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Ask a moderator LtBarclay##vOgLqq 06/24/2024 (Mon) 15:28:29 Id:6e054a No. 50992 [Reply] [Last]
With some of the fire of the constant CP and spam dying down after the VPN-ban, I've noticed that questions about moderation are leaking into the password-whitelist thread, which isn't ideal. So, got a question for the dudes who run this site? Wondering why something got deleted? Curious about something lynxchan related? Want clarifications on rules? Ask your questions here.
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>>60858 Don't make me post my president telling you wrong.

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ATTN: VPN & PROXY USERS LtBarclay##vOgLqq 06/11/2024 (Tue) 14:51:49 Id:251685 No. 50611 [Reply] [Last]
We have tried and failed to stop the CP spam with all our current tools, so more strict enforcement is being applied. This thread is for VPN users affected by the current ban on VPN posting which will (hopefully) put an end to the CP/spam problems that have plagued the site for a long time at this point. *Please read the entirety of this post before replying.* If you use a VPN and want to regain the ability to post, you may post in this thread (which is EXEMPT from the VPN block) with a brief explanation/justification and SET A PASSWORD IN THE PASSWORD FIELD (8 CHARACTERS MAX) when you make the post (click the 'More' link under the captcha). If approved, this password will be whitelisted and allow you to bypass the VPN block when used elsewhere on the site in the password field when posting. There are no specific requirements for password complexity, but obviously retarded passwords like "password" will be denied. Any misused passwords are subject to revocation. These requests are manually approved by me, LtBarclay, and only me. If you want to speed your approval along, make sure to link to a few posts you've made on other boards with your password request. Otherwise, your approval may take 24-96 hours.
Edited last time by admin on 07/26/2024 (Fri) 12:09:53.
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>>59359 Sure! Thanks again!

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Summoning Successful. Mission accomplished. All stretch goals complete. LtBarclay##vOgLqq 11/15/2024 (Fri) 17:51:13 Id:416174 No. 56560 [Reply]
See attached. We are funded. As promised, I will begin arcane rituals to revive the array as funding is more than secured. Thank you again to all donators. What a thanksgiving miracle. Stay tuned and rejoice.
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>>58705 Funding secured. When will the dev squad start on the MVP of multithreading posts and AI content moderation? We got a lot of work to do this quarter.

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LtBarclay##vOgLqq 10/18/2023 (Wed) 14:22:57 Id:e65076 No. 37826 [Reply]
In the interest of making it as easy as possible to donate if an anon so chooses, here is our compiled list of donation addresses. BTC: bc1qnhrx0r7q9ywg5ag3m4w9lm64cqj2e97pdz3j25 ETH: 0x1b455C7EbcE203c7Bb45fc58A1ABed66ec70Cb4f DOGE: DHdYXQ5oHCpHMoFMGvQaJr2uqUYGtmRsdu USDC: 0x1b455C7EbcE203c7Bb45fc58A1ABed66ec70Cb4f (Recommended for stability of price) XMR: 49AzPqBeuts7djeGZoeTvyV1ArasqNEBvSLarwNts7GxWK6DWuTCDJUXscXFRXYs7LPTURk5ZFkwWAbiyaUFtMZBRRRwXRs (Recommended for ultra privacy conscious anons)

