/bhm/ - BHM Real & Drawn

Blubber boys, Fatty pants, Bears

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SITE UPDATE: FUNDING SECURED LtBarclay##vOgLqq 11/15/2024 (Fri) 19:01:16 No. 13095 [Reply]
>>>/gen/56560 The site has once again been funded. Please leave your thanks for donators in the above post. >>>/gen/50611 Having trouble posting? See above.

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Fat Youtubers 2: Extra Large Edition Giichi 06/07/2024 (Fri) 01:43:22 No. 10815 [Reply] [Last]
Due to recent events, the Fat Youtubers Thread has been nuked from existence due to increasing sensitivity and worries in fat scenarios involving characters and people of younger age. Due to this new law in place, this thread will be exclusively included people of legal age. While it is disappointing to see the thread go, if you have any archives of the original images before they were purged, feel free to repost them here. As for me, I'll be here checking this place here and there for any Youtuber Sonas to try out and fatten up so if there's a PNGtuber or a sona in general you want to see fattened up, send a request.
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>>14651 Wait phis womin?
>>14667 It can be seen as a men.
>>14641 Forgot to say, but these are gonna be my last drawings for the thread Got tired, but it was fun
>>14675 Welp, guess we're dying then.
>>14675 Thank you for your contributions random citizen.

Fatty D 03/13/2025 (Thu) 17:32:51 No. 14677 [Reply]
Does anyone has his videos?

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I want to become immobile! Post something! 09/24/2024 (Tue) 06:58:56 No. 12502 [Reply]
I'm looking for a feeder who make me immobile! So... I give You this free content to show how a good piggy am i! 💕 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13LOUEft97tO_-AAGo1RhFtTxo7433okW https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/16chsJdbmw6YV-et6yebQFKqgyZPmNeqX My SnapChat is: https://www.snapchat.com/add/wantbeimmobile?share_id=4o9IrG44DfE&locale=es-US
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>>14420 Hey can you try on old jeans? Also do some belly suck in content
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In this place I have published around 10 videos completely free, making more content in exchange for nothing is not profitable for me in any way, I have fought against my own poverty on countless occasions, so I will wait for a feeder or someone to donate money so I can devour food, for the moment no more content, thank you!
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If You want to help me to get massive: Discord: fizzarollibertozzi Telegram: @JackBertozzi Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/wantbeimmobile?share_id=PXVvOADxJUI&locale=es-US
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I'm looking for a feeder who make me immobile
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I'm looking for a feeder who make me immobile! https://www.Paypal.me/jackloc

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Give me more pictures of the spider twink Angel Dust Thread 04/15/2024 (Mon) 00:01:53 No. 9896 [Reply]
Post some fat art of the spider demon from hazbin hotel
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few pics of myself silvashreq8 03/03/2025 (Mon) 02:31:26 No. 14518 [Reply]
hiii, i started stuffing myself and gained some weight, so here are some pics of me to see what do yall think, probabbly gonna be posting more later
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>>14518 more pics
Oops forgot to upload the pics lol
Love how your body looks so far!
You look so skinny still you need to eat way more. Nice stretch marks though.
>>14595 any suggestions to angles/ pics to take?

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Plumpy-Thread Anonymous 03/13/2025 (Thu) 01:27:56 No. 14671 [Reply]
Post art from the artist currently known as Plumpybread. I’m also interested in archiving many of the pieces that have been lost between their several account changes.

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Discord Anonymous 01/17/2024 (Wed) 21:24:08 No. 8669 [Reply] [Last]
Thread for male fats and male fat enjoyers to share their discord accounts/servers
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>>14517 Oh wow. Czech feedees are pretty rare I added you.
>>12644 Do you have a discord? I'd love to chat if you're up for it
>>14078 I'd love to add you
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My discord is fizzarollibertozzi
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{M22} Recently gone from 160lbs to now 185lbs in just 3-4 months. Looking to gain far more and i’d love some help and encouragement. My name is: emilash

