/bhm/ - BHM Real & Drawn

Blubber boys, Fatty pants, Bears

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Where did Fat Youtubers go? Giichi 06/04/2024 (Tue) 00:52:13 No. 10739 [Reply]
For some reason, the fat Youtubers thread just straight up disappeared. I was going into the thread to check if there's any new art but it's just.. gone. Does anyone have an explaination for this before I make a sequel to it?
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I got this old Pastraspec image I requested a while back. Edited the eyes to be accurate to the model. I have a few Phisnom ones, but the other incarnations are nuked beyond repair.
Bring the lasercosmo3 thread back!!!
>>11000 I have some of the pics from the old lasercosmo3 thread saved. Should I start a new thread and post it there?
>>11043 I mean, if you want to, nobody is stopping you, unless it's the mods.
>>11043 It was deleted again

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Adipose Saleswoman Thread Anonymous 05/03/2021 (Mon) 19:44:17 Id:a0495e No. 1614 [Reply]
we are going to post images of adipose saleswoman (both men and women) here
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without hesitation some of my all time favorites. If BHM/MWG is dead on Apidose Saleswoman, it is because I have died and could not support it enough
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>>4404 Ik its cringe but I need this man sitting on my face

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Huge asses Anonymous 07/31/2022 (Sun) 17:03:39 No. 2832 [Reply] [Last]
I'm looking for all sorts of huge, plump asses! Please post any you have here...
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>>10147 now? x3
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Been getting better at taking ass shots Still hard to fit it all into frame...
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Awesome thread; I love guys with big asses. Any recommendations to check out?
>>7360 Please send more pics or even vids

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Burp/Fart/Slob Thread: Male Edition Anonymous 04/22/2022 (Fri) 06:03:43 No. 1997 [Reply] [Last]
Post art of slobby boys
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Anyone has this image in better quality?
Oh, to be a giant and irresistably smelly, and extremely obese man, who's horny,sweaty and irresistably stinky 24/7, eating such tremendous amount of food and playing with my fat man-titties, while letting my body out with an abundantly monstrous farts and belches and body odour...🤤❤
>>3283 quick backstory: >be environmentalist >meet Poison Ivy >end up getting fat as fuck for her >she uses my farts for evil thing fin
Guys, we've got one! https://www.patreon.com/posts/dev-build-youve-117184546?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_fan&utm_content=web_share But, we need to update BlobyGon on Kemono or send the Google Drive link
>>13520 Here you go https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TxO5l8vihUxW9WJ2_1bM42LzMBo0m1mB/view Enjoy

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OneTiredGuy 11/29/2024 (Fri) 09:11:13 No. 13359 [Reply]
Do you guys have any art from the artist? They used to be on deviantart
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Fatbutterrolls300/Jake Jennings thread Anonymous 04/11/2020 (Sat) 04:26:33 Id:93e571 No. 755 [Reply] [Last]
Possibly the fattest megachub out there, hard af to find pics and vids of
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Use this link to join my album in Google Photos. https://photos.app.goo.gl/PfpUWrKikNbhzCR98 Here’s another link to the Jake album with all the pics we can find btw!
Has anyone heard from Jake recently? I'm curious if he is still around
>>9884 Obituary says he loved riding motorcycles, so there is no way that's the same person. This guy would make one into metal foil.
>> Anyone know why Michelle is obsessed with him?
also that obit is for someone who died at 20, this Jake Jennings is probably nearing 30.

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dude-inflator thread I_am_For_a_Reason_2 12/04/2024 (Wed) 23:38:49 No. 13428 [Reply]
Idk if this is allowed, but yeah, post some dude-inflator stuff
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Female Feeders Anonymous 03/09/2024 (Sat) 21:34:56 No. 9397 [Reply] [Last]
Any and all pics of female feeders fattening up their male SOs?
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>>12856 no leads? obv the same artist as that other series and i need more
>>13371 s0ftly on x
>>13333 who are they? And where do I find them?
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Dewsh Lawnde Dewsh Lawnde Thread 10/22/2024 (Tue) 10:12:08 No. 12870 [Reply]
Any old or new pics from him since his twitters private and all of his old shit from deviantart is gone. Anyone got any archives or anything from him?
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celebrity acknowledgement
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Men *wild cheering*
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>>13044 i am the captain now
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Anyone have this in better quality?
Have we finally run out of stuff to post?