Fat preferences reassurance Fat preferences reassurance 02/20/2025 (Thu) 19:09:43 Id:dbd81b No. 60817 [Reply]
Every time I visit general discussion, I stumble across threads about quitting this fetish, or just guys that are not sure that they want to pursue their fat passions in real life. The theme of separating sexual preferences from real relationships is constantly recurring in our community, and I want to assure you that there is completely nothing wrong with searching for girls with specific types. It's absolutely socially acceptable to date only thin chicks, so why do we have to be any different? I was in doubt myself. Even after years in relationships with chubby and straight up fat women. People always say to us that only personality matters. Fuck this shit. This mentality will only lead you to feeling sorry for your own preferences, Not to mention, that those “only personality matters” faggots will never date a fat girl with nice personality. Attraction is a very complicated process, and looks REALLY DO MATTER. Of course you shouldn't be looking for a very specific type of woman, with specific hair colour etc, or you will end up as a lonely coomer. But if you dick responding only for the fatties, what can you fucking do about it? It's just impossible to ignore your fundamental instincts. All you can achieve is to suppress your true self and get depression or other mental health crap. Do you really want to spend the rest of your life silently watching your skin and bones wife constantly dieting, eating only salads? And just thinking about how cool would it be if she suddenly ballooned out of proportions? And just realising that it's never going to happen. No, this bullshit isn't for me. After years of self doubt i realise that all that i need to accept, is that it will be difficult to find the right person with my fat preferences. Yes, it really will be hard, but not impossible. I just love fat squishy bellies to much, to fucking live the rest of my life without such a belly in my hands. Believe in yourself, handle this burden with strong posture, and stop whining. Because you are all Kings here. I know it's hard to be different, but you live only once. Do you really want to waste your single try without fat cutie cuddling with you around? I don't think so.
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>>60841 It's true unfortunately, but with enough effort you can find the hog of your dreams here
>>60862 Fear not for me, friend. I successfully avoided all that mobilization crap, and from now on only volunteers are going to the trenches. This is not mine war by any means, so i am not participating
This shit sucks >>60817 I appreciate the attempt at morale boost op but it's far easier said then done. It's not the fear of ridicule or labeling of being a 'fetishist' that I'm afraid of (people can think what they want. You like what you like and as long as its between 2 consenting adults who cares?) it's just the fact that I can't find anyone. There just isn't many where I live and even less who are interested. You meet lots of women that you get on very well with but none fit your preferences I do believe there is something to be said for the idea that attraction isn't purely physical. I completely agree that it matters a huge deal but an ultimate dealbreaker? I don't know. How can I complain of women not liking me for whatever personal reason and at the same time turn down other women who aren't my type either? My preferences for big women are so strong I'm afraid of not being attracted to a thinner woman if I gave someone a shot. And I'm not doing this 'fatten her up' thing, I think it's asking them to change too much I'm just going through a long dry spell atm and a fear of dying alone. Finding someone you match with shouldn't be this hard. I'm just frustrated by how limited I am with this 'preference.' It's laughable that this is literally the opposite problem of what most other people have. When do you know when you should cut your losses and maybe try someone thinner?
>>60862 This is somehow both one of the most deranged and one of the most unironically inspirational posts I’ve ever seen. Bless you, brother.
>>60870 Well, I have an answer for this. The key is to be clear with your intentions and expand your horizons. And by this I mean that even if you are only into SSBBWs you shouldn't focus only on them - try even just chubby girls. Not conventionally thin, that's what is important. Believe me, even a slightly fat girl with a somewhat modest belly can be a blessing if she is into the game. Not even actively gaining, no. Just who will accept your preferences, and don't have an eating disorder. You can easily make even a completely normie girl overeat sometimes - women like to eat, lol, it's just a fact. And to add more to this: what makes you think that if you will start to search just for any partner you will automatically find the right person with ease? I tried many times to focus on thin partners, and it was as hard as dating chubby ones. Dating just sucks in general

Anonymous 01/06/2025 (Mon) 21:45:09 Id:ac7429 No. 58577 [Reply] [Last]
last thread got deleted lol so ill ask something else why cant an 18 yo alt fat bitch like myself get a feeder bf? ive tried dating apps and whatnot but it seems like guys on there only wanna goon and nothing serious. ive seen hundreds of ppl on here saying that they have skinny gfs and wives. do guys who like fat girls just prefer to goon to them? why do you guys date skinny girls instead? i am genuinely curious and im lowkey becoming a femcel dawg
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>>58577 More of an encourager here. Started dating her when she was 320 lbs. Now she's approximately 480 lbs. Good times all the time
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>>60832 Ok I'll explain to you ... (>>58674 Try 5"7) since Mary Boberry is the same height, she recently got harassed by "an overly aggressive fan" and with my researches I think I got it what really happened: I can tell by this THREAD that it's like all AI generated, especially because these kind of things happen when the AI Clones of "SOMEONE" appeared on weird sites for "roleplay" ... because I discovered who created the AI version of Mary Boberry, a person that tried many times to hack and impersonate me, probably a "jealous brony" that I won't say the name because I AM MORE PROFESSIONAL THAN HIM at this weird "fetish game". (>>60834) <-- should I consider this as a threat or maybe you realize how dangerous is to stalk and harass people?! By the way YES I know these people and I KNOW WHAT THEY WANT FROM ME, but it won't happen ... me and Mary don't need to explain or share with you losers those private things, so again I'll repeat: NICE TRY "Mr Square Pancakes"!! Maybe next time instead of stalking HER try to go outside and TOUCH THE FUCKING GRASS! Especially because YES Mary eats a lot, we don't need to know how much you enjoy jerking off every day behind the screen!
this isnt the autism board
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>>60853 LIZARD MAN
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>>60871 yes it is

