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Ask a moderator LtBarclay##vOgLqq 06/24/2024 (Mon) 15:28:29 Id:6e054a No. 50992 [Reply] [Last]
With some of the fire of the constant CP and spam dying down after the VPN-ban, I've noticed that questions about moderation are leaking into the password-whitelist thread, which isn't ideal. So, got a question for the dudes who run this site? Wondering why something got deleted? Curious about something lynxchan related? Want clarifications on rules? Ask your questions here.
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>>50992 What happened here? I was trying to stop people from necroposting dead threads on the bbwdraw board. Did I report too many posts or something?

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ATTN: VPN & PROXY USERS LtBarclay##vOgLqq 06/11/2024 (Tue) 14:51:49 Id:251685 No. 50611 [Reply] [Last]
We have tried and failed to stop the CP spam with all our current tools, so more strict enforcement is being applied. This thread is for VPN users affected by the current ban on VPN posting which will (hopefully) put an end to the CP/spam problems that have plagued the site for a long time at this point. *Please read the entirety of this post before replying.* If you use a VPN and want to regain the ability to post, you may post in this thread (which is EXEMPT from the VPN block) with a brief explanation/justification and SET A PASSWORD IN THE PASSWORD FIELD (8 CHARACTERS MAX) when you make the post (click the 'More' link under the captcha). If approved, this password will be whitelisted and allow you to bypass the VPN block when used elsewhere on the site in the password field when posting. There are no specific requirements for password complexity, but obviously retarded passwords like "password" will be denied. Any misused passwords are subject to revocation. These requests are manually approved by me, LtBarclay, and only me. If you want to speed your approval along, make sure to link to a few posts you've made on other boards with your password request. Otherwise, your approval may take 24-96 hours.
Edited last time by admin on 07/26/2024 (Fri) 12:09:53.
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>>58747 Hey sorry for the delay I got pretty busy and your request expired (log flush). Can you request again please?

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Summoning Successful. Mission accomplished. All stretch goals complete. LtBarclay##vOgLqq 11/15/2024 (Fri) 17:51:13 Id:416174 No. 56560 [Reply]
See attached. We are funded. As promised, I will begin arcane rituals to revive the array as funding is more than secured. Thank you again to all donators. What a thanksgiving miracle. Stay tuned and rejoice.
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>>58705 Funding secured. When will the dev squad start on the MVP of multithreading posts and AI content moderation? We got a lot of work to do this quarter.

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LtBarclay##vOgLqq 10/18/2023 (Wed) 14:22:57 Id:e65076 No. 37826 [Reply]
In the interest of making it as easy as possible to donate if an anon so chooses, here is our compiled list of donation addresses. BTC: bc1qnhrx0r7q9ywg5ag3m4w9lm64cqj2e97pdz3j25 ETH: 0x1b455C7EbcE203c7Bb45fc58A1ABed66ec70Cb4f DOGE: DHdYXQ5oHCpHMoFMGvQaJr2uqUYGtmRsdu USDC: 0x1b455C7EbcE203c7Bb45fc58A1ABed66ec70Cb4f (Recommended for stability of price) XMR: 49AzPqBeuts7djeGZoeTvyV1ArasqNEBvSLarwNts7GxWK6DWuTCDJUXscXFRXYs7LPTURk5ZFkwWAbiyaUFtMZBRRRwXRs (Recommended for ultra privacy conscious anons)

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Asexuality Anonymous 10/15/2024 (Tue) 02:15:16 Id:e42c4e No. 55316 [Reply] [Last]
I identify myself as an asexual because I never wanted to fuck anything, not even a fat girl, even though I can get sexual arousal from seeing feederism and fat stuff. Anyone else in the same boat or something similar? This thread is for discussing asexuality in the realm of fat fetichism. Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences on that.
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this thread has made me realize why my life sucks. thank you all. i think im gonna take a break from this site.
I thought I was proper ace, I'm grey ace at best but what that really translates to is low libido. I'm happy to have vaginal sex with my wife, but tbh prefer fucking her tits, thighs, or recently since I found the right positioning, her belly/thigh/ pelvis crease. Let me tell you, that last one is fucking primo. I think part of it is fear of pregnancy, whenever we do vaginal sex I have a small celebration when her period starts. I tried oral for her once and she told me to stop I was so bad. She's given me kral a few times and it was nice,but. I don't care about it.
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>>57795 Is the Fatsexual flag a flag that looks like a hamburger?
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>>57795 No Patrick, your fetish is not its own sexuality
>>57795 I consider myself ridersexual, nothing turns me off more than a rider who refuses to fight.

