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Fat Ken Amada Anonymous 02/23/2025 (Sun) 09:29:20 Id:9476e3 No. 11441 [Reply]
The best boy from Persona 3 deserves some love and lard.

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NiGHTS FATS NiGHTS FATS 01/05/2025 (Sun) 09:56:35 Id:84a8b8 No. 11002 [Reply]
Into fat-assed Dreams. also Balan Wonderworld counts too I guess Currently obsessed with the purple floating headed jester and needing a place to see em fattened, inflated, and expanded in everyway.
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Fatty Traps Anonymous 01/24/2020 (Fri) 02:40:29 Id:81bd73 No. 34 [Reply] [Last]
rip original thread.
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>>10461 Oh, this big fat well-fed tummy suits him very well!
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Always looking for fatty trap enjoyers. Feel free to swing by on the Discord -- cocoasuccuboi
>>11388 Change your settings. "Not accepting friend requests"

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Pride Month 2024 Anonymous 05/31/2024 (Fri) 16:27:18 Id:19c28f No. 9453 [Reply]
It’s Pride Month Tomorrow… so start posting Pride Month pictures Be first the things that should not be on the Thread: -Incest (+ Nothing involving CWC as well.) -Lolicons (Go do it on Bbwalt instead) -No Homophobic comments
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Can't wait for June so we get a wave of fatasses and balloons with pride flags.

Loli/Cub/Shota Expansion Thread Loli/Cub/Shota Expansion Thread 09/23/2022 (Fri) 03:19:33 Id:5d5de5 No. 6628 [Reply] [Last]
New successor thread to >>6545 and >>6514 soon to be filled with girls (Boys, and young anthros, too.) small in stature but with appetites far bigger than others 3 times their height, having a shelf of an juicy fat ass and overflowing, lap filling gut to prove it.
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>>11381 Here. It also doubles as a request anchored on >>8526
>>11404 wildcat confirmed to be an absolute total lolinigger
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Frisk And Chara Thread (The Correct Board Edition) Anonymous 12/04/2021 (Sat) 00:53:56 Id:8f63b4 No. 5018 [Reply] [Last]
Turns out I made a mistake, and so I've decided to post another thread where any type of chara and frisk fats go. hopefully I won't make the same mistake twice.
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Edits! Inflation/Preg/WG/Expansion MissMaxPSI 02/18/2021 (Thu) 22:25:46 Id:787e1a No. 2553 [Reply]
Hello! I hope I'm dropping this in the right place. There will be more from other cartoons/Animes to come :)
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>>2603 This is great! Source? Gallery?>>2603
Requesting a pregnant, stuffed or inflated belly edit - for the last one please add a hose diving into the water.
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>>8444 Here you go
>>9509 Completely forgot about my request here. Thanks!
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The Camp Scare Daphne edit that looks like she’s inflated made by w-oo-t before he deleted it and nuked his Twitter. Plus two more Camp Scare edits just for funsies.

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Heyuri! Anonymous 12/28/2022 (Wed) 17:38:06 Id:d16c7c No. 7103 [Reply]
come visit us! Lots of fatty fuckers lurk hear.
>>7103 Done and done.
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> went to site > no fats in catalog on multiple boards > one fat flash > DeweyBDay.jpg

What to eat when spaced out. Anonymous 02/19/2025 (Wed) 03:03:18 Id:d835a0 No. 11409 [Reply]
Any ideas?
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>>11409 Care for some Helheim?

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/ee/ drawthread Anonymous 11/04/2023 (Sat) 18:53:43 Id:379155 No. 8525 [Reply]
THREAD GUIDELINES - Respect /ee/ and global rules. - All artists welcome! - No AI requests/deliveries or discussion. Take them to the relevant threads or board. - Drawfriends, don't hold back. If you like a request someone else already did, feel free to do your own take. - If available, anchor your posts to make deliveries easier to track. - Do not anchor your requests to the OP. - Have fun and enjoy the lewd drawings that come from this.
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>>8527 Edited this so that Theo is centered.
>>10963 Also included a stuffed alt.
>>8526 >>11404 Basically, I request an obese Molly McDonald enacting that scene from The Long Dull Winter (S03E15b) where Buster fantasizes about making a new holiday called "Give Me Candy Day"
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Anonymous 11/30/2024 (Sat) 22:14:13 Id:11dc81 No. 10607 [Reply]
feeding this trans man right now in the goal of turning him into a fat woman (he's into it), give him motivation and ideas for weight gain.
>>10607 hormones to be as feminine as possible, and imagine how big it will get, I want to see the results in the future
>>10607 Lots of olestra would be nice (it's an artificial fattener, Google it.)
>>11151 Well, what do you think?
>>11151 >As of 2024, no products using olestra are sold in the United States. >Starting in 1996, an FDA-mandated health warning label reads "This Product Contains Olestra. Olestra may cause abdominal cramping and loose stools. >These symptoms, normally occurring only by excessive consumption in a short period of time, are known as steatorrhea and are caused by an excess of fat in stool. Epic prank bro.
>>11306 Well, any other bright ideas?