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Unknown Superchub Anonymous 08/27/2023 (Sun) 04:01:45 No. 7097 [Reply]
I was wondering if anyone had any pics or vids of him. Also would love to figure out what name he goes by online. I think these two videos are from him but they might just look alike alot. https://we.tl/t-ukrUQKa0Gm
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scoured the internet using a couple of search terms and found out that he deleted his old videos off of a pornsite around 8-7 years ago, but i did find these.
There was one video of him from between his legs shaking his belly then trying to masturbate a but, then he fucks his fat pad and his dick just barely pokes out. I thought it was recently posted on this thread but can't find it now, does anyone know what I'm talking about?
Anyone got a reup for that top vid?
looking for a hero to reup everything they have on this fat bag of jello. supreme build
>>12988 Wow he's so fat! I wonder what he weighs there. He looks so young too! And already cannot reach his own penis. Amazing blob.

Before and After misterelephant88 09/11/2024 (Wed) 16:00:47 No. 12320 [Reply]
Before and after your fattening progress
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Have gained half accidentally, half on purpose. Turned on but embarrassed, so not sure what to do.
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It's me
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My gains

Resident evil thread Anonymous 01/17/2023 (Tue) 23:57:02 No. 4433 [Reply]
Post fat RE boys! Especially Leon ❤️
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mib the series agent k is thicc
>>13067 alpha so jeaslous
>>13067 your fatass
>>13202 >>13067 likes animan studios
>>13067 we loves you agent k

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bermuda_muda Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 04:47:16 No. 13195 [Reply]
Just discovered this vtuber. He's a chubby femboy so figured he'd pique some people's interest here. Not sure if he's a trans man or biological man, but he has some fanart and burps a lot if you're into that. https://www.twitch.tv/bermuda_muda
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>>13195 This is megamilkwhite or Into_Debu or whatever their new account is. They're a trans man.
>>13204 ew, he forced a good artist out of the community, all because the poses were similar
This will be interesting given what happened last time MMW had a thread
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>>13204 A shame. Muda being MMW crossed my mind, but wasn't sure. Ah well, at least the vtuber model is cute.
>>13196 Am I the only one seeing the video flicker and cutout?

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Anonymous 12/27/2023 (Wed) 12:47:05 No. 8497 [Reply]
It's Christmas! Time to remember that childhood memory of watching anime/cartoon or playing a game where a weight gain/expansion scenario happened and you felt funny and happy.
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That one episode of Fairly OddParents. You know the one.
>>8497 The buffet scene from "Bowser's Inside Story" was my moment of realization. There was also the one episode of "Scaredy Squirrel" where he ate too much chocolate.
>>8497 I remember looking at the poster for shrek 4 online for a while because of fat Puss.
>>8545 Big fat puss & shrek war.
From the movie"Paprika," moments of fat admiration in the movie with the main characters. Only briefly

Ssbhm jojos Part II U53rdv 04/30/2023 (Sun) 20:00:17 No. 5730 [Reply]
This is a new one since the previous one does not exist
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What would a fat stand ability be like?
BTW, on the subject, there's a new Jojo out now. It's part 9, Jojolands. Besides the new main character, Jodio Joestar, there's also his older brother, Dragona, who appears to be a cross-dresser and possible non-transition transexual. (I'm not clear on their pronouns to be fair. Dragona dresses and seems to act like a woman, but doesn't correct Jodio on calling them "big bro). Just letting you guys know in case anyone is interested
>>5936 Well if it's interesting
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There has to stands that cause all this weight.
idk if it’s allowed to post on a thread that’s been silent for like a year but anyway. i don’t know why there’s not more josuke/okuyasu fatty stuff. okuyasu’s passionate about food and is learning to cook. josuke likes snacks/eating out, is kinda lazy, and dislikes health food. it’s like prime material for fattening content but there’s not a single drawing or story about it