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Autism Anonymous 01/18/2025 (Sat) 02:05:11 Id:d93a14 No. 59400 [Reply]
Anyone here on the spectrum? I’m curious about overlap between autism and certain fetishes/porn addiction and I’m wondering if anyone could speak to that.

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Top ten SSBBW Anonymous 01/17/2025 (Fri) 09:31:38 Id:76c479 No. 59351 [Reply]
Who are your favorite top ten models? The reasons don’t matter but I want to know why you like them. I was going to ask for five but the same hot models are always in those lists, so who and why? I’ll sub to a couple of their OF’s and upload them on coomer
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1) Brie Brown 2) UltimateBBW: Airabella (Attached) 3) Melanie Anton 5) BBW Kim (BBW Facesitting) 6) Cajun 4) Udderly 7) Lexxi Luxe 8) PearBooty88 9) Daytona Hale 10) Curvy Sharon I'm being loose with "SSBBW" here but here's my top 10. I've a thing for fat matures. Half the shit on my drives is random no-name amateurs.
Off the top of my head in no particular order 1. Erin green 2. Boberry 3. Juicy Jackie 4. Adeline 5. BBB 6. Miss squish ssbbbw 7. Princessspear 8. Randalin 9. Red white and beautiful 10. Mery navarro
>>59371 Which one got doxxed?
>>59374 Cool and all, but which one was doxxed?
1. Mistress Kim (BBW Facesitting) 2. Brie Brown 3. Pear Bottom 4. Ms. Havitall 5. Cherrylicious (not really an SSBBW) 6. Vanilla Pear 7. Rayne or Shine 8. Queen Pear 9. Ameria 10. Tabitha 50ii Honerable Mention: Cecile / Kristýna I'm being a bit flexible here because I can't think of 10 women in the SSBBW range I like.

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Boberry: Project 2025 Anonymous 12/09/2024 (Mon) 13:19:14 Id:55be83 No. 58839 [Reply] [Last]
Last fred hit the bump limit, here's a new fred. Assuming it lasts until the new year, I hope you all have a special, loving Christmas with your family or other loved ones. Fill it with laughter, peace and precious memories. I hope that 2025 brings you bright new adventures, opportunities, and that each of you are able to stick firmly to your resolutions. Whatever you want to achieve, remember, it's NOT too late to start! Doesn't seem like there's any NEW content to share, but here's a much-requested reup of the measurements: https://mab.to/t/cGfX9QOsAuC/us2 [Expires in 3 days] So long!
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Congrats faggots - you autism'd so hard in this thread talking about her being absent that we got relegated to /gen/, which means we're part of Kisame's sandbox. Fuck all y'all.
>relegated to /gen/, which means we're part of Kisame's sandbox. Who actually cares? At least we're not loosing our minds over a thread on a chan site being moved to another category
She’s really gone bruh…
>>troll of the department.
>>59382 Who is Kisame? Care to explain?

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Share your predictions for 2025 Anonymous 01/03/2025 (Fri) 15:46:23 Id:47b7b1 No. 58469 [Reply]
- SpanxBeluga breaks 700 pounds before fall and has an extended run as a quasi-immobile model similar to MassivelySweet - FatMissT and/or Supersoft call it quits, insisting it has nothing to do with their health - Sadie's onlyfans experiment becomes the new bbwchan punching bag, replacing boberry's current site - bigcuties somehow keeps chugging along despite our continued speculation of its downfall, but Heather never actually models again like she was talking about - UdderlyAdorable is completely unable to lose weight or maintain her current size and gets crazy fat, catapulting her into the elite bbw chan fan favorite tier - complete shot in the dark for these next two: demand for fart and vore content drops (I have always felt they were disproportionately popular?) and "strong fat"/weightlifting becomes fashionable in fat porn. Kellie Kay was a big proponent of that in her heyday because it kept her heavy af and reasonably mobile. - breakout stars: mozzarellasticklover and mileydy
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>>59263 I don’t blame Adeline for deflating but jesus christ her gut tattoo looks bad. I think all stomach tattoos look varying levels of ‘not good’, but to slap that on a 600 pound woman’s belly that regularly fluctuates in size is going to look even worse.
>>59321 It's almost forgiveable when you have huge floppy tits like hers. There's a number of shots where you don't even see it. But I agree it's a shitty tattoo. Wish she went with shoulder blades or something - it's only a matter until she tattoos the rest of it.
My prediction for 2025 is that we'll see Curvage take it's first steps in becoming a standard porn site with less focus on feederism content and content featuring fat women in general, the reason I see this happening is that Cuvage has absolutely zero standards when it comes to who models for the site, it doesn't matter if the woman is pretty or not, it doesn't even matter if the woman is fat or not, if you have a pulse you can post content on curvage. This quantity over quality approach has done the site no favors and has resulted with the models, more or less, being interchangeable with one another making it almost inevitable that you'll get lost in the shuffle if your new to scene, It also doesn't help that the "older guard", the ones that have been there since the forum was changed into a clip store, seem to have a stranglehold on the people who run the site and this has lead to scammers and grifters becoming prominent members of the site. I believe that these said scammers and grifters will dilute Curvage further by bringing in more models from different fetish backgrounds and by the end of 2025 the fat girls on the site will find themselves competing with muscle girls, trannys, bimbos, and you name. By 2026 I see the Curvage name being dropped for something else.
>>59389 never going to happen, every time I raise these issues on their forum there are countless people saying they want it to stay as a porn site that bans porn
>>59392 I'm not saying the site is going to go full on hardcore, just that it will no longer be exclusive fat fetish content only.