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Stuff that isn't porn but you've treated it as such Anonymous 09/08/2023 (Fri) 22:52:56 Id:db609d No. 35100 [Reply] [Last]
Stuff that isn't porn but you've treated it as such, weight loss videos etc.
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>>43069 I've done this before. absolutely epic
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> "this girl's cute, wonder if she's somewhere" > reverse image search > leads here, same image (girl in the grey shirt, short light brown hair) > cool.jpg > end up reading a very well-articulated, frankly almost analytical discussion about baseball, sumo and representation of it in Japan > remember power pros, a huge baseball series in japan > i like power pros > mfw big women led me to getting back into a game series Unironically somewhat funny how this all came to be. Keep being yourselves everyone, and merry early Christmas!
>>58138 >girl in the grey shirt, short light brown hair OP? The Japanese housewife?
I apologize for not clarifying; it was the image OP had used for the banner here. My fault!
Might be strethcing the rules with "isn't porn but" rules here but "My Big Fat Fetish" was a channel 4 docco a few years back on this kink, and has a few shots, scenes, and tidbits from models and the scene that really did make it easy to be treated as porn. https://gofile.io/d/gBMgRo

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Is China an untapped market for fat women? Anonymous 02/16/2025 (Sun) 05:00:44 Id:f9e1a7 No. 60679 [Reply]
The obesity rate in China is increasing and it's made me think that it might be an untapped market for dudes with fat fetishes. According to this study the overweight and obesity rate for women in China is 17.6% and 9.6% respectively (keep in mind the BMI rating for an overweight person in China is 24 and for obese is 28) and the rate of obesity for 18-29 year old women is 4.4%. Even though a 9.6% isn't that high compared to Western countries, it still means there are 66 million obese women in China due to population being 1.4 billion. So my thoughts are that the market is there for us to go and fuck/date/marry fat Chinese women. Even if you only intend on dating women in the 18-29, the obesity rate is still 4.4% which is still millions of obese women. To add on top of that, being a white Western male in China has it's benefits. Having spoken with Chinese people about it, you get treated better if you are white and in some cities it can be very rare for Chinese people to see a white person so that can be help in scoring fatties. And if you want you can go the route of being an architect. This could be a gold mine of fatties and especially for dudes like me with yellow fever. Asian fatties are the hottest types of fatties so this could be one of the best ways to score one. Are there any geomaxxers on this website that have experience getting fatties in China or other Asian countries and if so how did it go? Sources: Obesity study: https://dom-pubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/dom.15238 China population by gender: https://www.statista.com/statistics/251129/population-in-china-by-gender/
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>>60843 > And also the fat Asian's don't seem to be that interested in me The Asian race is notoriously high IQ. Maybe they see something that the dumber and drunker white races miss?
>>60835 I've never heard the term before
>>60828 >China itself is in the brink of a democratic burst cause of high divorce rates and feminism. As much as I'd like this to be true, people have been saying this for literally the past 40 years, and the CCP is more authoritarian now than it's been at any point in my life, and I don't see that changing. It really feels like they're going to try to take over Taiwan in the next few years and we're not going to do anything to stop them.
>>60835 you stupid, bro? or just using a VPN? The west never uses that word. It's 100% a cultural export from texts translated from Mandarin.
>>60852 China will never invade Taiwan. The Taiwan strait is 180 km at the shortest distance and is a rough patch of sea. A naval invasion could easily fail by either them not getting there or being pushed back. Naval invasions are probably the hardest type of invasion to succeed at. Operation Overlord for example could have failed easily but Hitler was a retard and didn't deploy the Panzers that were under his direct control. Even if an invasion is successful and they mange to secure a beachhead, Taiwan has a population of 23.5 million people, most of whom have military training, and Taiwan is 36,197 km². Not to mention it is very mountainous and most of the population would be hostile to any occupation force, so it would be a repeat of Vietnam or Afghanistan and I think if someone dumbass in Australia realises this than the People's Liberation Army would as well. >But Chinese maps have Taiwan as apart of China so that obviously means they're going to invade Taiwan The US hasn't officially recognised Taiwan since Jimmy Carter was president nor should they and I'm guessing Chinese maps have had Taiwan as apart of the PROC since 1949. One of the main difference between the Chinese Government and the US Government is that the Chinese Government isn't controlled by the military industrial complex like the US Government. And because of that China isn't forced to invade third world countries like the US every couple of years so that the CEO of Lockheed Martin's bank account can have another digit on the end of it. Yes China does naval operations that can be seen as threatening but the US has dozens of military bases around Asia for the sole purpose of containing China which makes the US the aggressor in this situation. The worst strategic mistake that China made was having a GDP comparable to the US. This doesn't even touch on the economic side of things like the trade deals also meant to contain China and the disruption to microchip production if Taiwan got invaded. >inb4 >uyghurs >paid by the ccp >communist >and whatever media talking points you have been spoon-fed

