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Trans, Futanari, etc

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Wanting to be absolutely spoiled, pampered, and fattened up~ Feeding/WG :3 10/10/2023 (Tue) 06:33:52 Id:7cad3f No. 8403 [Reply]
“I’ve gotten too skinny…. I want my body to be used as a canvas for you to impart your gluttonous desire onto~ I want you to spoil and pamper me until im a radiating pillar of fertility and fat~ If you’re interested my discord is HoneyGlazedEnby
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God turning you into a gluttonous blob would be orgasmic
>>8403 how do you feel about mutual gaining?
>>8403 Holy fuck! You are a sexy bitch! I'd love to have you but I'm an older guy, 46.
>>8403 So hot! Discord invite link expired tho :(

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Celinacicciolina Celinacicciolina 11/21/2023 (Tue) 16:28:29 Id:322ad9 No. 8601 [Reply]
fat trans
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Can someone upload big_bad_barbie’s onlyfans to coomer
>>8601 Do you have anything more of her? (or know where to get). I can only find it in r3c-tube, but most of the videos are gone
@Celinacicciolina You are my dream woman! Please, keep the photos coming! I'd love to chat with you x

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can mass gainer help me gain weight and get fat? alice 05/27/2023 (Sat) 01:24:29 Id:347989 No. 7820 [Reply]
just wondering if i can get fat from using mass gainer and could i gain quickly if i take alot
>>7820 What a shame no one answered since 3 months because everybody is to busy holding theior dick in their hand... Guess ima do it, YES you can and will gain weight if you consume a Weight gain Shake/Powder. Just add one or 2 Shakes a day to your normal diet. Pro tip: mix it with milk for some extra calories.
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What really adds the calorie content to protein powders like those is maltodextrin. You can try buying huge bags or containers of maltodextrin separately and it costs less. It's a highly refined carbohydrate which metabolizes quickly. Try a small bag first to see if your digestive system can handle it though. It's generally best when added to things like milk. I drink it all the time. ;3
>>7820 You gotta know what your body can handle. If you drink too much, it'll pass through you. I tried it for a week and didn't like it. You're better off just eating extra or if you don't mind spending, buy boost vhc or heavy cream if you can stomach it. You'll see better results than mass imo.

foot fetish thread Anonymous 01/10/2023 (Tue) 06:46:45 Id:4703b5 No. 7175 [Reply]
have yet to see a foot focused thread so let’s start one? the models donts have to be bbw
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Long shot, but does anyone have this clip from Southern Giantess, please? It's called Jill Giant Dirty Feet. Some may have called it Jills Growing Feet.
if anyone has any of these clips from f33tw0nd3rs that would be amazing
anybody have this video? ik its probably a long shot but man this studio is so good
Could somebody update Solepurposetexas' OF?

Bbw piggies / oinking Anonymous 10/05/2023 (Thu) 15:24:57 Id:dcdb5c No. 8394 [Reply]
I know I’m not the only one who’s into this Post bbws oinking/ dressing up as pigs https://mab.to/t/MCGYFTTW0wT/eu1
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Ts vhall Something unique (2) 05/26/2020 (Tue) 00:53:09 Id:60995c No. 732 [Reply]
Since the original thread got taken down here's a new one
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I would have to nut in her raw

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Anonymous 08/31/2023 (Thu) 00:19:56 Id:2f6b70 No. 8186 [Reply]
anyone trib my gf? i collect tribs of she
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>>8437 4fun 4u. I'll convince her to take more.
Who's it? j0j0v1xx3nv1p?
>>8450 is my wife/gf
Can you tell us about how you met her or some sex stories about her?

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Looking for sauce Anonymous 07/14/2022 (Thu) 21:14:00 Id:3de7ff No. 6134 [Reply]
Who is this?
>>6134 @lewdoole
I wish someone could upload hwr Gumroad videos
Shame it's a dude, was sick when I found out
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>>8433 nigga be spreading misinformation... she's an actual female. idk where u got this info dawg

Adding in Paid Content of Artists Anonymous 09/10/2023 (Sun) 13:04:21 Id:5cfc59 No. 8265 [Reply]
I am requesting if anyone would please like to post paid content like TF art made by Saitouyo (さいとう) for example from sites like Patreon or Fantia.
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Here is a first request. I am making a request if anyone here in this thread could please add the full version of these pictures of paid art of Japanese artist, Saitouyo (さいとう) to here. It is via a site named Fantia under the title of [1月分]. And here is the link to get them: https://fantia.jp/posts/1736361?atag=fan_2kb0yfd372qlj&target_id=1736361&target_type=post
Would anyone happen to have any of these videos from veggiebabyy, please? step-mommy's cock grows every time she cums + huge futa cumshot gentle pov pegging with my growing futa cock destroying your hole with my growing futa cock transfixed futa orgasm, cock growth, and cumshot your wife's futa transformation: pov anal fingering and first time pegging mystery link causes me to grow a cock subby gf turns into dominant huge cock futa step-mommy NYE midnight cock futa transformation I woke up with a cock! dirty talk and jerk off accidental futa transformation
>>8317 Sorry, we do not have any of those, nor are we allowing things like that. Just paid content of artists, if any.
>>8324 Fair enough
>>8271 Has anyone gotten the paid art content via the link I provided? Because I know you all would kindly post the art of such pictures from sites like this. So could you all do so please? It would be nice and thank you.

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No Lunch Break! Colored HD Anonymous 09/12/2023 (Tue) 13:43:42 Id:f2838c No. 8295 [Reply]
Colored version of the overall comic.
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No Lunch Break! By KipTeiTei Tigerstripe123 07/11/2023 (Tue) 19:19:00 Id:50cd70 No. 7961 [Reply] [Last]
I'm gonna be adding the whole comic here, along with the colored version.
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Trans Burps Anonymous 08/27/2023 (Sun) 21:19:45 Id:31a858 No. 8174 [Reply]
Figured I’d make a thread for this newly discovered niche, anyone got some of their videos?

Axel Rosered's Male Sketchbook Anonymous 06/25/2022 (Sat) 03:11:26 Id:e0fc4b No. 6075 [Reply]
I had to make this thread because of recent activity at BBWDraw.
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Cuck thread Anonymous 08/15/2023 (Tue) 22:08:28 Id:c5c805 No. 8115 [Reply]
Why isn't there a cuckold thread here? I doubt that no one had the fetish of being cucked by some giant amazon bbw or even just a bbw slut with an attitude. I remember being near to cucked with this one bbw girl. She was sadly a drug addict and we weren't dating or anything, just casual sex. Later I found out that she sucked off some guys for a dose at the time and got gang banged. She's clear now, chose life and so on. Although sometimes I do think that I'd love to see her get spit roasted but moreso for pleasure, than for the drug thing. I'd adore cleaning her also. Any of you anons feel the same way?
I enjoy the fact, that such a big woman needs more cock. Giant bbc cock, giant white cock. It ties in with the appetite not only for food. Anybody can relate?
Yes, i like but my gf dont cuck-me
Also, rate my gf tits, and the tribute i would like to see her sucking a big dick. https://bbw-chan.nl/ee/last/7455.html

Anon 08/03/2023 (Thu) 18:48:27 Id:50a7c0 No. 8055 [Reply]
I mean… HER!?
cursed post