Anonymous 03/27/2024 (Wed) 17:50:26 Id:66b11b No. 46824 [Reply] [Last]
Don't post any art of any artists on this website is full of racists, alt-right crazies and people who will harrass and dox the artists if they don't comply with their demands. This is a bad website and it hurts the furry community, mods are complicit. Mods wrote that I'm banned because "You're a retard" just for everyone to know the type of people who are running this website.
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I argue fetish artists don't want to admit they had a hand in using Peter Thiel, Elon Musk PayPal which allowed them to have influence over the elections. Just like how millennials pretend JD Vance isn't one of them. It's why I am puzzled by Winter Ball themed Cross Crescent pics, or purity ball themed dresses. You know, that awkward fundie traditions made by Huckabee.
>>59364 I think it's more nobody likes geek culture cause it's not popular care tech bros are powerful, but I reject that as nobody's rushing to bring back Circuit City, RadioShack, or electronic stores.
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Nevermind, Democrats sabotaged themselves using neurology to deem Biden unfit for office, which is comedy gold. The Alt-Right only exists cause of pure centrist snobbery. Biden is so salty Dems are now losing GA in 2026, only cause they forgot about their old left. I dunno, Biden is the same person and acts the same
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You can thank this guy for somehow being worse than Cocaine Mitch at legislating for Trump being elected. He even allowed congestion pricing and spike strips on the subway to keep the miscegenation from protesting outside his home
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>>59378 The left is going to keep losing until the party learns to embrace civilization and leave behind the antiquated rural old west ways. Gen Z already had war, famine, pestilence and death because anarchists seemingly forgot how to do anything.

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Anonymous 01/15/2025 (Wed) 17:19:55 Id:0dcce9 No. 59279 [Reply]
>Is my size really not a problem to you? And >what is it about big/fat girls do you like? If a fat girl asks you either of these questions, how do you respond without creeping her out?
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>>59279 1) "No it isn't." If she pushes: " You're beautiful. I wouldn't be here with you now if it was a problem." 2) "I'm not really sure, I've just always found bigger women attractive." If she's asking stuff like that right off the bat it's potentially a red flag for jealousy issues so keep your guard up. It's not a guarantee of issues, some bigger women have just gotten burned by bad dates so they're trying to weed out issues early on, but if she keeps asking that insecurity could cause trust issues, and that's when things get ugly.
>>59330 >There’s nothing to be gained from women who haven’t ever questioned the social superiority of skinny women. I love the unfathomably quotable one-liners the threads on /gen/ produce at times. Too bad I'll never be in a situation I could reference a bbwchan thread.
>>59279 >Is my size really not a problem to you? I would say that I have a preference for ‘plus size’ or larger women. I wouldn’t say ‘fat’. Women get really weirded out if you say ‘fat fetish’ it implies something untrusting and dark I was once asked straight out by a girl in the bedroom if I have a fat fetish or something and I was like a deer in headlights. I played the dumb card and was like “no, what do you mean?” 💀 For context we just finished sex and I asked if I could lay my head down by her thighs and gave it away completely when I couldn’t stop grabbing everything, kissing her thighs and burying my face in them. I touched on the subject a month or two later and told her I hope I don’t make her feel like I am fetishising or objectifying her and she told me no, that she really liked how I loved every part of her body enthusiastically and made her feel super sexy. I also said I had a ‘preference’ for larger women so she definitely knew Is it a ‘fat fetish’ at the end of the day? Probably, but I think women stop caring and don’t really get you to spell it out if you make them feel good and care about them personally. The only reason it's called a fetish is because it’s not mainstream. It’s only really seen as a fetish if you just want to fuck and nothing more, no emotional connection. Only fat activist radfems would say even if you love them while being attracted to them being fat are you still a piece of shit and a fetishist. It’s like the whole “would you love me if I was a worm” type shit. I can’t help what I find attractive so stop shitting on me Also I was once asked by a girl on a date what kind of women I normally go for and I probably shouldn’t have said this as it wasn’t directly related to but I said I have a preference for larger women. Then did a super beta move and was like “not to fetishise you or anything, I just have a preference for larger women”. She didn’t seem fazed and was fairly confident in herself it didn’t matter >what is it about big/fat girls do you like? Most of these have been said already but Things I would tell them: - I love the softness and warmth that comes from larger women. There is something so nurturing and loving about it. I just get this immense feeling of satisfaction from cuddling. I think this softness and warmth from the fat compliments their femininity that just makes them so feminine and sexy