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Autism Anonymous 01/18/2025 (Sat) 02:05:11 Id:d93a14 No. 59400 [Reply]
Anyone here on the spectrum? I’m curious about overlap between autism and certain fetishes/porn addiction and I’m wondering if anyone could speak to that.
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>>60755 Speak for yourself. Autism likely is in less than 15% of feedists. I'm being liberal with that statistic.
>>60741 This could be part of it, but some of this may also relate to love languages. The way I give is Acts of Service, so taking care of a woman, cleaning for her, etc. plays into that. It's why I'm okay if she has mobility issues because that would play into my love language. I do think you are right though, some of it might be about some level of consensual control.
>>60749 >>60767 I definitely think my theory of control holds up but I'll admit it's a very broad definition of control. Control refers to dependency (including mobility issues) domination over something, as well as plain control over the factors of weight gain over time. Feed more, gain more, predictable outcome that engages the autistic because they like the time lapse aspect of weight gain (especially before after comparisons). It could also be the sensory aspect of autism where you happen to like the feel of soft skin. Or having compression or weight on you - most autistics do prefer some sort of weight in them like heavy blankets from what I've heard from them. And as always, the age old "fucked up thing from when I was a kid". No one in my family is fat, let alone obese (and weren't when I was a kid) so I assume my fetish came from Willy Wonka. I remember being excited to see the 2005 version because Violet was pretty (I was 8) and she swelled up super big. Amazingly I don't particularly like blueberry or blue skin.
Again it's all just shit posting theory, unless some gigachad writes his dissertation on it my opinion is basically worth less than a Robot001 commission
>>60755 This, congratulations to anyone reading, your diagnosis is now peer reviewed.

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Lauren Lush Dan 07/24/2024 (Wed) 04:50:14 Id:b72a08 No. 52072 [Reply] [Last]
Is anyone else super disappointed and grossed out with how much weight Lauren Lush has lost? She looks like an empty ball sack now or a deflated balloon. So gross… not only that I also heard she put down Kaybearcutie95 for actually gaining weight and was fat shaming her! lauren lush was a scammer fake from the start.
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>>60652 Nah I can't stand her showing up on the front page of Curvage or this site.
>>60761 I have a really simple solution for you that’s going to blow your mind: don’t buy her stuff if you don’t like how she looks 🤯 There’s zero need to insult someone’s body, which is their own choice, just because YOU don’t get hard looking at it
>>60844 > don’t buy her stuff if you don’t like No I am a white American man, I am devastated and victimized beyond belief by her decision to live her own life not doing what I want.
>>60845 Sounds about white for this thread
This thread has turned into one model anonymously talking shit about the other and the other responding and defending herself via international VPNs. Smh

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bigdankdemoss Anonymous 02/01/2025 (Sat) 03:54:01 Id:60436c No. 60081 [Reply]
There are two threads indexed by google, that have been taken down in the past 72 hours: https://bbw-chan.link/ssbbw/res/145500.html https://bbw-chan.link/ssbbw/res/145607.html bbw-chan is supposed to be in a country that doesn't respond to dmca takedowns, so wtf? Are mods simping?
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I never seen Dave Blunts and this big fella in the same room. curious
>>60296 >tfw no epicenter gf
>>60711 Getting "Baller Belly" tattooed on your fat gut is simultaneously super trashy and also super hot
>>60553 >>60573 >>60711 Bruh I swear she's just a fucking real-life Boondocks character