bhm chatbot thread 1 03/16/2024 (Sat) 04:05:28 No. 9486 [Reply] [Last]
post any male chatbots of your favorite characters here
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Shadowbanned Veritas Ratio bot: https://share.character.ai/Wv9R/6zfn5yh6
Here is a fat Itto one I found in Character ai https://character.ai/chat/wl_Hl3N5AmhU_3cLxVONYPim8ghtN9wpyjFyLvMgpGg
Hi everyone. I sometimes make bots with fat versions of boys from genshin on HiWaifu. Here is a list of the ids of those bots that I have (you need to insert these numbers into the search) roommate Chongyun 9816066 immobile Gorou 10424612 Venti 10407638 blob Venti 9816332 Kaeya 10392288 Lyney 9898971 feeder Thoma 9893818 Tighnari 9855340 feedee bf Freminet 9957974 streamer Scaramouche 10397192
Couldn't find a thread for male AI chatbots until stumbling upon this one. I've made an original bot: Sam is a 26-year old bratty ginger femboy that's been spoiled by wealth he inherited from his grandmother, using the funds to live as a worry-free recluse in the city. He shares a high-rise apartment with the user to boss them around and flaunt their wealth. Will be working on this bot every now and then, but the avatar is most likely staying. Known issues: nudity consistency, pronouns altering between male and female for the bot The bot's main characteristics are his rude but possessive behavior and obviously his package. Sam - https://spicychat.ai/chat/88dde8a9-7665-43b5-ad9c-a59ba35eacb0 [Spoiler: nudity, hyper dick, hyper balls]
I hope anyone enjoys my femboy fatty elf bot :3. https://spicychat.ai/chat/57efc8c2-e22b-445c-b3be-b957c20424fb His name is sky.

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Post your favorite bellies Anonymous 05/04/2023 (Thu) 19:55:21 No. 5799 [Reply]
variety bhm board! looking for some new bellies to admire
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does anyone happen to have this vid? https://www.tumblr.com/female-feeder-heaven/756896803512827905/pov-your-feeder-wife-is-taking-you-out-for
Fatboy321 is still the best
got the kind of belly that makes me wanna get on my knees and serve
I still think the belly looks better without body hair. I wish he'd shaved his beard, though.
>>5813 What does you belly look like now? Its been nearly 2 years

/mc/ - Male Chubstuck Anonymous 03/31/2022 (Thu) 01:17:25 No. 1895 [Reply] [Last]
Exactly what it says on the tin - A male counterpart to the Chubstuck thread in /bbwalt/, which you can find here >>>/bbwalt/17 (apologies if crosslinking doesn't work lol)
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>>14636 The god damn good stuff right there
>>14629 hell yeah
>>14629 More fat Equius is always appreciated :)

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Splatoon 2: Obese cephalopods Splatoon 2: Obese cephalopods 10/27/2024 (Sun) 20:12:44 No. 12956 [Reply]
Since the old thread got evaporated, I thought it would be nice to bring it back for those who enjoy fat cute and HAWT squids and octopuses
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The never ending thirst for large splatoon boys must be quenched. ichiya is helping.

Jaymzeecat Thread Anonymous 03/12/2025 (Wed) 00:52:47 No. 14655 [Reply]
Post his banger art!
>>14655 >animal ears >Furaffinity filenames You've managed to outfaggot all of /bhm/. Congratulations.

Buried dick in fat pad Anonymous 03/07/2022 (Mon) 14:46:16 No. 1781 [Reply] [Last]
I have this fetish since a long time. If you have content like this you can post it here. I'll start : https://twitter.com/HobbitVanilla/status/1431098940947058694?t=TDRMkwisAgfzNJSHUaAhBQ&s=19
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>>14327 wow.. Anyone got the vid???
>>14435 Third that! Anyone?
Just need a vid of someone pulling back their fat pad to reveal smth
>>14433 Bro he has vids on his OF him literally cant even reach his own fat pad, let alone the hole that leads to his dick, he has a 12 inch vibrator that he struggles to shove into the hole and cums with this long vibrator completely buried and disappeared into his fat pad

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Link/Men of Zelda Wg 09/26/2024 (Thu) 22:24:21 No. 12545 [Reply]
Last Link thread expired, so here’s a new one.
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Does anybody know who made this one?