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The whole 'preference' vs 'fetish' thing is a distinction without a difference and it is caused in large part by cope. If you didn't have a fat fetish, you wouldn't be posting on BBWChan. Preference is a gentler word and it's the better word to use when pressed about it by a partner, but if you actually believe it's some how different, you're lying to yourself.
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>>59379 I agree with most of what you've said, but as >>59380 said (or at least that's what I inferred from his post), you may be inviting trolls with the length of this post. You've gotta let go of that "I'm just a 4/10" shit though. >I can’t imagine most normal guys being this stoked about their partner's body, but maybe I’m wrong You would be surprised. >>59381 I agree but I think the cope goes both ways. Men might say they have a preference instead of a fetish as a cope, but I think fat women also make that distinction as a cope, if that makes any sense. Most of the women I've been with would've been horrified by the notion that I had a fat fetish, but most of them were fine with me saying I had a preference. I only ever met one who was okay with me having a fetish. More than that, she was turned on by it. She even chastised me for using the word "preference" instead of "fetish", if you can believe that. But girls like her are definitely the exception rather than the rule.

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Who here has approached a fat chick in public? Anonymous 12/06/2024 (Fri) 17:50:33 Id:70d14b No. 57366 [Reply]
I'm just curious how many posters here have actually approached a bbw in public and asked them for a date/hook up? Where you successful and how did she respond?
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>>59342 The trick to finding a wife is speedrunning through the stages of exposing your fetish to her and seeing if she’s game. If you can get that done on the first date good for you. Speaking of percents. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take buddy.
Seriously? I approach fat women and all the time. Some women are awesome, and some women are weird. You don’t know until you strike up a conversation.
>>59349 Most women suck from my experience
>>59344 Oh you're a tough guy I see. A big strong boy. I've been dating a model for ten years, she's at the top of /ssbbw daily. I post here cause I'm bored lol. We laugh about all the crazy shit you guys say. I just try to post helpful stuff every now and then to help someone bag a fat girl, even though you're all retarded and none of you listen ever. I've said it before: do not bring up this fetish with any girl, no matter what she weighs, under any circumstances, at any time. WAIT FOR HER TO BRING IT UP FIRST. If you bring it up first will instantly and permanently scare her away. If she's fat, she's going to ask if you're into fat girls at some point. Until then, just talk about normal stuff.
>>59362 Ok >>59344 is maybe a bit of cocky dick but you're full of shit >I've been dating a model for ten years, she's at the top of /ssbbw daily Prove it or you are larping but you are right about bringing up the fetish part

Dumb zio bitch
>>59236 type shit
>>54927 Isn't Lana Del Rey the Lana Del Rey of fat women?
>>59309 I see you heed your own advice
>>59313 Nah she got thin again, fuck you Ozempic. Seems thickness was just a covid fling.