Thoughts on the current state of the Feedism scene? stinkypinky 02/11/2025 (Tue) 06:06:58 Id:f3a397 No. 60479 [Reply] [Last]
There are some great content creators out there today but I must admit I feel like it's degraded over the years. More commercialized, less intimate... curvage feels like OF for feedism, girl next door style Youtube accounts with women exploring feedism are no longer, everything feels less personal and more transactional. It's cool they're being paid more for the content they make but it's come at a heavy cost. Back in the day a cute feedee would pop up, I would shoot her a message and before I knew it we were snap chatting naturally like two people who share the same kink - nowadays you're lucky to get a response and usually that's just to appease you so you keep buying their content. Plus as a guy into smaller feedees with round bellies, it feels like the scene doesn't really cater to my taste anymore - years back most feedees had this shape, now it seems that most are shooting for BBW status if not SSBBW There used to be women who could put away a huge amount of food, these days most stuff themselves with no more than what you or I would have for dinner and moan and groan when it's like come on most women I see at restauants are eating as much as you are There seem to be more women hiding their pregnancies as well and it's obvious more than ever that many content creators don't really have a kink and are just in it for the $ There are some diamonds in the dirt but all up I don't really like the direction the scene has gone Anyone else?
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>>60791 > And I mean lucky, because I just saw on curvage that men outnumber women 6:1 so the chances of connecting with a local feedee is so goddamn slim for the average guy, but I’m sure he’s a decent dude It’s really not. Only pyscho, uggos and broke losers say that shit. Like shooting fish in a bucket.
>>60807 Imagine finding out that the amateur pornographer you have a crush on existing in a male saturated environment. That 6:1 ratio doesn’t mean anything other than you’re an incel chasing after sex workers selling you a fantasy instead of dating real people. Losers shit. Bitch shit. Embarrassing beta ass behavior. Were you raised by a single mother or have a different reason to be so lacking in maturity and masculinity?
>>60791 I'm also okay with plain eating videos, but for different reasons. I think that as long as the video is good on its technical merits, the actual *stuffing* aspect can make up for any (non-technical) sacrifice necessary for a better stuffing. If a video has a shitty camera angle/quality, shitty/no audio, so many cuts it calls the actual stuffing into question (or just disrupts the video too excessively), then the video becomes hard to watch. But as long as the technical merits are met, then I personally believe that many aspects of "traditional belly stuffing videos" can (and should) be sacrificed for the sake of stomach capacity if necessary. Belly play/body touching doesn't have to take place all the time, maybe just rubbing a full stomach after the stuffing. Not much conversation needs to be made, maybe a sentence every 4-5 minutes, and if that's too much then nothing at all is alright. Whether it takes pushing oneself to eat or mindlessly eating to get more food into a stomach makes no difference, the act of eating a shit ton of food is what makes a model sexy. No matter how hot your body is, no matter where and how much you touch yourself, no matter how interesting what you have to say is, no matter how attractive you try to make yourself come off, if you eat barely any food than the video's dogshit and uninteresting regardless of all that prior stuff. At the end of the day, eating a large amount of food with a good camera angle is all it takes to make at least a good stuffing. Or maybe I'm some autistic deviant about belly stuffing specifically but I don't think I'm too off-base with what I said.
>>60791 Do you go to the strip club and complain how hard it is to pick up the strippers while paying them to talk to you?
>>60850 while literally *not* paying them. That's the problem, it's an expectation mismatch. Here's the secret with most of these professional hoes. You pay to play. That's it. If you don't want that, you can still find a civvie on there. Your numbers drop from like 6:1 to maybe 50:1, good luck have fun.

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Feabie update? Anonymous 02/20/2025 (Thu) 08:42:44 Id:bef816 No. 60801 [Reply]
Anybody still on this site? Is it still toxic? is it still an echo chamber? Are there still scammers? Any updates from the void will be appriciated
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>>60806 Its full of annoying retards like this guy
>>60808 Dude, I’m sorry feabie isn’t a safespace to coddle your fragile little emotions. Faggot.
>>60801 No one is getting laid here bro. I checked my area out and it's only onlyfans whores advertising, gay men, and random old hags that aren't into it. I live in one of the largest cities in the state. I even see a few chadlite/chad looking people and they certainly aren't getting pussy there. Genuinely higher chance of getting a feeder relationship IRL than there.
>>60826 It’s an absolutely easy place to get laid. I hooked up with plenty of women including models. Real life is also full of fat women but most aren’t into fat fetishes. Feabies great for getting experience.
>>60806 >>60808 >>60810 the sooner the 3 of yall KYS or just stop bringing up retarded politics in every thread, the better. To OP, feabie is still trash. Scammers and "model promos" galore.

