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Weight Gain Encouragement Anonymous 01/19/2020 (Sun) 23:48:20 Id:32f477 No. 5 [Reply] [Last]
We lost the old thread, and I didn't save the MEGA folders with content that we had, so I'm hoping someone else nabbed the content there. In the meantime, I'll just leave a few things here. Including the PornHub playlist. https://www.pornhub.com/playlist/63751642 YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMVGhRTm1kRlUwa3habTA9
398 posts and 45 images omitted.
Anybody has this one ?: https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/44878-its-not-the-dryer-babe-wg-teasing/ (Also if anyone could repost this one: https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/47214-fat-shaming-you/) :)

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SITE UPDATE: FUNDING SECURED LtBarclay##vOgLqq 11/15/2024 (Fri) 19:06:24 Id:7f3113 No. 10473 [Reply]
>>>/gen/56560 The site has once again been funded. Please leave your thanks for donators in the above post. >>>/gen/50611 Having trouble posting? See above.

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BHM and Preg return! LtBarclay##vOgLqq 02/20/2022 (Sun) 00:34:04 Id:00a549 No. 5603 [Reply]
Looking for male content? >>>/bhm/ Looking for pregnant content? >>>/preg/

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Morph Thread V2 TheGuyWhoDidAtThing 08/26/2024 (Mon) 19:57:13 Id:e77935 No. 9810 [Reply] [Last]
Since the last one >>248 seems to have hit its bump limit, starting a new morph thread here. Share any edits you've made, make requests, fulfil them, whatever. Or don't, I'm not your manager.
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>>11243 Here u go :)
>>11121 Can you post more? Or maybe an archive, kind sir
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Hope you had a good valentine's, ThatGuy! I take it you couldn't get your deviantart restarted? Also could you link to the guide you made before? I need to relearn how to morph and use other programs that aren't adobe. In exchange here's an old kelli morph I did
Here, some boberry morph's i found on deviantart
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>>11243 hey i actually made a morph of one thos pics , im Perseukz on dviantart i think some of my stuff was posted here before, also finally i know what happend to theGuywhodidathing i really liked his work over on deviantart

Fatty Traps Anonymous 01/24/2020 (Fri) 02:40:29 Id:81bd73 No. 34 [Reply] [Last]
rip original thread.
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>>10461 Oh, this big fat well-fed tummy suits him very well!
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Always looking for fatty trap enjoyers. Feel free to swing by on the Discord -- cocoasuccuboi
>>11388 Change your settings. "Not accepting friend requests"

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Pride Month 2024 Anonymous 05/31/2024 (Fri) 16:27:18 Id:19c28f No. 9453 [Reply]
It’s Pride Month Tomorrow… so start posting Pride Month pictures Be first the things that should not be on the Thread: -Incest (+ Nothing involving CWC as well.) -Lolicons (Go do it on Bbwalt instead) -No Homophobic comments
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Can't wait for June so we get a wave of fatasses and balloons with pride flags.

Loli/Cub/Shota Expansion Thread Loli/Cub/Shota Expansion Thread 09/23/2022 (Fri) 03:19:33 Id:5d5de5 No. 6628 [Reply] [Last]
New successor thread to >>6545 and >>6514 soon to be filled with girls (Boys, and young anthros, too.) small in stature but with appetites far bigger than others 3 times their height, having a shelf of an juicy fat ass and overflowing, lap filling gut to prove it.
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>>11381 Here. It also doubles as a request anchored on >>8526
>>11404 wildcat confirmed to be an absolute total lolinigger
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Frisk And Chara Thread (The Correct Board Edition) Anonymous 12/04/2021 (Sat) 00:53:56 Id:8f63b4 No. 5018 [Reply] [Last]
Turns out I made a mistake, and so I've decided to post another thread where any type of chara and frisk fats go. hopefully I won't make the same mistake twice.
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Edits! Inflation/Preg/WG/Expansion MissMaxPSI 02/18/2021 (Thu) 22:25:46 Id:787e1a No. 2553 [Reply]
Hello! I hope I'm dropping this in the right place. There will be more from other cartoons/Animes to come :)
40 posts and 47 images omitted.
>>2603 This is great! Source? Gallery?>>2603
Requesting a pregnant, stuffed or inflated belly edit - for the last one please add a hose diving into the water.
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>>8444 Here you go
>>9509 Completely forgot about my request here. Thanks!
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The Camp Scare Daphne edit that looks like she’s inflated made by w-oo-t before he deleted it and nuked his Twitter. Plus two more Camp Scare edits just for funsies.

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THROATPIE Anonymous 06/27/2024 (Thu) 20:22:43 Id:d9ddfd No. 9581 [Reply] [Last]
Share your favorite deepthroat, throatfuck, and throatpie vids here
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WillowBrie 02/20/2025 (Thu) 10:50:32 Id:6fbf6a No. 11418 [Reply]
I'm back you probably don't remember me but my fat tgirl ass was here a while ago like mid-2024 or something? Most of the "before" pics were from around like July to early September at least. Anyway i got even fatter. Hope you enjoy. BTW there's a dick in the spoilered one. That's probably the most recent pic.

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Heyuri! Anonymous 12/28/2022 (Wed) 17:38:06 Id:d16c7c No. 7103 [Reply]
come visit us! Lots of fatty fuckers lurk hear.
>>7103 Done and done.
(30.94 KB 500x497 DeweyBDay.jpg)
> went to site > no fats in catalog on multiple boards > one fat flash > DeweyBDay.jpg

What to eat when spaced out. Anonymous 02/19/2025 (Wed) 03:03:18 Id:d835a0 No. 11409 [Reply]
Any ideas?
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>>11409 Care for some Helheim?

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/ee/ drawthread Anonymous 11/04/2023 (Sat) 18:53:43 Id:379155 No. 8525 [Reply]
THREAD GUIDELINES - Respect /ee/ and global rules. - All artists welcome! - No AI requests/deliveries or discussion. Take them to the relevant threads or board. - Drawfriends, don't hold back. If you like a request someone else already did, feel free to do your own take. - If available, anchor your posts to make deliveries easier to track. - Do not anchor your requests to the OP. - Have fun and enjoy the lewd drawings that come from this.
14 posts and 13 images omitted.
>>8527 Edited this so that Theo is centered.
>>10963 Also included a stuffed alt.
>>8526 >>11404 Basically, I request an obese Molly McDonald enacting that scene from The Long Dull Winter (S03E15b) where Buster fantasizes about making a new holiday called "Give Me Candy Day"
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Anonymous 11/30/2024 (Sat) 22:14:13 Id:11dc81 No. 10607 [Reply]
feeding this trans man right now in the goal of turning him into a fat woman (he's into it), give him motivation and ideas for weight gain.
>>10607 hormones to be as feminine as possible, and imagine how big it will get, I want to see the results in the future
>>10607 Lots of olestra would be nice (it's an artificial fattener, Google it.)
>>11151 Well, what do you think?
>>11151 >As of 2024, no products using olestra are sold in the United States. >Starting in 1996, an FDA-mandated health warning label reads "This Product Contains Olestra. Olestra may cause abdominal cramping and loose stools. >These symptoms, normally occurring only by excessive consumption in a short period of time, are known as steatorrhea and are caused by an excess of fat in stool. Epic prank bro.
>>11306 Well, any other bright ideas?
