/ee/ - Everything Else

Trans, Futanari, etc

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Futanari 2D Anonymous 08/30/2020 (Sun) 15:14:51 Id:79192b No. 1372 [Reply] [Last]
futanaris is needed in this place
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I'm pretty new to futa stuff, is it always huge baseball bat sized cocks ? i'd really like to see significantly smaller ones but it seems rare
Anyone got the full version of this art?

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Anonymous 02/12/2025 (Wed) 03:06:05 Id:1b3ba0 No. 11342 [Reply]
Does anyone have sexier content about her? Didi.love92 or xena_oceans

April O'Neil (1987) Thread 2 Anonymous 01/18/2025 (Sat) 19:23:08 Id:aa7d97 No. 11175 [Reply]
Read the title
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Discord Anonymous 12/30/2022 (Fri) 04:59:02 Id:ff5c82 No. 7110 [Reply]
Thread for any trans fatties to plug their discord accounts/servers
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♡ 23 non-binary trans femme ♡ 330lbs ♡ hoping to get bigger ♡ add my discord: limbpetras
>>10815 >limbpetras Are you https://www.reddit.com/user/LimbPetras/ Also, I have an idea. Stuff yourself with heavy cream and butter.
>>10778 what... is this server for exactly
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i know i dont rlly fit the bill of this thread but im not closed to the idea of turning into a fat girl... i could defo use some help and encouragement tho!!! hmu, im hiroi46 on discord!!!
Haii I'm a genderfluid girlboy I'm a feeder but sometimes the idea of getting soft sounds fun idk :33 I just wanna make cool friends tbh my discord is hazeltpe

Erin Esurance Thread Anonymous 01/25/2025 (Sat) 23:21:58 Id:4296ae No. 11224 [Reply]
Read the title
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Can’t have an Erin Esurance thread without this classic

/BBC/ general Anonymous 03/05/2023 (Sun) 13:57:43 Id:34bac5 No. 7455 [Reply] [Last]
To avoid polluting the entire board all BBC content should now be shared, requested or disussed in this containment thread only
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>>8521 /r/ moar or sauce
>>7537 I love seeing porn sluts take big cocks deep in their shitholes
>>7455 I just came accidentally after edging to BBC porn for 6 hours cause I couldn't stop grazing my dick over the course of it. Apparently I'm awful at nofap. But I still can't stop thinking about black cock. Should I give in and become an SSBBW bimbo sissy nympho slut and perform in porn where dozens of black guys take turns cumming in me?
>>9818 yeah you should do that
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Chodoudou/DietBoo/Boysoy Chodoudou/DietBoo/Boysoy 09/07/2022 (Wed) 00:02:23 Id:904d83 No. 6514 [Reply] [Last]
I only know this dude closed his FA account, I forgot he made a lot of art, which produced a lot of fan art. As I'm trying to make an archive of his works so, anyone have some fan art of his work or his work?
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>>10827 Love the progress you're making.
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Feminization WG content Anonymous 12/29/2024 (Sun) 04:46:19 Id:b0468a No. 10904 [Reply]
I already posted on the weight gain encouragement thread, but does anyone have any feminization weight gain encouragement vids like this one? I wanna try to collect the rest of ero-hime's feminization library but any feminization wg content will do. If you even know about any models who do feminization and weight gain please say something. https://gofile.io/d/D7W1fK
>>10904 This content does not exist ;-;
>>10904 Content is still dead but I love this kind of content too. Posting what I've scraped from 2 years lurking the WGE thread. Cheers, https://gofile.io/d/CmRdRs
>>10918 Sorry, wrong link. Here's one with the rest https://gofile.io/d/4oDGs2
Sydney Screams does some weight gain and feminization content. There's a "moob encouragement" video that pops up from time to time on various sites but I've not been able to download it.
https://gofile.io/d/cxt8bs https://gofile.io/d/XMrhKT