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Fat Shit our Partners Do Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 12:43:07 Id:86a7d7 No. 58763 [Reply] [Last]
First time looking at Gen and didn’t see a thread, so I’m starting one. Wanted a place to just share the random fat things that our girlfriends, wives, etc. do that turn us on that most “normal” people won’t get. Like, last night, my wife (35, 5’ 10”, 430) made and ate dinner for us before meeting friends for dinner at a local restaurant. In a span of 2.5 hours, she had two full meals, dessert, and a margarita.
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>>60764 Would you tell me her height, BMI and appearance?
>>60555 Damn you really should post more about this complete piggy of yours heheh
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I’m back to share more fat gf lore. Right so she’s been on the pill since we got together. On her first pill she gained over 2 stone in a short amount of time. At one of her 6 monthly pill reviews they decided to change the pill she was given. This new pill deffo slowed down the rate she has gained at. So for me I was very sad and always hinted at going back on the first one. Well my luck came thru cos she’s changed doctors and they have put her back on the original one. Now I didn’t expect much of a change and didn’t wanna focus on it too much and disappoint myself but damm. She has become a black hole for food. Even she has mentioned how she is eating so much more. For example the other day she came home from work and told me about her extra lunch (this is normal now tho) and then she started to make dinner. She was that hungry she decided to make herself a meal while cooking the dinner. And then had a huge dinner and then ordered her usual 20 nuggets double cheese burger chips mozzarella sticks before bed. I wish I had counted her calories that day must had been insane. Even on Saturday when we had breakfast she had like 7 bacons 3 eggs 4x avocado on toast. So she’s gone from eating extra meals to making these meals massive. Finishes a “for 2” microwave meal like it’s nothing now. Obvs I’m over the moon but I hope it lasts. I know with some pills you gain some weight initially so might just be that. Once we do a weigh in I’ll update you guys. We even went thru her nhs history and all my weigh in pics so I could right up a weight gain timeline. I’ll share that one day aswell:)
>>60776 Man your writing is so compelling, I'm very intrigued by the little tidbits you've given us, from one UK man to another one thanks for the updates you've been giving us, makes me proud to have a UK person in the community.
>>60776 that's awesome, keep us posted. Are you open to her about your desire to see her get bigger?

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Unpopular Feederism/Gaining opinions Anonymous 08/18/2024 (Sun) 19:05:12 Id:e157bb No. 53318 [Reply] [Last]
What are some hot takes and unpopular opinions you guys have about fat fetishism?
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>>60785 You’re calling me gay for saying that doing a bunch of bitch shit like hobbies to achieve self actualization? Dude, gay as shit. Just get a decent job and don’t look like a loser. It’s that easy to be neck deep in pussy. No need for years of emotional labor and other female coded activities.
>>60793 I don't know man being able to nollie switch 180 off a 3 stair or being able to play the piano blindfolded is pretty kick ass. But if you want to live out life as a doe eyed cow playing live service games all day, go right ahead. Your inner world must be terribly boring to be trapped in all day.
>>60742 Hatred of tattoos seems like an incredibly popular opinion on bbwchan, enough to be called standard fare. I suppose one of my unpopular opinions is that 99.99% of tattoos on 99.99% of models range from aesthetically pleasing to easy to look over. Even most of the "worst" tattoos aren't so distracting and poorly made as to make a model look ugly alone. The only exception is Satanthiic's fucking toy story tattoo though. On someone who already looks like she's on enough drugs to make El Chapo overdose, the tattoo takes her from "hard to look at" to "hard to even think about".
>>60838 > Hatred of tattoos seems like an incredibly popular opinion on bbwchan, enough to be called standard fare. Autism central. I got a tattoo and I’ve been getting more alt fat butt than a gender inclusive toilet in Brooklyn.
>>60838 >>60842 there are some truly bad ones out there (ADELINE, woof) but yeah this site's attitude about tattoos is pathetically boomerish.