Walther1989's stuff Anonymous 08/17/2021 (Tue) 14:55:07 Id:c99771 No. 3890 [Reply]
Hey there, does anybody Happen tochave thenfull walther1989 Pic collection? I can't seem tocfind it anywhere... Thanks in advance
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If only we could find that "Treehouse of Gluttonous Horror" thing he made.
>>7095 Where could I find this board ?
>>7095 It's worth pointing out that you can access some of the board pages with the way back machine, fyi
>>10019 Not anymore though
if anyone wants to do a simpsons weight gain rp, plz reply with your discord Kinks: wg, slob, scat

Images of people crying about their weight gain Suffering 12/22/2024 (Sun) 15:06:24 Id:b71efa No. 10745 [Reply]
I want to see images of people who have gained weight either by succumbing to a compulsive fetish or just through stress, and experience absolute despair and sadness because of it. Pic related.
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from this story. https://www.deviantart.com/jackhammer86/gallery/89374227/jackie-and-katrina-story
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>>10747 Speaking of which.....

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https://twitter.com/daedathik 06/22/2020 (Mon) 17:17:37 Id:5134c1 No. 879 [Reply] [Last]
I was told I should make my own thread, so I did.
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>>2594 0w0" ur ass is blessed whats ur secret
>>11324 I eat... A LOT. And I drink a lot of home made sweet tea with cane sugar and also beer. When I first began trying to fatten up, I had to force myself to overeat. Now it just happens. I stuff my face full of food without thinking and before I know it, I'm too full to move.
>>11324 ...and it may have something to do with bicycling I've done perhaps. I take fish oil too and it could be that. I have a mostly vegetarian diet with some seafood which may be a factor. Genetics seem most likely though.
>>10291 so cute... wanna touch it
>>11360 exciting image

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Chubby Vanessa Anonymous 09/02/2021 (Thu) 05:57:00 Id:dc0515 No. 4052 [Reply]
She's literally got the perfect body, absolutely stunning. But holy hell, I can not stand the way she makes her content. It's so over-edited. So many cuts, jumps, you don't get any time to actually focus on anything because bam, she's moved on to another random clip. Bought one video just to see what it was like and man, how disappointing. I would rather just watch a girl eat and play with her gut then watch a mashed together compilation that stitches on pre-existing YouTube videos at the end of it to extend the runtime. Here's the video. If her other paid videos are better, by all means, tell me. But this is just lame. aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LU5HMGpwdjhzbjc=
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>>6132 The truth is already out to anyone with half of a brain, and they were called out early on Curvage. Then, people weren't used to the idea of someone using realistic prosthetics so there were some doubters and now you can't post their content (although they themselves can post). The problem is that this dude will dmca strike anyone who calls them out. The only people who believe that Chubby Vanessa is a 25-year-old woman (who apparently had the hands of a 50-year-old man when they were 17-18 years old judging by youtube video dates) are the dumbest of coomers. Sometimes, this stuff isn't worth calling out. because another angle to consider is that calling them out makes it look like you are outing a transwoman or something, when in reality this guy takes off the suit when they go about their real life, and it is just a fetish for them (which they are autistically obsessed with maintaining the illusion of).
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The funny thing is, they are still leaving evidence in their new content...lol. This is what they look like in reflection. Fucking giant ass hands and clown feet, stocky legs, lmao. Wig covering up the zippers, upper arms out of proportion lol. And we can see why they dont do ass shots, they could never get that quite right lol..
This dude is disgusting
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I think this dude owns stufferDB because I can't comment on their photos and my votes don't count. This shit looks horrific, I can't imagine that there are coomers out there who can't tell that this is a body suit.
>>5876 Def a man. Forearms are longer than upper arms. Hence why women can shove their hands in their own asshole easier and than men.