Alt thread Alt thread 08/18/2022 (Thu) 07:01:06 Id:fc1c6a No. 6374 [Reply]
For all your alternative art version needs.
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Behold my horny brothers! The SUPER Mega folder with alts, lost content, and exclusives. https://mega.nz/folder/l7sXQbSY#zkQIzQeYrOh5rL8UeNMvTg Btw someone has to “renew” these folders like once every year, so if you see something you like and don’t want it it go POOF then copy, screenshot, download ASAFP! Now you may empty your balls
>>11187 Thanks!
>>11187 https://howlongagogo.com/date/2026/january/19
>>11275 >>11187 So it becomes gone on the 19th of January 2026?
>>11275 >>11276 You are stupid.

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ChonkyFluffyBoy 11/24/2024 (Sun) 02:57:45 Id:aa0b00 No. 10535 [Reply]
Posting here because male+inflation Holy shit this boy is like the second cumming of inflation jesus. Belly to everything ratio is insane. I almost thought it was AI when I first saw him https://x.com/chonkyfluffy?s=21
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>>10751 Thanks!
>>10772 Get bigger than him, you mean?
Is this still an active discord channel? Asking for a friend.
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GTS Growth Thread Anonymous 03/04/2023 (Sat) 23:11:39 Id:5c7816 No. 7384 [Reply] [Last]
Here's a thread dedicated to everything giantess growth related. Feel free to share what you have on here and request whatever you're looking for.
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i am a zoologist-in-training.
Would anyone perhaps have ether of the newest videos from destruction damsels?
>>11270 I have Growing Munchies, is there anything you have in return?
>>11271 https://mab.to/t/mCOFZJAox5N/us2 Here’s a couple it isn’t much. I was hoping to see the videos with Mel Heflin or the canary Addison extended cut.
>>11272 https://mab.to/t/iYNETyJ0Atp/eu1

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Bridget Thread Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 02:22:01 Id:571ba1 No. 9033 [Reply]
Just about the only board to put this without causing problems
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I wish more talented artist gave drawing a full render of Bridget a chance
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>>10956 I believe what Anon means it time gap if I remember correctly her first appearance was at age 14/15? By the time we get to guilty gear strive which is where this design comes from adding eclipsed time they're roughly 20/21 at the bare minimum Bridget at least can't be younger than 18! It's kinda the same thing with squirrel girl who we saw a age progression with it stopped at 15 then time skipped 5 years they didn't directly say she's 20 but simple maths. Also for those wondering marvel comics has the 4 = 1 system in which 4 years irl is 1 comic year this is how we know jubilee is 18/20 and magik is 20 as her last official age mention I believe was 14/15 So yeah it's not exact but we roughly know she's adult.
>>11217 squirrel girl?!
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Anonymous 06/19/2021 (Sat) 15:43:24 Id:1d5009 No. 3535 [Reply] [Last]
anyone got any fat diapered people?
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I only wonder how this kind of thread would hold up on /bbwalt/
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>>10869 Can you edit these pics into nazz?
>>11215 I wish, but no, I’m not the editor. I just brought their edits over her from Western Animated Lolis and the Edit Thread over on /bbwalt/ to archive and make fun scripts for them.

Sangheili Thread Anonymous 01/21/2025 (Tue) 23:53:22 Id:4a1332 No. 11201 [Reply]
Read the title
why isn't this on bbfurry?
also wondering about that

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Trans BBW anon 09/23/2020 (Wed) 00:33:13 Id:2b6841 No. 1563 [Reply]
Anyone know who this is? More content by her?
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>>10614 I would but I only have videos that you can easily get from coomer .w.
>>10617 I don't know what your @ is, and I hope you gain more weight haha
>>10618 not the girl in the image. god I wish I was, but sadly not. her @ is DogGirlThing though.
>>8152 these pics are so old lol
Does anyone have a collection of Lesbiangluttony's old photos and videos from her now-deleted Onlyfans account? I think it was named Polygonalmilf or something like that.