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Dumbest Models Hall Of Fame Anonymous 12/08/2024 (Sun) 22:38:28 Id:395f49 No. 57433 [Reply] [Last]
This has no real rules but here are some that I'm going to follow: 1. I am personally disregarding participation in feedism/intentional weight gain as criteria for entry in most cases. Yes, it's dumb, but if we nominate every girl who got fat for money and sexual pleasure we'd be here all night. I might make exceptions in certain cases depending on how fucked up a certain situation is (Mochii speedrunning herself into ill health and having to quit, Echo becoming massively immobile and winding up in a nursing home in her 30s). 2. Try to provide examples if you can - I am going with someone who seemed pretty empty headed in her content but we also have some real deal evidence that she's a dunce in her day to day life as well. You can definitely use stuff from content as an example, though. 3. I am personally not going to factor in severe mental illness - Jae, Reenaye, etc. But I may already break this rule depending on how you feel about my second nominee. So, first up: I nominate BBBXXL. She obviously seems dumb as a sack of bricks when you watch her porn, but then there's her notorious domestic violence arrest and mugshot. And being named "Jonda Sue" has to earn you stupidity points, right? I also nominate Big Cutie Britt - which I acknowledge is a grey area because she allegedly fried her brain on rave drugs. But her ranting and raving on social media and even on bbwchan that she transcended her form and became god is gloriously unhinged stuff. Maybe she's more crazy than she is dumb.
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>>59337 Fine, I am shadow mod Kisame, your ideas about lawyers are boring. Lawyers are still concentrated in the East Coast.
>>59337 > unhinged schizo comments. And gen is an important place to capture these as 1:10 are downright hilarious and 1:1000 are deeply insightful hidden genius.
>>59338 > I am shadow mod Kisame, your ideas about lawyers are boring. Lawyers are still concentrated in the East Coast. Lowest of the lower east side says I, true Kisami undercover this whole time. Real Gs live in the financial district and eat Papa John’s pizza because it’s the best investment. Traders create value and earn real money while lawyer just argue semantics. In any event should you live in the pacific time zone you can replace “stock jockey” with “realtor” and if you live in the Midwest “horse trader”. If you live in the Ukraine think of “horses” as a subtype of draft age men and/or DPRK super sayans.
>>59341 Have fun being Kisame because I am going to be offline starting February. I find my purpose in life is pretty much not online and traveling through world and being a drifter. I don't care for the financial sector.
>>59341 I am too occupied with figuring out my path outside of the internet to care about material like fetish art. Find some other second rate artist like Marrazan to impersonate

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Fat Shit our Partners Do Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 12:43:07 Id:86a7d7 No. 58763 [Reply]
First time looking at Gen and didn’t see a thread, so I’m starting one. Wanted a place to just share the random fat things that our girlfriends, wives, etc. do that turn us on that most “normal” people won’t get. Like, last night, my wife (35, 5’ 10”, 430) made and ate dinner for us before meeting friends for dinner at a local restaurant. In a span of 2.5 hours, she had two full meals, dessert, and a margarita.
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My gf keeps saying she doesn't wanna get over 300lbs, but she always eats ramen or drink lots of soda. We found this brand of ramen she adores and will eat the whole thing extremely quickly and get bloated as hell and have me massage her belly. Lately she's been either eating a whole bowl twice a day or she eats two servings and says she feels like she'll throw up if I rub her belly too hard. She won't check her weight but I'm pretty sure she's at least 330, it's all gone to her ass and belly.
>>59200 Mine typically decides that she wants to be “more active”, which is less of a diet and more of an offset for her dietary habits. But our schedule doesn’t it lend itself in a way to make being more active consistent, so we just and up doing the occasional activity (walking long distances or playing Just Dance) that just ends up making her ravenously hungry right before bed.
>>59215 My wife carries all of her weight around her hips. There’s something so hot about watching her stand at an angle because her belly pushes her too far way from the counter.
>>59315 Yep, mine walks on the treadmill 20 minutes a day (and invites me to watch) and tries to watch her calorie intake but is inconsistent about the calorie tracking at best. And sometimes I get really good days where she goes “Oops! I’m 1000 calories over my limit today!” because she’s just fucking hungry. She made a batch of brownies last weekend and asked me to put them in the freezer so they’re out of sight and she’s less likely to pig out on them. But 3X a day she bats her eyelashes at me and says, “can you warm up a brownie for me?” I fucking love it.
Constantly asks me to get her things because she doesn't feel like getting up. The remote, her phone, etc. The noise she makes with any physical exertion no matter how small. Grunts, groans. All the food blogs she scrolls through on her social media, and the way she moans if she sees something that looks particularly good. Logic like: doesn't want to eat more than one big package of cookies a week so she offsets them with chips or brownies. If I'm cooking anything with cheese or something in it, coos from the living room for me to bring her some. And so on.
