. i check the twitter almost everyday. its going to be fucking amazing
>>194294 https://gofile.io/d/EkuSWp Callie Mack, and an Alexxis Allure one. Watch this space for Megan Daw too
>>194290 Megan Dawson boobs take control, I've found most of her other videos in varying qualities that are upping rn but that one is missing from my own collection
>>194408 I don't have that, but you inspited me to drop 20 more files to my gofile. Not VR, but still pretty hard to get. Hopefully as a thank you for all you shared, you find something you like in there my man. As a reminder, here's the GoFile link, should be done uploading in an hour: https://gofile.io/d/GdGKzW
>>194408 >>194431 reup? Maybe mr President has some VR.

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Savannah Montana Anonymous 09/03/2024 (Tue) 19:15:12 Id:25e9b2 No. 172104 [Reply]
She’s been gaining a bunch of weight lately and it seems the old thread has gone. Re upping some stuff I had, some recent some older in hopes for her new weigh in https://gofile.io/d/9oEcdX
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>>194824 No way she has gained that much. She has clearly gained some, but you really underestimate how 100 lbs would look on someone's body. She clearly fudges her weigh ins.
She looks so hot in her new video https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/58139-sabotaging-savannah%E2%80%99s-diet/
>>195115 I swear to to god fat chicks in latex are my kryptonite
https://gofile.io/d/vmDQlq Too Fat For Hooters
Here’s her newest video in latex. Very hot https://gofile.io/d/uyvDHy

TheNicoleT Anonymous 11/16/2024 (Sat) 20:27:05 Id:466981 No. 181812 [Reply]
Sharing TheNicoleT and some of her screen captures from her streams + a couple videos (anybody got her white bikini stuffing (overpriced asf) https://gofile.io/d/y0IfLi
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Not gonna post the link cuz it’s a shit restream site. I looked up her name and was easily able to find clips from this stream, so it’s not hard to find. It’s like you didn’t even try to find it yourself.
Damn she does ear licking asmr in her livestreams!! It’s not a fetish I particularly search for, but for a fatty to be doing it is a dream come true ngl
>>194735 The pink bikini and the belt at her heaviest? I've looked everywhere and I cant find this particular stream. If its so easy to find please post a link.
>>194736 Don't expect too much new asmr. She was recently banned (again) and unbanned. She said that with another ban on asmr she will receive a lifetime ban with with zero chance of another pardon. It is beyond weird imo, so no loss to me, but I don't want to see her off the platform completely
>>194735 Dawg now I really wanna know how the hell you found them so quick, post that link please

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Jasmine xoxo Anonymous 02/26/2025 (Wed) 00:24:32 Id:c27f06 No. 195266 [Reply]
She's playing it down but she's lost almost 50lbs since her peak - the party's over boys https://gofile.io/d/QZBlsW
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>>195297 She lies constantly lmao
>>195266 >>195282 Any vids from her peak?
Her peak videos at her fattest were from 2023
I believe she started to lose weight when someone shared her videos.
chick has negative ass lul I don't blame her for not wanting to blimp up, it probably wouldn't suit her. Also that pic is hilariously photoshopped wtf.

KittyPiggy Anonymous 09/21/2024 (Sat) 22:19:49 Id:eeaf19 No. 174612 [Reply] [Last]
Wanted to start a thread for her again to see if we can compile what we all have. Looking for Workout Fail ft. Aliss Bonython. First pic is a screen grab from that video. Here is Secret Stuffing which I have not yet seen posted before: https://gofile.io/d/4NPRjM
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Does anyone know her IG?
>>190188 It used to be looksbylucyrose. But I think she deleted it
The best ever!

The greatest plus sized model right now Morgan Louise 12/16/2024 (Mon) 06:44:37 Id:515f2c No. 185500 [Reply] [Last]
https://gofile.io/d/KOGObr Let's get more vids posted
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>>195280 $40 for that. Chick is cooked.
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>>195280 THANKS!! >>195286 I think it's a huge pay wall to avoid her shit from popping up on the Internet a lot. She doesn't even have her of link in her bio on Instagram. Under my impression this is a secret side thing. It doesn't excuse mediocre content though.
>>195280 so she has lost 20 pounds since last year?
>>195315 100% agree. That's why all you coomers should be spamming her with cash to fatten her up again.
Sad that she's down a few lbs from the 300 weiigh in. I was hoping the pre Mexico weigh in would be 310 ish.

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Eva36D Anonymous 08/23/2024 (Fri) 19:50:57 Id:2b4c9e No. 170616 [Reply]
Does anyone have something from Eva? She's my favorite and I can't find anything good :( This is all I have: https://gofile.io/d/KkGscV
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Holy hell, is that even her? If we going to see Eva finally commit, that's a miracle. But that said, that's certainly the largest belly we've ever seen her with; no question.
>>191923 Aged 15 years in the past 5. Should have eaten more and smoked less
Nigga she's Slavic they age terrible
>>191923 i was surprised how big she was in the vid in post >173004
Then go ahead and buy them.
